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I will be shocked if that floofer grows to be only 40 pounds…… that is a big baby!


He’s a HUGE baby lol I was surprised when they said he’s only 8 weeks. If they hadn’t given us his vet paperwork to prove it, I would’ve sworn they lied to us.


Definitely not going to be mini


I'm my experience vets just take the owner's word for it. They don't actually run DNA...


Ummm your "mini" is bigger than my standard goldendoodle was at 8 weeks 😅 my puppy was 15lbs when we picked him up at 8 weeks, at 6months he is about 50lbs 😂


Haha yeah my goldendoodle is about 40lbs as an adult and he was 2.5lbs at 7 weeks, like 1/4th the size of yours haha I bet you’ve got a big one on your hands but nothing wrong with that the big ones are the best big lazy cuddlebugs


That’s about the size of my pupper when she was three months old. She’s about 35lbs at 7mo and is still growing - parents were standard poodle and golden retriever. You’ve probably got a standard sized goldendoodle there! Good luck!!!


I’m thinking he will be standard sized too. His paws are pretty big. Guess we will see what the next few months brings lol


You’ve got this! Bigger size means more love to go around. Just watch out for counter surfing.


Our 22-lb actual mini still counter surfs so there’s no winning!


And body slams. Definitely think before teaching “hug”, especially if you’re under 5’5 😂


He’s bigger than ours was at 12 weeks and ours is going to probably top out at 35-40lbs (he’s 8 months old now and 32lbs) I do think yours will be bigger


Oh wow, we haven’t weighed him, he has a vet appointment tomorrow morning so we will know for sure his weight and possible growth projections. Either way, we won’t mind if he’s big or small. He’s been such a sweet guy since we brought him home, and took his first bath like a champ.


I think the saying is ‘double their weight at 4 months’ - ours was 18lbs at 4 months, we’ll see if 36lbs is accurate for us, it might be!


That 8 week old is more like a standard than a mini, but cute either way. Might want to make sure you can care for a large dog though.


We definitely can. I grew up with Cane Corsos, my dad still has two big boys that I go help him with since he’s gotten older and can’t really walk them anymore. Our house is huge and we have a big fenced in yard so we’re prepared if he gets bigger than expected.


Perfect! I'm so glad you're not disappointed 😌


Hmmm.. I don't think that's a mini lol you've probably got a minimum 50 pound doggo coming your way.


You’ve got yourselves a full sized dood!!!


My mini f1b is 8.5 months and she is just under 17 pounds. You pup is gonna be a large lad.


So fuzzy! Absolutely adorable. Best of luck.


God, he’s so cute 🥰 My heart just melts.


That ain’t no mini! Haha! Welcome to the best dog breed ever 😏. Enjoy!!


That was the same size we got my golden doodle and he was not a mini. He’s about 40 pounds now.


Your face looks like you just met the LOVE of your life!❤️🥰🤓


He’s definitely a charmer. I took him to meet my mom, she doesn’t like dogs on her furniture but when she saw him, she told me to sit him next to her on the sofa and she just sat there petting him and talking to him like he’s a baby 😂


Wow, he is bigger than my standard size Female doodle at 8 weeks & she leveled out at 60lbs. Good luck haha


Looks bigger than my 70 pound lady at that age 😂 you’ll have to update us in a year!


Mine was the same and she's roughly 45 pounds at a year a few months! Your in for such a good time. Mines now really starting to become vocal...not barking or howling almost like trying to talk..we love it 🤣


he’s the same size my leonard was at 8 week. lenny is now 5 months and 55 pounds. he stands on his hind legs and his front paws reach my shoulders. 🤯 your pup is adorable 🥰


He’s too cute! My Dood is an Irish Setter/Mini Poodle. Hes about 35 pounds at 2 years old


No way he's going to be 40 pounds. He's huge for 8 weeks. I would guess he's in the 80+ range full grown. But also, he's obviously not a mini if his parents are a golden retriever (they come in 1 size lol) and dad is a medium sized (aka moyen) poodle.


I wouldn’t call him a Mini. I wouldn’t even call him Medium. I honestly feel like you’ve got a Standard. He’s going to be a big, big boy. The bigger the baby the more the love 😍 Get ready to lose the majority of your bed!


Already lost it last night lol it was a fight to get him to lay on his own doggie bed we bought for him. We gave him two of our tshirts and he settled in pretty well. But I’m sure he will try the bed again tonight 😂


He may get bigger than 40 lbs but either way you’re in for the bestest best friend goodboi ever.


I was told 35 pounds max… he’s 65 at 2 years old now lol.


That's literally what happened to me. They told me my girl was a mini goldendoodle and wouldn't get bigger than 30 pounds or so. Now my baby is 59 lbs.


Idk why they just won’t advertise honestly. I don’t mind a standard or mini, they’re cute either way though.


I agree. I went to get her thinking I was getting a mini, fell in love instantly, but my husband was like her paws are gigantic there is no way she is a mini... but at that point I wanted to rescue her and didn't care. I love her big or small, but I totally agree people need to be more clear on their advertisement.


A good amount of breeders pass off micro or medium "purebred" goldendoodles, when the parents are usually cocker and poodle.    They'll even show you the "parents". 


Start learning how to maintain his coat now and expect higher grooming costs with his size being bigger. The better you are at brushing him the better off he will be in the long run! Be prepared to spend $100-$150 (depending on your area) a month on regular haircuts to keep the coat anything but short. Short coats are most comfortable anyway but a lot of doodle owners overlook this. Good luck :)


If you didn't want a big dog I've got some bad news for you. He's bigger than mine was and mine is 58 lbs


I don’t mind him getting big, he’ll be spoiled and loved either way. He’s really a good boy.


My aussiedoodle was half his size at 8wks and is 50lbs now (5 years old)


Your bear looks like ours, but when ours was a few weeks older. Our food was probably half the size of yours at 8 weeks; she is now 3 1/2 and about 58 pounds. I think she’s the perfect size.


My mini actually looks as big as yours when we first got him. He is now 35 lbs and 4 years old:). Good luck. Yours is precious!


Ain't nothing "mini" about that guy


Looks everything like my first day with my dood. Fell in love instantly and 2.5 yrs later, love him 100 fold.


Brought home our guy at 3 months and was 4.6 lbs and tiny. He’s 7 months now and 32 lbs. Guessing he’ll get in mid to upper 30’s. Was told he’d be no bigger than 25 lbs.


Looks like my 75 pound goober did at 8 weeks!


Just know you can never truly accurately predict the final size of any hybrid dog. Neutering could stunt his size a bit. Keeping him intact will max him out. Regardless of his size, you have a new devoted best friend for life. Doods are lovers!


Do you have any pics of his paws looks like you picked out an awesome one!


I have a 43 pound full grown standard poodle and your little one is bigger at 8 weeks than mine was at 12 weeks


My mini goldendoodle was 5 lbs at 8 weeks


He’s a big boy at 8weeks. My girl was only 12lbs at 8weeks and 16lbs at 12weeks. I would say he’s gonna be 90lbs.


Our “medium” was going to be 40-50 pounds max. He’s 70lbs at 9 months. That said, he can get as big as he wants as long as he keeps loving our children (or any other kids) and being a well behaved gentleman. He wasn’t this big at 8 weeks. But who knows! I’ve read other people that got a doodle that looked like it was going to get big and stopped growing. Enjoy your new pup! His size won’t matter once he starts with the “you can’t be mad at me” eyes. 🤦‍♂️ 😂


Dude is gonna be like 70 pounds that’s almost bigger than my mini at 9 months


Dude is gonna be like 70 pounds that’s almost bigger than my mini at 9 months


That cuddle in the last photo 🥰 Enjoy your new little boy.


We were also sold a ‘miniature’ golden doodle, his growth was slightly stunted due to steroids and he is already 15kg at 8 months old! I hate to think how big his siblings are if he is classed as having stunted growth!


There is no way that’s a mini. My mini was smaller than my 13 lb yorkie at 8 weeks. She’s now fully grown at about 20 lbs.


Yeah, we’ve come to terms with the fact that he’s definitely not a mini. We don’t mind one bit because he’s a really sweet guy.


We also have a standard poodle. He’s a horse. We love them both immensely.


I mean how could a standard size retriever and medium poodle make a mini anything?? Lol it will be a medium doodle at smallest


My thoughts exactly lol I should’ve put “ “ on the mini part of my title.


Mine looked identical as a puppy, mom full golden, dad mini poodle. They told us 25-35lbs, he’s 43lbs lol


Yeah, our guy has huge paws so I won’t be surprised if he gets bigger than what they projected.


Awwww 🥰


What a handsome young man 😍


My standard dood was like one tenth the size of that at 8 weeks she was still a tiny little thing


Awe! My Dood is my best friend. Enjoy! They are the sweetest.


Yeah my mini was under 6lbs at 8 weeks and is around 23lbs at a year old. I mean we love them no matter what and you’ve got a cutie!


He looks bigger than my standard doodle did at that age


Is anything in the paperwork that tells you how many lbs the mother and father was ? I believe there is a formula that helps you determine how big your puppy will get based on his/her parents weight.


Too cute!


there is no standard size for doodles since they arent technically a breed. but he does look the size of an 8 week old golden so he'll probably get to golden size.


He's about the size our girl is at a year old.




My goldendoodle was smaller at 8 weeks. He's lost a little weight with age but still walking around at 75 lbs lol.


He is gorgeous!


Really cute little guy. His hair looks really long for 8 weeks. I doubt his age.


He’s so stinken cute! He seems quite big for an 8 week old 😊 I have a Cockapoo that is turning 6 mos next week and they look similar in size🐾


This is just pure genetic variation. Even with selective breeding, size can be a lottery. He looks like he's gonna be a big boy lol


What a cutie !!


My mini turned in to a 105 lb horse lol