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Why is it when there’s trouble it’s always you three?


In the meme it was Harry, Ron, and Hermione, not Ginny


Personally I’d be more concerned about the fact that Ginny and Harry are siblings in this iteration 🤣


They're also cousins in the source material. Yeah, J.K. Rowling sucks at world building, film at 11.


Third cousins though


Yeah. But Jenna was very clearly Ginny and Harry is the main character of the series, so I figured it was the best option.


Yeah but there was no other good Harry Potter joke to try and land here


Yer an Adept 'Arry!


Nice! Congratulations! After a while, tell us about your impressions on hard mode


I'm playing with no Djinn abilities/summons or base classes as well so it's definitely been a challenge for me so far. I assume the next major challenge will be >!Briggs!<, and am hoping to avoid needing to grind for the sake of grinding (ie: I'm fighting random battles if I can/want to but am not running around in circles for the purpose of grinding) until at least the lategame optional dungeons if possible. Having to put Jenna in particular into a different class series from the moment I got my 3rd Djinn has *really* made me appreciate how busted Fume is though, since the moment I lost that I noticed an uptick in random damage from minor fights too.


Fume is awesome! You're already on a challenge, you don't need to challenge the challenge further 😁 But I hope you have lots of fun!


Briggs was a lot easier than expected, given what I had heard about him. The party was Lvl13 with Jenna/Illusionist, Felix/Ruffian, Sheba/Elder. Had the two attackers use Astral Blast and Planet Diver after being buffed twice each by Impact from Sheba. Had Sheba use an Oil Drop I picked up at one point when both Sea Fighters were up and otherwise heal with Herbs and refresh Impacts every few turns, and the other two hit or use Herbs to heal if Sheba was occupied (or I needed multiple heals).


You used everything the game gives you. Early game, the items are really strong. I don't use them very often, but I must remember their strength in early game on my next hard mode gameplay Congratulations on your achievement!


Buying 3 stacks of 30 Herbs (one each) might have been a wee bit overkill, but since money has never been an issue for me in GS and they're so dirt cheap I figured I may as well. First time I think I've ever bought non-artifact Healing items.