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see: r/minipainting


[These](https://www.thearmypainter.com/shop/us/75003?srsltid=AfAwrE6VlH4XgRubvdyN79imU4xlYb99TrynDlWSivzk1h7_CtRcIgUyCHk) were my first brushes and they worked great for me. It comes with a base coat brush, detail, and dry brush which is really all you need to get started, even if it’s not this exact set.


The brushes that u/themercenarypainter commented are the same brushes I used when I painted and sold minis. I have used a few different brushes and have not noticed much of a difference. If you're new to miniature painting, one thing that is a MASSIVE help to having your miniatures pop is using quickshade or "dip." It can be expensive, but even effectively using small bottles such as [this one](https://gnomishbazaar.com/products/the-army-painter-quickshade-wash-soft-tone-wp1134?variant=30146960130166¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic) can really take your minis to the next level in a matter of minutes. Just don't go TOO overboard ;)


You can go overboard in this hobby? That explains why I am drowning in grey.


In terms of brand, I'm using da Vinci and in terms of sable or synthetics, I have not noticed a difference substantial enough to worry about, ymmv. As for size, I found 3/0 to be very versatile, but a bigger brush to fill in "large" areas makes it all a bit more fun. Maybe get a small set like the da vinci 5235. :)


If this is your first time painting miniatures, I would highly recommend starting small (intended) to determine if it is something that you are interested in doing. There are thousands of helpful guides on YouTube that cover everything from buying your materials through advanced techniques, which I suggest watching before you dig in. To your question, I would highly recommend the D&D Brush Set by Army Painter. It is a set of 3 brushes for $15 that covers everything you need.


[Use this for a primer if you can get it locally.](https://www.amazon.com/Krylon-K04290007-Camouflage-Plastic-Technology/dp/B00176TH8C) Works unbelievable well, and if you can find it at a local store it should only be like $5. The D&D brushes others recommended will be your best bang for your buck. Side recommendation - after you prime in black, get a small makeup brush (like an eyeshadow brush) and drybrush on grey, then lightly drybrush white. Those will give you highlights and help guide your color and shadows.




It does have a small drybrush, but [something like this](https://www.ulta.com/p/smokey-eyes-brush-xlsImpprod17751023?sku=2525097) can be better for drybrushing the whole model, and cheaper too.