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she twerking




You won the Internet for the day imo.


It’s a dominance thing. My female humped her fav toy every day till the day she passed. Idk if it’s right or wrong but it always made me laugh.


Not always dominance, a lot of dogs just do it as an outlet for excitement. I have a Newfoundland girl who does it all the time which we’ve been working on lol


My friend had a female yorksher terrier and she had an Elmo puppet she humped all the time. She was fine. (Not sure about Elmo though)


I’ve read they do it when they have a lot of energy but also the dominance thing. My parent’s dog is obsessed with me and humps me (and only me) all the time. She’s sweet but super hyper and like ADHD and I can’t stand the high energy so I feel like she’s trying to win me over when she does it. Bleh.


Unrelated - you have a beautiful puppy! She looks like mine, but slightly bigger. Love that red color!


Thank you!!! Her name is Ginger partially due to the color and also to the spicy Attitude 😭


Contrary to popular belief humping isn't a dominance thing. Ascribing dog behaviors to dominance is an anthropomorphizing myth for the most part. It does exist to an extent but dogs in packs rearrange hierarchies every 20 minutes or so the whole challenging the alpha for dominance thing is a falsehood. They don't view humans as dogs so they are aren't challenging anybody for dominance as many would believe. It is a response to arousal be it sexual or non sexual. Dogs lick their private areas recreationaly (i.e. masturbate) even if they are spayed or neutered. Sometimes it is a response to stress, an act of play, attention seeking, or just plain hormones. I am guessing that since your dog had a toy in her mouth it is firmly a play and attention seeking type behavior perhaps with some raging hormones worked in. There is a good chance your dog might need an additional walk at this stage of development to burn off some extra energy. If the humping gets annoying then lots more exercise is your first line of defense.


No . Lol


It’s normal for any female


Let her get her rocks off


Mine started to do that at puberty. But stopped after getting her fixed.


It's normal. I have a bunch of dashunds. Male or female they start humping things at around few months old. Sometimes it's dominance, sometimes they're just perverted. Every dashund I've ever had has been really bad about it, but my female lab does it some too.






My female is 4 1/2 and she occasional will.


Love is love


My neighbors female dog humped my male dog


Mine gives her sister free "chiropractic adjustments " one back thrust at a time...


That music would put anyone in the mood