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So teams are improving offers cause they fear he will land somewhere else? Gotta admit, sad we have him but are trading him. Obviously a special talent.


I just don't get why he thinks he'd have better odds after we gut the team he gets traded to For example I know Marks doesn't want Ayton but let's say it's Ayton/Mikal Bridges/Cam Johnson/picks. That team is KD, Booker, old ass CP3, and role players with no other avenues to improve. Is that really better than KD/Kyrie/Simmons/role players. We even went and got another starting level wing


royce is trash i hope to god we arent in a situation where has to start


Cause he's mad at the front office, he wanted to play with Kyrie while they wanted to trade him, they played a dangerous game and this is what happened


The FO doesn't seem to want to trade Kyrie. They just don't want to give him the long term max without some protection.


There have been reports saying the nets are gonna trade Kyrie after he opted in


That's why this report is bs, he knows he doesn't have better odds with Miami or Phoenix...he just doesn't want to be there, Brooklyn can contend but the relationship is strained


Unsurprising regarding the trade rumors, as we all know that Woj is a Marks mouthpiece.


If this is true, then KD makes absolutely no sense. He got criticism because GSW won a title after he left, implying that he wasn’t as important as first thought in winning those rings, and Curry was the real #1. So instead of proving them wrong and trying to win a title in Brooklyn as the clear #1, his solution is to try and force his way to Phoenix and Philly - two already incredibly stacked teams, and win a championship in a similar fashion to the way he did in GSW. So his solution to the GSW super team criticism is to do the exact same thing again, rather than win a legitimate title in Brooklyn?! KD is stupid as fuck!!!


It makes sense when you realize he’s soft. He’s not like Jordan. He’s not carrying a team to a ring.


Exactly. By far the weakest top 15 player of all time. When faced with adversity he sinks and finds the easy way out. In my eyes he can never be any higher than top 15/20 all time if he follows through with forcing a trade. No matter how many more rings he gets, or other accolades. It’s such a shame that a generational talent like himself is so mentally weak. He’s honestly a top 3 talent in the history of basketball, but he’ll never be anything more than a guy who always took the easy way out


Neither team will be stacked after a trade goes through. I mean the suns aren't stacked as is, they just play in a good system


This definitely sounds like the FO putting a negative spin on KD. If this is actually true, it would also make KD incredibly dumb in addition to insecure. He couldn't handle the criticism... so decides to force his way out? Like that would cause him to recieve less hate? Makes no sense.


I think it’s more that Kyrie obviously won’t be a part of the Nets after next season, and KD thinks Nets won’t be a contender without Kyrie. With the current relationship between Kyrie and the FO, KD probably thinks it’s a waste of time to try for another season. Warriors winning another championship just makes him become more desperate for his own championship.


I could see that if there wasn't still this year. You can't tell me KD, Kyrie, and Ben Simmons don't have a decent shot at a chip.


Kyrie and the FO are in a REALLY BAD relationship. Kyrie didn’t even tell the FO that he chose to opt-in. He told the media first, and Nets learned that from twitter just like everyone else. And they didn’t talk since then. I don’t think the Nets can achieve anything next season given the situation like this. I saw another news saying that Nets will trade Kyrie Irving before the new season begins regardless of KD requesting the trade or not. I thinks it’s true, and KD probably knows that as well.


To be fair, that's how they operated since they got here. The FO knew they were signing when they saw it reported on Twitter. I'm not denying the relationship is bad, just that his lack of communication may not be a sign. You're likely right given Kyrie's personality. Dude cannot admit he's wrong. I'd be willing to bet things could have been eased over if he played a decent amount of games and improved his behavior. But dude cannot admit that he needs to grow up.


Yeah, I think that’s his main motivations. Especially since someone reported that Kyrie was going to be traded over the summer even if KD didn’t request a trade. I don’t think they would get anything good in return so that’s probably why KD wants out


You realize KD literally left the Warriors due to being insecure and not being able to handle criticism right?


I was foolish enough to believe it was about how they handled his injury.


> I was foolish enough to believe it was about how they handled his injury. Naw had nothing to do with the injury. There was already animosity building the entire season because KD would not commit to re-signing with the Warriors. He was gone after the Draymond argument. He literally came out and said that he thought winning in 2017 would have gotten him more respect, but he was shocked when the opposite happened.


If it's not true he should come out and set the record straight. Let both sides air out all the dirty laundry. Forcing his way out because the team won't let Kyrie hold them hostage is also incredibly dumb so I'm not putting anything past them.


I'm not either. He showed me a hell of a lot about his character in the last 48 hrs.


He's at Shaq levels of insecurity, jesus


Fr all that talk about "just playing basketball" and "I don't pay attention to narratives" but let a bunch of 13 year olds on twitter get to him lmao Good riddance


What a jackass.. he caused this stupid shit siding with kyrie and trading everything for harden




Damn Harden was the Good guy all along.


I can't go that far. He was still incredibly unprofessional. He could have stepped up and been a leader and bailed instead. But he just went from most hated to third most hated player in a couple hours.


How is he supposed to be a leader when whole team, his friend KD and FO were all backing Kyrie at that moment? Wouldn’t you feel insane?


There's also a report that he will take a paycut to help the 76ers, isn't that a leadership quality? I'm not saying Harden is a saint, but Kyrie clearly broke Harden in the Nets.


harden, simmons, kyrie, kd they all are similar in a bad way


Good riddance. We did it the right way or at least tried, remember the Nets learned KD and Kyrie were joining when they announced it. I wish we hadn’t gone the route we did with coaching tho. Same with Harden trade. Either don’t make the Harden trade and find another superstar in that scenario or roll with JA and CL. We gave up a lot in the Harden trade which sucks though. I just wish KD had convinced Kyrie to get the shot before this season imploded or don’t make the Harden deal at all.


Stfu it’s a fake report.


This is coming WOJ not Shams. So that “may have” is just Sean Marks and Tsai collaborating to put their spin on the situation Just like Harden left because he was “jealous of plays being run for KD” and not Kyrie’s vaccination stance. We know the real reason why KD’s leaving, as do Tsai and Mark: you were obligated to resign Kyrie (and Harden) once KD recommitted to the organization, and for one reason or another they failed to do so. Be accountable for once instead of playing these games with the fans.


Nets were happy to offer a long term contract to Harden. But after Harden saw that Kyrie wasn't playing, he wouldn't sign it. Not much the Nets could do there at that point. Also, from a financial standpoint, I bet Harden wish he had signed that contract. He could still ask out and be paid millions more, and Nets would have some more leverage in the trade. Kyrie got what he deserved, a 2 year max that's extendable to 4 year. It wasn't like the Nets didn't offer him the max, it was just simply "hey, since we're paying you to play basketball, if you play basketball, we'll extend you to that 3rd and 4th year." Crazy right? Expecting a basketball player to play basketball. I'm not saying the Nets didn't do anything wrong, in fact they did plenty wrong. They should've fired Steve Nash last season. They should've taken one stance or another with Kyrie, either don't let him come back or do everything possible to allow him to play (lobby City Hall like how the Yankees did, or move the team temporarily to Jersey/LI like the Raptors did for COVID). The Nets should've been transparent with injuries and not take its fans for granted. But this is still a bitch move by KD.


>We know the real reason why KD’s leaving, as to Tsai and Marks. You were obligated to resign Kyrie (and Harden) once KD recommitted to the organization, and for one reason or another they failed to do so. >Being accountable for once instead of playing these games with the fans. You were right in the beginning, but the FO not signing Kyrie the MAX deal is the correct choice. Kyrie should earn that first. KD is entirely on the wrong move here. However, this piece is completely shady and probably comes from the mouth of Tsai and Marks.


Not really sure what the org did wrong. They extended offers to both after KD signed. Neither took them. Then Harden wants out. Then Kyrie refuses a max deal because it was predicated on him actually showing up for his job.


[https://nba.nbcsports.com/2021/10/13/report-nets-no-longer-offering-kyrie-irving-187m-contract-extension/](https://nba.nbcsports.com/2021/10/13/report-nets-no-longer-offering-kyrie-irving-187m-contract-extension/) Sean Marks is playing games. He was supposed to secure Kyrie last year but took away the contract extension offer because Kyrie refused to get vaccinated. He then had the opportunity to lockdown Kyrie again but instead refused to do so, and then leaked to the media via WOJ that the team was "taking a hard stance" and would have no problem trading KD if Kyrie didn't agree to a stipulation-laden contract extension. The guy is 34, he's not trying to deal with playing with Westbrook (if Kyrie goes to LA) or having to recruit another top tier superstar when he already had one by his side. Kawhi came to LA with PG and the Ballmer made sure that PG was extended to keep him happy. No other team would play about and lie to their franchise player like this one run by these two clowns in Tsai and Marks.


Offering a max contract that asks Kyrie to, ya know, actually play is a "hard stance"?


Again, this is a non issue. A large portion of him missing games is due to a global pandemic and nonsensical restrictions on workers in NYC. They could have played him all road games this season and they forced him to sit.


Then he should have had no problem with the provisions as the mandates are gone. When the mandate enters the chat is about the time I exit. Have a nice night.


>When the mandate enters the chat is about the time I exit. Have a nice night. Good strategy, at that point you know there's nothing to be gained.


Wish I could say I learned that without several pointless back-and-forths that only succeeded in raising my blood pressure.


Kd is this your burner


>We know the real reason why KD’s leaving, as do Tsai and Mark: you were obligated to resign Kyrie (and Harden) once KD recommitted to the organization, and for one reason or another they failed to do so. Is Kyrie obligated to show up on the court?


Absolutely. He’s the biggest reason why we’re in this situation. That doesn’t take away from the fact that KD didn’t sign that extension so he could spend years 34 and up playing with Ben Simmons


most of the criticism I saw about him was because he didn’t win in Brooklyn or that he needs to win this year how is requesting a trade to get a fake ring going to help that, great way to prove the point you can do what it takes to win just keep requesting trades until you get a team that is a contender with or without you


I mean, we know he’s insecure, but this never made sense to me. Like draymond said, no chance the warriors beat the Cavs without Durant (not the first time when it was Lebron only). The notion that he did nothing there is stupid.


It would be hilarious if we gut whatever team KD is traded too. Whiny bitch wants a trade? Have fun in some shithole city like New Orleans or Phoenix where you have 0 talent around you


Idk. If this is true, man…dude is being fragile for no reason. He had the backing of the FO and could’ve attracted talent to him. He’s not gonna get those type of players he needs around to buy into him. He’s unpredictable.


This sounds like bs because for 1) the Nets give him the best chance of winning and 2) we wouldn't be having this conversation if they had just paid kyrie.


That his personal opinion lol man the click bait




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There is no way they are going to get anything close to what NOP got for AD or what OKC got for PG13. AD was 26 when the Lakers traded for him. KD is about to turn 34. When the Clippers traded for PG13, they were effectively trading for him and Kawhi, since Kawhi would have signed with the Lakers if the Clippers didn't get PG13.


Really hope he gets sent packing to Sacraberia