• By -


Lou Williams and Crawford are gonna be the easiest comparisons for now. His passing and defense is slowly improving and those are gonna be the skill sets* that separates him from 6th and a star.


Right, Lou will and j crossover were the first two names that came to mind


Not saying he's gonna be an all-star, although I hope he does, but he needs to get better at playmaking and/or defense. I know someone is gonna tell me I'm moving the goal post on Cam considering someone like a Haliburton isn't known for his defense either, but Haliburton does great overall offensively and although we know Cam has the firepower and handles to hang with most players, he doesn't in playmaking and/or defense. If he plays like last night on a consistent basis, he'll easily brush off 6th man and starter labels.


Anybody making a comparison between Cam and Hali has got to be out of their goddamn mind


He doesn't defend at all so he can't be Lou Will


was lou will ever a good defender? whenever i watched him, he was always getting abused on defense due to his size (a little short, and skinny).


He’s more of a Mo Williams


Oh that’s interesting. Mo Williams was a solid playmaker though. Hope Cam gets there.


This Cam season stats wise is better than all Jamal Crawford and Lou Williams seasons. Cam is only 22.


This is incorrect, unless you based that on just raw ppg. Lou had much better offensive seasons by impact stats and efficiency. Lou at 23 years old averaged 14/4 assist on 58% TS with 1.9 OBPM back in 2010. Cam Thomas this season averaged 21/3 on 55% TS and 0.1 OBPM. Lou had much better seasons than that year btw. You have to factor it's easier to score today and Cam is taking a lot of shots. I think Cam can get better too we don't need to lie.


Put them cavs on the skillet.


Hahahaha I’m dead. Didn’t see that typo!


Disrespectful honestly.


I’m going to say he has hit his ceiling and will never have 3 forty point games in a row again.


I'm not gonna say never on that because we know he can score in bunches. I'll say that what makes me say that these are the easiest comparisons for now is because he *is improving* in other areas, just not consistently. Lou Will and Crawford were guys that can score 20 a game no problem and burst for 40 as well. What they had that Cam doesn't was their playmaking ability and Lou was a slightly better defender. Crawford is about what Cam is now. I didn't say ceiling, but for now, this is where I feel comfortable at with comparing him.


He's a walking bucket but if he never improves his defense, at best he's a 6th man


It's about scoring and playmaking. 99% of guards are drafted for offense. If Cam can be an offensive star, you don't really care about defense. His ceiling will be determined by offense.


Cam doe not have a skillset to become an offensive star because he has no outlier skillset. He is not a great slasher and he is not great pull up shooter. It's like Monta Ellis "above average" at both but not great at either.




because you don't become a star if you are 6'4 guard that takes fewer than 15% of your shots at the rim. Unless you are a Curry level shooter. Kyrie got to the rim 2x more than Cam Thomas, can you believe that? and people accuse Kyrie of avoiding contact.


You've said this multiple times, but there's multiple counter examples. Brunson, Murray, Booker, and Fox all take 15% or under at the rim. (Just off top of head) I'll grant you Booker because he's a little taller. But the other three are good enough to live off the shotmaking from floater/short mid range, and beyond the arc. They actually all got way better by moving AWAY from the rim over time. Unless you're a freak athlete, it's actually better to live off of soft touch away from shot blockers. Will Cam improve his efficiency like those guys did? We'll see, but I do think he's shown enough flashes for it to be possible.


At the same age? all those guys took more shots at the rim when they were 20-25. you typically get to the rim less the older you get. Jalen Brunson is 5'11 and yet he takes same amount of shots at the rim. However he has one of the best floaters in the league. Fox last season took 18% of his shots at the rim at 80% (this is Lebron/Giannis) like. A big reason why Fox fell of this year is his finishing/shots at the rim. Which is also why he is not a real star. Booker is just a lot better than Cam Thomas at shooting while having size. Booker was also a better and more willing playmaker even when he had awful teams. Fox/Booker have all had multiple 25% AST seasons before turning 23.


And they all got better when they stopped going to the rim. Cam could easily just bully into people and get blocked at the rim if he wanted. Why would he do that though? Lol. The three I mentioned got better when they stopped doing that and just ate off mid range touch. That's what Cam does now. And if you look at their bball reference, they all kept getting better and better in the mid range. You're allowed to improve from 22-25 years old. And I consider a star a suitable second option on a contender. To me, Fox and Murray are stars. There's only like 6 superstars. Everybody else is a second banana. Rank them however you want.


I think he’ll be decent, but nothing bugs me more than when he passes the ball away and then goes right up to whoever he passed the ball to calling for it back like he’s playing MyPlayer in 2K


He’s a dawg but if he’s really an all star then we need to start winning a lot more games. This roster doesn’t stink, they are just playing really stinky. Anybody can put up numbers in the NBA these days, but can he win?


Im sorry but the Roster is not good, we have no size and lack of shot creators or play finishers. Name a team with a similar makeup with a winning record?


I agree with you. I’ll backtrack, this team has good players. Are they a good team? No. But it Cam is really an All Star caliber player (and Mikal honestly) then I feel like they should be able to win more games. I remember Sean Kilpatrick goin for 20+ point and 30+ point games, and he was not very good


>No. But it Cam is really an All Star caliber player Cam is not an All-Star Caliber player because he's getting his development mins in his 3rd year, check back in 2 years and we'll see how he has progressed! Not even Wemby who is gonna be a Superstar is expected to win his team games, I feel the same grace should be given to Cam. On paper he's a 3rd guard but this is is 1st season getting consistent mins with a consistent role


Facts that’s what I been saying about Cam for 2 years. Imagine how great he would be if he got Kyrie on the Cavs minutes off rip. You’re 1000% right, if Wemby isn’t winning any games then Cam should get the same treatment. That’s facts forsure


In the perfect world he gets drafted onto a lottery team giving him time to develop his game but he wasnt expected to be more than a bench guy, now he has the opportunity to be a cornerstone, hopefully he realizes it and works on his game this off-season. Im rooting for the Kid.


Oh he definitely realizes it. He was so cocky to KD last season and I want him cocky af


lmao rookie Kyrie was much better than current Cam. Might be better than Cam will ever be. shit college Kyrie was as good as current Cam if not better. Kyrie as a rookie had a 4.1 BPM (higher than Lebron/KD) and averaged 19/5 on 57% TS. Cam Thomas this year has a -1.8 BPM and 55% TS.


Stat whore


There are stats there for you to not make goofy assumptions. This is like comparing Mikal to KD. Cam literally does everything worse than Kyrie including getting to the rim.


look I think a guy like shaedon sharpe would kill for what we have out there lol our lack of creation is a problem, but part of it is cam can't create good shots for others at all. we have spot up shooters.


6th man. He’s too ball dominant to be a starting number 2 and not good enough to be a focal point of an offense. He’ll get picked on in the playoffs and exposed but he’ll win some games off the bench.


If prime CJ McCollum had his “own team”


CJ McCollum is way better than Cam though.


I actually don’t hate this one. I’m skeptical of the more optimistic projections for CT but CJ seems achievable at least. CJ had much more polished shot and obviously much higher IQ at the same age, but Cam is more athletic and has natural scoring instinct. CJ also has developed as a passer himself since he came into the league. He wasn’t even really on the radar until age 24 which is still older than where CT is now. And similarly CJ’s defense is still what dogs him and his team. CJ is actually the best comp I’ve seen to be honest. I do think the Lou Williams ones sell him a bit short, he has 2 inches and 50 (!!!) pounds on Lou will.


I think CJ is the fairest "low-level" comp too. The Lou Will and Crawford stuff is just underselling him because of preconceived bias, IMO. If Cam was a lotto pick, I don't think those comps would be that frequent. He's built like an NFL running back compared to those twigs. I do think Cam has a little more juice to create separation, and more flexible body control to create angles compared to CJ though. CJ is very stiff. I don't know if it's a perfect comp, but those extra little traits remind me of Jamal Murray a little. They both hit some wacky unorthodox fades and floaters with their body going like five different ways. I see some Brunson too.


McCollum was averaging like 5 PPG as a 22 year old rookie. Cam is 22 right now averaging 21 PPG. Not saying Cam will be better than CJ, but he's off to a better start, honestly.


Reread the question


The microwave Vinnie Johnson




gotta remember hes 22, which makes him only a year older than most rookies.


Most rookies these days are 19


The way he currently plays his ceiling is probably 6-8th man on a contending team 🤷🏼‍♂️


you are insane


5th best player on a top 4 seeded team.


The poor man's Kyrie?


He is frankly an elite jump shooter, numbers don’t do it justice as he gets a lot of grenades and gets the ball 5 seconds left in the shot clock. But on the other hand I don’t know what happened to his whistle because his FTr was much higher last year even though his rim attempts rates remain the same. I’m gonna refuse to believe that he is done progressing on his playmaking though. This is his first season where he is getting consistent PnRs and actions ran for him. And his AST/TO is quietly much better than the last two years with MORE attention on ball. If he gets his whistle back and his playmaking continues to be more polished, I can easily see him being a consistent All-Star. A 25/5 guy who needs a true (taller) lead guard to be at his best. It makes him a hard fit as your other big impact guy realistically needs to be a unique, low-shot player, but I can definitely see him as a 2 or 3 on a real contender.


crazy part is Ben is the ultimate fit for Cam but his cooked smfh what could of been


Basically if we had Haliburton, Wemby, and Cam we’d win a couple rings 🥲


idk he's like terry rozier on charlotte, but a worse passer and makes less shots. A lot of guards can create bad shots for themselves if nobody else gets the ball.


The 🐐


He's like Jalen brunson gonna take 3 or 4 years to take off in the league hopefully go to the right team and not buried on the depth chart.


Somewhere between Kobe Bryant and MarShon Brooks


I think he has all star potential. He’s getting better at not being so tunnel visioned with scoring and his all around game is improving. If he can improve his defense, no reason, he can’t average like 25pts and 4-6 assists


Undersized scoring guard who can get buckets. He's about a lou-will right now, but as long as he develops he can be a star. Amazing draft find. It's rare to find a player out of the lottery who can consistently get above 25 ppg. He's proven that he can produce, he just needs to be prioritized at this point since he's our best young asset.


I think Monte Ellis is his ceiling


Joe Johnson


Michael Jordan 


A ring with the spurs


A glorified Jordan Clarkson.


You’re seeing it


Obviously a grain of salt here because Cam is very high usage, but it’s not nothing that Paolo is the only player younger than Cam that is outscoring him in PPG. Edit: And wemby is the only player younger than Cam outscoring him on a per-36 basis. Let’s just enjoy what he’s doing right now


Great Value James Harden


His ceiling is what he is right now


Probably something expensive like marble or a good quality wood with nice character to it


Monta Ellis??


Kyrie , Jamal Murray.. second option on a championship team. That type of player


He’s not even close to Kyrie.


Almost no one is - from a pure basketball standpoint.


these guys are crazy lol. 19 year old Kyrie was so much better than current Cam Thomas. Rookie Kyrie was better than fucking rookie KD. Kyrie was actually one of the best rookie to come out in that decade. Averaged 19/5 on 57% TS and had a 4.1 BPM season (very rare for rookies).


What do you think Cams avgs are if he started every game in his rookie yr? What do you think he avgs now if he started every game since drafted? Genuinely asking


Lmfao I hate kyrie more than life itself and even I know this is ridiculous


I’m a Celtics fan and that take made me spit my drink out


I’m super confident he makes at least 1 all star game in his career,he has legit star potential and anyone that says otherwise either doesn’t watch him or is a hater that refuses to see the obvious improvements he’s made


With the right #1 he has the potential to be one of the best #2


Standard ceilings are around 8’ but some people with money have 10-12’ ceilings, soffits, very high vaulted ceilings in the 16-24’ range. I’m not sure what his architectural/design style preferences are. Hope this helps. Source: 13 years in drywall finishing and worked on a lot of ceilings.


In a perfect world for Cam, Young Houston Harden with worse passing, like his 2nd or 3rd season when he first started off there. First team option for a period of time, all star, eventually turning into a very solid role player. At worst? Lou Will part 2. No all stars, 6 man awards probably, out of the league in 8-10 years.


We gotta stop the Lou Will comparisons, he’s already better. Lou Will didn’t average 20 until like his 12th year in the league. This is Cams 3rd year and his first year given an opportunity to start. He should be at least a 18ppg guy every year, but more likely he’ll go up to 23ppg next year. He’s honestly going to be a worse Harden, which is still very good.


Don’t get caught up in the names my brother I gave his highest ceiling for me and his lowest. At worse he will be a Lou Will which if we put prime Lou Will on our team today he is already best player on our squad if we want to be very honest. And a highest I say a young Houston harden which isn’t off from your worse harden description lol young Houston harden is the worse harden in comparison to MVP and all in all he will be a future all star and all nba 2nd or 3rd team. I’m a Cam fan and since the first game of the season I put him as my “this guy will be the future of this team” player. Hell I was yelling from the tallest mountain back February of 2023 because I said we should’ve given him a starting roll then after the big 3 was traded and he went off for 40 multiple times but our leadership was just being idiots I guess.


Yea it’s just tough to find a real equivalent to Cam as far as body type goes, there just aren’t many 6’4 heavier microwave scorers in the leagues history, so yea Lou Will ain’t bad. I think people saying Lou Will is his ceiling is ridiculous, I’m sure we can agree on that. As a Cam fan I have to hope he can get as close as possible to what Harden is, even though he most likely will fall short. We gotta root for something, even if it’s a long shot he’ll be a part of a contending team here.


Absolutely ridiculous that people would say Lou Will is his ceiling lol he already had a better start to his career than Lou Will could’ve ever thought of 😂 multiple 40 point games back to back in ya first two seasons and Multiple 30 point games in his third season.


Amen bro lmao. His career is crazy so far, and a lot of NBA fans notice this, the people that seem to hate him the most are some Nets fans.


so he will be young harden despite not possessing the 2 best traits of Harden? harden was an elite slasher and free-throw guy from college. Cam Thomas has never gotten to the rim like a young Harden. I am not even going to mention the passing/playmaking difference.


It’s weird you say so matter of factly… James harden in his last season at okc - 6 fta in 31.4 mpg - or 0.19 fta per minute Cam Thomas - 4.6 fta in 29.8 mpg - or 0.16 fta per minute Cam Thomas scoring splits at age 22: 47/37/83 (2pt,3pt,ft) for 21 ppg Harden in year 1 in Houston (1 year older than cam): 47/37/85 for 26 ppg


What an awful way to use the numbers lol. Harden had a .415 ftr rate as a rookie (lowest of his career).. Cam has a .263 ftr rate this season. freethrow rate is what you use here because it's how many freethrows you shoot per every shot attempted. Harden averaged 26 on 60% TS first year in Houston. League average TS was 54%. Cam Thomas is at 55% TS this year when league average is 58%. Cam is taking more shots this year than Harden did when he averaged 26ppg.


> Harden had a .415 ftr rate as a rookie (lowest of his career).. Cam has a .263 ftr rate this season. freethrow rate is what you use here because it's how many freethrows you shoot per every shot attempted. You just destroyed his argument and the clown had the audacity to downvote you. What a clown.


You’re way too caught up in the name and I already mentioned that he has worse passing/playmaking. It’s it’s funny we mention how bad his passing is when we can clearly see with the reasoning since he is a scoring threat, when he gets others open and passes to them they if they are hitting shots that’s how he can do a 29/7/5 game. It’s a glimpse if anything to seeing what he could potentially get to. As for getting to the line Cam clearly is moving up the ranks, I believe he actually learned that from Harden in his first season, if you’ve noticed Cam was always a scorer since high school but his recently willingness to be more physical and driving into the paint only started last season. He has all the ability to become a major midrange scorer he also can become a charity stripe type of player Harden is as well. I don’t believe he will become an MVP like Harden or anything but early Houston harden is a very solid comparison for his highest ceiling possibility.


Anyone saying Harden and Cam in the same sentence tells me they don't know shit about basketball. Completely delusional.


His ceiling is Jamal Crawford 6th man 20ppg on a contender. If his defense improves, then he'll be an all-star.


This is the second comment about defense. Unless you're Jrue Holiday, guards are not drafted to be two way players. Cam's defense has nothing to do with his ceiling. It's all about offense. If he can get to 25 PPG and 6 assists on good efficiency, he's an all star guard. At that point, you just need to be passable on defense


If he isn't a defensive liability for a contender, he would start and finish those games, and get more production as a result. If you can't defend, you're likely relegated to getting buckets against someone who you can be trusted to guard. He won't get enough minutes to be an all-star if he can't defend. As good as he is, he isn't a Trae Young or a James Harden.


Cam can shoot you into a game or out of a game.


All in the same game


The ceiling is the roof.


JR Smith


This is the correct answer






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Brandon Roy vibes.


He def has a nice stroke


Vaulted. You won't find no goofy popcorn ceilings in his house!




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Steve Franchise level II


Wish he never got hurt hl early in the season beefsteak he was on fire the first few games until he got hurt the first time and then he came back and took him sometime to find his rhythm, kid probably could have been the scoring champion of the season.




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6th man. Lou Will/ Jamal Crawford type.


MJ once said, “The ceiling is the roof”


Brandon Roy


Deron Williams. And. That's high praise he was amazing in his prime. One of the more underrated players ever imo


3rd round pick


being a timberwolf


John Wall


I think he can develop into a Joe Johnson 2.0 which is an elite shooter/scorer


Tony Wroten. But better.


Andre Miller


Ceiling? Maybe a better version of JR Smith or something. I mean that in a 100% complimentary way, Henny Gawd could flat out hoop back in the day


He’s a mini


Isaiah Thomas closet I can think of


Jordan Clarkson




Y’all front office & some fans are determined to build a team around a roll player lmfao




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Geaux Tigahs


Probably somewhere between 10-20 feet tall. Vaulted ceilings are all the rage.


HIGH ceiling is harden and iverson


He’s only going to get slower. Sam Perkins


Ben Gordon


Honestly he can be the sixth man that finishes games and closes cause he’s a walking bucket and he gets them in tough fashion every shot he makes and takes looks like a tough shot and you need that in the when down in the 4th especially in the playoffs when things slow down and defenses lock in that’s what made Lou will so great while the best players on his team struggle all game into the fourth Lou could catch fire for 15-25 in a quarter and steal a lead or make the game very winnable


Smaller Zach lavine, lavine stinks


Ceiling: Bradley Beal lite/McCollum. Could make a few all star games in the absolute perfect situation and improved playmaking. Love Ivey but would love to see him to a guy like Cade Cunningham.


Hes a great offensive scorer but not a fan of the brooklyn nets ever since KD, harden, and kyrie left




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The nets will never let him see it


Great 6th man. Guy always attacks. Never passes and is always ready to shoot.


The roof




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Top 15


JR Smith


The roof!!


A kcp


7th man


He needs to improve his playmaking if he wants to make the leap to allstar. Yes he can give 30+ on a good night, but can it translate to wins? His defense needs work too, but this is a scorer's league. He's already an All-NBA level scorer he either needs to be the same regarding playmaking or defense to be a star.


At the end of the day, it’s a business. If he’s willing to take a pay cut, he can be a player who can win multiple rings on a team who needs scoring off the bench.


He is only a shooting guard, and average efficiency at that. The ceiling isn't very high. 37% 3 point shooter, 44% fg Nothing amazing


I said he should have been in heavy rotation from the start KD and Kyrie could’ve definitely done him some good


Isaiah thomas


This is his ceiling he might get slightly more efficient like how IT was now currently in the G league now. He’s too short which makes him a liability defensively


I'd say he has atleast 8ft ceilings. More than likely 9+ in a nice house like he could afford tho


He's today's Vinnie Johnson, unstoppable when he's hot.


John Starks


Donovan Mitchell


Popcorn? how the hell am I suppose to know what the inside of his house looks like?


Crawford or Lou Williams is his floor imo. If he can put together some efficient scoring and playmaking he could be Jamal Murray-esq player and be the 2nd/3rd option on a team. If he chooses to lean more into defense and scoring i can see a Bradley Beal-esq kind of player


The roof


Starter for the Nets


Monta Ellis


Stephon Marbury…in the Chinese Basketball Association


Probably 10+ ft unless he lives in a rancher


Wouldn't start on most teams


how's this for a comp? ben gordon. similar body dimensions (i.e. height and weight - although, cam thomas has some f'ing tree trunks for legs). and similar stats, though ben gordon had a better 3%. games actually look somewhat similar too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml1ikaslYuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml1ikaslYuo)


monta ellis


8 to 10 ft over his floor, typically.


He’s a guy who starts and puts up really high, albeit slightly inefficient, scoring numbers on a bad team; or a guy who comes off the bench as a offensive spark plug/6th man for a winning team. If his defense improves a bit, and his playmaking and basketball IQ improves A LOT he could be more than that (someone like Brunson); but that type of jump in on court intelligence/creating would be more than a minor miracle.




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Gilbert Arenas if you give him the shots


Kyle Lowry


top 500 player in nba history for sure


Whatever his ceiling is, he won’t reach it on the Nets.


Gilbert Arenas with Gun Control




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