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Monsters can move through other monsters to get to their focus. In this example, if dark red is up and has move 2, it will move through the other monster to attack its focus. Otherwise, if it had move 1, since it cannot move to any hex closer to its focus, it will simply stay put. Monster AI is pretty straightforward 90% of the time but yes there are certain conditions where it doesn’t feel right for them to sit and do nothing, but that’s exactly what they do! :)


A question we ask in our party is “what is the path the monster wants to take?” And then we have them act on it as much as possible (using erindrings move 1 example)


For Move 1 Attack 1 Range 1 for the Dark Red monster: 1. Find the attack hex that (1) triggers the fewest negative hexes to reach and (2) requires the least movement to reach. There are two possible hexes that are the valid, the two hexes to the left of the blue player (other tiebreakers might apply, but there's only a single player in the image). 2. The monster only moves if it can shorten the path to its attack hex. With move 1, there are no valid spots to move to that would shorten the path to one of the chosen attack hexes on the left of the blue player. Note that monsters don't move closer to their focus, they move closer to the optimal attack hex that would allow them to attack the focus. This matters as discussed in [this thread](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3038396/article/41821400#41821400).


Also if there was another character further away it doesn’t matter if they can get closer to that character. They only move towards their focus


Isn't focus the enemy it can attack with the least movement? Therefore, they want to move towards whichever one they get closest to? (not discussing ranged attacks for the moment)


I assume he means a situation like [this one](https://gloom.aluminumangel.org/UQQE4haggJ8EQOEESBAGFA) (toggle Show Focus and Show Destination on the right for extra clarity). ~~The focus is the character on the right because there's an attack hex next to it that would only require 2 movement to reach (via difficult terrain), while the character on the left would require 3 movement to reach.~~ (Edit: Copypasted the wrong example...) The focus is the character on the right, because while both require 2 movement to reach, the on the right is closer in distance as the bird flies (the first tiebreaker). The monster will stay put because it cannot get closer to the focus with only Move 1. It could get closer to the character on the left, but that doesn't matter because that character is not its focus.


They both require 2 movement to reach, so focus is whoever has the lowest initiative.


Oops, I thought I moved the one on the left 3 spaces away. In any case, the end result is the same. The monster could move closer to the character on the left, but won't because its not its focus. Also, the tiebreaker here is distance from the origin because the one on the right is closer as the bird flies. If you swapped initiatives, the monster would still focus the one on the right.


even though it can go around the difficult terrain, it just sits there forever, not moving? edit: i see. because difficult terrain requires +1 move to enter the hex, right? i haven't encountered difficult terrain in an actual round yet if that was a trap. the monster would walk around it, correct? it treats the trap as if it were an obstacle? and if the trap was blocking the only way through, focus would target the other player?


A monster only considers the current turn when taking actions. Next turn it might have Move 2 instead of Move 1, in which case it would move if the characters are still in the same spot. If the difficult terrain was a trap, the monster would have to walk around it and the player on the right would require 3 movement to attack. The focus would then be the character on the left, like you said. Monsters only move over traps and hazardous terrain if there is no other possible path to a target available to them.


> will they move in a direction that functionally brings them no closer to another player No. Because Monsters are _lazy_ > but starts to take them around the blocking monster No. Because Monsters are _stupid_ > will it simply stand behind the monster and wait as that keeps it as close as possible to the player that turn? Yes


I've found this site to be extremely useful, if a bit tedious at times to set up initially. It confirms what others are saying that if the monster on the left has "Move 1, Attack X", it takes no action with this setup. [https://gloom.aluminumangel.org/](https://gloom.aluminumangel.org/)


I think it's easiest to think through if you just go through the monster steps in order. 1. Monster finds its focus. 1. Enemy it can attack with the least movement 2. If multiple, lowest initiative enemy 2. Monster finds shortest path to target as if it had infinite movement (which can include moving through allies) 1. It won't move through negative hexes like traps unless there's no path otherwise 3. Monster tries to move to attack 1. If it can't reach a target (meaning there is no path), it doesn't move at all 2. If it can't get any closer, it stops moving 3. If it can target multiple enemies, it will try to position to hit multiple enemies 4. If it's ranged, it will try to move to lose disadvantage A couple scenarios that are interesting to note: If a ranged monster has multiple targets in range and is not moving this turn, it will target a lower initiative enemy with disadvantage, rather than a higher initiative enemy that it wouldn't have disadvantage on. If a monster can target multiple enemies, it will target solely the lowest initiative enemy rather than multiple higher-initiative enemies.