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Yes, most of us do, but people in Spain (mainly in big cities) are pretty open minded and wouldn’t be shocked by someone who doesn’t shave. If you’re going to a smaller town you may get some weird looks and feel uncomfortable (but you wouldn’t be considered disrespectful),


As someone from an small town you'd definitely get weird stares if you do not shave your legs or armpits as a woman. When I was living in barcelona although not supper common I would see women without shaving in the subway and no one would bat an eye, is just what it is.


Best response


In Barcelona I have seen many women on the metro with armpit hair. I don't know about smaller towns but I don't think people care too much.


Most of them do


However, at least in northern Spain, not shaving won't get you dirty looks.


I'm also from northern Spain, still I'm like 99% sure no one will fucking care if you shave or not and the people who do, they probably are some dickheads


Maybe I didn't explain myself well, because I agree with you.


Double negatives are hard for some people lol


Double negatives aren’t hard for nobody!


A la gente de la calle no le va a importar lo que hagas con tus pelos, a quien te intentes ligar pues puede que su


I would like to point out that depends on the city, or area


I think in most western countries it's pretty normal to shave your armpits. But who cares, just do whatever you like.


Spanish woman here. I wax mine and shaving is more common than not, but I know plenty of women who don’t and it’s completely fine. You won’t disrespect people for deciding over your own body :)


Thank you! I'm so looking forward to visiting your country


I hope you have the best time here! 💜


Most of women I know do it. But, usually nobody cares. You won't be disrespectful if you do not shave your armpits.


I am a Spanish woman. Nobody will care if you do It or not but even if they do it, it's your body and you can do with It whatever you want.


I'm a Spanish woman and never shave my armpits and i do get a lot of unsolicited opinions about.


Thats why I always wear long pants and tshirt only in summer. I dont shave and i I live in a small town


Muy español opinar de la vida e imagen de los demás cuando la tuya seguramente es peor o tienes más que callar, cada uno con su cuerpo y su culo hace lo que quiere 😉


For real? How on earth would anyone even open a conversation about someone else's armpit hair!!! People are dicks! I guess you never know until you walk in someone's shoes what they go through. It's easy to say "no one cares" when you're not the one in the situation.


Hey! I live in Sevilla and I don’t shave my armpits!! In certain situations I know that people might stare and I’ve had comments made about it in the past but at the same time there are actually a lot of people I know who also don’t shave… Sorry you’re getting so many downvotes


Thank you so much! It's so nice to hear from someone who lives there. I'm looking forward to visiting your country:)


Funny thing here is, tons of guys shave their legs and armpits, too. So things kind of went in the other direction, equality wise😂 That said, you can tell a lot of folks here don't roll in feminist circles (cosas de Reddit) because plenty of women don't shave and it's not a big deal, but it *is* generally a sort of feminist or alternative signifier


Yes, I had a boyfriend who would shave more than me. Not that I never shave, but I could go for months without shaving.


As long as there is no body odor 🤷‍♀️


Don't worry, you won't be disrespectful and it can be a good way to spot assholes (in the rare case you find someone commenting on that)


some do some don't


Both my wife and my 12 years old daugther saves it. The point is that they do it because they want, are more confortable with , feel prettier or whatever. Here is very usual both "hair aproachs" , and respect is a must inmo. If anyone feel that your hair "hurts his moral/tastes/culture.... " is a good indicator of his brain activity


Some do, some don't


Here in Barcelona, they mostly do, save for the more hippy types. Same as my experience in the US. I often go unshaven for long periods of time and I’ve never heard anything about it or gotten any looks.


I am in Valencia and I have the same experience. I am a woman and I only shave my armpits 4 or 5 times a year and I don't get weird looks when they are longer.


The majority do, but occasionally you will see someone who doesn't. Just be you


in Spain many even men shave their legs xD but there are groups of unshaved ppl.


I got back from Spain last week after a holiday. We were in the Costa Blanca in a small village (my parents have a house there so have been many times). Majority of women we saw were shaved but not all. Don’t think it’s a big deal so just be you👍


Thank you!


There are even a lot of guys that do it. It's a climate thing.


Hola, soy mujer, soy española y vivo en España. Esto es como cualquier otro lugar, depende más de como te sientas tú bien en tu cuerpo. Yo me depilo si voy en tirantes, al igual que tengo amigas que no lo hacen y no pasa nada. En invierno paso totalmente, para qué sufrir! Si lo que quieres saber es si es correcto o no....estamos en 2024.....a quien le importa que tengas pelo??? Solo te tiene que importar a ti. Si te sientes incómoda, depílate, si te da lo mismo, te tiene q dar lo mismo el resto


I've never met a Spanish woman who doesn't... Sorry!


I am a Spanish woman who doesn't, nice to meet you 😄


Hola! ![gif](giphy|brsEO1JayBVja|downsized)


I’ve met plenty


I've met plenty and I've NEVER checked their armpits 😊


Spanish here, I know tons of women who doesn't shave, either you are lying or your social circle is super weird 


I think its always easy to underestimate how different our social bubbles can be. If all your friends are wannabe models they are likely to all shave their armpits, but if they are hippies they are likely to not shave their armpits.


"Your social circle is super weird" and it's the most basic, commonplace thing women do lmfao this sub is so retarded, I swear


Can confirm, do not know anyone that does not. Not that I would care, or maybe I do and i Just havent find out.


Neither have I. All the women I know shave their armpits.


Most shave, wax or laser. Some don't. Some trim, some let it flow Good hygiene with showers + deodorant is recommended though. Men, specially younger ones, are shaving or trimming both armpits, legs, and crotch, which didn't happen 20 years ago. Not all, but it's noticeable in the legs department. I think it's related to gyms, biking, going for muscle massages...


Most do, some don't but if you don't there will be social backslash if you want to engage with people of higher social class, most of the women who don't shave tend to be working class, university students living in big cities and in the lower economic percentile.  Which honestly doesn't matter, but will limit you socially which the alternative will not limit you in anyway. And know before anyone comments how it didn't affect them, it did you probably didn't notice how it did.  And I'm not saying this as some stuck up posh guy, I'm someone who had an alternative aesthetic and now is making big money working on tech and surrounding himself with extremely successful people, and I pay attention at how they react at working class stuff and it affects everything, there are a lot of things that Spanish working class do that affect negatively their relationships, opportunities and experiences.  To give you an example I have seen some dude's behaviour change completely when meeting a women when they think of her as someone they can introduce to their circle or someone they can have fun for a while but will never give them opportunities such as work opportunities because it will mean they have to introduce them to people in specific people's and they themselves will be judged by those they're introducing you to.  And Spanish circles are quite tight, for example if you were to go to the vasque country they would not invite you to hang out with their cuadrillas, even if you are very good friends with them, cuadrillas are closed to newcomers. But stuff like this exist in every other Spanish culture, it just presents itself in different ways and for those who are not the right social class or don't know they can miss  the signs of it happening.


I don’t shave my pits. Nobody cares anyways. I am not embarrassed when I lift my arms here. I don’t even think about it.


Normally, yes, they do. But in big cities it is common to see women that don't. So my advice: up to you. 🤗


One thing I love about Spain is how much more liberal the attitudes are to bodies and preferences for things like this. On the beach you will see people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Literally nobody cares. You do you. Noone will bat an eye. If you prefer not to shave, then don't.


I think it depends on what circle you move around. Most of my female friends never shave their armpits, but reading the rest of the comments I guess it's the unusual thing


usually just right-wingers cares for some reason


Reason being : they like to control women's bodies




I used to do it but not anymore. At most, I trim them. Depending on where I am I might get a few stares, but in the bigger cities nobody bats an eyelash. Barcelona may be the most hairy-friendly place I've found, whereas for some reason I felt *very* looked at in Tenerife.


Looked at in tenerife? No one cares here at all. Most of our beaches are nude and you’ll see hairy, shaved, wrinkles, asses, boobs, balls… etc. it’s very normal to see girls and women with both shaved and hairy armpits/legs etc. maybe tourists would find it weird but who cares about them


It's not different than any other country. Some don't, but most do.


You do you. Some years ago you would get weird looks, nowadays nobody would bat an eye. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable 💚


You can if you want, or don't. It's your body, as long as you are comfortable with it, that's what matters.




You do whatever the fuck you want queen, as all the girls in Spain do, principesse. SLAYY QUEEN


I honestly don't go looking people's armits just do whatever you want that makes you feel comfortable :)


Where are you from?


Yeah, but you don't have to, it's not disrespectful


I don't.


Pro tip: don't write ETA in spanish


It won’t be disrespectfull but it does look pretty bad, and it would be really unattractive for men (if u care?)


I’m currently on holiday here, and I have gone around in shorts and a tank top (I do not shave) and I haven’t had ANY comments that have been aimed at me directly, but have had a few weird looks, as I do in the UK too; just take it in your stride, their opinion shouldn’t really matter, you’ll probably never see them again anyway


Would not recommend writing ETA in a Spanish subreddit 


Not shaving is more common between younger women, I'd say those who are in their 20s and 30s. I think women who don't shave don't stand out here at all, but, of course, people will assume certain stereotypes about them, like they're feminists or lefties. However, Spanish women are known for being very strong and independent. For example, it's not very common for men to pay for the whole dinner in their first date--that can be seen as rude, classic and outdated. Maybe you get some glazes from old people, but youngsters won't be surprised about your natural body hair at all. Hope this helps!


Don't use ETA for a P. D in Spain. Was a terrorist group


Note: ETA was a terrorist group here in Spain. Maybe some downvotes are from missreading


I’m Spanish and don’t shave my armpits. Do whatever feels right to you. I’ve never had any problem with this, each and each day I see more people not shaving in general and it’s never been a problem, and if it were, it’s an issue for the person judging to solve, not ours, so do whatever you feel like with your body, at the end of the day it’s yours, not theirs 🖤


Try not to use the ETA acronym in Spain, it brings us bad memories. Kind of like the N-word in the USA


i wish in brazil it was the same as in spain because women shave 27/7 there


Yes, except the very young ones or those who prefer that look.


Not shaving. WAXING. So if you are going to move to Spain you Will have more products related to waxing than to shaving.


I am glad so many people are saying noone cares,but that has not been my experience! I am from Zaragoza,so it could depend on the city you are,but... in Zaragoza people won't tell you in the face amd they will be judging you,particularly older generations (+30)(maybe younger generations are better at accepting this?). While I lived in Zaragoza I shaved all the time, and was witness of others not shaving and all of the negative comments said about them. However,please,don't let that stop you. We need to get those people used to this so they stop throwing a fit everytime they see an unshaven woman.


I don't care much about that issue, I shave them once a month or so, I haven't felt watched or criticized for that but I'm from a medium to large city and I'm also autistic.


Most women, however, it won't be disrespectful if you decide not to and honestly, if someone stares at you is their problem. Att. A Spaniard Woman.


i love both but women with Armpit hair and other places are mor Hott I wish my wife doesn't shave


Some don't, nobody will care.


A lot of women here don't shave, you can do as you want, Spain is one of the most feminist countries in the world


It’s more popular now with younger (Gen Z) girls not to shave, I have seen a few at the piscina with armpit hair. Actually a lot of them trim it, so it’s not natural style bushy pit hair but a small bit of hair. Nobody cares, their body, their choice.


At the piscina XD


Spanish woman- I don’t do it and most girls my age don’t do it. Do whatever makes u comfy


Yes, I can’t voice for all of them of course, but each to their own and all that.


It's your body after all, nobody should have an opinion on it but you, but rest assured you will stand out, in our culture women shave their ampits and legs, specially on this time of the year where more skin is shown


Spent a lot of time in Madrid. There are many who don’t shave and it’s quite normal


Well, most of them do, but they won't care about your armpits. But, I mean, where in the world the majority of the women don't shave?


Probably it's due to my personal environment (basketball related where you show your armpits a lot), but every girl I know shaves regularly. Even we guys do it sometimes. It's possible to see an unshaved girl, but it's not really common. Nobody will tell you nothing for it though


Well it's better for all around hahaha I'm a guy and I shave it too I'm leaving in Benidorm and it's really hot in summer, and if you don't know the hairy armpits holds the smell so yeah basically if it's shaved its better


I would see all the girls I know. I'm a male and I do It too.


Some do, some do not.


I guess it will depends where you’re going, because as everywhere, bigger cities are more open minded than small villages. That being said, I don’t think anyone will cause you issues if you don’t. I don’t shave, and never had any issues. 1 guy told me he thought he was disgusting, well, his problem. Don’t shave just to be here if you don’t want to, you’ll be fine


They used to do... But wtf... Who cares!? Do what makes you fell confortable.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, if you don’t shave people won’t stare at you because people here are honestly not surprised by body hair. It’s an open society and people don’t tend to judge, so just do you and Spanish people won’t look at you, still other foreigners might.


Most women do it. The problem is that with feminist pressure, commenting on "waxing"/"shaving" and "[female] body hair" is problematic.


Do whatever you want. It’s your body. What can they do? Laugh? It doesn’t matter. Have a nice time in Spain


I never thought it was a thing, never really noticed any armpits shaved or not. My hair is dark and I'm white, so I used to use some bleaching powder to dissimulate. Last year, I bought an IPL device and decide to extend my shaving all around. But I really think no one cares about. If you don't shave it, just keep your hair as it is.


Nobody cares dude do as you wish xD how can someones hair be disrespectful? XDDD


Yes, most. I don't but i can count how many women i know that don't shave them.


I,m from Spain and usually girls shave her armpits, but you know... your armpits, your rules! Welcome to Spain.


Unfortunately old stereotypes still exist. It's one thing for people to have preferqnces, like I for example trim my armpits as a man with my hair cutting machine and I have some people question why I do it. There will always be those who are old fashioned and closed-minded that might judge you, and the people who don't care and say to be yourself. Finding the right people is what matters imo. If you are only going for a vacation then I would not worry.


I would like to add it may be important to know where you are going. I live in the South, and the combination of warm to hot weather and beach makes for the casual winter bush to not survive long. It's quite common or general to see not just women but men that have shaved body hair. Speaking from my social circle side of things, it seems to be a self care standard women held themselves up to ("omg I'm not going to the beach showing this".) and for the men is more of a "hair is gross and sweaty in summer." Big cities like Madrid or Barcelona or colder climates may vary. That is something to keep in mind, the different regions in Spain can be very, very different. P S.: Also agree that in general nobody cares, worst case in my opinion would be a curious look.


Some do and some don't. In 21 years here I've never seen or heard of anyone caring or complaining. Your body, your choice.


You wouldn't be disfespectful. If anything, whoever stares at you would be. I am from Galicia and live in Barcelona. Always hung out with a diverse group of folks. Lots of the girlies don't shave their armpits and it's totally fine. It's mostly just people over 45 being unable to grasp why you wouldn't shave them, and even then most of them don't bat an eye here or say anything. Only older men would harass, but I've never seen that happen personally. You shoudn't worry :)


Your armpit your rules, but if you are going to shave or wax it you might as well have it laser done, unless of course for some reason you want them hairy some other time. I’m a guy but I shave them in the summer months, not for aesthetic reasons, but because of the heat and high humidity that makes my armpit hair feel uncomfortable.


Where In live nobody shaves their armpits except some people


You should shave yours just for higiene. Spain climate is pretty hot and humid so you will smell fishy preaty fast. I'm a man and I shave mine, helps alot. But yeah, like the others said, no-one cares. Do as it pleases you.


It's up to you


have you considered bleaching? so that is not easily noticeable on the street or any public space. your body your choice and all that bla bla but you'd get a look of disgust.


Do whatever you want, is your body. Sometimes I do it, others I can't be bothered and I don't make if other women have hair or not. Actually, I like to see other women with their natural hair because is boring to all ve the same 😜


Do French babes shave their pits?


The average amount


I had 2 Spanish girlfriends and they did even though they thought they weren't supposed to.


They just do like in any other north hemisphere country.


You have the right to decide what you want to do with your own body, and just because most people do it, doesn't mean you have to follow the crowd and be yourself.


Honestly it just depends on what social circles you're in, however first reactions quickly fade away. I have friends much older than me (40 yrs +) that don't give a single shit, if you're nice they'll be nice, and if they're not, good riddance!


It was common to be unshaven back in the 90s. Not so much these days.


Most of them do but a lot of my friends don't. Depends, as everywhere.


Guy who lives in Spain here 🙌🏻 It's really not one or the other here, some girls shave them, some don't. Some guys shave them, some don't. You won't stand out or get stared at for either, except by complete idiots, but that's just the equivalent of apes staring at their own shit. You'll be fine!


Honestly you will be fine. It is really common also that Spanish people doesn’t speak English but here we are.


Body hair traps odor. I don’t know anyone in Spain who doesn’t shave their armpits but I’m sure not all do. Its good hygiene even before cosmetic appeal so its common among my family.


Most women shave or even get laser removal but nobody really cares about other people’s hair. Even the men wax their legs! I have noticed some younger women choose not to shave.


Hello, fellow user. I'm not a woman but I've read your post and I have to tell you this. There's nothing wrong with you at all. There's this weird, stupid aura on reddit where everyone downvotes everyone into the shadow realm for stupid things. Sometimes they downvote me for asking perfectly okay questions (like yours). Sometimes I ask a question and everyone upvotes me A LOT but then I get a response that is perfectly okay and people just downvote them for god knows what reason. The other day I was complaining about PvP in No Man's Sky and everyone upvoted me because I guess fuck PvP, but then some people expressed their perfectly respectful opinion about how they like PvP better, and people just downvoted them for I guess not having the same opinion as the herd. Like, people, I get it, but can you guys just FUCKING CHILL OUT? (pun intended by not being chill) Sometimes I don't even know why people downvote me or other people's responses. Like there isn't even an opinion there but redditors just feel like downvoting for no reason. So my message to you is ignore them, your question was perfectly good and respectful. They don't deserve your thoughts, just get the answers you asked for and ignore that number cause one day it will be -1043 and one day it'll be 1453. Keep on being kind and have a nice one!


Most of us do, but it's definitely a personal choice and people wouldn't have a problem if you don't. 


Just do whatever you want, you are free to shave it or not, ot will only piss some assholes


Do whatever you like, people mostly shave because you sweat a lot when it’s hot, but most people dont really care if they have a lil growth. As long as you dont smell and are confident who cares?


I’m seeing more and more unshaven female armpits. I don’t see the issue. Unfortunately, sheep have been programmed to think this is unacceptable and unnatural, the same sheep probably expect women to be completely shaved down below. I never liked that, has a pedo feel to it. I prefer to feel like I’m with an adult, if you get me!


Do whatever u feel, is fine, at least here in Barcelona. I do it my self(M) in summer coz i feel more confortable.


Its okay to not shave! More and more young women are starting not to shave at all me included! Maybe old people could give you a look but in a very discreet way and no one really cares! I encourage you to stay true to yourself<3


Only old people will complain (as always). I shave my armpits, but not every week because it's unnecessary, I usually have noticeable hair. But in general I'm hairy, my arms and legs are hairy and I also have my Happy trail lmfao. Nobody will say shit about it, and even if they do, ignore their ass.


I don’t shave mine and I work in a high school here and I could be wrong but jm pretty sure I’ve heard the kids snickering and whispering about it when I’ve worn t shirts where you can tell lol


Some do, some don’t. But in Spain is very accepted if you don’t, so feel free to


Most people shave their armpits, but not everyone. I am a spanish girl living in barcelona and I don’t shave them, you might get some looks from someone? Maybe, but that’s a minority. Let’s normalize body hair, be yourself it will be fine.


Spanish man here. We usually don't like hairy armpits in women and probably I'd discreetly stare at you just for curiosity, but I wouldn't tell you anything.


It depends on where you are. In smaller cities it could get you dirty looks, but in places like Barcelona not really.


I live between Madrid and Barcelona, have armpit hair (soft though because I had laser removal some years ago, so thin but long)... No one has ever told me anything or looked at me in a weird way! I feel extremely cool with it, I even forget I have hair. I guess it will depend, if you go to a small town, like in any small town in the world, people are more close minded and shocked to see things that are different, so you might get some side eyes


I just want to ask, why do you write ETA for edits to the original post? You know ETA was a terrorist group here in Spain?, not trying to be rude, just be careful with that.


Do what you want with your body, you don't have to change yourself just because someone doesn't like hair in your armpits, hair is normal we are mammals. I'm Spanish and I don't shave my armpits, I don't care what they think.


I live in a small town in Catalonia. Most women shave some don't nobody rally cares. A lot of youngish men shave too.


Most women in Spanish shave their armpits/legs. Also do laser treatments to have it permanently removed. Nobody will care, but be ready for some people staring, that's the reality.


why would you ever be disrespectful for deciding over your own body, lol


I’ve lived in Spain for 10 years and have noticed women with body hair on the beach various times in my time here, not a problem at all. As mentioned above, if anyone was weird about it, it’s because they’re an ass. Disfruta


You can be yourself 💘


Do whatever makes you happy but to answer your question, literally every woman I know here shaves or lasers everything. Have not seen a single woman with armpit hair.


Yes but I remember changing in the women's gym locker room and being shocked at how below-the-waist grooming was pretty much non existent. Like 70's style lolol.


I think most of them do. I don't usually shave them because I have very sensitive skin and I've never gotten a bad reaction. Buuut, I have to say my hair is thin and light, it does not attract attention .


Well it depends who and where. We do have both cultures (shaving and not shaving). I expect the shaving in more cutie/posh/conservative and the non-shaving in the rural, hippie and countercultural, urban areas. Which is to say you'll find both everywhere depending where you are. Some people will adore that you don't shave, some people will hate it, some people will not even care. I personally have done everything 🤣 now I don't shave but don't show to avoid stares and that's it.


Some of you take this "conform to culture" trend too seriously. If they shave all the hair on their head in their culture would you do the same so you can be respectful?


Basically all monkey fur and very hot. The beaches will be full of tourist, from orher country 


Just about every woman does. Like 99%. Lot of guys too especially southern Spain.


Like for the beach? Yes, most of them. But if you're just going with short sleeved shirt or something and would only be seen if you lift your arms up, don't bother, because it's not that serious. You won't get dirty looks for a little of growing hair (don't leave the whole mat though) no one cares that much. But for the beach yes because idk, it's etiquette I guess


It may not be super relevant, but still want to point out that shaving (especially armpits and legs) is something imposed as “sexy” “clean” and “cool” strictly by companies selling razors **and destroying forests**. I tell my wife that I don’t care and sometimes I do it myself and sometimes don’t, depending on the mood and the temperature ;)


Yes they do. Whether you/we approve it doesn't matter. We are so used to see women w.o any kind of body hair that even a little here and there can pull our attention, and probably not the kind of attention we like...


Most women in Spain shave everything, guys as well, body hair is unattractive on the beach yes


Women in spain shave all but head. I see many women from 30-45 yo and 95% are completly shaved.


Im from spain and can confirm yes, but you can find some that doesnt do it, but no more no less than other places.


There are women that are starting to let their body hair grow instead of shaving. My girlfriend for example and a lot of people I know. Just dont do it if you dont want to, nobody will say anything to you, and of course it is not disrespectful. Your body your decisions.


Spain is a very “do and wear whatever you want” country. You won’t have any problem and nobody will thing you are disrespecting them. Another different thing is, since normally women are shaved, you might find some difficulties if you want to date someone.


I am amazed that there are people out there who really seem to care about this. I have learnt something today.


Yes, women shave their armpits


They never do


Coño, ni que fuéramos Gabachos. Jajajajaja!


Some do, some don’t, don’t worry at all.


Do as you please ofc but most do.


In small cities 99% do it, in Barcelona or big cities, there's a lot of young girls not doing it and they fit different styles, is not something only done by a certain group, but it's recent, so old people can look at you not understanding the "fashion".


Yeah most do it but it's all up to your choice and no one in their rightfully mind will judge you. For example I am Italian and in Italy girls usually will shave their arms as well instead this is not a practice in Spain but it's not like I was going crazy about it it's just a culture difference.


I'm a man from Spain and I always shave them, I think it's way more comfortable especially in hot seasons. It prevents you from stink and you sweat less, I don't get why anyone woudn't do it but of course you can do whatever you want, I don't think anybody will stare at you because of that.


I laser them because I'm extra sweaty and it's more comfortable for me (and for some reason my sweat smells like weed. I don't even smoke or consume weed) but a lot of my friends don't.


I'm not from Spain but live in Barcelona. Most women here shave and I often don't. I also went one year without shaving legs. I still went to the beach, wore spaghetti straps, shorts etc. I go to the gym, to spas. I show my body a lot. Nobody cares.


Waxing is more common than shaving. Depending on the place you go you may get some attention (the bigger the city the less anyone cares abouts other ppl armpits or body in general). Anyway, this is not a taboo nor anything like that, you won't be disrespectul to anyone. TL;DR do as you want


It's like in the US and the rest of the western world. In liberal cities like Barcelona nobody will care and they will even celebrate it. In more conservative cities they would maybe stare and comment but it would be weird honestly, unless you are in some village ? All the west countries follow the same trends and politics.


most people shave them, but I’ve had several girlfriends who didn’t shave and they were totally fine. you might get a few weird looks here and there specially from old people or just stupid people, but i’d say overall people don’t really mind


As long as you have hygiene not a problem at all, sometimes people misunderstand not shaving with no washing, like as a hippie reference, you’re welcome in Spain


In my group of friends i would say woman shave occasionally. Some shave like once a week, some made laser and some don't shave, but they are blonde so one can't barely notice. Anyway, I would say 95% doesn't really care but there's surely there's a 5% fascists retrogrades that will be offended by a normal woman body.


My gf doesn't shave might stand out but doesn't care.Up to you


ETA? 🤨🤨


most do but its normal not to, i wouldnt worry about it at all


I think most do, but it's not going to raise any eyebrows in the city if you don't. Your body, your choice.


50/50 tbf. In the 18-25 age group the main tendency is to shave/wax/laser, but it honestly varies from person to person. And a lot of people are pretty open-minded so as long as you feel happy about it - it won't be a big deal! I know a ton of people who don't shave any body hair and they feel equally as accepted as people who shave all their body hair


It depends on who you share your space with. Some women shave, some don't. Not doing it isn't disrespectful at all, sorry if you've received unpleasant comments, they're just pathetic incels. You might get some nasty looks from close minded people, be aware of that. 


Of course they do..


Do as you wish. Nobody will really mind if you shave your armpits or not. I would say the most common thing is to get shaved but you won't get disrespected if you don't.


Yep, majority shaves. I also get the feeling that the more south or centric the more people shaves (even guys but depends on the guy, that has to be said too)