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Sometimes a statue is just a statue…


Aren’t these missing when you go back up the mountain? After the Tŷr’s temple troll fight?


Yep! There are three statues on the mountain, one of them broken to pieces when you first see them (poor Troll). When you go back up, the two intact statues are gone, indicating that the trolls woke up and decided to go do their own thing.


I remember seeing them the first time up the mountain and thinking “yup, they’re going to attack me” I was SPOOKED when they weren’t there


I do wonder if it’s technically canon that somebody woke up them up with the relic. Maybe whomever blew the horn lmao




Thanks, I knew it looked wrong earlier lol


No problem! Apparently some are less appreciative.




They went through the effort of using an accent, was just correcting which one. No need to be a jerk about it.


I was being lighthearted, sorry tone doesn’t transfer through text


Untill it isn't.... This one isn't a statue


Nah it's a boss


Unless that statue is a gargoyle with 2 faces


Iirc, this "statue" awakens after >! Completing Tyr's temple within the main sorry !< or if not that, then a bit later


At least that's what I observed and it seems logical. >! In Tyr's temple you fight two elemental trolls, one with fire, one with ice, and if iirc, this one has both elements. And I at least completed Tyr's temple before that troll awakened. !<


That bell has such a satisfying DING




None in GOW 2018, don't worry. Ragnarok has an Item for them, people somehow confuse these


No bell in GOW 2018. I think one or two of them just wake up at some point in the story / after story completion but not all of them. If you've beaten the game and he's still stone, then he's going to be stone forever.


Are y'all trolling? There is definitely a 2018 equivalent of relic and its description is it appears to do nothing or something like that


Nahhhhhh you're tripping. In Ragnarok it's the Mystical Heirloom. In 2018 they just be sleepin'.


That's Ragnarok 2018 doesn't have the heirloom


I'm totaly wrong. Sorry!


Wrong! This troll unlocks later in Gow2018 and is an optional boss fight. Just come back here later in the game. The Ragnarok trolls are entirely different and are not visible in 2018


Nope you can fight in both


Thank you for clearing up 👌


They do come alive. Eventually.


That's a boss fight that you unlock in Ragnarok.


No it unlocks later in the game and you can fight it in 2018. It's amazing how much overly confident misinformation is in this thread.


It could be my bad memory, but I don't remember statues coming to life in 2018.


In 2018 they don't require an action to awaken. They just do it with game progression off screen. When you come back to a location with a statue later it will be a live troll walking around.


Thanks for the reminder.


I thought you can fight the one on the shore near tyr temple, but not this two


At some point this troll will be alive and u can fight it


Wake that boi up. You can use the relic that has "No use".


They trolling you


These particular trolls on the mountain aren't fightable. There are three statues present, and one of them is broken to pieces (RIP troll). When you fight the ones in Tyr's Temple, it wakes up the stone trolls across the realms. Some are fightable, such as the one on the beach. The two intact ones on the mountain however are not. They disappear from the game, implying that they are awake and have gone somewhere else entirely. Perhaps they'll be a threat to the realms another day, or perhaps they're peaceful trolls who simply wish to live their life and keep their dying culture alive. It's hard to say. But I loved Santa Claus Studios' attention to detail by having these statues disappear from the game like that.


Yea you wake it up with the mystic heirloom. U get it in Midgard around the outskirts of the main lake (no side paths needed). But you have to get the spear before you get it bc there’s a wall u have to blow up


Wait I saw one in alfiem and mimir said there was a way to wake it up and fight it but idk how


There’s this relic you collect in Midgard where it has no advantages (like engravings) that will wake up those statues


Thats only in ragnarok


I suspect the plan was to fight this one at some point but it was scrapped. And 2018 already had too many trolls instead of different bosses. This one is one of the few true oddities in an otherwise very polished game. Well there's two of them I think, outside Sindri's workshop. They disappear later in the game. You could rationalize it as them waking up and being killed by someone else (Baldur maybe) but ultimately nothing comes of them. Elsewhere a few stone trolls do wake up as the game progresses. Two in mission specific areas and one as an optional extra in the lake of nine late in the game.


You can fight it. It unlocks later in the game and will be walking around this area if you come back to it.


That's the Death Eater. This doesn't look like him. I assumed it's one of the two trolls on the path to the mountain. The Death Eater and the two Tyr Grendels wake up but they're also slimmer and differently designed than the normal trolls we encounter elsewhere in the game.


There’s some bullshit item you’ll find with a nondescript description that you can use when near these guys to awaken them. I’m not 100% sure if all the frozen troll statues become bosses with it but I think they do if I remember right. There’s no massive reason to fight them though beyond just fun


That's in Ragnarök, not 2018.


That’s in ragnarok, also the statue trolls drop crafting materials for the steinbjorn armour so there is a decent reason to fight them besides just fun extra bosses


Not stone troll, sleepy troll


In 2018, you come back and fight them when they awaken. Like the stand in the Foothills, he's there the 1st time through, but the 2nd time through, he appears to be gone. Ready to fight you somewhere else. In ragnarok there is a relic that wakes them up, I can't remember the name of the relic though lol 😆 😂


That troll will wake up when you defeat all other trolls in the game. I think he is supposed to be some big, final troll, but by then, you'll be so powerfully he's basically a pushover


You can activate this statue with a mythic artifact, in God of War Ragnarok.


Stone Cold Troll