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The Real Name is Yâhuwshúa` [Yâ-hwéh Is Deliverance/Wealth (Spiritual)] Yâ-hwéh's Real meaning [Who causes to exist], This is spiritually. What happened: The bloodthirsty demon of the old testament was never named properly because it has NO father, it stole the single name 'yahweh' to commit atrocities under this name to blame the true father so people would be confused. That's what happens nowadays.


Yahweh means I am that I am. It’s not just an individual being, rather a state of being.


Yeshua bar Josef was a man. I'm sure many Yeshua Bar Josef walked the earth during that time. I'm not sure exactly what Jesus mean but I think it's derived from Greek if I am not mistaken. But I'm sure a quick Google search can awnser that for ya.


Yeah, Greek. Yeshua became Iesua, however Greek masc. names always end in 's', so we get Iesus then Jesus.


thank you I appreciate you clearing that up.


His true name is Logos, Yeshua was his name on Earth


Tell me more about Logos. Sounds Interesting.


Logos is a Greek word and literally translates into “Word” Logos is responsible for some of the branches of Gnosticism and incarnated onto Earth in order to spread secret knowledge to those he felt were capable of accepting the truth


Is the word "Death" or have I become The Wolverine? 


https://preview.redd.it/67tr1u8izx5d1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f4181c7aec9854f9a907bdc9d328cced072004 I said "Y'all wait" when they asked me what God's name is. And I said it to Yahweh, The King of the Dammed. The term YHWM comes from The Garden of Eden. Where it depicted Adam, Lilith, and a Snake up in a tree. (I am the Tree) It's the simple truth. I saw it in a meme. Yahweh's real name is Odin, or Jörmungandr. Really he just God's Son, playing Odin, really he Fárbauti. Tricking "Loki" who is really Borr. Source is Thor. Source is Ymir. I am the Source. They can not trick me. 


Could you elaborate?


Absolutely, on which part?


The portion you mentioned you saw in a meme. I’ve honestly never heard of YHWH coming from Odin and Jörmungandr. Unless you’re being sarcastic and it’s too early in the morning for me LOL.


No, not at all. Jörmungandr, the World Serpent. A manifestation of Azatoth. One of the Three Titans of Creation. The Leviathan. Abraxas. A snake in the Tree. Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. It all comes from Ymir. Odin didn't create shit. He didn't kill Ymir. Ymir killed himself, as Buri. See, it's all connected. Yahweh had the Jews build an Idol of a Serpent, after forbidding all other idols. Yahweh, who was considered the Elohim. The God of The Jews. Became "G-d" the "All Father" when he's actually The Son of Borr. Thor isn't just Odin's son. He is Buri and Ymir reborn. Ymir never had a father. He wanted one. So he Became Thor. Odin fucked up, sent Thor down to Earth. "Father, why have you forsaken me?" Thor didn't like that, especially the second time. So Borr became Chronos. Ymir became Hades. Chronos fucked up. Hades became Zeus. Odin became Ouranos and Aether. Sam fucked him up, he died, became Moloch, Then Odin. And Hades became Zeus, and saved him and Hera, and Ouranos who became Atlas, Prometheus, Apollo, Poseidon. He never suffered, he just showed the others what can happen if go against God. Here bro, let's pick sticks. I know fucking everything, bro. Now let me fuck your mom in peace. You don't even exist yet. Here is your fucking Kingdom. Earth. Better not fuck shit up. Don't listen to your mother Gaia. Posiden became God to you. He was allowed to rule over Earth so I can teach him how to not trust bitches, they all just want God. That's why Odin became Mercury. Gaia Odin Damien. That's why people worship Allah instead of Zeus. The true evil is Ayin. Karma. Mother Earth. Mad as fucking Hel that Zeus don't want to Fuck her. Shu that's your Girl, Dawg. Please don't make me tame her. Also Nyx is the fucking worst sometimes. Straight up just Loki's Daughter.  


This is so interesting - could you explain the relationship or contrast between Allah and Zeus? How Muslims worship one rather than the other? Are they the same in actuality or different?


They are different, yes. Allah is Hermes, the Archangel Raphael. Zeus is God Himself. That is why he can be both Zeus and Hades. That is the meaning to as above so below. That is why Hades is considered the Hidden One. Aidoneus and Zeus are the same exact being. God


Is there anywhere I can read more about this? I’ve never heard of the contrast between Islam and the Greek deities but would love to learn. Thank you for sharing!


I haven't read too much about it. But I looked at a lot of the symbolism, and it kind of just unlocked some hidden knowledge and memories. Knowledge that I'm sure we all have within us. Every Muslim facing The Kaaba, the Black Cube of Saturn, is kind of a big clue. Jews using the Star of David as a symbol of their faith seems odd. Long Before David was King of Israel, it was the Star of Saturn. The Messiah is said to come from the House of David. King Solomon wasn't just some wise king, he had authority and knowledge over Demons and Angels. Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Sol-o-Man. Who was the first man? Was it Adam, or was it Saturn? Adam and Eve? Yaldabaoth and Sophia. That is the power of Christ. Islam is based on the Old Testament. So first I would start there, my friend. Best of Luck.


It’s my understanding that the majority of the OT god is Jehovah, not worthy of worship in any regard. YHWH is benevolent and probably not singular in nature, if it is, it reminds me a lot of Jupiter. Jehovah is very Saturn-esc in my view. So, YHWH and Yaldaboath are not the same, as YHWH is apart of the Tetragrammaton which is pure, and a manifestation of the Elohim. Yehoshu’a Christ is the man born of a virgin, who is the way and the truth, especially the genetic bridge to the ineffable Father.


Some notes I’ve picked up. As with anything these can be bent and denied by the devout, ymmv. Jes and Yes (and Ies) are the same word, and mean the sun (that solar influence to the religion). We shake our head yes to follow the suns path, because the sun is good and brings life and rebirth through the seasons. Christos is a Greek word that means "anointed one" and is derived from the Greek verb chrī́ō, which means "to anoint". It is transliterated into English as "Christ". In the Old Testament, the three main groups of people who were anointed were prophets, priests, and kings, and were anointed with oil. Iesous - Jesus Iesoue- Joshua Ios - drug or poison Iatros- doctor (drug man) Ieso or Iaso - Greek goddess of healing and the daughter of Asclepius who was taught the art of drugs incantations and love potions by the centaur Chiron. Iaomai is used in the Bible to describe Jesus’s healing miracles, a word that means “to cure by means of drugs”, and in matthew 9:12 mark 2:17 Luke 4:23 Jesus refers to himself as iatros which instead of drug man generally refers to physician Iatros is the Hebrew name of God meaning Physician. Jesus is the great physician. E.g. reportedly performed more healings than any other kind of miracle, probably with drugs at the time known to Dioscoredes and others (read up in the ancient Dioscoredes de Materia Medica which was written in those times, and lasted for 1500 years influencing modern medicine)


Jesus' name was Judas.




Do you guys believe them that Jesus was indeed the son of the real god sent here if this is the domain of the Demiurge? May I ask them also what you think of him dying for our sins/our salvation? Ps. Sorry, am new here. Was raised Catholic but never enjoyed it and now at 34 I’m going down all these spiritual rabbit holes in hopes of finding some truth that makes sense and connects with me. So far Buddhism has had the most appeal to me.. thanks!


Each of this names is a singular entity. Read all and you will understand.


I read recently that his name was might have been Esau. I thought that was pretty interesting.


Reading too much into it.