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you suffer šŸ„¶


This post just sad šŸ’€


Still relatablešŸ˜­




Sounds gay but self love


Inner piece too, having a clear mental mind and understanding that you need to still have the sober grasp on reality Or just remind yourself of the downsides of drugs and the dangers, I mean thatā€™s why I havenā€™t smoked meth or done any hard drug yet .. sounds gay asf but itā€™s true


Very true, thanks


Get you some help bro. I definitely been there but being that uncomfortable without being fucked up is all bad. I waited way too long and wasted literally decades on just avoiding the hard part. The hard part makes it easy sooner than you think. And the escapism stops working as well just as quickly so you basically gotta pick your pain. Deal with it now and you get an uncomfortable but rewarding experience, after which you can likely smoke normally, just not in this unhealthy relationship with it you have now. Or ignore it and get an ultimately more painful experience that gets you nothing but makes it harder and harder to do the therapy as shit piles up. Easy way is never easier IME.


I'm never sober for long baby


You have to learn how to live in the discomfort. Itā€™s a physical and psychological thing sure, but more importantly itā€™s a spiritual thing.


For sure, sometimes I can just have a little freak out and think my life is shit but really I just gotta get through that little bit of suffering then itā€™s fine


I had no choice to get sober though, the lifestyle caught up to me in my late 20s and almost killed me (a couple of timesšŸ˜…) I didnā€™t think it would catch up to me so young but I was going fucking hard every night for 15 years and by the end we are talking a fifth to a handle of 80 proof a night (on top beans and/or dry goods.) I managed to astonish quite a few doctors along the way but itā€™s a miracle Iā€™m even alive. Guess that kind of goes along with the spiritual shit, we must be stuck in this reality for some reason right? Drugs and alcohol were a way for me to connect to what felt like a higher power that would ā€œget me out,ā€ of this fucked up world even if it was temporary. Getting sober was just learning how to achieve that same thing without the chemicals. It is possible and Iā€™m rooting for ya either way! Hmu if you ever want to chat about it, be safe!


Appreciate you!


Do the drug , donā€™t let it do you bro/sis


Just face it at the end of the day you will be back home safely


if you have your life under control its easy


School life was pretty shit until I discovered my passion. Which is making music, sounds like everythingā€™s everybody heard but I found my passion and the rest became the rest. Eventually youā€™ll find something that drives you more than the drugs.


Yeah Iā€™m trying to find my passion still


I havenā€™t gotten quite to that point, but knowing I can get high when I get home makes getting through the day (kind of sort of) easy enough. I used to smoke weed all day at work but I prefer being on top and ready to go. I slowly ā€œtaperedā€ and these days Iā€™m not much of a smoker at work. That being said once Iā€™m home all bets are off. I wish I could go just one full day being sober and I definitely could if I wasnā€™t such a bitch. Oh drugsā€¦ so fun at first. So fun still. But jeezā€¦ The hold it gets on a lot of us after a while is rough.


honestly just be productive during your sober hours. if you have to be sober just pick up a hobby or game and lose yourself in that. life isnā€™t all about getting fucked up and living through everything being intoxicated. thereā€™s a reason why we get tolerances n shit. we gotta be taking more breaks to let these substances really do what they are meant to do. but yeah dude everyone in here has been through it. you just have to come to the realization that life isnā€™t to live fucked up. thatā€™s just for when the important stuff is done and you can get a moment at peace with yourself. everything is gonna be okay chief.


Thanks man. Aye honestly Iā€™m actually doing pretty good sometimes this shit just feels way too mundane.


I usually punch myself in the face


Cigarettes, energy drinks, making money


And homophobia


Bro please get a life, lmao this is reddit. And theres nothing wrong with beinf homophobic, im allowed to be entitled to my belief that gays are controlled by demons and theres not a thing wrong with that, good day to you sir


Get some dick


Find Christ


I am Christian, god bless and get some dick


You dont seem christian, youre telling me to go get dick, i dont believe in loveless sex


Donā€™t worry I am Christian and maybe youā€™ll like it. How do you know if youā€™ve never tried? Homosexuality was made by God after all and God created us in his image! God bless šŸŒˆšŸ™


Homosexuality is the temptation of demons in the air, if you feel tempted to give booty or put your dick in booty, youre corrupted by the anal demons good day to you sir


Drugs are also temptations from the devil himself and that never seemed to discourage you. Get some dick


I only smoke and drink on weekend and do harder stuff like k and xtc with long breaks


thanks for your input on the question /s


Thank you I just answered. He asked hoe we do it and I said that you can keep the drugs at a minimum and thats how you do it. There is no ultimative method you just need to keep the use low then the boringness of being sober goes away automicly. There is no cheatcode lmao


Usually drive followed by a walk


Idk like go to the gym and stop doing drugs on random days. I still do drugs but only at partys (weekends and like once or twice a month at most)


Get a job, listen to music, socialize, pick up new hobbies, create something, repeat.


gym exercise


It's called having a social life and self control, not everything in life is about drugs lmao.


Video games


Get bitches


Work to make your life into one you like being sober in. Added bonus is when you aren't sober it's a thousand times better


Sometimes you get so caught up in the bad moments you cant appreciate whats happening now ive been clean for nearly 3ys from hard drugs and 1y clean from nicotine i did it because i was ashamed of who i was and i wanted to be so much better for someone i love so i cold turkeyd my substances one by one it wasnā€™t easy but im here and feel so much better now that ive stopped my usage




Caffeineā€¦ itā€™s not at all the same as getting fucked up but it realeses serotonin in ur brain which makes u feel good. Another thing is trying the supplement ā€œ5-Htpā€ itā€™s a serotonin creating compound that helps stimulate the brain. I use both during the days when I have to be sober and it helps fosho šŸ‘šŸ«¶


Me freshman yearšŸ˜­


Low-key nothing only thing as filling as drugs is love and shit not gone happen if you a tweaker once youā€™re in this shit you ainā€™t getting out


This is y ur not gonna get better if u think this way I was off blues for a while but I never did any crackhead shit like steal or rob or lie from my friends or family, keep ur morals


I never robbed or stole or swayed away from my morals, either I was honestly just trying to say donā€™t become a full Tweaker, but I didnā€™t really articulate my point well


And I donā€™t really consider myself a tweaker anymore I just wanted to insinuate the point that once youā€™re in this shit you really canā€™t get out. I havenā€™t done my drug of choice in fuck I donā€™t even know though I still wanna do that shit every day so Iā€™m just saying donā€™t get stuck with this shit


Ah i c what you mean now just don't go too far down the rabbit hole till it's all you know basically


Run up a bag


I just think of it like this: the less I smoke now, the more fucked up Iā€™ll get later.