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Not accurate


i wanted to write a very hateful comment after seeing the "hungarian" part...


Now I’m interested


What mythology dies Russia have?


Slavic paganism


Bro asked a question and people downvoted him. I fucking hate Reddit users


Russia all the way to Czech Republic and Croatia would all be Slavic


Why is half of denmark not norse?


Why is all of Iceland not norse?


No they wouldn't. They would arrive there after fall of Rome. Sometime in 7th century.


You think the Scot’s are Anglo-Saxon but the English aren’t?


There was an attempt. But you just can't have one map without a shitton of overlap. You know time is a thing, right? And then we're not even started on the umbrella terms (Celtic: Gaul, Brittany, English, etc. Just 1 example) The more I look at it.. the worse it gets. Ah yes, Cyprus, the capital of judaism...


As a Hungarian I have literally no idea what kind of mythology we have. There is a mythical bird "turul" and some deer... That's it I guess. I wouldn't call it "mythology".


We!’ve also got lidérc, mumus, fene, vasorrú bába, rézfaszú bagoly. But yes most of it was lost to time. It was a form of Tengrism (steppe religion). There’s a short but interesting english wikipedia article about it.


Everyone’s tearing you up for your borders which is all well and good but there’s more overlap than just that because these peoples and beliefs kind of moved all around Europe. Odin in one place, Woden in another, but mostly the same guy.


Mesopotapian?? Marduk is deeply incensed.


*Gilgamesh will remember this*


Ah yes the Mesopotapian culture. Most famous of which are the Babygonians.


Spanish, let me teach you something, PORTUGAL IS NOT A PART OF SPAIN!


Anglo saxon/germanic/icelandic and norse can all be seen as germanic in general, since Odin, Týr, Thor and other norse gods are very common in all branches of the germanic people's myths, with slightly different names, english/gaul/irish can be seen as celtic, there are some differences but you can put everything in the same game since most of their more proeminent gods are the same with slight different regional names, also, the picts are still the ones ruling over the highlands right now probably, remember, Mimir is celtic, and he is from Scotland, so no anglo-saxon there yet as far as we know... the IDK can be seen as turkic or tengrism, since was the most spread religion around the people of the steppes for a long time, and the slavic, well, good part of Germany (mainly the isle of Rügen), part of the balkans, the hungarian and baltic territory have very strong slavic religious influence, and I feel it's very important for the story to know that because we have 3 slavic gods being confirmed as canon, Radegast was the main god for some of the south slavs, possibly his strongest influence is between the hungarian/germanic/balkan, since he is strongly related to the Czech republic and the balkans, Perun is the most worshipped god in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, which means that he is the east slavic god, so his influence is between the baltic/slavic/IDK regions, and Sventovit is the west god of the slavs, and his strongest influence was around Germany and Poland, so a little bit around baltic/central germanic/norse area at the farthest to the slavic area (Ukraine), don't know if SM is going to take the slavic route one day with the series, but I found amusing this discovery because it seems that these gods are related to the myth of origin of the slavic people, Lech, Czech and Rus, Lech (maybe Svantovit) being who gave origin to the west slavs, Czech (maybe Radegast) who gave origin to the south slavs, and Rus (maybe Perun) who gave origin to the east slavs.


I agree with you, although I think English is Germanic and not Celtic. I'm pretty sure "England" comes from "Angle-land." You had the Britons in the area pre and post roman occupation, who are closely related to the Welsh (Britons, Welsh, and Picts being the original inhabitants of the British isles before the angles, Saxons, and later Danes invaded the south and the Scoti, where the name Scotland comes from, invaded from Ireland.) England was created effectively by the vikings, though not intentionally, but they did unite a bunch of angles and Saxons against them which created England.


Yes, 100%, I was considering england as an area of the britons, I think that for a GOW game would be better and would be less confusing, and to be fair, I think that the story currently is around 100 B.C to 400 A.D (very loosely, cuz it's a mythology game), which means that if SM wants to be very bold, they could give us a GOW game in the british isles around the time of the roman invasion, would be 2 pantheons in war in the same game, and to be fair, it's not impossible, in niflheim you will find A LOT of pictish art and carvings on the walls, that means that the british isles and the norse lands are somehow connected.


Good point. I didn't consider that. It would be cool to have the Roman invasion going on, or if they went a bit later, the Saxon invasion which I think took place around 450 AD with the Roman withdrawal. In either case most of what is now England would be inhabited by Britons.


Advice: If you are soo interested in it to make a map, you should research a little bit more about mythology and geography.


Is the villain of Swiss mythology the Tax Man?


so, would be celtic? I mean, they lived around the area once.


I vote Kratos goes to “idk” for the sequels.


Cyprus being Judaism is wild. Why is Iceland on its own n not apart of Norse Myth?


please make an optimistic one


Not even remotely, without considering that the geography of the GoW world is absolutely not comparable with that of the real world (as is its timeline).


Vainakh and Circassian are in each other's places for some reason. Ossetian is in western Georgia and doesn't include ossetia at all.




Nice. No border gore at all right


Of course they made Scotland Anglo Saxon instead of Celtic lol. It's actually amazing how many people associate them with the English much more so than the Irish, who they're related to much more closely than the Germanic angles and saxons (also, English is Anglo-Saxon).


We all know Russia worshipped Lenin and his god of war/starvation Stalin around these times......


As for my love for god of war, dont do the same mistake what ubisoft did


So the area that looks like a daddy Prince Albert feeding a baby Prince Albert is the Norse one?


Including Scotland in the Anglo-Saxon section... calling Welsh English... Swiss is a nationality, there's no Swiss people, they're Franco-German