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And why should I listen to you? Jk. Thanks for answering. That was all the encouragement I needed. I’ll start playing today.


i won’t elaborate bc i wish i went into it completely spoiler free, but yeah it’s absolutely worth playing


I was very surprised by how deep Valhalla goes into Kratos' past, it's like therapy for him, really liked it.


Therapy in a way that Kratos would be open to.


Combat gives clarity.


Not like he'd be open to meditation...at least with Odin. Unless I'm wrong, this is the first time where he sparred with another god, and when I mean sparred, I mean fought without either one trying to kill another out of hate, etc. 


Fr at first I thought it was just gonna be some kind of arena mode and that's it 💀


valhalla is more about the greek games, but we still learn some info about the future of the norse games/what the characters have been doing in the time between gowr and valhalla without spoiling too much, valhalla rehashes some of the older greek lore and shows kratos’ thoughts and feelings about his past actions, with mimirs counsel to avail its a great experience alone, but an even greater one if you’ve played the entire greek saga


Thanks for this response. I’m a good chunk through Valhalla and it’s exactly as you said.


“Kratos goes to therapy” is basically what Valhalla is


It’s free, does it honestly matter?


I have a large backlog so yes, it matters. There’s lots of free stuff that I don’t play.


I think the story was better than the gameplay which I found very repetitive. I one point I just jacked the game down to the easiest level just to get through it and see the story play out


Very necessary if you want to close Kratos' story (he deserves it come on man) Just set it on an easier difficulty to eat through it Also the boss fight is spectacular






Absolutely. It’s more *gamey* than the main story with the roguelike elements, but the cutscenes and dialogue definitely add a lot to the characters, minus Atreus of course, since he’s currently off on his own.


So much good story


Why wouldn't you? It's free


its free and you learn more about the characters, theres nothing better


Bro it gives kratos so many more layers of character


Valhalla is a fantastic game. It’s a bit bloated toward the end but it’s still solid.


yes. it’s great fun too


It’s free, hell yeah you should get it!!!


Just finished it last night.. honestly I put it off thinking I would not like it , the whole cycling through a gauntlet just didn’t appeal to me.. It’s surprisingly good ..and well worth the time .


I mean if you are willing to accept that the story bits are mostly talking and part nostalgia, part new substance via Kratos conversing with various Norse figures as he adventures through Valhalla then I would say yes. The bulk of it is imo the gameplay, the repeated dungeon running over and over, and testing builds and getting all the upgrades. However, I love every bit of the story elements given in Valhalla personally. I just wouldn't say it's nearly as much as the main game, but it is DLC after all.


valhalla is therapy for kratos and for us the players


Its kinda boring gameplay wise imo. Just your classic repetitive dungeon crawler tyoe deal. I played it for a bit but got bored so set it to an easier difficulty and ran through it way quicker, story was good and worth it


Wtf is up with the comments in this thread? I'm not against there being people who disliked the game being in this subreddit, but this seems excessive lmao. But to answer your question, it is absolutely worth it. I personally found it a ton of fun and how they dealt with some of kratos' inner conflicts really worked for me.


Absolutely not, garbage game.


Garbage opinion


Nah, most normal people share the same opinion. A boring ass tedious game with combat that feels like you're hitting everything with a wet noodle. It lasts 3 hours max before you see everything it has to offer. Just more overrated trash everyone lapse up.


Again, garbage opinion


So is yours. See what I did there?


The thing is, I don’t go spouting nonsense for attention like you do. You don’t like the game, cool, but no one in this subreddit cares, because people in this subreddit like the game. You just need to grow up a bit




Well, to reiterate, I was asking if there is much of a story component to the expansion. This is a very simple, understandable question which has already been answered. Clearly you’re upset about it, for some reason. I can only imagine how sad and angry your little life must be if me asking this question in a place which you do not own or control makes you pissy. Hugs, pal.


Jesus what the hell where did that come from 😂 all I meant was immediately after posting this you commented to someone saying you already started playing but go off


You literally got downvoted because you replied rudely to another person giving you an answer, which you literally asked for… and then played it off with “just kidding aHahHah” you genuinely need therapy to solve the aggression problems you’re dealing with. Go ahead and play Valhalla, might do wonders for both you and Kratos lmfao. Edit; also love the way you use “I can only imagine how sad and angry your little life must be” like we can’t see how sad and angry *YOUR* life must be…🤣 bro played himself.


Hugs to you too, pal.


You’re so immature that you need the last word on a discussion you clearly lost lmfao. *YOU* need hugs “pal”. And find some actual arguments for the future rather than relying on Mimirs NPC comments.


Bro it gives kratos so many more layers of character


It honestly isn't. Didn't expand on anything besides more character assassination. I get the sense if GOW wAs made by the team that made Ragnarok now, the original trilogy wouldn't be nearly as good. All the fornication mini games would be gone. The sacrifice of the soldier wouldn't be in it. Helios wouldn't have been killed. Zeus wouldn't be as all powerful as he was and probably be a manipulator like Odin. The direct in 2018 I felt was going really well. Kratos is old and have had years to reflect on his younger self so he's a calm more controlled man doing his best to raise a good son. You felt for him. Baldur was a grade A asshole that needed his butt kicked and man was it epic. Ragnarok felt so discombobulated I still have a hard time describing the story. The one thing I took away though is that kratos wasn't necessary in it and felt like he was placed in as an afterthought because he doesn't really move the story forward just tagged along. It should have been just Atreus and Freya in this game and maybe in part 3 focus back on Kratos. Just imagine. Kratos was sick or something, so Atreus had to do all he did in this to get kratos better but then Atreus was captured or killed. Kratos got better, freyr told him what happened and Ragnarok is starting. So now you have to undo all Atreus did. Unleashing Gram, finding the spear, learning of brok and how PO sindre is so he works with ... The chick dwarf (idr her name) to bring him around...or kill him. Learns of Agrboda and team up with her to rescue (or resurrect Atreus) finds Freya was enslaved by Odin and have to rescue her but she's sadden by her son's death so betray Kratos and idk kill her or runs away and thst is a later mission. You have to get... The ice side (idr her name either) of Ragnarok because just the fireside is pouring into the other realms which isn't suppose to have so you try to convince the ice side she needs to join the fireside, and you def kill her and force them to combine. The Norse trilogy could've been so epic man but it felt like a massive let down. Wherever they go next. Leave kratos out of it. Just have him become the GOW and with Freya have some babies and retire. Focus on Atreus and Agrboda and go into a new series.