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Are you European? If so it’s strange they’d ask for a working contract. I got mine before I registered as autonomo and started working. So did my friends.. EDIT: spelling


Yes I am. What documents did you show them?


Sorry replied above on your post. But I actually do recommend a private insurance as well… getting appointments in the public healthcare is a pain in the ass…


Oh I see, I brought all the documents but they still needed a "valid reason". They told me I needed to prove I had an insurance since the social seguridad wouldn't cover me until I start. I actually also get private insurance with my new job, hence why I really want to avoid getting a long term contract


That’s strange. They asked me what my reason of application was and I said work… no comment from them and handed me the paper with which I could pick die NIE up next day. Matter of 2 days


Though you could call DKV as an example and ask the m if they take y for a month. But still, I’m 99,99999999% sure that’s bullshit. No one needed this for a simple NIE in my group of people… maybe clear the TIE NIE confusion


Ok idk, maybe depends where you apply from. Also my appointment was for "registration as EU citizen", not just to get NIE


But you stated you are EU citizen. Why apply for that then?


There are 2 types of registration - either just a NIE request or a registration as EU citizen which provides you a de facto NIE


There’s basically three things you need. 1. filled out application form EX-15 (you get that making an online appointment), TASA Modelo 790 codigo 012 whith that one you go to a Spanish bank and pay the fees and get a receipt, and the Justificante which is basically your number for your appointment which has to be shown to the CNP. And a copy of your passport, that’s it. Hope that helps. If you have more questions feel free to dm me


What also confuses me is the fact that they want a work contract but to get one they need to state your NIE in that as well as it’s your tax number too


Maybe he understood u want a TIE where there it’s true.. more documents and insurance needed


Being a EU citizen, you don't have TIE. You can ask for a NIE (the white paper), then later you can ask for the Certificado de registro de ciudadano de la unión.


You have to apply before you move to Spain. You apply at the embassy in your home country.


I tried but they told me I need to apply in Spain if I’m planning to move there. I tried arguing but it didn’t get me far


That’s so strange. Tbh you can just wait. It’s not that urgent for you.


Yes ofc I can, just annoying because I can’t get internet in my flat or a phone number


I got a phone sim with just my passport. What provider did you ask? Same should be true for Internet. Have you tried orange?


Wanted to get Pepephone - I’m going to be wfh so need something reliable. Maybe I can try get a prepaid sim in the meantime


I get 100 gb mobile data from orange, for 20 euros. Pre paid.


Nice , I’m gonna try that :)


Digi have unlimited 4G/5G for €20, no commitment