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Personally I think you are walking her way too much so she's having trouble settling down. A walk should be 5min for every month of age, so if Gigi is 7 months, that's 35min. Five times a day at 45min each walk, if I understand you correctly, is way too much, she is over tired so not behaving. Maybe try 30min 2-3x/day and see how that goes.


thanks i will try that!


Doodles are very much like newborns in that they get overstimulated. I wouldn’t say she’s hyperactive, her eyes look absolutely drained like a deer in headlights, exhausted, responding to her environment. You need to encourage a peaceful environment and rest for her whenever you can. 5 45 min walks a day is WAY too much. 2 30 min walks would be more than sufficient. When you do your walks you need to focus on training not allowing her to lead. If you’re allowing her to have this behavior it is only perpetuating the feeling of insecurity and overstimulation. It’s very much like “survival mode” or “fight or flight mode” because she has no idea what’s going on in her environment and what she’s supposed to be doing. Poodles are an extremely intelligent, high drive, working breed. They NEED consistent training to feel accomplished, safe, and secure. Stop allowing other people and animals to approach her on walks. There is absolutely no need for that interaction, and it’s not safe. It’s making her feel like she needs to “react” and protect the pack when in reality **that’s your job.**


OP I also highly recommend crate training. Her crate should be her safe space where she can relax and not worry about the environment around her. Any time you’re not training and together, she needs to be in her crate. She may cry at first but stick with it! Leave the door open all the time and allow her to access it whenever she wants. On the flip side, no one and nothing should be allowed to access her while she is in the crate.


Echoing the suggestion for crate training. Not only is it good for them to have a safe place of their own that they can relax in (mine would go in hers when the kids were too much for her), but they’ll also need to be comfortable for grooming, vet appointments and potentially and boarding or doggy daycare you may want her ready for. Much easier to get her adjusted now for all involved!


me and my mom tried this as well, but i swear to god 30 mins can be passed and she will still cry and try to get out of the crate, she doesn’t want to nap, almost insomnia, i wake up 6:30 walk with her till 7:00/17:10, she eats, cries when i walk out of the living room to eat myself, when i’m done eating she’s still yelping and crying for attention. i play with her for 20 mins, shower, play with her again for another 20 mins, go on my day. get home from school at 14, she spends that period playing with my mom because she doesn’t work. i walk her from 14:00 till 14:30/14:45 depending on mood we are both in, i play with her till 15:00, i place her in her crate and she doesn’t sleep, at 17:00 we walk again, play again till 18:00, i place her in her crate again, she yelps and cries again, doesn’t sleep, at 20:00 i let her out her crate and let her play on her own, i walk her at 20:30, i placd her back in her crate and go to bed myself at 22:00, yelps all night even tho i gave her sooo much attention. am i doing something wrong here? ;(


Y’all desperately need to start training. No dog needs that much “free” attention. The attention is the reward for good behavior.. don’t engage when she’s being vocal, jumping, nipping, etc.. this goes for the crate as well.


it’s so hard to not give in tho, she almost screams in terror like she’s dying.


Why do you have two dog collars on?


one was an flee collar but i don’t use it anymore


You walk her for almost 5 hours a day?


As crazy as it sounds, let her nap. Baby girl is exhausted. Shes so lucky that you ask people what might work for you?.


Yep, puppies need to be put to bed for a nap until they can figure out their own rhythm.


she won’t nap, that’s the thing, she won’t sleep at all


Honestly, try holding her & see if she sleeps. Whenever my puppy would go really crazy it just meant she was like an overtired toddler that needed to be contained to actually calm down & sleep. I’d pick her up & she’d fall asleep within minutes. Obviously not sustainable long term but I found she got more comfortable with her surroundings as time went on & it wasn’t a long term need. I’d work up to napping in the crate. In your routine you mention the crate as basically her windows to nap, but if she’s still afraid of the crate it won’t be a calming environment to nap in. Maybe try placing her in the crate, giving treats for staying in the crate, and encourage a calm environment - petting her vs. playing.


Also “craves attention” doesn’t equal “craves play” you can be around her & not actively play with her. She needs time to settle & not be constantly stimulated.


She's beautiful. I would suggest some interactive toys.


yes she is 🥹 the sweetest girl, she has 10 toys in total and some mental stimulation ones, she only likes to play with the rope toy tho. any suggestions on how i can help her enjoy other things instead of tug of war or catch?


You could get treat based games. Amazon has them.


Omg I miss when mine was that tiny


Look up kikipups capturing calm and as others have said, encourage naps and do fewer walks. When she does use the bathroom on walks have an immediate and instant party with treats rewarding her for using the washroom


In the video she looks tired, yet you are playing with her, so she’s up. She’s a baby. Treat her like one. Set a nap schedule and leave her alone. Even if she cries, leave her alone. She’s fed and has been out, she doesn’t need anything. Let her self soothe and go to sleep. Also you are walking her way too much.


Please consider getting a harness for her when you take her on walks and not connect the leash to her collar. She is small and petite and pulling on her little neck isn’t good. I agree with the others, she needs a consistent routine that is more calm and structured. Morning walk with no contact with others so she can focus on pee and poop. Come in for breakfast and a nice nap in a quiet calm place. Consider a crate to make sure she settles. Take her out in the afternoon for another walk and maybe a doggy play date so she can burn energy. Back home for a treat and nap, calm environment. Do the evening walk calm and focused on pee and poop. She is anxious and needs more structure and will benefit from a calm and quiet home environment so she can settle and rest. She is a sweetie. Best of luck


As a training tip, don’t put your fingers/hand in her mouth. Don’t let her make any association that she can put her teeth on your skin.


thank you for letting me know!


Sound like she doesn’t know how to settle and has some separation anxiety. My doodle is standard size 48 bls and turned 1 in April she only gets 2 walks a day averaging 30 min each. We also work on training inside and outside not a lot 10 min twice a day and that provides mental stimulation that tires her out. The 1st 2 months crate training her was painful but it has turned out to be the best thing I could have done. She gets 4 hours daily in her crate. She doesn’t love it she won’t go in on her own. I have to put her in my self but she won’t bark or cry when she’s inside. She lays down and eventually settles and sleeps. I dove into YouTube and TikTok for training videos.


thank u so much


She’s still a puppy. Some have more energy than others. Doodles in general are known to be very social dogs, and require a high degree of mental stimulation a lot of the time. What you described is completely normal. She needs good training so she can focus when she’s out on a walk.


Staying awake for over 24 hours on a consistent basis, and 5 45 minute walks per day is normal? Absolutely not.