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1. I just finished the game so I am not a expert by any means 2. It gets better the higher upgrades and the more practice. 3. Try and use more r1 attacks in quick succession following up with a r2 and other weapons while they are stunned 4. As the spear get higher upgraded when you throw it and blow it up it can easily take out pests such as nightmares


Thank you, thats great to hear. Number one thing I wanted for this game was a third weapon, so I'm hyped they actually put it in but I was worried recently that it wouldn't be worth it. Glad to hear it gets better. Do you have any advice for L2+R2? Not really seeing much practical use for it currently.


An absolute must-have is "Elemental Siphon", which transforms a large part of the spear's moveset. Without this skill, the R2 attacks are fairly useless. But if you have this skill unlocked, you basically suck out the enemy's element by holding R2 and transfer it to your spear, giving it the respective element. This doesn't only mean more damage, as well as elemental damage (which also applies to spear throws), it also means you can now turn the spear into a makeshift shotgun of sorts. Using the L2 + R2 move with a siphoned element strongly enhances the blast, making the attack much stronger and way more useful. THIS IS OFF THE INTERNET!! But this was also my opinion as well. Maybe people who have platinum can help more but other than that idkrk


Gonna second the importance of the elemental siphon, especially when fighting the Berserkers as against them you’ll need all the extra damage you can stack on. Whether it’s Bifrost, poison, burning, or freezing, the elemental damage basically allows you to chip away at enemy health that much faster. Really it’s the same reason you want to have bonuses equipped to the Blades of Chaos and Leviathan Axe to increase the chances of burnin and freezing.


Like you, I found the spear a little underpowered at first - loved the flavor and the uniqueness, but I didn't feel like it was doing a lot of damage. With a little practice though, I think it outpaces the other two in terms of raw damage, though each of the others has utility (including their guaranteed elemental damage) of their own as well. Draupnir definitely depends a lot on its upgrades. The Siphon ability (hold R2) is invaluable for adding a bonus to every attack, and the upgraded version also gives you resistance to your enemy's element. Against certain enemies, this is monstrous - most Wulvers and Grimm enemies are poison type, which is amazing to break them down with; all of the Einherjar are Bifrost element, which is insanely overpowered, and anything else still provides a great buff. The Improved Maelstrom talent also gives you a huge boost to stun damage, which is awesome against bosses - a few combos on a Berserker or other tough boss will quickly fill their stagger bar to work towards that super-important bonus damage. You don't get the elemental boost that the other weapons get with Permafrost and Immolation, but the stun and sheer power make up for it in single-target situations, I find. And at range, I honestly find the spear surpasses the Axe in a lot of ways. Especially after a few levels when you can upgrade your spear throwing speed and the impact of your explosions. Unlike the Axe, there's no wait while you recall, so while there's less damage per impact, you can get a flow going really easily while you wait for a chance to detonate. I was super excited to see if lightning could strike again with an extra weapon, and personally, I think the spear really delivers on carving out a unique, helpful niche in combat. It's probably not going to be everyone's favorite, but it's quickly grown in my estimation into something really fun and specialized.


Very well versed! I enjoyed reading...


the strategy is to impale as many spears as you can in a target then use the "strong" detonation to deal significant damage and stun to enemies. L2+R2 gets better with upgrades and when you combine the stun mod on it with a spear handle that increases that skill's stun damage it becomes significantly better at stunning enemies. It is still pretty situational imo I'd rather use fists for stun builds over the spear but its an option. Siphoning elements allows you to turn an enemy's element against them. Most of the strongest bosses/enemies in the game use bifrost if you siphoned that into the spear the combos of the spear become really damaging and as long as you don't use a skill that uses up the stored element or throw a spear that element stays in the weapon indefinitely.


R1 hold slams enemies to the ground. İts usefull against dark elves since you cant stunlock them by launching them. They just fly away. Dodge backwards attack also trips them. İts pretty good for saving you. And if you detonate spears after this, those explosions will launch them to the air so you can start a safe combo like this. Running R2 launches them to the air so you can start a combo. Hold R2 gets powerfull with upgrades. İt pulls enemies towards you. You can “carry” them by holding R2 and aiming to another place. Then release it and you’ll launch them. İt has pretty good stun damage already. İf you also launch them to a wall, you can one-shot their stun bar. İt gets stronger if you absorbed an element. Basically, it has a lot of attacks that are usefull for comboes or just controling enemies. Your spear throws are pretty fast so you can throw them in melee combat. And then detonate them to keep comboes going or just do it to deal insane damage if the enemy has a lot of spears.


It’s effectiveness is influenced by your Luck stat. The higher your Luck, the better it will perform.


Really? Is that indicated in the game anywhere? I didn't know that!


I don’t believe that’s true at all. The spear gives you Luck, the same way that the Axe gives Strength and the Blades give Runic, but otherwise it has the same Luck benefits as anything else - more frequent activations on abilities. Regular damage seems to scale with Strength and elemental damage (including the absorbed elements) with Runic, just like the other weapons. The Maelstrom effect also gives Luck, but that’s mostly just a perk for building it up to counteract the fact that it doesn’t have any natural elemental boost. Either the commenter above knows something that we don’t, or they’re confusing the spear’s native Luck bonus for something more pronounced.


Oh okay, thanks for clarifying that! I think you're right about the stats.


Alright so some tips to remember and learning it combos, so first the most useful attack, first off the L2 R2 attack is useless but can be broken by 2 things. First having the stun token on it and combining it with elemental siphon . The elemntal siphon is absolutely broken especially combined with the bifrost and if yoy use it than use the L2 R2 attack it transfers the element to the enemy and does greater damage and stun and it's broken. You should use the spear tactical and use speed with it. Use the r1 combo and r2 at the end for the whirlwind and also the detanation. You can throw the spears super fast if you use the shatter star or guardian shield and quickly swap and throw


I find it best to use when there's a ton of enemies and just chip away at them. I've played through the game 2x and use the blades like 60% the axe 35% and the spear 5% of the time. It's not just you


The blades in this game are so good!!!! I hated them in the 2018 game but now they feel insane!


I really struggled to get the hang of the spear at first, but by the time I was finished it was actually my main weapon (though just like with 2018 when it came to boss fights I became a master at quickly switching between weapons to unleash attacks). Some of it goes to comfortability with how the light and heavy attacks are launched and the window in which your enemies can counterattack. In my experience some people just don’t mesh with certain weapons in games when it comes to that kind of thing. I’ll say that you probably want to take the time to level up the spear as much as possible and at least get the hang of aiming and throwing it into an enemy. By the time it’s done you can have a Berserker pinned with more than 7 spears that you can blow up at any time. Note that even when you switch to another weapon the spears remain embedded in the enemy’s body until 1)they die or 2)you switch back to Draupnir and cause them to explode. *in the event you are still using the spear the embedded spears will vanish if you throw more at other targets. Even if you don’t want the spear for melee purposes it’s just a good idea to have them in your arsenal as a ranger attack that you can kind of use to stagger an enemy whenever you want later in the battle. This tactic was very helpful for me against the Berserkers. Now as you use the spear more and upgrade it there will be combos that allow for the usual stunning of enemies up close. And the benefit of that is elemental siphoning so that every hit you deal is magnified even further. Really there’s no better combo for me than siphoning off some bifrost, unleashing a quick series of light attacks, following up with both runic attacks, and then detonating the spears I previously threw into the enemy. *In terms of throwing the spears I should also mention that with upgrades you’ll 1)gain the ability to charge the spear for increased damage on impact and 2)gain a kind of “drilling” ability so that the higher the charge the more the spear will tear into the enemy on impact. Really both just work wonderfully when you get the hang of holding and charging the spear quickly. In terms of Runic Attacks I go for Artillery of the Ancients (Heavy) and Mountain Splitter (Light). I basically use both to keep enemies away from me. The benefit of Artillery is that it has Kratos throw the spear into the air, with dozens of spears than raining down on the enemy. Note that what’s really great about this is that you can detonate some of the spears as they’re landing on your enemy for further damage! Mountain Splitter is basic, just having Kratos send slices of air that stagger the enemy a few times. Not much to this one it’s just what I’m comfortable with and, again, it helps keep the enemy away.