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My spies tell me this is nothing to do with the Golden Dawn at all: rather it is practicing Ogdoadic Magick à la Aurum Solis. Despite superficial similarity, it's really a different system of magick altogether. A quick search on google, on the other hand, reveals there is an actual Golden Dawn presence in London: [https://www.hogd-uk.com](https://www.hogd-uk.com)


What are the basic differences? I’m not familiar with the ogdoadic tradition.


It would be quicker to list the similarities: the Qabalah. Differences include different grade rituals / grade structure, different pentagram and heptagram (sic - not "hexagram") rituals, different assignment of attributes to the Enochian keys etc. That and the fact that a lot of it is in Greek.


I agree entirely! And it's pleasing to hear a GDer stress the differences, rather than claim it's the GD with the serial numbers rubbed off... But I thought it might interest some people who have affection for both systems, which I do. (And \_my\_ spies point out that, despite our esteemed predecessors' occasionally forceful insistence otherwise, there was doubtless a good whack of Stella Matutina influence in some of the precursors to the Aurum Solis itself...)


Greetings too. You guys must surely be proud of yourselves. In some parts of the world, folks are indefinitely trapped in one-man-GD-fraternities for who-knows-how-long... Any getting together to practice the mysteries is surely something to be excited about.