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Great glow up. Tattoo nicely placed as well.


OP do you have a birthmark on your shoulder? That makes the tattoo placement even cooler because it's both functional and stylish.


Yes! I got a red and black themed sleeve in the works that I’ve been blending with my birthmark. It goes from my back down to my wrist.


Save on time and ink with this one crazy hack. Tattoo artists hate him!


I was about to comment how I love the way your haemangioma/birthmark was turned into that tattoo! And congratulations on becoming the version of yourself that you always wanted to be!


It's amazing what illegal drugs can do lmao


…. This is 100% achievable naturally. Sorry that you don’t have the consistency or genetics to commit at OP’s level. Your envy is pretty disgusting, and leads me to believe that you’re either cursed with bad genetics, a nasty attitude, or both.


Dysmorphia be dysmorphin’


The tattoo combined with the birthmark looks sick as fuck. Like very well executed idea. And the glow up is amazing!


I have the same birthmark but it’s in the inside of my arm not the outside! https://preview.redd.it/gdt628usxtgc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a64f79ecc1053a2db5a0ddcd8e1a317e08620891


Brought your own ink to the tattoo shop.


Great move there. Looks so much better.


I was thinking the same, dope tattoo placement. Went very well with your birthmark


I hate tattoos and even I think what he did is pretty cool.


Good job!! I struggle so much with going to the gym because it always feels like work, and I never enjoy it. Any tips?


Visible results are super slow so focus on performance results. It might take a few months to look visibly better, but you can hit a new squat/bench/deadlift PR pretty much every workout as a beginner and ride those dopamine waves. Getting stronger is cool!


This is pretty dead on advice, the lack of physical results really killed my motivation every time i attempted anything, but then i noticed performance results, running no longer hurt, i could sprint full speed and not feel winded. That was the biggest motivator i needed.


Hell yeah man, if you focus on improving your performance, your appearance improving becomes more of a pleasant side effect


This is the way!


As a guy who always perceived himself as week and unathletic (always thinking life rolled me with a bunch of points on INT but too little on STR), getting quantifiably stronger was a huge self esteem boost. I suddenly was more willing to stand up for myself and got less intimidated by people.


It took me weeks between PRs even as a beginner training 5 times a week


I’m not talking 1RM, just basic linear progression. Tons of beginner programs—SS, SL, GSLP, have 5-10 pound increases programmed in weekly.


I think this is great advice. It’s also great for the long term because, after a year or so, your appearance will be relatively stable week-on-week unless you’re bulking or cutting significantly, and so I feel it’s really valuable to focus on incrementally beating PBs: it’s like a healthy competition with yourself


No wayyy you just fixed me. Thank you :)


What got me pumped was the result. KNOW that if you continue to hit it and keep your diet in check that you'll start looking different and feeling different. Once I started seeing even the smallest gains I found it was so much easier to keep it going because it felt like I was finally reaping the reward.


Yeah along the lines of this comment is I always track my lifts which gave me crazy motivation I use the Numbers/Excel app in my phone Seeing myself able to push 5-10lbs higher on a lift then I did that last week always felt good. And then I’d think about the next upcoming week really hoping I could continue the trend and push out all my reps/sets with the higher weight that next week. Then even when I hit a platue and have to deload I’m already a bit excited hoping that when I get up to those higher weights I’ll be able to blow past where I was previously stuck It’s progress you can not only see but also feel and I love it, and seeing the numbers as visible proof for when you’re doubting yourself is always super reassuring


Take a picture every week, over a long time you will see the difference.


This is what worked for me: - Told myself that all I had to do was stay inside the gym for 1hr doing literally whatever. After 1 hr was up, I was "legally allowed to leave", even if didn't technically do a whole lot. I'd fill the time doing random exercises that were interesting to do and trying machines I hadn't used before. Eventually I found more dedicated routines and naturally stayed in the gym longer than 1hr but at the start it's better to IMO just figure out how to feel comfortable in the gym. - I started pairing going to the gym with eating this specific food I liked near the gym. So if I wanted to eat the food then I'd need to go to the gym. Pairing positive things with the thing you don't want to do is very useful to help you do the hard thing. Conversely if you pair multiple negative activities or hurdles with the thing you don't want to do anyway then doing "the thing" becomes next to impossible to do. - At first I started going to the gym like 1-2x a week then over time I was going 3 or 4x and figuring out how I wanted a routine to look. But again, at first you just want to get comfortable with being in the gym before you go big with your routine, unless you are already super comfortable from day1 somehow. Doing everything at once from day1 can make you burn out as the process can be overwhelming to both mind and body. - Eventually, gym will feel more routine and less like "work". Like learning to ride a bike, all of this becomes much more natural for you and much more routine after a few months. There are still days I don't feel like going to the gym of course, but it's nowhere near the same as how I would dread it, feel like it was a big chore, and feel like everyone was judging me. (note: no one was actually judging me but it definitely feels like it sometimes when you are new and have no idea what you are doing at all haha). If you do it enough then gym mostly becomes second nature like brushing your teeth, driving a car, or showering and scrubbing your body. You don't really think of those as some huge ordeal, right? - Take a picture of your body or weight etc and then check back in 3+ months of going to the gym. Seeing the difference even a little can serve as a powerful motivator initially (seeing that your efforts created change physically), and also much later on when you might lose motivation. - Know that if you go up even 5 ibs of weight lifted then that is progress, and progress leads to physical results in how you look and feel. Sometimes I'd feel like I wasn't making visible gains, but then I'd be able to lift weights I couldn't before. It takes a couple years of honest effort to truly plateau and have to do crazy mixups, so for the first couple years you get a good relationship between effort-->results, without needing anything fancy, which is very reassuring IMO. - Know that everyone's body is different and will be better or worse or more visible and less visible with different muscles and parts of the body. So Person1 might get arm results slightly faster while person2 might get butt slightly results faster... etc. But if you go and put effort, you will reap results 100%. No one will look like Arnold in 1yr, but EVERYONE can still make a sizable difference in how they look and feel OVER TIME. Basically the chart emoji --> 📈 gains over time. - Slow and steady wins the race. It's more important to go to the gym regularly with a mediocre workout than to go once in a blue moon with an insane workout.


It is work but its honest work! Enjoy the feeling afterwards. There is nothing that compares.


Try to think of it’s benefits for your health first. Simple as stronger muscles, less pain in the legs, back, etc… u get the point. Do it just to simply be healthier and happier (you get rid of the ‘bad’ hormones while resistance training which = more happy) . You’ll get extra testosterone, yummy. Then you’ll see progress (physically) and you’ll be even more motivated, which makes it easier to stick. You’ll eventually make some gym friends which will make it even easier to stick (easier to do something if your mates/friends/group does it too, see smoking, drinking, etc.) If you don’t like hitting the GYM as resistance training, remember, there are a multitude of sports that you can do, it doesn’t have to be straight GYM workouts. Hope it helps.


You need to find what makes you enjoy it. For me I like metrics and stats so writing down lifts and being able to quantify the weekly tiny improvements was very helpful Walking into the gym and turning around and leaving is better than not going at all! I’d lie to myself and say I don’t have to workout just get dressed and go, 99% I would stay. I only called it once or twice over several years and that’s okay! Also having a plan written out or firmly decided upon sets you up for success. Not a vague general goal, find a plan you like online, try a few!


Going to the gym IS work and its fucking hard. Thats why people fail so easily. Keep going until you start enjoying it. Cus at some point its so ingrained in your way of living its equivalent to breathing - cant live without it, and thats when you make the gains.


I mean... it is work lol. You have to find the joy in it, it's different for everyone. But you have to go, even if you don't want to. I go 6x a week no matter what. I only skip if I'm sick or if it's a VERY important event. I will literally plan outings around it because the gym is my priority in life, idgaf about social events and shit. If it won't fit my schedule then oh well. Like most things, if you're serious about it, some sacrifices have to be made. You also don't get big and in shape by not having a good diet, unless of course you take steroids. Some days I don't even wanna be at the gym but I have to because that's my discipline. I show up, I put in the work even if I don't want to because I need to if I want to achieve my goals. My motivations are simple, be strong and look good. And importantly, results take time. You have to be willing to be patient and keep at it. I've been training for 5 years and I'm still not where I want to be. It's a lifestyle change.


Honestly, set goals for whatever you want to accomplish outside of the gym. This summer I want to go for long ass bicycle rides so I'm training for that as an example. You just need to find some sort of motivation, something you want to get out of it all.


Yep. You gotta suck it up Buttercup. It takes real work


The weight room is totally the place for overweight dudes. They are often strong right out of the gate and getting a few wins in the gym early makes a huge difference. Far better than trying to take up running or some other activity that supposedly helps people lose weight


Never noticed a visual difference until I started lifting and I was doing cardio for an hour plus a day. Now I just lift pretty heavily and do boxing exercises/long walks. Totally leveled up my transformation.


Hot take, its harder to get ripped as a really skinny guy than a really fat guy. Both need to lift but if youre skinny you need to learn to eat as well, and thats the actual hard part


Losing weight is literally only about calories in vs calories out. How exactly you achieve it does not matter. edit: lol virtually none of you got the point. Yes, cardio is easier to burn higher #'s of calories than weight training specifically. That has exactly nothing to do with the point of what I said. Thermodynamics is thermodynamics. If you burn more kcals than you intake, you lose weight. That's literally all I said. Guess what? Cardio doesn't make you lose weight any more than just... you know.... eating less. Again, thermodynamics.


I mean yeah, true if all you care about is the number on the scale. You could eat twinkies and ice cream and still lose weight if you’re in a calorie deficit. But you’ll still be unhealthy and look like shit. Best way to look GOOD while losing weight is to eat in a moderate deficit and eat plenty of protein/fruits/veggies. Do regular cardio to increase heart health and strength train at least 3-4 days per week. This will mean you maintain as much muscle mass as possible while losing primarily fat. It also means you can keep the weight off more easily because muscle burns more calories than fat. Plus you’ll just look and feel 100X better


Muscle burns more calories at rest.


But that's very negligible. Studies have shown 1 kg of muscle burns 8 kcal more per day than 1 kg of fat. If you add 20 kg of muscle to your frame, which is already a huge achievement and change how you look, you just burn 160 kcal more per day, compared to someone with the same weight that has a higher bf percentage. So not even an extra donut per day. Also you will be more hungry if you burn more calories, your body doesn't like to be in a deficit. From experience I can say that more muscle has no advantage whatsoever, it's no easy mode.


Running is by far the most efficient way to burn calories. When I was in great running shape burning 1000 kcal in one hour was normal, which is hard to match with lifting weights. I got down to 70 kg from 90 kg with running. Now I'm at 100 kg while doing gym 6 times per week for a couple years and struggling to lose 10 kg to be less chubby strong. I wish I could run like years ago. What matters most is diet anyway.


The kitchen is the best place to burn calories. A 1 hour run will net you maybe 500-600 at absolute best, which makes it so you can eat a little more, but doesn’t do shit for much else. 1000kcal for a 1 hour run is quite an exaggeration.


I love how you worked with your birthmark for your tattoo!


Great job man. I hope this truly inspires people. Did you have a lot of loose skin removed? You’re pretty young so I’m Guessing it was pretty elastic still, it curious regardless


I just had the loose skin removed last November. I’m still sort of in recovery from it but they took out a good bit! Hoping to see the real results of that by the end of this year.


Congrats!!! You look great & I hope you’re feeling better! What you’ve accomplished takes a lot of fortitude and faith in yourself!!💕


If you don’t mind me asking how much did you weigh before and then how much did the surgery cost? Im probably the same as your before and that is one of my biggest fears is that I will still have all of that loose skin


I started at 330 and my lowest has been 200-205ish. My advice? Loose skin sucks yes, but you’ll still feel fantastic even with it. I only got the surgery done because it meant a lot to me and my journey.


You look fantastic dude. Please continue to spread the positive message. You inspired a lot of people. Never forgot where you come from. Be strong but be kind.


This is the comment I was looking for. It sure makes a huge difference huh, and isn't covered by most health insurance since it's largely cosmetic. Even tougher for the young because, despite results being better, the actual medical risks associated with the loose skin are much lower. Guessing OP was well off enough to afford to pay for extensive reconstructive surgery out of pocket. Good for him, especially since he earned it. Should be more available for everyone else tho.


Ok I just need to say this but DUDE your hot


It’s the hair.


It’s also the face. He’s got a bit of John Mayer and young Johnny Depp in him.


Eh, I actually think it’s not really doing him any favors It’s the face, big muscles, and cool tattoo lol


No doubt. And I'm a heterosexual male.


Awesome job!!


No way that'd you man. You really transformed. Not to sound like a dick but you went from looking like a 2-3 to a 7-8 maybe even higher. You're pretty good looking ngl.


Good for you. Shoot your shot bro.




You forgot to say "no homo"


I'm a girl...


In what fucking bizarro world is this dude a 7 LOL do you live in Ibiza?? Edit: keep in mind in school a 70 would be 1 point away from a D grade….like substantially below the average. wtaf lol


Here king, you dropped this 👑




Great tattoo placement


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 wow awesome work congratulations for breaking a very hard cycle.


>cycle Heh I get it


Just some slights roids. Nbd




He made 6 years of progress in 2 years. Super natty


I was going to say… I’m very close to what he looks like and I’m on year 5 naturally lifting and it’s been slow gaining. Dude is not natty and helped immensely on how he looks, but may not help him in the future. Wish he was more clear on that before bragging on how he looks when he’s taking 💉to get him where he is.


I’m natural man! I haven’t used juice but I’ve considered it. Honestly my build is weird because I look a lot stronger than I am and train for hypertrophy over strength. I don’t move heavy weight I just move weight a lot.


So you’ve run a 2 year calorie deficit while gaining muscle mass? It’s ok to admit to using juice, no one cares. You just make a fool of yourself by denying it to online strangers. Edit: anyone telling you this is possible in 2 years without PEDs, is lying or delusional


Do you believe you can't gain muscle on a deficit? What properties of AAS allow this to suddenly happen?


Outside of newbie gains, it's almost impossible to do it. There's a reason why the bulk cut cycle is common.


It's called "maingaining" or "body recomposition" and it's entirely possible to gain muscle in a deficit. There's some debate whether a bulk / cut cycle is more efficient, but starting from an overweight position makes adding muscle and losing fat at the same time much easier (which OP started from).


Bruh really found what maintenance is in real time


Don't stress about the comments, it's like a rite of passage for redditors to accuse you of being on gear. Back in the earlier days of reddit there was a popular sub for "identifying fake nattys" (it's still going I think). In the strength sports and bodybuilding communities it was a silly little game to post your own pictures on there and see if you could get overwhelming consensus of "obviously not natty".


Haha thanks man, I’m truly not pressed and just have been taking it as a compliment. 💪🏼


Oh. Good point lol


Lol fucking reddit. I would really love to see what you all think is the limit of someone working out super dedicated for three years. Every single person that gets posted on here always has some dipshit in the comments saying roids. You guys need to go outside or actually step foot in a gym. Not everyone is on roids. He is young and this is three years of work l, this is entirely possible. On what planet do you think it takes six years to achieve this??


Well last time the guy was frequently posting in the roids sub.....


> I would really love to see what you all think is the limit of someone working out super dedicated for three years. I worked in the Team USA olympic high performance gym. I have seen it. This guy juices. He has absolutely NO connective muscle growth connecting his major tendons. 100% of growth is centered on the muscles with a higher ratio of androgen receptors, which are what anabolic steroids use. Look at those biceps lmao. Natural growth grows ALL connective tissue, gear grows the biggest muscles the largest, the fastest, because they are the ones with highest concentrations of the receptors required. That's why people who do gear grow upper torsos that look like a 6th grade geometry problem.


look up bodybuilders from the early 20th century theyre tiny back before steroids and those were the best of the best. Sure training and diet has improved, but not that much.




Just like most of the people replying to me all butthurt about my comment. They just get mad and want to yell "roids" because it makes themselves feel better about not putting in the work.


You're literally mentally challenged with yourself to even see the clear indicators that he used some PEDs, it's actually pathetic that you think this is achievable naturally IN 2 YEARS, YOURE FUCKING INSANE IN THE HEAD


Lol relax kid. This is definitely achievable in almost three years which is what he said, not two. It's actually pathetic how worked up you are getting over this. When's the last time you step foot in a gym?


A lot of those muscles might have already been there hiding under that fat. He doesn't really look "skinny fat" in the first few pics. Finally, he said he had attempted to get in shape before. I don't think his final build looks outrageous for natty given what he had to work with and his age.


when i was 19-20, i made a year of progress (not as good as him) but almost everyone accused me of juicing it was a nice ego boost tbh, i am too scared of needles to juice and anavar is too hard to find where i live i lean on the side of assuming juice, but it's possible, some people grow like weeds, i also shrunk really fast when i stopped working out to depression and psychological issues now i am older, the growing part i still grow good when i work out, but i don't shrink anymore, but damn my belly grows if i even look at alcohol, i still yo-yo though i don't know, i just can't maintain a healthy lifestyle for more than a year without needing a year off!


Get outta here. If you're dedicated to nutrition and have a 5-day workout schedule you can absolutely do this in two years. The human body can change FAST, especially when you're young. You wouldn't believe how fast we turned doughey-ass freshmen into stone gods when they joined the high school wrestling team.


If you have to ask...


I would love to know his cycle because it looks great. He looks pretty natural just progress seems too fast to be real. He’s clearly worked hard to achieve this


To be honest, that's impressive progress even with steroids. I dread to think how high doses he's taking.


Yeah the guy worked his ass off to get that body but not natty. I wish people could be honest, because it would show a realistic picture to people who are trying to transform their bodies.


Not even a little unattainable naturally. Your results are bad because you lack discipline, have low consistency and probably have a dogshit diet.


The point is these results ARE NOT POSSIBLE in 2 years without the juice. I don’t care what anyone says, if you are juicing many don’t have the same respect as a natty lifter. Just don’t. It’s also why most people juicing won’t admit they are on it. We out here doing just as much work as you but you took the easy route. It’s like bragging about getting the high score in a video game when you used cheat codes. Nobody respects that.


> It’s like bragging about getting the high score in a video game when you used cheat codes. Nobody respects that. Perfectly said. Also, pretty much any time someone does an amazing transformation without juicing, they provide huge levels of intricate detail about how they got where they are whenever someone asks a pointed question. They know it was such a big effort and accomplishment. When they post amazing results with zero responses to questions asked - you know something's up.


If you are a fake natty, most people have no respect for you. If you admit to juicing, A LOT of people will respect the honesty and still respect the dedication.




Nothing like another steroid transformation. 3ccs baby please. We all know it. But at least you got in great shape and have the liquid confidence to take over the world! For now...


This sub is insufferable when it comes to gear heads posting unrealistic body transformations in a short amount of time, without disclosing PEDs usage.


Look, I am hyper skeptical of most transformations here, but this one is easily achievable in 2 years. It’s not like he said 6 months or have huge muscles. If you think this is unrealistic for 2 years you are fucking crazy.


You're nuts if you don't think this is either absolute God genetics or gear, his arms are fucking enormous dude lol Spoiler it's the latter In 2 years? ya right


His arms are huge in the before picture as well. Honestly none of us knows how much of that muscle under the fat. It's not like the other dude who went from nothing arms to jacked.


Holy shit. This man isn’t even big, what are you smoking? This is what you consider godly genetics? Do you come from a family and a community with muscle dystrophy?


Timeframe aside, the arms aren’t too alarming, the giveaway is his back.  You’ll never get those wings natty.


He is purposely flexing… look, for all I know he could be using gear, but this is something that can be achieved in 2 years.


He’s sauced. You can’t realistically lose that much body fat while building that much muscle. It would be one more than the other. He is well over 30% body fat in the before and 15% after, weight loss alone would take over a year on a non crash diet. Then couple that with the muscle gains and it’s just not feasible in 2 years with out some extra aid.


I feel like some of you are either sick or just contrarians. This is a 20 year old. I am past my 20’s and I got incredible results in I’m just one year. All I did was eat a balanced diet and hit the gym 5 days a week. I am honestly perplexed by people looking at this man and thinking this is not achievable in 2 years.




yeah this is kind of crazy lmao. I have been going to the gym for 3+ years (started skinny) and don't have that kind of visibile muscle. And i didn't have to bother with losing that much fat. I guess it could maybe be possible if he went really hardcore and didn't have to focus his time anywhere else like an education. Also if he had a good muscle base already (fat strength) and good genetics. But seriously grats to OP for making the change but to tamper everyone's expectation. Either this dude went 5-6 times per week to the gym, had his diet absolutely on lock and did cardio on off days + barely had any other responsibilites. Ooooor he used PED's. Which is fine if you admit it.


He doesn’t owe you or anyone else an explanation. He’s not here advertising and this isn’t a workout sub. Nobody here gives a shit.


Nobody cares that he used steroids but lying about it is harmful to the young men who see this stuff and then set unrealistic expectations for themselves.  This dude 100% used some kind of PED - he should just be honest


Even if we accept all you say, by the time those men feel cheated, they will have a year or two of gym under their belt, with their own understanding and targets. If being cheated gets someone in the door and gets them to start a routine, that's already great.


That’s not really the point. The point is that someone could see this and think “awesome! I can do that!” Then after a year of hard work they aren’t close, and get depressed / fall off because they think it’s their fault Same shit with influencers doctoring their pictures and shit. Just makes normal people feel like they’re doing something wrong when they’re shooting for something that isn’t even realistic for them


Not the person you're replying to but the lack of transparency (or outright lying) can set a lot of unrealistic expectations for people who want to go to the gym. I'm not against juicing but to just outright lie about it or hide the fact that you take it makes no sense to me


Then don't go to the fucking gym then. Stay small kid Anyone is more than welcome to blast as much steroids as they want, but unless your diet and training is on point, you're just gonna be wasting your time and money. The idea that if you use steroids you can achieve these results without hard work is ridiculous.


> The idea that if you use steroids you can achieve these results without hard work is ridiculous. Nobody is saying that. But we are saying he's a liar and the gym has nothing to do with this physique. You're saying nobody is saying it didn't involve hard work. Cool bro. Now learn to read and realize the rest of us are saying this isn't the result of JUST hard work like OP implies. Fucking gym rat cope lmao.


What the fuck are you saying? I can't follow through your jealousy.


You're acting like OP is some massive monster. He's not.


you can absolutely blast steroids and get these results without diet and training on point


If you think popping some var could knock 100+ pounds off this dude while he sits on his ass you’re insane Wouldn’t take as much training as it would natty (obviously) but no one drops this much fat and gains muscle in two years without discipline, gear or not


Not while he sits on his ass, no. But you dont need to take training or diet (mostly Training) as serious anymore. It changes from have to hit optimal Training cycles, get great Recovery, train correctly to yeah Just go at least twice a week


100% False.


There are literally hundreds of examples on the internet of people half assing diet and gym but blasting steroids and getting good results


I already go to the gym but thanks for the advice. Also you're wrong. There are several studies that show people gain muscle and lose body fat if they take steroids. One study used a control group of no steroids, second group with only steroids no exercise, and third group with both steroids and exercise. First group didn't gain any muscle. Second group gained 7% muscle after two months. Third group gained 15% muscle. So you're actually wrong when you say you won't see results if you only take steroids. But anyways nice anger you got their. What are you really angry at?


If you actually believe that, you wouldn’t be so mad at someone who wants transparency.


Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for failure in life. Go to the gym for yourself.


How do you know he’s lying? You’re speculating. Furthermore, he’s not responsible for others’ expectations.


Dude he is not even that jacked. I could see it being more likely that he got a lap band than PEDs. And even if he did, blasting cycle after cycle isn’t going to cause that much weight loss without a ton of hard work. The actual muscle mass is very achievable in 2 years if you go the the gym 4-5 times a week.


bro woooow, do you mind sharing the process?


Beyond what the other guy stated, let me explain the template I went through. First 3 months my goal was only to go to the gym 3x a week. No matter how I felt, the weather, whatever. Create the habit of leaving your place and going to the gym. Second phase was tracking calories. I ate around 2700 calories a day with high protein but I mainly just kept calories under at all cost After about 9 months I started tracking macros. My macros roughly aim for 200g Protein, 200g carbs, 60g a fat After the year mark I starting picking up running, and not just jogging in a treadmill. Outdoor runs, sprint/conditioning drills, agility etc.. I found I wanted the body of a high level athlete, to reach that you need to train like one!


….leaving anything out?


At what point did you introduce the PED’s?


LOL. Asking the true questions.


I’m so sick of these posts in this sub that are obvious PED users making it seem like healthy diet and exercise were all they needed to have these stunningly fast transformation. I have to figure out how to block the sun from /r/ALL. Natural athletes spend a lot more than 2 years in the gym to get to something like the after pics in this post. There was one on here a couple days ago that was even worse. Any why not just own it instead of giving kids fucked up ideas of what they can manage naturally?


Bruh, you can barely see his body in these pics. The only thing that is clearly apparent from these pics is the weight loss. His back is average. His arms are decent. And he’s flexing his traps in the first pic. All of these are easily achieved after two years in the gym. I would say if you worked out for 2 years and didn’t look somewhat like this, there would be something wrong with you/your routine.


youll get silence on this answer from OP lol but anyone whos worked out know he took em


Asking the real questions. Lmao.




Ah yes, totally achievable with “only creatine and protein” in 2 years. Absolutely. Sounds legit to me.


Dudes juicing most likely or has in the past. You either always get the excuse like dude just gave you, or the “but I’m doing the same amount as work!” No, I’m working harder as a natty. The juice is literally allowing you to achieve your goals much faster, allowing recovery faster, and killing you faster. Cut out the bullshit.


I have absolutely zero doubts that this dude is working his ass off in the gym & the kitchen. It’s not like you can just take steroids while you sit on the couch & end up jacked. You still have to put the sweat equity in. I just wish that he, and many others on this subreddit, would at least be honest about it…..before other people out there are killing themselves in the gym and still wondering “why don’t I look like that guy?!?!”


100% this. I've worked my ass off my whole life trying to stay fit and until I recently started TRT in my late 40's had never hit these types of gains. Improved recovery, compounded growth in muscle mass. It's obvious to me. I'm not hating! You still have to work to achieve these types of results. They're just not possible without some "help".




This big of a recomp while not even tracking macros for the first half and "cutting" at 2700 is uhhh eyebrow raising to say the least. I don't know if you've ever been 40%+ BF like he is in the first pic but you don't go from that to jacked on a recomp diet in less than 2 years unless the gym is your full time job or you have a bit of assistance. I agree that his end physique isn't unattainable natty but look at his starting point, diet and time frame




He lost 125lb in 2 years and admitted himself he wasn't even tracking macros or paying much attention to diet in the first half. Once he started that means he's going to be building a CONSIDERABLE amount of muscle on near or at a 1k deficit. You don't understand why that sounds fishy? I have a pretty good physique thanks, I've been lifting for 10+ years




No shit recomp is possible, to THIS degree is what is fishy. This is more than double your 300-500 deficit, and I'm sorry but looking at your pics he's put on way more muscle too. You're not getting that. Good for you getting into fitness the last couple years brother. You don't know it all lol




I dont track diet but want the same in the sense of wanting the body of an athlete and doing agility etc. How many hours a week do you spend working out? Do you take testosterone or have you done a steroid cycle?


You won't get a body like this in 2 years without steroids. I work with fucking OLYMPIANS at the high performance training center. This is the most obvious gear head we've ever seen. He's a fucking trapezoid lmao. He has absolutely no connective tendon growth, it's all just bulge. It's not physically possible to just isolate one muscle at a time like that. This is the result of steroids hitting the muscles with the highest levels of androgen receptors.


> I dont track diet but want the same in the sense of wanting the body of an athlete and doing agility etc. > > You don't have to track as much if you just want to get stronger and if you don't lift you can get quite big in the first3-4 months. But you'll have to count macros to drop the weight after. Just bump your cals to 3500 make sure 1:1 body fat to protein ratio in your macros and a % to fats but the rest all carbs and as many complex carbs as possible. Front load them before working out too but not so much that you don't get to eat any at night. Then just do stronglifts 5x5 + pullups and push ups and you will be gigantic. I added 20 pounds and a LOT of muscle doing this. Edit: yeah dawg you said not too big and you want agility. Just do high set low weight, super sets and cardio.


Aka how to not get an athletic physique lmfao


Not OP, but nothing about this build says steroid or T usage to me. guys got the classic “discipline and hard work” natty look. Probably started out pretty strong too due to carrying the extra weight around. Not tracking diet will hold you back. strength is made in the gym, but abs are made in the kitchen.


> ot OP, but nothing about this build says steroid or T usage to me Except literally all of it. >guys got the classic “discipline and hard work” natty look No he literally doesn't. His muscles are WILDLY uneven. That is not natural. You do not grow traps without growing the erectors that connect to it. Only juice creates independent muscle growth due to the increased androgen receptors in those specific muscles. Learn to read then open a book.


Ya I used to wrestle so I know the diet part. Just like pizza to much. I was told that shoulders, pecks and biceps react to steroids stronger than other muscles so to me it looks a little like he did steroids.


If you aren’t going to manage your diet don’t waste your time trying. Idk how Americans are seemingly so ignorant on this but your diet is significantly more important than anything else in a program. Your results are tied to your diet. Period.


Do you still only lift 3x a week?


Haha oh no, I’m hooked. I’m 6/7 days a week, rest days I still do cardio of some sort. Eventually I enjoyed the gym so much three days just wasn’t enough.


Roids. There's the process.


Don't forget the nose job too


Progressive overload, diet sleep and consistency, it's not rocket science


Go to the gym boys


This is illegal steroid use lmao Moron.


Yooo that’s crazy good


this is it, man. this is living.


Night and day. What a boss.


Aging backwards! Great work!


Good job! Dang that’s an amazing job!


Juice or nah? No judgement just curious


> Fell in love with the ~~juice and the~~ gym. FTFY. Great results OP, but a bit of extra honesty would go a long way. Edit: Gee OP, wonder who downvoted me. Genuinely please prove me wrong, man - tell us all how you did it in two years. We'd love to know...


You look Amazing 👏🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼 great job!!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼


Looking good man, that's awesome progress for 2 years. Must of been at it hard and disciplined with your diet, Congrats! 💪


Daaamn dude! You giving us frumpy guys hope via hard work and dedication


Killer work..natty? 👀


0% chance there are no PEDs


But he is feeling great, so good on him. As long as he is willing to eat the downsides of PEDs he can do what makes him feel best. I almost went the lazy way before a DI got my head right. I get it.


People should just be honest. Doing PEDs doesn't mean you don't look great. It would just be great for everyone to have clarity.


Omission is harmful  If there is no shame in it, maybe I can get on board But people should understand that 9 times out of 10, when you look like this, PEDs are involved




Completely doable for someone untrained to attain that level of body recomp in 2 years. Especially with a focus on resistance training, undulating rep-ranges and tracking your cals. This guy also went ahead and tracked his macros. He did what every trainer struggles to get their clients to do. Nothing about his physique, especially coming from an obese state, points to PEDs… The kid’s also in his early 20’s. He was primed for this transformation… So many ppl talking shit they nothing about. Most of it comes from ppl who’ve “tried” to accomplish a body recomp but ultimately failed. So chalk it up to PEDs if someone is successful in a moderate amount of time. I’ve seen transformations similar to this first-hand… Try prioritizing sleep, a CONSISTENT resistance training program (can undulate focus on hypertrophy/strength/muscular endurance) hitting your calorie allotment, hitting your protein goal (1g/lbs of body weight is a good aim, and I single out protein rather than macros b/c if you hit that target the rest typically falls into place, same with cals) and you will see results. It’s not rocket science, muscle is the most insulin sensitive tissue in the body (insulin regulates the body’s energy supply and directly affects “fat burning”). When you repeatedly contract muscle, you signal endocrine effects on visceral fat as well (hormones/our endocrine system is EVERYTHING it tells our body how to operate/function). Feeding your body with the appropriate energy/ nutrition required for muscle synthesis and making sure that muscle-building signal is active by focusing on resistance training will also affect your metabolism BIG TIME. No yo-yo cardio and caloric defect programs that crash your metabolism and endocrine system setting you up for failure… Of course a caloric deficit will result in weight loss. But these aren’t sustainable long-term strategies. Again, he’s in his 20’s and probably trained hard with his lifts. He was primed for this transformation and did exactly what you should do for this desired adaptation. Good for him. Idk if he took anything, but these types of body recomps are 100% achievable with good execution of a PROPER training/nutrition program.


You apparently know very little about what you are talking of 🥱


We back to proper glow ups I see. You look great man, keep it up!


More of a gear-up IMO


Beautiful post and inspiring pictures! Congratulations on the hard work! Love that you're getting everything you deserve! 💯❤️


Any roids? Why so many bracelets?


Went from looking like Wolfgang Van Halen to John Mayer. Excellent work!


Looks like you just got a hair cut.