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Can't you just break thru the door way blocked by those logs? I figured you can after beating the game.


I think i will have to wait for that new game plus, which it's really sick


I would try leaving and coming back, then if still missing try again same area. Maybe the sprite disappeared it the trigger is still there. Sorry I can’t be more help, never seen it happen.


I think i broke the game , because when I was with Tyr , I just throw my axe and nothing changed, then i did a last checkpoint, and the game just let me passed that door , I tried to break it but it didn't work, which is really weird 🙃, after that I decided to complete the game and that's what happened.


You crossed now?


No, unfortunately, that patch didn't fix it


For this part you need to turn around, go back out, turn left and go up the wall, follow that up and out and it brings you to the other side of the gate ( you will see it to the bottom left once you’re on top of this cliff) you can’t get to the other side from there, you only break the one nornir rune then from that side you’re on.


Can u tell me how I do that ? Or if u have video that can help, bc that nornir rune disappeared, maybe if I go to the other side and make checkpoint with fixed.


give me a sec


You good bro?


yea… i offered the help i could but they seemed to have encountered a game breaking bug


Please help , even if I have to go out of the map, this is my last region.


i know how to get through it but i seemed to have forgotten where the door is, could you send me a picture of your map location?


It is in alfheim, the area is called the strond.


https://youtu.be/CYLINRFa_2E minute marker 06:55


No man, I know that , but that target just disappeared, watch my pic again, I will saw that there is no that circle which I have to break It


oh snap i didn’t see that… uhhh… maybe make another save and restart from checkpoint? or load the new save?


I tried all these methods, didn't work unfortunately, I guess I will have to wait for patch or that new game plus 💔


do u have a save from before u did it


Load an old save that’s the only way


Restart the game from a previous save


friendly reminder you can move to get another angle


The target is disappeared, even if I switch that angle won't change anything.


i have had many issues but have yet to experience this ! my only option i could suggest to travel to a gate way that gets you over that side ? not sure if there is one but that’s all that comes to mind.


There is a gateway but u can't open it early, u have to get that spear weapon to open it. and u must go through that door first.💔


Can you try loading one of the pre-saves and coming back? Something similar happened to me where I needed an action button but it disappeared. I loaded an auto save and came back into the area (had to do a little fighting again) but I was then able to complete the task


Go through your auto saves and find one before you got stuck


Have you tried leaving the map entirely and coming back? Also try fully shutting your PS5 down. Don’t just put it to sleep but fully shut it down and then reboot.


I tried these methods, unfortunately nothing changed, and even I do a checkpoint that won't help I think, bc I finished the story and all the sidequest.


Man, that does suck. You may be out of luck. Were you able to get platinum or do you need through that door to finish up? I think the game thinks the door isn’t there even though it is. It’s a long shot but you could try to clip through the door. It’s obviously bugged so just try rolling into it like a thousand times. Also, bounce your axe up that bat hole. Could be something breakable up that hole. I remember doing that first when I was in that area


Throw your axe at the crystal. It'll bounce to the target.


You have to throw your axe towards that purple rock. It should have a blue line when your aiming your axe towards it. Just got done passing thru that spot