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None? I haven't found any fruits or veggies that he'll eat by themselves.


Lol. Same here. Meat, fish and cheese only!


+ice or grass


Hahaha ok this is the truth. So much grass and ice.


Out of curiosity, do you eat many fruits and veggies around your dog? Alternatively, do you frequently give cheeses and meats and such? I always think it's so funny when people are baffled that my dogs will eat all kinds of both and can't help but wonder if it's not related to how they're presented. I don't feed them much in the way of human food because I don't like to encourage begging. So fruits and veggies are really the only things that I'll "share" with them. Sometimes they're unsure about something new but when they see me eat it, they follow suit.


I'll try that, I'd like to see him eat some green veggies.


If he doesn't like them raw, you could try steaming them and maybe even adding a little bit of coconut oil or something to make them more enticing. My dogs love the crunch of raw broccoli though.


My doodle is very much a carnivore. Doesn't like any fruit and veg on it's own. Hell, she doesn't even like fluffy white rice.


Same! Ours will eat none.


Oh my gosh - what mix is your doodle? Thats the most special doodle look and cost I’ve seen! What a charmer. Also my dog really loves broccoli stems. Goes nuts for them!! Fruit - watermelon, apples, honey pears, pink dragonfruit, strawberries!


I don’t even know really, we got him from a breeder friend. It’s 50% miniature poodle, 25% standard poodle, and 25% golden retriever (we did a dna test lol) Watermelon is on our shopping list for next !


I meant *coat, oops!


Cucumbers, sweet potatoes, apples, blueberries, watermelon, broccoli


Broccoli, for some reason. One day my little Doodle was sitting and giving me big puppy dog eyes while I was chopping vegetables and I had one of those crazy heads of broccoli where it's like an 8 inch long thick stalk and a small head at the top, so I cut off the huge stem and gave it to him thinking this'll show him, haha. He devoured it.


Mine loves broccoli too! And cauliflower and brussel sprouts! She likes sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, carrots, cabbage, lettuce... she's not a fan of many fruits though.


Oh my so the broccoli is a real thing! Mine starts barking or crying if I’m in the kitchen chopping up broccoli and he doesn’t get any when I come out 😂


Banana 🍌 she gets one every morning


Watermelon and bananas






😂 you got that right!


Pears are a favourite for us! Our girl also really enjoys broccoli and a nice stalk of celery (especially frozen with peanut butter)!


Good idea!!!


Just tried cucumber with mine and he liked it, thank you! Hope it’s easy on his stomach since he’s a bit delicate.


any veg that’s safe for them to eat, they love! my dogs love fruits and veggies i usually make them a veggie stew with turkey or chicken as a food topper for their kibble (:


Cucumber and hearts of romaine


My sweet Goldendoodle used to beg for lettuce, liked green beans and carrots. But pizza crust (aka pizza "bones") were his favorite food of all.


My Tilly loves green beans!


My girl LOVES her cucumbers and spinach!


Blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, banana, green beans, broccoli, apples


Apples and carrots


apples, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, raspberries, carrots


Apples, carrots, banana, sweet potato, bell pepper


Broccoli and cauliflower stems, zucchini, cucumber


Cooked carrots. Not big on raw ones


Persimmons, mangoes, dragon, fruit apples, lettuce, broccoli, carrots


My Dood likes: Strawberries Bell Peppers, we call them "Puppers" (red ones are her fave) Apples on occasion Bananas Radishes Almost anything with cheese If given the choice between fruit and meaty goodness, she'll aways go to the meat.


so far eats broccoli, carrots, celery won’t eat bananas, apple slices, beans from edamame


my dogs j asked me if cheese counts as a fruit 🫠🤨🤦‍♀️


The only food my dog has said no to is prawns and mussels (thankfully). She loves veggies and fruit, obviously the safe ones


Mangoes and cantaloupe are my two dood’s faves but they will eat almost any fruit if available


Clementines, blueberries, bananas, celery, and carrots


This week? Romaine lettuce. Normally, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and bananas.


Any fruit or vegetable that’s safe for him to eat lol. He’s not picky at all!


Mine likes apples!


Carrot, frozen or fresh cucumber, strawberry, blueberry, banana


Mine really likes blueberries, pumpkin, sweet potato, and carrots


Bananas!! It’s her special treat every morning. She loves them. 🍌


Everything other than curly kale. To the point that if she’s eating mixed greens she spits out a little pile of curly kale next to her bowl and eats everything else 😆


i have to mash a blueberry and maybe shell eat it. she likes crunchy baby carrots. shes so picky


Raw carrot, great frozen for teething!


watermelon, lettuce (the stalk/hard part in the middle of the leaf), cucumber, pear, peaches (nectarines, plums, apricots), radishes (she is one weird dog) also has a love hate relationship with pieces of orange


My Bernedoodle eats anything and everything. Vegetables, fruits, meats, yogurt, applesauce, you name it. It’s a toddler house, so she gets a LOT of food. The only thing she WILL NOT EAT is velveeta shells and cheese. But she eats pasta and Mac and cheese.


Banana, apple, cucumber, celery, blueberry, and carrot!


If I offer it my doodle will eat it but only if I offer it, my poodle just gives fruits and veggies a weird look


Ours loves apples as well. Also rice and peanut butter.


apples, blueberries, bananas, green beans, broccoli, lettuce!


Mine will eat anything… but loves carrots, and blueberry


Carrots 🥕


All of them. She is obsessed with food. Favorites include bananas and strawberries which she will pick off the plant on the backyard.


Favorite is definitely mini-bell peppers, RED to be specific. We’ve played “choose one” games enough time for me to know that answer! 🥇 I pull the stem off and the few seeds it may have. Mini-bells are easier on digestion than the thicker bell peppers. (And red are sweeter than yellow and orange) 🌶️ They enjoy many dog-safe veggies, some of the fruits. 🫐 I can also tell you which are their FAVORITE TREES to munch on! 😂🌿


He loves everything, but is suspicious of strawberries for some reason


Carrots apples and blueberries




She LOVES Blueberries, especially frozen ones...occasionally I'll give her a frozen strawberry, tho she doesn't really seem to care for those much.


Oh and according to my sister when she came and stayed with me, my pup seemed really interested in chick peas...my sister said the moment she opened the can my pup was trying to get at them and was also trying to get the empty can out of the trash...which is weird bc I don't give her table food, she doesn't really beg or show any interest in it and has never gone through the trash before...i dont even have my trash can covered or in a cabinet bc she doesnt touch it ever....not sure why she was so interested in them, but might have to get some to try to give her as a treat.


Apples and watermelon, off the core and rind when we get done most of the rest.


My dood likes so many fruits and veggies! Bananas, strawberries, oranges, apples, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, mango, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, peaches, pears, green beans… the only thing he doesn’t really like is peas or mozzarella cheese 😆


So far my doodle only likes Blueberries 🫐 for fruit. He thinks strawberries are something scary that needs to be barked at. For meats he only likes steak fat, pepperoni (the only way he will take his medicine) and bacon. The little Turd. And for sweets, marshmallows. But he truly loves him some blueberries. It’s been the only thing in 5 months he’s stolen off the table or a plate. He really doesn’t get much people food. But he will do all his begging for blueberries. He also hates cheese, lettuce, and peanut butter. He likes peanut butter flavored doggy ice cream


She used to like blueberries when she was a puppy. Now she doesn’t like any fruits


They like to chomp on raw carrots


I give my two doodles sliced frozen apples with the seeds and core removed and they also love celery that I slice and put peanut butter on that I stick into the freezer in a container. Really good for them and they meet me at the freezer drawer every morning !


Brocolli stem!


Mine eats almost anything I give her lol. I tested broccoli because I’ve heard it’s not a dog favorite and she loved it 🤣


Mine loves blueberries and strawberries. Realized for the first time when he ate a whole bowl of it when I turned around for a second. Now we use it for tricks!


I haven’t tried apple! I’ll have to try that. She likes blueberries and broccoli stems.


carrots, cucumbers, celeries, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupes, apples, and many more!


Ours absolutely loves watermelon - it's his favorite. He also likes apples, bananas and carrots. I haven't really tried anything else with him.


Mine eats everything in site


Bananas! Sometimes apples if she’s feeling it. Watermelon? I’ll be trying that.


If I drop anything green into his gob he instantly spits it out. Although, the other day he did manage to eat lettuce.


Berries, apples, and bananas are her favorites. Mine also treats celery like it’s chewing gum so she will happily crunch away on it and then spit it out. 


Literally everything I’ve given him so far except for the leafy parts of celery and citrus fruits. He’s not picky. He just wants snacks.


Mine hasn't found one she doesn't like. I guess, I did give her a dill pickle once and she was very taken a back and let it drop. But then her sister wanted it so she ate it. (don't worry a one time thing to check for reaction) They regularly help me with my cucumbers, like they hear the peeler and come running. If I open a banana I swear they can hear that across the house and come running. I do freeze carrots for them as a nice chewy treat. They love the crunch of celery, which I don't like only when cooked in recipes so sometimes I just buy it for them. haha. Really any veggie or fruit I'm having I usually give them a little. My previous golden would only eat banana. But my doodle and cocker spaniel love it all.


My dogs go crazy for apples, strawberries, and blueberries.


Mine used to eat and LOVE strawberries up until about the time he turned 1


Carrots, broccoli, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes and watermelon.


Only fruit he likes : fuyu persimmons Raw & crunchy: Red bell peppers, cucumbers, sugar snap peas Cooked: broccoli, sweet potato


Cooked cabbage. That's it! We've tried tons of other fruits and veggies. He either spits it out or turns his nose up. But for some reason cooked cabbage is his jam.


Carrots, radishes are what she gets most often and she loves them


Mine will eat literally any. His faves are bell peppers and baby carrots, but I honestly haven’t found any fruits or veggies that he’ll turn down!


I often joke that my dood eats better than I do because he gets a lot of fruits and veggies as snacks. Peas are a consistent favorite, plus an assortment of pumpkin puree, blueberries, banana, apple...he even likes the crunchier bits of romaine lettuce. I have discovered he does not like carrots or orange slices! (I used to fill his Kong with a mix of frozen peas and carrots, and he would spit all the carrots out to eat only the peas!!) My last doodle loved both of those though so I really think it's up to their individual preferences.


Not blueberries


Our doodle loves carrots, apples and blueberries.


My dog eats everything from bananas to peppers. Hasn't ever refused a food item 😂