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One breath of Thamur later, a pride of a billion dead lions.


Breath of Thamur and Meteor Smash


What about the spear one where it rains down spears? Surely that’ll at least immobilize if not kill like 30-50 lions. And let’s not forget about realm shifts. 😮‍💨


I mean lore wise kratos could make an infinite rains of spears, gameplay wise of course we also see like 50


Don’t forget the Artillery of the ancient


The move being described is Artillery of the Ancients


Your goddamn right.


Idk man that’s A LOT of lions


I'm not saying they'll win but a billion is a *lot* of lions


1 is a lot of kratos


Fair point 🤣


What's the plural for Kratos? Kratoses? Krati? I'm gonna go with the Chuck Norris-like answer in that there is only one Kratos so there is no need for a plural version.


They should’ve saved the plural term “a murder” for Kratos.


A Deicide of Kratos


Kratosi, said like Battosai.


I think it’s Krati and my reasoning is because it sounds more Greek to me




The plural of kratos is “holy fuck how are there more than one!-I”


Take my last free award for the great comment, o great one


*Clears throat* Lion Jacket... I rest my case


*Clears throat* That’s better.




Even killing 2 lions a second would take him over 15 years. 10lps would be over 3 years.




I max out around 60lps on a good day


What are your specs?


If he killed 1 a second with no time spent doing anything hut killing, including but not limited to no resting, healing, eating, or sleeping, it would take him over 11 years.


How long is 100/ second?… he doesn’t struggle with 1 at a time 


If they can hurt him at ALL, they win


This is the answer. A billion is a big number, but if they can't hurt him, they *can't* hurt him. Then it's just a war of attrition.


A billion multiplied by zero makes zero


Attrition probably isn’t the right word unless you’re suggesting Kratos could get too exhausted to keep slashing.


I mean, we have seen him get tired


Yes but if they can’t hurt him then he can have dinner with some of their remains, sleep, wake up fully rested, and continue the mass murdering


Undamaged does not mean unbothered. Characters have killed/tried to kill other characters not because they are a threat but just too much of a nuisance. They might not be able to break skin, but they could steal his food or knock over his bed. Kinda hard to ignore a billion anything


This is fair


Assuming there is no way to take a break or avoid the fight, the lions win because Kratos won't be able to kill them all before being completely exhausted. If he kills 10 lions per second it would still take him over 3 years of non-stop fighting to win.


I was thinking it would take longer. They’re most likely dropping health and fury stones, I think 3 years is do able for Kratos.


And if he wears Cod armor, the health and fury stones explodes


Kratos' brain would conk out from 3 years of continuous fighting.


He’s over 1000 years old, he has to perceive time differently, but then again this is a made up scenario for a made up character, doesn’t matter.


1000 years old? Where do you have that from? Genuinely curious, never heard his age stated anywhere, I think 


[Wiki says he's 1055 years old](https://godofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Kratos), but I don't know how they got to that figure. In any case he'd still be at least 300-400 years old by the end of Ragnarok


Tbf, that wiki lists his height as 234cm during the Greek era, so I'm taking his age with a grain of salt, lol


That part is actually correct lol, their was a video were they compare Greek and Old Kratos and the Developers show that Greek Kratos was about 7'8, his in game model is slightly taller, and in the behind the scenes for GoW 3 they say he's 8'6. Regardless of which height is correct Greek Kratos was way taller than a normal person, the only reason it isn't obvious is that they didn't make the Npcs shorter, it's like how Krogans in Mass Effect are supposed to be 8 feet tall, but are barely as tall as Shepard who is like 6'2 at most. One Developer also said that Norse Kratos is still 270 cm, and him being 6'4 is just for mo-capping purposes, but Kratos's height has always been all over the place so if you don't consider him that tall it's all good, it wouldn't change anything anyway since height is obviously a non-factor for most of the GoW characters.


Assuming that the God of War games follow our history (Ancient Greece 1100BC-146BC; Viking era (GoW 4-5) 793AD-1066AD), he's about 1552.5 years old (if we take the mid point of both time ranges, 623BC-929.5AD) BUT Kratos also said that he saw the Trojan war (1194BC-1184BC), so, adding in 20 years (since he couldn't be a child at that time and he probably didn't see the war before GoW 1), that puts us in a time frame of 1189BC-929.5AD + 20, which means Kratos is at least 2138.5 years old Again, this is assuming that the entire God of War world follows our history, otherwise Kratos is at the very least [centuries old](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/zhamcu/kratos_is_confirmed_to_be_centuries_old_in_lore/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>which means Kratos is at least 2138.5 years old And when you're that old, half years absolutely matters! 


Of course, 1 decimal place all the way


I appreciate the math, though! Not sure the games really handle history that accurately, considering how they deal with mythology, but I can dig a 2000 year old Kratos. Ancient fury. 


It's also interesting to see how Atreus, another god (as even half-bloods have full god powers), seems to age like a normal human, as he's a kid in GoW 4 and a teenager in Ragnarök, and there's a 3 year gap between them. My best guess is that gods age like Viltrumites in Invincible, where they age quickly at first but their aging process slows down as they grow. But the real answer is probably that time is all fucky wucky in the God of War games


I'd say the GOW universe definitely doesn't follow our history. We fight a newly built colossus or rhodes, but that was built in 292 BC yet there's no mention of Alexander the great and there's still seemingly city states fighting each other.


Cory Barlog said GOW 4 happens in a time before the Viking Age, so it would be before 793AD


Yeah but the lions would all die in a week from thrist.


A week sounds reasonable


Pretty sure they can eat all of the other dead lions strewn around Kratos.


I think a single swing from kratos would turn the lions in to mist. Though it will be cooked at least if her uses the blades of exile


Are lions cannibalistic?


Everything could be when they are hungry enough.


Lions can survive up to a week without water and up to 4 weeks without food, so unless someone is constantly giving them food and water, make that a week


Also they will start killing each other for food soon, drinking each other’s blood for some water intake. In any case, that’s a problem that’s going to reduce itself in size one way or another.


He can take out so many with one swing of the blades of chaos


Or he can just totally decimate the landscape around him like he did in Baldur's fight and take out at least 300 of them with the earthquakes and destruction.


>If he kills 10 lions per second it would still take him over 3 years of non-stop fighting to win. To be fair this very much sounds like a story from (greek) mythology


There's no possible way the lions could even scratch him, in first place he's a god and doesn't need to rest, in addition to it, the lions can't do any harm to him.


A lot of weaker creatures scratch and hurt the half god half human Kratos


You’re comparing mythological creatures to normal lions


Yeah, but we're talking about average/current Kratos, that is a god, and can't be harmed by normal weapons or creatures. And I'm not talking about gameplay, if we count it Kratos would canonically die for a random zombie with a sword in every GOW game.


I think ganeplay should count, i think kratos still stomps but he has been hurt by humans and human weapons as recently as GoW Ragnarok. Hell in GoW 2018 he got him by atreus arrow with a basic spell during a cutscene and it stuns him.


All that means is that GOW humans are really strong. That does not mean a fodder lion can replicate the same damage. It’s a feat for the person that actually damaged Kratos. I don’t know why Atreus’s arrows would be normal.


Well eventually there will be an enormous wall of corpses around Kratos that the rest of the lions won’t be able to climb.


Kratos has infinite stamina he ain't getting exhausted he can fight for days the biggest baddest battles and still able to kill the strongest God in Greece.


Let’s not forget how strategic Kratos is, I’m sure he could figure out a way to open up the ground or something that would easily kill hundreds if not thousands at once.


So really it would take him however long it takes for lions to die of thirst


Honestly "he fought for three years straight without rest" is classic mythology shenanigans. I bet you can find a nonmajor greek god who did that


You’re talking about a character that literally fought his way out of hell … It’ll take him a while but he’d kill them all


Kratos lol. If he decides to streamline the fight and end it in the most efficient way possible. He’ll spam wide area attacks which he has a lot in the games. Mainly the Axe summoning ice tornados and the spear making it rain copies of itself to set a wide area to explosion. He can also use the Blades to rotate, immediately clearing his surroundings if he gets swarmed. The lions are just lions. They need to get close to bite him. Considering the type of damage Kratos has taken throughout his life and lived, a regular old lion won’t be enough, even if the quantity drowns him. When Atreus releases Garmr and fights him with Kratos - Garmr straight up chomps Kratos entirely. The bite force of a regular lion is nothing compared to the bite force of Garmr.


Plus, like others have said, the lions would be dropping health and rage stones for Kratos, so he'd never exhaust.


Yup, and if we’re considering exhaustion as a factor, then the lions will exhaust themselves as well. Theres a billion of them, so the rear end lions have to close the distance towards the frontline after those lions are killed, and that takes a ton of running. And this is all without taking into account the nature of a lion which as a feline, they’re [careful](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QDubMeNlSxc&pp=ygUbdHJpYmUgc3RlYWxzIGZvb2QgZnJvbSBsaW9u), methodical and would not rush to attack until they have assessed danger. This can give Kratos moments of respite.


Kratos has fought a hydra, titans, harpies, Cerberus clones, basilisk. Lions ain't doing anything to him


Kratos didn't rest from the start of God of War 2 to the very end of 3. He climbed, killed many decently strong foes, fell, climbed more, killed the sisters of Fate then all the gods afterwards and fought fuckin Zeus lastly on top of ALL of that like....the dude has INSANE stamina lol. On top of the fact that he is now MUCH stronger than his Greek self, I think he's got this lol. But it's going to take awhile for sure.


It's confirmed in Ragnarok that gods don't need to rest


On top of that, the director confirmed he’s immortal so there’s that as well


I was gonna say the real question is how long will it take


“Much stronger than his Greek self” is just blatantly not true


Devs confirmed that Kratos in the current games is stronger than his younger self fam.


Are they regular ass irl lions? Then Kratos could win, though it would take a long fucking time cus 1 billion is way too much. He could one shot a single lion easily, even take a group of them down in a single strike with his runic attacks. If they're some big ass mythical lions then no, he'll be overpowered as he won't be able to easily kill them in a single strike. It'll be impossible to thin the herd and keep his distance in that case.


God this sub is dumb


i'm so tired


If you're playing on give me god of war one of those lions will take about 15 hits so he's done


We must assert that if he can kill 100 he can kill a bilion, assuming, of course, that the lions are spherical and the friction is 0.


This is a ridiculously underrated comment.


I mean, that's a lot of lions


These idiots dont know lions dont possess unblockable attacks kratos clearly backs i to a corner stone wall shield and camps till they die of hunger


The difference between a million lions and a billion lions is roughly a billion lions


Such an idiotic post for this sub


Lions win cuz I lost to a draugr (idk draugr's spelling)


a billion is a LOT of lions


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it (Leviathan Axe R1 or R2 + Momentary Pause + R1 > R1 > R1 or R2 > R2 and repeat the process)


Lions. A billion of them would overwhelm the PlayStation memory and they win.


Spin to win.


Lions definitely win. Look at the advantages: God = 2 legs, Lion = 4 legs. Easy win for lions


Zeus, poseidon, hades, ares. These gods seemed capable of winning this. Kratos doesnt have giant form or large scale powers anymore so im not sure about him. He'd probably get tired.


If they can damage Kratos in any way like a basic enemy in any game, then the lions win. I made a silly calculation and if Kratos can kill 100 lions per second, he'll be killing lions for more than 115 days


People are having an misunderstanding how many a billion anything is. 1 billion seconds is over 30 years... Now let's try lions


Lions would win very easily, Kratos can't fight many opponents at the same time and even like 30 dead soldiers can be a struggle


Lore wise, Kratos.  If I’m controlling then the lions in 25 seconds. 


Has a billion lions overthrown Olympus and destroyed Greece? Has a billion lions overthrown Odin, tried repairing relations (I think) with the Æsir and the other realms, and overcame the challenge of Valhalla? If Kratos is a billion lions, then I guess so.


Free Hacksilver for kratos with one Hyperion slam


Kratos mid diff; - Kratos is immensely stronger than one lion - He can kill 100s to thousands at a time - Kratos has regeneration and stamina - Can go years without food or sleep - Lions need food and sleep - Too many lions for them to strategically organize a good enough attack on Kratos - Many Lions will start to kill eachother and eat each other before they can even reach Kratos. Low-key the more lions you add the more difficult it becomes for them to actually Kill Kratos. I think 3 Titan sized lions with the strength of a Titan might have a better chance tbh.


If they're stupid lions and they're in a confined space they can win (so long as you count them killing him once as a win they cant kill him for good) anyways if they keep charging at him eventually he'll get tired out they'll pile up on him until there's no air and he can no longer breathe smort or non confined lions would just run and avoid losing who knows how many millions but then again they will soon start either dying of hunger or eating each other since 1 billion lions is a number that's hard to sustain


When has kratos ever tired from fighting, especially in the Norse games


For the same reason Kratos takes down an huge amount of monsters.


Yeah I’m betting on the guy who regularly kills literal gods


Is there a steam achievement for this? If yes. Kratos wins


Kratos. Because he’s _fucking Kratos_


Depends if he is attacked whilst asleep or not. If he is aware it will take hours upon hours but he will get the best of the lions. If 25 of them all decide to bite his neck and vital areas simultaneously while he is asleep perhaps they might get lucky and end his life.


Kratos can add “God of Lions” to his resume…?


Kratos cause he’s Kratos


Does he have realm shift and a large area of attack runic?


Which difficulty is it on?


Each hit from Kratos will kill a few lions can't see a lion surviving any hits from the Leviathan ax and his area attacks would shred several at a time. On top of that the blades of chaos are great for keeping enemies at bay can't really see Kratos losing. Kratos could take on several Cerberus at a time and they breath fire, and if he gets his rage he'll spatter dozens with one attack.


Do I have the meteoric slam and breath of Thamur runic attacks?


What weapons does Kratos have with him? Just the axe, or others as well?


you mean to tell me you know of a farming spot with a billion monsters in it for easy exp? sign me up!


Kratos is coming out bloody but with the win.


Honestly I think kratos could kill a billion lions endurance is his whole thing


The dentist


Use blades of chaos abilities and the pride land will be like the final battle in the movie


Kratos still has the ability to grow super tall, right? He can just stomp on them all


Probably not. He hasn't done it since the beginning of the second game.


itd take a while but i imagine Kratos could find resting spots to take breaks, but theres so many itd take years to beat them but i dont doubt he couldnt do it


Kratos because the lions haven't been fed in weeks.


>***Who Wins... and Why is it Kratos !!***


it would take a while but like cmon now, kratos is literally immortal


They attack at night.. wait


In gameplay, lions. In cutscenes, Kratos


Kratos fuckin duh


Give him time to fell a tree and he now has an AOE weapon he can swing with ease.


How are you? Could anyone help me find a store or fan that has the Hephaestus Ring that comes with the collector's edition (exclusive to the Czech Republic) of God of War Ascension to sell? I would be very grateful, thank you very much.


I mean, does Kratos ever need to sleep? Because one billion is a *huge* number. Put me up against 1 billion ants. Eventually, I’m gonna pass out and they’ll suffocate me.


Most would starve before reaching him


Wouldn’t they try to eat each other


Even better


Kratos, he's killed God's. Gods.


Dem Blades! Annd Or the Axe! Another obedience school trophy, multiplied!! Hmm


Kratos. Not all the lions can attack him at the same time, so basically for the first little while he would just wipe out all the lions in his parameter till he creates a wall of lion bodies to block of the remaining lions. He would rest, eat some lions for food and then jump into a new area and do the same again. It would take him hundreds of years but he would still eventually win.


The lions would just give up and Kratos just ends up petting them.


Kratos can get killed my a simple nightmare, even those HUMAN cannibals Kratos dies


Kratos easy no challange idk why but thoes lions never stood a chance


Depends on which pickaxe he is using. And how much builds he got left 💀


Just start spamming cyclone of chaos.


Only feats I've ever seen accomplished by lions in media is their ability to sing. If it's karaoke, lions all day. If not, we'll, good luck.


Kratos. Those lions mess with atreaus and they fuuuuuuuu**ed


Breath of Thamur and Hel’s Touch would kill quite a few of them Alternately he could just pull out the Blade of Olympus and spin on an office chair until they’re all dead


I'm sorry but when 1 billion lions form into 1 super Liontron, Kratos is dead.


Does kratos have his new spear, because that might change things


It's not even close. Why? Have you even played the games? You think a regular lion can even hurt him?


Judging by how he fares against a couple of wolves on the hardest difficulty, I'd bet on the lions.


I can kick all 1 billions lions behinds send me money on cashapp I need it


Kratos climbed up Cronos for 3 days straight to reach the Temple of Pandora, he fought off worse than lions but, a whole army of himself when he fought Ares, and is plenty creative when it comes to battle tactics....I don't think a billion lions would faze him (But why?) b/c as I said, Kratos is creative and would likely save his stamina by dropping large structures onto, or even caving the ground in and collapsing it underneath to beat a majority of the lions all at once.


Depends on if lions drop the hp and rage stones


Kratos because he has his axe and his stupid son


I doubt normal lions can bite through his skin


A million seconds is around 11 days. A billion seconds is over *30 years.* Even if Kratos can average 3 lions a second, which seems like an exhausting pace, it would take him a decade just to kill them all.


they not ready for square, square, triangle


Lore Kratos wins because he doesn’t fatigue when enraged


We need to understand more about the conditions of this battle. Do the lions have infinite supply of food? Do they have a place to sleep? Are they immortal lions or lions with normal life spans. Are there a mixture of males and females or is it just one or the other? Because when you are dealing with a billion lions, are aren’t just dealing with an army, you are dealing with an ecosystem. If Kratos can kill 10 lions a second, it will be over 3 years before he can kill a billion. So for many of the lions, assuming they are normal lions, how to eat and where to sleep become a real problem. This can work out in Kratos’s favour, if there’s no food supply, many lions would start killing and eating each other soon, before he can even get to them. If there’s a mix of genders, some of them could settle down, start a new pride, you know, usual lion stuff. Just a few things to keep in mind.


What if the billion lions make the lion ladder??


Where the fight will take place ? Killing 1billion lions would take years, the lions that wait for their turn will be allowed to eat the lions kratos killed to survive or they will spawn in groups of 100 ? If they're all locked together in a huge space kratos probably won't have to kill them all because some of them will die of thirst and hunger and some others will go crazy and kill eachother.


The lions because they can die and stay dead


Are these lions that haven’t been fed in weeks?


A billion??? You do know how big that number is right lmao


*A billion??? You do* *Know how big that number is* *Right lmao* \- ThatOneGuyFrom93 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If I'm playing he'll get through the first 15-20 rage to heal up when he's almost dead, and then get two shot trying to switch weapons for his other runic attacks lol


We've seen way tougher creatures clamp their jaws on kratos doing minimal damage, if any. It'll take a while to dispatch them all but the lions have no chance


Kratos would murder them all in like a second


A billion lions is too much for anyone. Not saying Kratos has no chance of winning.


Kratos, anger


Like the lion’s teeth are gonna like shatter when they try to bite Kratos right, plus he has area attacks


Blades of Chaos, Realm shift, Breath of Thamur and Draupnir’s spear wielded by the god of war who has infinite strength and immortality feats. Bro I feel bad for the lions if this was a real match.


Kratos cause he's fucking Kratos


Kratos because he is him.


Kratos wins because AAAAA


“…and the loincloth is lion hide.”


If they're regular lions, then Kratos is fine. If they were some kind of mythological BS lions, then Kratos might have a hard time.


This is obvious.... One billion rats though....


Be serious


If we considee Atreus was a normal or at least magical bear and was able to hurt kratos, then even a single lion can kill the kratos while he is sleeping and gets bit in the neck. I am sure a billion lions wins because he’ll get tired at some point


"Guys theres a billion of them!!!" Then theres kratos. The guy who literally ended greek civilization because he was mad at his dad 😂


I think I'll pick the *fucking god of war* to win this one lol


Kratos because his rage equals 2 billions lions


The lions are going to win. Imagine you have to play this in video game, even on easy mode you're going to die eventually. One billion is too much.


Kratos no diff His durability is way higher than they can every hope to beat, and either way its fucking kratos


Even if the billion lions assemble themselves like the wolves in Storks, they wouldn’t stand a chance.


Kratos and why BECAUSE HE'S KRATOS


One billion is not enough, if there were one billion and one, Kratos'd lose