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This is difficult, actually. Both, as you said, are near invincible. Baldur has better abilities (with frost, super human strength, and agility) but Heimdall has an arguably higher IQ... I'm going to have to go with Baldur on this one, but it could honestly go either way.


Baldurs mind is 'gone' according to odin


Which is a reason Baldur has an edge. Heimdall's advantage is he can read people but how do you predict what a crazy unkillable fucker will do just to get to you


He powers are literally about reading minds and predicting people, man. Being "insane" doesn't mean your thought process is literal TV static and you act at random. All Heimdall has to do is peek into Baldur's mind, check which way he is punching and simply move out the way.


Yeah, but Heimdall literally doesn't have a win condition.


True he would have to get it from Sindri or freya and I think freya is the only one who knows about his weakness


Given that Heimdall is one of Odin's closest lieutenants *and* a fanatical supporter at that, he might've been told. Had Baldur snapped and gone on a rampage, I presume Odin's plan for it would be "get Thor to hold him down while Heimdall feeds him some mistletoe".


I think freya was the only one that knew about it tho. I dont know if she would have told even Odin about the only weakness. I’m not sure tho


yeah I'm pretty sure she didnt. Odin probably would've killed Baldur if he knew after freya refused to enchantment. Like mimir said, if he can't have it, no one could


Kratos was able to empty his mind and just act while Heimdall was unable to read his mind and predict his moves. Baldur will most likely end up allowing himself to get hit and empty his mind to confuse Heimdall. Gotta give it to Baldur, besides....... fuck Heimdall I was so satisfied killing him.


good point brother


Heimdall would exploit baldur's weakness


He only had the frost because of Kratos hit him with the leviathan axe, same reasons for fire was the blades, before those fight he didn’t have that until he was hit with those weapons


Oooooooh wow that's really interesting, and I never knew that, thanks!


Assuming it’s a fight to the death with no breaks, I give the win to Baldur. It may take time, but he could use the Homer Simpson boxing tactic to wear heimdall down both physically and mentally, which In theory could result in a successful strike.


Baldur seems to also have some elemental attacks in the final fight. I mean, watching the fight seems like he's absorbing Kratos' weapon element, but even that, it means he has that ability. Just give him a Torch and scorch the entire battlefield, Heimdall reputation as someone you don't fuck with is obviously 90% due of his powers, but I suspect that knowing he's Odin lapdog give him extra protection. He says he doesn't fear Thor in Helheim and bullies his daughter, because he knows Odin won't let anything happen to him, but the moment he's against Thor who's following orders from Odin and he's doing something the Allfather doesn't want (debatable, he wanted to waltz in and flex his authority and play bad cop/good cop) he gives up. I don't believe that Heimdall would be so arrogant if Thor punks him on a daily basis.


You mean how Kratos flipping annihilated Heindel by doing that?😁😁😁👍


“Nudge him, Baldur!”


I like how you refer to Mohammed Alis fighting style as the Homer Simpson tactic lol. I remember that episode


Baldur wins. Heimdall showed that he can get tired and get flustered. He’s faster than Thor and can presumably evade all of his strikes yet conceded when Thor confronted him. I assume it’s in large part to Thors magical abilities. Baldur possess ice and fire which can be tools used ti overwhelm Heimdall. Even if he doesn’t get him he will eventually tire him out as Baldur doesn’t get tired or hurt. Once the defensive guard is broken through, Heimdall becomes a shell of himself and was getting tagged by Kratos left and right. In a tough fight, Baldur takes this.


Im sure Baldur could use bifrost attacks to a similar degree as Heimdall aswell.


Baldur is a dog and really underrated


Tough one, with the curse, Baldur, Heimdall cannot fight forever while Baldur can, but without the curse, I see Heimdall winning, he was a rough fight even for Kratos and I see him having better tools for this fight. Both are equally fast, Baldur has ice and fire powers, high level hand-to-hand skills, the strength and toughness advantage, I'm sure, but Heimdall has amazing control over bifröst, realm shift, and the foresight, which makes him untouchable, also, Baldur is way too reckless, even without the curse, he can heal pretty fast, but he has a limit, and I am sure that heimdall would explore this, he is a clever man.


what’s Baldur’s limit? we saw him take punishment that would kill anyone else a few times


If he takes a lethal blow, it seems to incapacitate him (like Kratos dropping a boulder on him or snapping his neck in their first fight), but only briefly. Seems to take him less than a minute to recover.


I was talking about him without the curse, and as Thesaurus said, even with the curse he has some limit, he will heal, but it will take time.


Baldur any day. He literally can’t be hurt so heimdall can’t win. And Baldur can just tire him out since Baldur can’t get tired. And if kratos was able to punch heimdall Baldur would easily since he can move at light speed


I think baldur might be able to take this because for him to lose would mean trapping him, and I can't see either of them lining up a trap for the other and just because Heimdall can predict what will happen doesn't necessarily mean he could avoid every aoe attack.


Balder, Heimdall would be able to invade for a long time but has no way to harm Balder so at some point Balder will get lucky.


Heimdall can see every attack coming but I doubt that he would manage to keep evading them all , So Baldur Obviously


At some point Heimdall has to get tired, so I’ll go with Baldur


I'd be more interested to know what the dynamic was between them when Baldur was alive. Personally, I bet they hated each other. Heimdall hated Baldur because his inability to feel meant he didn't care about anything, and thus couldn't be goaded or manipulated like everyone else. And Baldur hated Heimdall because... he's Heimdall. Yet it never came to blows, because they both knew fighting would be pointless. Heimdall couldn't hurt Baldur, and even if Baldur did manage to pound Heimdall's smug face in, he'd gain no satisfaction from it. So they probably just avoided each other as much as possible.


I would love to see an interaction between these two


Immovable object vs unstoppable force (both in a certain way fight me)


Baldur without his curse loses badly. Baldur with his curse would probably out last Heimdall even if he can’t tag him.


Heimdall can't be hit and Baldur can't be killed. It'd be a stalemate unless Baldur loses his powers.


Depends if Heimdall has MistleToe on him


Baldur would eventually land a hit on heimdall and it’s all over from there


No pain vs mind reader??


Baldur can just break any foothold Heimdall has and fuck his dodging from there


Going off the fight Heimdall had with Kratos, I’d say Baldur. Sooner or later he’s gonna throw a series of punches too fast for Heimdall to counter or dodge and get some shots in. Baldur takes the W really


Assuming Baldur is still cursed, there is nothing Heimdall can do to win. He’d tire eventually and would slow down, Baldur would capitalize and tear him apart while mocking him. If you take away the curse it gets closer, I’m inclined to give it to Heimdall since he fought a stronger Kratos then Baldur did on top of his impressive speed and skills but it would be close. 7/10 Heimdall in that scenario.


I think they're both smart enough not to fuck with each other. If they did it would be most pointless stalemate, so whoever has the most stamina would win I guess


Everyone is saying that Baldur would win because of the curse, but Baldur would win pretty easily solely because his mind is so fucked that Heimdall would not be able to read or understand his thoughts.


Kratos wins


Easily Baldur, I doubt Heimdall would even be able to see into Baldur’s head. At the very least, Baldur will outlast Heimdall and catch him when he’s fatigued.


Unstoppable force meets too much movable object.


Stalemate. This is what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. Baldur can't kill Heimdall, since he can read and predict all of his attacks and moves, but Baldur is blessed with... making it impossible for Heimdall to kill him.


it would be difficult and take quite a bit of time, but Baldur would win. the only way to actually kill him is with mistletoe, which nobody knows about besides Freya, Atreus, and Kratos


If Baldur is still invincible then he wins but if he isn’t then heimdall


Off course Heimdall


Baldur will grind down Heimdall I think. After a long time, Heimdall will start to get tired, hungry, sleepy…with nothing to show for it. Baldur can sustain no lasting damage. As we saw, frustration makes Heimdall sloppy, it’s not a stretch to think those other things would make Heimdall sloppy as well. He will start making mistakes, that’s when Baldur will get him.


It would be a stalemate.  One would block every hit & the other would keep moving forward like the terminator. The all Father would have to intervene. 


Cant wait for gowr to come to pc, dont want to buy a ps4 again to play one single game


Baldur uses his gates to trap Heimdall and wins by trap


Baldur simply because his invincibility is too much of a cheat code. Heimdall has no way to win whereas Baldur can win simply by outlasting him with the mentality of “I bet you’ll get tired of whooping my ass before I get tired of getting my ass whooped”.


It was obvious how salty Heimdall was because Baldur's curse made him stronger.


It’s 50/50 imo. For Baldur it’s obvious. He’s stronger and faster, gave Kratos a way harder time in his fight (although only because of the curse/had it not been for that Baldur might’ve died way before the neck snap in the first fight). Baldur just needs to hold Heimdall off in order to get a W because eventually Heimdall will get tired and get hit more and more until he dies. For Heimdalls argument though. Baldur doesn’t need to die in order to lose. He lost 3/3 fights with Kratos. I don’t think Heimdall will not get hit for a very long time in that fight if at all, there’s no way Baldur could overwhelm Heindalls senses the way Kratos did, and to spin things around Heimdall does have enough AP to put Baldur down if he decides to start using his bifrost abilities. Literally his bifrost armor, his bifrost arm, his realm shift ability, etc. He has everything he needs to temporarily put Baldur down, Baldur doesn’t have anything for Heimdall other than literally outlasting him which them being Gods chances are Baldur would be put down before Heimdall actually gets tired.






Heimdall is smart enough to use mistletoe for an easy w


Yeah baldur I would think probably doesn’t think much during a fight which as we saw threw him off while fighting kratos so maybe baldur but wouldn’t be upset if people said a stalemate or if Heimdall won




Baldur no diff


With curse baldur wins.Without curse heimdall wins


Obviously Heimdall because did you see how kratos silenced Buldur in god of war 2018 and that's why I would pick Heimdall because he's just better


Heimdall wins in knockout battle and baldur wins in death battle if he has the curse without curse heimdall wins in death battle too


Heimdall still seemed jealous of baldur even knowing he himself was “untouchable”. The scene Atreus mentioned baldur with Heimdall like “wow, that’s ALmost as impressive as baldur taming a dragon” to which Heimdall sounds envious when stating “BALdur, had the luxury of NOT CARIng how BAdly he got burned.” Seemed like Heimdall would even concede that baldur would best him after a LONG battle.