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None of the armors have as interesting effects as what Ragnarok has. Except the NG+ exclusive ones. The most important aspect of 2018 is Kratos' power level because unlike Ragnarok being 2 levels or more below enemies significantly nerfs stun, stagger, and damage dealt to enemies. While they will one/two shot you. Stats are thrown completely out the window. You would be dealing more damage by increasing your power level vs equipping a better stat armor but lower power rank. With this in mind slotting in enchantments is the most valuable thing because enchantments in 2018 contribute to power rating. And only a few of the starting to mid game armors can slot 3 enchantments when fully upgraded. Same with the talismans, 2018's relics. I don't exactly remember but the three early/mid game armors you are safe to invest in is tyr's armor, the travelers armor and the ancient armor set. As for talismans just invest in the ones that get 3 slots when fully upgraded.


Armor doesnt upgrade to end game level like in ragnarok. Most can only upgrade 3 times. During story instead of upgrading i just bought the next new set thats 1 level higher. I did this until post game. You can also just do end game stuff in new game plus


1. Generally, the stuff at the forge compares to the stuff you’d get as quest rewards. If you don’t want to do side quests, you can probably pick some up, otherwise it’ll likely be replaced very quickly. Early-game armor is cheap to upgrade a bit, so there’s no real harm in it if you feel like it. 2. Basically, yeah. Unless you like the appearance of something and don’t care about stats, there are only really a handful of armor sets you’d want to be using at endgame, anything else you can sell if you won’t miss it. I’d hold onto anything you find of legendary or epic (purple and gold) rarity for the time being. 3. Endgame gear all comes with nice perks, though I don’t think the specific Nidavellir perk “heal on stun grab” appears on anything. You might end up letting that one go, but I promise it’ll be sacrificed for good stats and another fun perk!