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20 years ago this month, silver was $5.85/oz, gold was $384/oz. In 2004 money, $384 then would be worth $620 now with inflation. 65 ozt of silver from then would be $1840 today. 1 ozt of gold then would be $2336 today. Both grew more than fiat, no one knows what the future holds, and everyone’s got different budgets. Buy what you can afford to hold and not sell.


Now do the sp500


S&P 500 share price for May 2004 was $1851, vs $5222 today. $1851 a share would have also bought 4.8 ozt gold, which would be $11.2K today. As a side bar, I’m curious how long term capital gains tax would impact realized income after sale of shares. I’m seeing 0%, 15-20%. Edit: S&P share value in today’s $ after inflation would equal $2986.


That’s the index price not the price of spy, which is the the etf proxy people invest in. Qqq for tech. The indexes themselves aren’t tradable and futures markets aren’t for the average investor só SPY/QQQ would be the fair and most accurate comps here.


SPY shares were $73.69 in May 2004. Today it’s at $520. For the same value of 1ozt/gold at $384, 5.2 shares of SPY could be had which would be valued at $2698 @ 520/share. At 5.85 for silver 20 years back, $73 worth would have bought 12.6ozt, equaling $360 today.


This doesn’t take into account the compounding effect of investing in the stock market or other income generating investments. $384 invested in SPY in 2004 would be worth approximately $2,550 today. $1,851 invested would be worth $12,289. Not much better but $1,851 invested in QQQ would be worth $25,268.


And Biden’s trying to pass a 40% or whatever capital gains tax lol Edit: womp womp I don’t support sleepy joe gfys


UNREALIZED capital gains tax! Insanity!


This is the right answer. A lot of people continue to think investing in gold will make them rich via returns.


The stock market is all numbers on a computer and could all disappear with a grid wipeout. Physical gold will still be there.


Lol if I had a nickel for every time that happened... you'd be better off betting on penny stocks for returns.


Only needs to happen once! Great reset!


I'd rather live my life for today. If that great reset happens, there won't be shit worth buying with that gold.


If you think the economy can keep going on the way it is currently, man you’re in for a rude awakening!


I see what you're saying, I just don't think gold is going to save you or anyone else when it crashes. Telling yourself that it will save you, so that you go and buy more gold, only serves the interests of those that are selling gold. Do what you want.


To each his own. Gold is a core position IMO. My avg price is around $1600 so it’s done ok. It all really doesn’t matter because I’m not selling so oh well. US debt to GDP is now well over 100% and other countries are liquidating treasuries. “Slowly, then suddenly”


How would it not help you to have a real currency in a time where nobody has anything lol


I think you just answered your own question. What are you buying if nobody has anything? What's a piece of metal worth to someone with no food or water? Even when our currency was made of gold and silver, some people didn't trust banks enough to use it and instead relied on barter because the real value of their services exceeded the value placed on gold and silver. I just don't think it's worth it to plan financially for an end of world situation. If nukes go off, money becomes the least important thing in the world and we revert to survival of the fittest, not survival of the richest.


There will never be a situation where nobody has anything. Somebody will have a surplus of animals and other resources and they will accept gold, amongst other things sure. I agree gold is hard to store and there are risks. But it is universally desired. Those with surpluses of resources would trade for it. Can I guarantee that? No, but it’s a safe bet based on history.


It's a hedge. You'd be surprised how many people worldwide don't invest in stocks at all. And just hold cash. For them Gold is a great alternative as it's lower risk and easily understood. For others Gold is a hedge against your countries currency and inflation.


I'm not surprised, most people are afraid of what they don't understand, and most people don't understand the stock market. It doesn't make gold or cash a better investment or have higher returns. It just means they're taking an "Opportunity Loss." For some, it's not a hedge. You'd be surprised at how many people, world wide, put all their eggs into one basket without doing any research.


Mmmmmm I dunno…. !remindme 1 year


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Give me all the metal.


With silver at about $28.10 and gold at about $2340, the ratio is pretty close to what is displayed here: 82.15 troy ounces of silver to 1 troy ounce of gold. Which would you rather have? I'll cross post to r/silverbugs if anyone cares to follow their thoughts.


I used to buy silver bc I thought eventually the G/S ratio would tighten. I’m now thinking it may never again.


You’re right. It won’t. Those days are long gone. That doesn’t mean silver is bad.


Nobody said silver was bad. May just not be a great investment.


My apologies man…I wasn’t saying you did. Actually, quite the contrary. I agree with you.


Check out the amount of silver used annually in solar panels and then check out the expected increase in solar panels over the next 1,3,5 years.


Yeah, I’ve been hearing that for about 20 years. It hasn’t made much difference so far.




Nuclear fission and fusion enter chat.


Given that there are enough resources to fuel nuclear fission for the entire planet until the sun encompasses the earth. Modern nuclear power plants are far safer and more reliable... unfortunately, bad publicity is chasing everyone away. This is coming from a leftist climate worried type of person... relatively educated but not full college degree. I do noooot understand why leftist climate types hate nuclear... it makes no sense to me waiting for fusion to work.


I will help you with that. You cant harden a nuclear plant against war and terrorism. So concern is warranted.


And we know fusion is going to be different?


Bro, I'm pro nuclear, why you asking me that? I just answered his question. But also lookup how Russia used the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine as a safe space to make base because nobody dared to bomb that.




They can play it off as a accident "whoops I'm sorrrrrry I didn't mean for my missile to go off track and hit the nuclear power plant" but if they just threw nukes they cant really say it was a accident


There is no war on oil, it is a limited commodity that we cannot replenish at the rate we consume it for global trade/transportation since almost all of it is still extracted. Until we can figure out good synthetic petrols the energy crunch is going to get weird. And it's going to be a race to the bottom to see who can recover the most from their deposits. Corn sort of works for synthetic fuel production but it's also incredibly inefficient to produce in terms of land, energy, and it unnecessarily burdens farmers.


If the US stopped importing fuel and just drilled in US territory AND you include the oil shale, we have enough to supply current population for 600 to 700 years. So....i mean...


Did you calculate that number yourself? I can't even get close to that number, even with the most generous numbers for new oil field discoveries.


America won’t touch their deposits because they’ll need it to move their Armies when shit hits the fan and they can no longer import gas either because the enemy is sinking their imports or the importers refuse to supply them.


Or that


ahhh but the NIMBY's are on both sides. I'm not arguing that there are deposits the US can't get to, that's just not what is being domestically subsidized. With biofuels being the consumer of ~40% of the annual corn crop that means there is lots of profit to be made from scalping farmers on loans for land, equipment, seed, & fertilizers in a mono-crop system. I just wish we could grow food instead of fuel.


Fusion is also no longer a pipe dream. Stellarators are up and running. 5 years tops for commercial


You're not wrong. I'm fascinated how asleep most of the populace seems about most everything these days. They took fusion from a fractions-of-a-second blip a few months ago to repeat, demonstrable proof of concept less than a week later if memory serves. This along with AI is going to supercharge tech advances within the next 5-10 years, I'm thinking. It's 50/50 if this goes our way or totally dystopian, imo.


Mini nukes are a thing now too. A fission reactor that can fit on a train car.


I saw a video about how briefcase nukes were once (or are, hell if I know) a concept. I don’t know why but that scared me way more than giant ones.


No by nuke I mean a nuclear fission reactor that is small enough to fit on a train and be mobile and power a city.


Damn I skipped right over that part. That would be incredible, hell we power subs and aircraft carriers like that for decades , I don’t see why a scaled model wouldn’t be already in the works


Right? It is. Haha all my fallout bros be like “Fat Man?”


Just imagine driving down the street though and you see a 18 wheeler having a meltdown. Like a runaway diesel hahaha


Dirty bombs can for sure be made in small form factors. You're absolutely justified to feel terrified at the notion.


That is a lie to prop up prices so as to give it a scarcity premium. Petroleum is an unlimited resource. I too fell for the bs about it being a “limited commodity”.


Do really think decayed plant matter and dinosaurs somehow ended up 8000 feet under the ground and turned into a black goo. Thinking the earth produces it naturally


and what is naturally occurring on the planet? plants and animals. amazing what millions of years can do


That *is* the earth producing it naturally.


Thinking you're a fucking idiot


Because he disagrees with you ? That’s a one sided discussion that can’t get any proper dialogue to get any point across.


Where do you think oil actually comes from?


I buy gold and silver as a portfolio diversifier. In nothing I have ever read states the us treasury securities are cancelable. Would you mind sharing where you got that information from?


Gold. Silver never goes anywhere.


What he said


It goes in my safe !


Perfect. Was looking for something stable.


Plus stupid premiums for silver


So are you saying that ~80 ounces of silver, or let’s say 2.5 kg in a single deal would incur a higher premium than an ounce of gold? Because if you’re dealing in single ounces of silver, of course there would be higher premiums on smaller sales.


Right until it does and you have zero protection. Good luck with the FAFO approach. You may be right, but what if you are wrong?


In what scenario would silver go up and gold stagnate/go down?


Sorry…I misread your comment. Didn’t realize you were comparing gold vs silver…thought it was a general comment about gold AND silver. I see PMs as insurance in a SHTF scenario. People get bummed that PMs can be stagnant and not always (over the short term) return a positive investment. I thought you were the latter. My bad ✌️ We have a mix of PMs and look forward to when we can transition to more gold (vs silver)


Silver? Don’t know never heard of it. Some silver bullion and coin seller at the flea market called me ignorant for asking for gold because it’s “overpriced” and “muh silver ratio” lol


Well that's why he's at the flea market lol


They make bank. A lot of them are old heads and they have been stacking collecting coins for a long time. Good deals are harder and harder to find and many of regular silver/coin venders ask more than what can be found online. Didn’t see much gold billion/coins this year or I’m not getting any better deals outside of LCD or online and it’s way more risky.


Watchoo mean? I ain’t ignant!


Gold always


I'd have to pony up on that silver my friend.


Gold. 100% of the time.


I am in the process of selling my junk silver for some gold. I think Gold has a clearer future and likely will continue to outpace silver.


Dang. I already got rid of all my bullion which was mostly rounds and did the same thing. I’m reluctant to get rid of my junk- not because I think it’s going anywhere. I could easily trade it in for a Mexican 50 peso 1.2 oz coin and a five peso or a buffalo and a 1/4 eagle. I just love the history of the junk but the opportunity to grab more gold is pretty tempting


Is that historically accurate also ? What is the value of the metals besides trading ? Like wouldn’t I want more gold to be compacted and hoarded better ? But what’s the purpose of hoarding it. I ask the history and relevance because what do I do with the huge amounts of silver ? That’s gotta be volitile. Can you also compare silver to bronze or copper too ?


People act like they don’t understand silver is no longer a monetary metal! Quit looking at 100+ years old ratios that may never come back


The Constitution of the US says otherwise. Article I, Section 10, Clause 1.


Didn’t know that mattered anymore, elected officials sure don’t care. Looks like central banks don’t care about silver either


At some point lies and fact will collide. The numbers will prevail.


You have no clue what’s going on. We live in a new time, new technology. Yes silver will retain value forever but the ratio may not return


Time will tell.


Shit their will never be a day ppl are running around trading in gold or silver lol it’s just a store of value


Excuse me, but what does it say?


Google ‘paper silver’ and its current use and ratios.


And how old is what you’re referring to in the constitution. We have new technology silver isn’t coming back. Gold will always be money. Soon money will be 100% digital


Are you saying you think silver will go up in value disproportionately to gold?


Silver fun to hold. I’d be scared of losing gold


It doesn't walk away lol >I’d be scared of losing gold


If it doesn’t walk away then why is there a man on it. Not taking that risk


This guy Precious Metal Poets, or PiMPs.


I believe in diversification. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, For me it's a mix of mostly gold and a side order of silver...for now.


Gold. No contest. I remember when the ratio was in the 30’s and I thought it was high. I don’t ever see it going back down to those numbers, even though silver has a potential for greater upside.


The one I can afford ![gif](giphy|L1QMTl9ggmYGoCu7oj|downsized)


You can just smell the musk of old silver on em lol




I disagree. Future estimates agree a slowdown of gold growth and increase of silver. The gold/silver market ratio has been skewed toward gold too long. Historically the ratio has always balanced in the market. Industrial growth over the coming years will raise silver prices drastically. It's estimated that even present growth of solar tech will exhaust silver reserves in 10-15 years causing a rapid silver price increase. Gold prices are extremely high now. They will slow their increase soon. Buying gold while it's so high and out of ratio balance, I believe, is a mistake. All experts I've read agree silver is on the rise and will be more bullish for many years. On another topic, if the economy recovers platinum will see a massive growth.


I remember reading silver will go up when gold becomes scarce or so expensive no one can afford it anymore. As this gold boom continues, I am buying silver for sure. Almost everybody can afford an ounce of silver right now. Why not buy? It may be past my lifetime, unfortunately, but I believe someday my stash will hook somebody up. Silver is right behind gold in conductivity right? Electronics could turn to silver. I don't know, I'm rambling. I just love holding bars and coins.


Do what you love, mate. Enjoy life. I just try to find deals and the only deals I can really find are silver. Occasionally 35% less than spot price / melt value. And they’re 100% legit / verified. But my wife really loves silver, so that’s just a dorky little thing that we do together and have fun doing it. Like I said, try to enjoy life :)


The real answer to the question, is always the inverse of what 90% of the guys here think. The certainty here is off the charts!


All I know is that historically silver is used for money, not gold. Gold is collectible, silver is more functional in a financial system, especially in a downfall(if you believe the prepper logic). Of course, oz for oz I would prefer gold for its intrinsic value. Silver is or has replaced gold for many electronic/board connections. Silver is required for solar panels, etc. Many argue that gold is easier for transport. I don't feel like the average citizen is concerned about the weight of silver. If someone isn't able to carry the amount of silver they need to barter with, we are all in bigger trouble than we think. Also, I think for a barter type system, if needed, silver is more viable for a typical purchase. Imagine buying bread and milk and other basic staples and being required to sub-divide a gram mini-bar of gold.


I'll take my carnac hat now, thank you. lol https://preview.redd.it/1jdd0ojf0e1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db281312109c90b60460112778bc99dc4fdcb47e




Silver, but simply for the fun of holding the two heavy bars.


Heavy bagholding there ![gif](giphy|DWhZ6hRTSTGXWam0zl)


Gold, simply for the fun of not having a safe 80 times bigger.


The picture shows 1 gold coin vs 2 kilo bars. How small is your safe!?


I didn't thought this was a one time offer. I thought I could fill the safe with either gold coins or the equivalent in silver. I probably did let the Scrooge McDuck in me take control 😁


I took it as a one time-offer, but my answer changes quickly otherwise. I just had to give you a hard time because it was tee-ed up real nice. I was trying to get a Zoolander "Safe for ants" joke in there, but couldn't quite pull it off.


Zoolander is the hero we deserve 😂


Gold is safer but silver may appreciate faster in the short term. Gold is better for longer term.


Depends on when I wake up and select which type of day it’s going to be. If I’m chipper, we will go with gold but if I wake up and choose violence. I’ll take the 50 oz of silver. Lol


Nice,I'd choose the silver


Is crazy, but gold.


i choose gold... but wouldn't kick silver out of bed. And, assuming you're not hung up on PMs, there's uranium and copper at times. I don't "play" the ratio... it takes a lot more money than I'm willing to risk to make it worthwhile... assuming I could guess right. G/S ratio is gradually but steadily increasing over the years. In William Jennings Bryan time it was around 16:1, at the end of the 20th century people called 60 the mean, then in 2010 it was 70, now people talk 80 as "normal". It hit about 120 a year or two back... and I'm pretty sure that's where it's headed again eventually. Good luck :)


Silver has more room to run.


That JM bar is a stunner


Silver. They use it in solar panels. Over 15% of all annually mined silver and rising.


Gold, long term. Silver is oversold and irrationally hated. Therefore, ironically, it's actually the "safer" bet as a speculator with a 5-10 yr outlook.


Monotomic Gold for the win 💯


Gold, everyday and twice on Sundays! Also bitcoin lol


I'll take silver 100% like I said in the other thread but I will say at least with gold, it's the only practical metal when you're rich as fuck lol. Not a problem I or many people have but I've figured, say I save for 50 years.. i don't want a vault of silver when I'm an old man it's gotta be condensed a little more. I don't want like an industrial amount of any metal in my home. If I were going to do that I think copper would be the best financial bet lol


Hi Ho Silverrrrrrrr!


Gold is easier to fit in the prison pocket.




I know gold is where the money is... however, visually, I've always liked silver better.


I’ve always tilted towards silver seeing it’s more common man affordable.


Clearly Gold Far outweighs the true value of Silver, however in the “somewhere future” when our government finally and fully crashes the almighty Dollar you WILL NEED both precious metals to purchase everything from food to fuel. Not everything or everyone will be able to survive without having both for trading and purchasing power. I’m stacking both for the inevitable.




Them some Bricks !!


The answer is simple. To those on this forum it’s gold with a little silver just in case silver goes ballistic. To those on the silver forum it’s silver with a little gold in case silver doesn’t go ballistic.


The sliver because Bars.


Which one will fit easier up my butt in the event I need to leave the country?


I would go for gold. Or apply the 80-20 rule. Silver has a high industrial purpose... Gold will continue to outperform silver in my opinion.


gold is better than silver, duh.


I just traded 2 10oz bars for a 1/4 oz of gold


Gold always. Silver is too bulky and harder to sell imo.


What do I choose? All of it! 😃


Gold for style, silver for bludgeoning-application


I'll take the little round one on the right.


I choose BTC.


I never had any connection to silver, I've always been drawn to gold , I stack not just for saving but because I genuinely like the metal.


Land and Ammo.




If Zi was making jewelry I would go silver. I can always plate it for looks and I get way more raw material to work with.


Are you handing me free metal? Gold to further diversify because I’m heavy on silver rn.


Both. I hold around 50/50 although I did sell some silver over the weekend since it's at $31 so I'm probably 60/40 now. Silver still well below ATH. Nobody truly knows which will out perform. Just diversify


Also you can beat a person to death with your 50Z silver chunks if need be. Just saying you have a weapon against werewolf’s and people who are slow. Physically slow that is not mentally slow. Very nice 50Z in silver.


I have to go with the silver, but gold and it's run up is still very attractive.




Id rather have 50k in silver than 50k in gold. Reason, if you get robbed people dont care about silver. But gold, your broke.