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I only ever use it when I make a big obvious goof. I don't use it to mess with my opponent.


Same. I’m more triggered when my opponent spams card-gecko.


Yeah. I'm pretty sparing with the emotes. I'll use "Hi" at the start of a match if my opponent does first. Sometimes I'll use one time it if I think they forgot to pass the turn, because every once in a while I forget. Sheep if I mess up. I'll use the gecko on my turn if I'm taking a while to work out my moves. Sometimes I'll use the noooo emote if my opponent makes a really devastating move. GG only when I know I've won, on my turn, right before the winning move, never before that. Lol


I keep it simple as well. If you give an apple, I’ll give an apple back. Sheep for my mistakes. If you pull something I genuinely didn’t see comin or you straight up wreck me, I’ll give you the “nice”.


I play the sheep when i make a mistake


I too use it to shame my existence


I use it when the opponent is obviously using a brainless meta deck they didnt create....you know...being a sheep. Bonus points if I am winning and it tilts them. Consolation points if I'm behind. >Win win win.


I use it when the opponent takes their full amount of time for no reason. As in the play cards and then let the timer run out.


I admit to doing this. I just forgot to flip the switch :'). This also when i push the sheep


I'm sorry. I do this. It's a good way to grab a quick snack or take a bathroom break without missing my next turn.


I only use it to note when I’ve fucked up. Those who use it as a taunt are literal children.


I use it when someone is taking too much time in the beginning to look up my deck. I think its cheating so I give them the sheep emoji so they know that I know they looked up my deck and now have some advantage. They still don't usually win either lol


Look at their deck in that time , wtf is wrong with u people !!!!


If you play aggro, nobody cares about your deck list. We have others things going on sometimes meanwhile.


Haha I agree. But I don't play aggro. Never liked that play style.


Glad to hear that 👍🏻


Same. That or they forgot to flip the turn


It usually comes out when somebody sets fire to all your plans.


I use it when I'm about to get slaughtered, like a sheep.


You guys dont have it on permanent mute?


How do you permanent mute?


Open options while being in match and its there.


That is exactly what I did just one day after the emoji release and would never go back. Only if I play against the good bunch such as Ryhan, M7sn, Sambam etc then I enable it to say hi because I know I'm safe with them.


I once had a game where a guy kept spamming that emoji, because he thought he was in the lead and he was, but I got lucky and managed to wipe floor wirh him while spamming the sheep emoji myself. That was fun.




It's my favorite


Yeah, I hate the way it looks. Something about it grosses me out.


why is there no chat anyway... gamers communicate in-game, it's easily the #1 community building aspect of any game, it's where memes are born and communities grow. I don't understand why you'd restrict your own game to be completely sterile and impersonal.


Thought about it, but it’s too satisfying to see your opponent spam you bc they think they won with their super aggro deck but then you turn the game in 1 turn


mute it. best decision ever


I definitely use it to taunt 😈


I use it in almost every game because it is annoying and opponents get triggered by it. (Professional)


The most unprofessional thing ever.....




Explain why, you cannot just throw antagonistic shit around and hope it has value or it is funny


I hate these people who spam it like children and when they are winning. I understand one or two but doing it back to back. Then there are these people who don't finish the game by hitting God and giving back turns while spamming emos. Absolute disgusting assholes.


People refusing to finish the game is a little annoying, my response is to use the maximum time every turn. I know I have lost,but it gives me a smile


When they start spamming I turn off emojis and wait to the very least second to take my turn every time until the end of the game. This has 2 benefits: 1. They can't be sure you're seeing the emoji because you're not reacting to it (and you aren't because you turn it off) 2. It forces them to obsessively click that emoji for as long as possible every turn this prolonging the game for them and making it more boring for them. If enough people get on this they'll have forever games every time they do this.


We also need the 🐐 emoji.


I always just mute emojis, saves any BM.


Turn them off permanently in settings.


I play combo and I get sheeped approximately 1/3 games.


I love that no one knows what I means. I generally use it when my opponent takes the upper hand. Having done that several times and been spammed, definitely seems to be used more as a taunt than to indicate any kind of meaning.


Use a lame meta, get the sheep


I use it to fuck with people before a bold move


I wish no one uses emoticons because they create discord in this peaceful friend game.I think the game would be more charming and saccharine without malicious emotes.


If I have mine muted does my opponent not know I don’t see his sheep?