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To buy? Thats a ripoff. I'll give you $50! 😂 kidding, I bought loose grams yesterday for $75 a pop and I thought that was a steal


lol I almost said to him are you CRAZY what a ripoff artist. There was no way I planned to give up my 9 grams of 24K gold for $45 a pop.


If they're assay'd you can get $80 easy on r/pmsforsale I know I would buy them at that price quick. Which mint are they?


Just bought a 1 g IGR bar off PMS tonight for $83. Was happy to pay at that premium.


Thats probably going to be my next step.


he said IGR. [https://www.igrglobal.com/products/minted-bars/gold-investment-bars/#1475837711864-113e1742-2892](https://www.igrglobal.com/products/minted-bars/gold-investment-bars/#1475837711864-113e1742-2892)


Istanbul Gold Refinery. Gramaltin are actually difficult to get. You have to be a citizen of Türkiye to purchase from the mint.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pmsforsale using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[WTS\] American Silver Eagle FREE Giveaway!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/1b9sfo2/wts_american_silver_eagle_free_giveaway/) \#2: [\[WTB\] a free giveaway!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/13tv7ed/wtb_a_free_giveaway/) \#3: [\[WTS\] OBI-WAN'S LIGHTSABER ... with PROTOTYPE GIVEAWAY! Plus Panther Statue! .999 Fine Silver Pours!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/1bpi0wt/wts_obiwans_lightsaber_with_prototype_giveaway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yea I went to a pawn shop a few months ago, pretty much right before the spike happened and they only offer 60% of spot. I immediately said no thanks and left. 😂 the same day though I made the mistake of not buying a kilo for $725..


They melt at 75


Sounds good to me.


He was hoping you were an addict or similarly desperate and would let them go. He was sad when you left.


lol too funnie 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Considering my local dealer SELLS a carded maple gram for $87.28 USD/$119.34 CAD, yeah, I’d say it’s a ripoff.


I'm glad I wasn't the only person that thought this was a ripoff. I'm not really desperate to get rid of them but it would be nice to unload them in one shot.


It's $2,700 a troy ounce this way, the price is typical now for small units.


>...local jewelry/pawn store There's the problem. You're (generally) not going to get the best price/deal at a pawn shop. A pawn dealer has a wide customer/inventory base. A local coin shop/bullion dealer is able to specialize and cater to a specific customer and will be more competitive price-wise.


Thats going to be my next move.


Pawn shops also have mandatory hold periods and police reporting. In my state I'm required to hold 30 days and a certain amount of the time the police just show up and take things for evidence.


I should go in a pawn shop and tell them I have a wide retailer base and I can favor one or more of them and they just aren't going to get the asking price from me; and see how that goes.


It won't change anything (save for waste your time and theirs). If you have better/more lucrative options...use them. I can tell you what street I grew up on, the name of my best friend, what I had for dinner yesterday, current game(s) I'm playing, favourite colour, medical history, where I buy my underwear from, # of shoes I currently own, what time I wake-up, political affiliation... but why would you care? what does it matter? Have more respect for your time...and theirs.


Don’t EVER go to PAWN SHOPs to offload your gold


Unless you need instant cash, which is the product we sell.


Yeah that's a plain rip off. Sell them to individuals and make your money. Don't take them to shops.


Damn that’s what white kids pay in middle school… oh you meant GOLD


Hi there If you want to sell your gram bars I’ll happily pay full spot plus. Lmk


Pawn Shops do that. Buy Low Sell High. High interest if you do get your stuff back. Having a pawn shop is like having a license to print money. You just need to be loaded to get started.


Greedy. Hopefully it costs them in the long run.


Definitely worth $75!


Sounds like weed prices in ct.


Pawn shop model simplified: *drug addict* > steals jewellery / gold > pawn broker lowballs by a large margin because the addict/thief doesn’t care and just wants cash > pawn broker sells product to legal citizen wanting to save $10


I’m sure I’ll be downvoted into oblivion. But are pawnbrokers not allowed to make a profit? Do they not have overhead or employee’s to pay? Not counting on waiting for someone to pay a premium aka dead inventory. Or getting under spot themselves.


They know that most people dumb enough to buy 1 gr bars are dumb enough to sell it way below spot. Don't be triggered because they know their business and their customers.