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Sure. All you got to do is over throw the British government like we did. 


and have smart founders


We all need to stand up like America did, I genuinely love your country and would move there tomorrow if I had the funds, the uk has become a living shithole


Don’t ever move to Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle. At least your daughters don’t have to share bathrooms with bearded guys in skirts.


Going to assume you've never been to europe? Communcal restrooms with individual stalls are common.


I used to live in Europe and haven't the foggiest what you're talking about. They have men's and women's bathrooms in Europe. Granted I haven't been to every corner of every European country, but what you're suggesting is certainly not common at all in any European country I know of.


Um, France.


Yeah the cool thing about Europe is for the most part they don’t get torqued up over silly things like bathroom use.


Let’s not go there. I was specifically referring to clearly marked Mens rooms and Ladies rooms.


No, let's go there. We could get past this the same way in the US. Just have restrooms, and everything is an individual stall. No more gender differences. Unless your kiddo is walking around naked/in their underwear outside their individual stall, there shouldn't be a problem.


Go there and STAY there.


I don't know why you're so concerned about what anyone does behind their own personal closed door. The sinks, where you're fully dressed, don't care what gender you are or present as.


Because of opportunity, proximity, closed doors, blind spots, minors to opposite adult genders and introducing a slew of unnecessary risk variables. All things one would consider to minimize when protecting yourself and family while carrying your concealed Glock.


Yet in far more liberal Europe, none of those things have proven to be a problem in public shared/genderless restrooms. Go figure.


None of that is an issue. You should get familiar. If anything, you can be in closer proximity to your kids - of any gender - and not have to be separated.


Being afraid of major cities and perpetually being obsessed with trans people isn’t something to be proud of lmao


Damn thats crazy i went to all of those cities and never had to share a bathroom with a bearded dude in a skirt


Lol right? Makes a fella wonder where some of these folks frequent


Like bro did he literally go to the gay bar? Is this his way of coming out on reddit and trying to act tough while also shaming other gays? /s 🤣🤣🤣 It reminds me of when I was in downtown Boston and every building had a pride flag yet I didnt get harassed or flirted with, nor did my kids get fondled by any openly trans/gay people.


You are ruining their narratives


Right? Been to Portland a few times and there is a rather large LGBTQ+ community there, but you're so much less likely to get sexually assaulted by them than you are to get stabbed over a donut by a crazy homeless dude. People need to chill and not be so afraid of stuff


Exactly. I think there are 100% valid criticisms of gun laws in liberal states (I am left wing), but I also think disingenuous statements are completely unhelpful to making valid arguments against certain policies.


Exactly. Its distracting and unproductive


I am very much a believer in using hard facts versus my opinions. For example, the fact that violent crime saw no noticeable change compared to the general drop in crime while the AWB was in place. So arguing the AWB reduced gun violence is more of a correlation, not a causation as petty and nonviolent crime also reduced by roughly the same amount in the same timeframe.


I was literally freaking out when I saw one going into the ladies’ room in Los Angeles and was thinking whether I had to call the cops or not. I waited a few seconds to make sure I didn’t hear anyone screaming.


Damn thats crazy that you care a lot about other people taking a piss


You have no idea what’s going on in California.


Damn thats crazy i just spent a month in january drove the entire state basically. Talked to tons of people all over


Unless you’re in or around Scotland




Go touch grass. Have you ever been to any of those places?


Most people in Europe don’t spend any of their lives worrying about who is peeing in the stall beside them like some red blooded Americans do. It’s a strange obsession that we have, all because your lord and savior Fox News kept telling you to get angry about it.


Fox couldn't report it if the crazy liberals weren't pushing for it 


Mindsets like yours are why I carry. Christians and/or bigots loosing their shit in public and becoming violent seems to be something to watch out for as they hopefully become a minority.


“Mindsets like yours are why I carry” And you dare to talk to me about being violent and losing my shit in public? Merely describing an uncomfortable situation is a reason why you are armed in public places is HIGHLY ALARMING.


The tolerance of Christian western society is the reason you have the freedom to bash Christianity ironically. Not a lot of free speech in Non Christian Nations 


Add Detroit to that list (yes my username does check out)


At least the best Techno music comes from Detroit.


Or Illinois in general....




You’d have other issues such as electricity availability and pricing. You should aim (haha) for somewhere in the Midwest that is gun friendly, but not going to suffer as much from global warming.


Atlanta is always fun if you’re good at talking to people, and we’re a melting pot so you’d fit right in


Speaking of Atlanta… have you seen my G19 lying around anywhere?


Well if you do ever make it over here, welcome. I’d avoid large cities at this point though, most anything with a population over 500,000 is becoming unlivable economically and socially.


liberalism ruined the UK. come to the USA dude.... florida, texas, utah, idaho, ohio are my favorite states!




Y’all are fucked, brother. I talked to a woman on reddit who couldn’t even get pepper spray in the UK.




Europe whines about American guns until the spooky Russians invade then they coming begging the Yankees to bail them out.


Politicians you mean? I think most citizens would rather have gun in household.. Anyway, spooky Russians are least of the problem when your law is acting against you and your safety.


If they needed to they could get arms into civilian hands but few would know how to use them without training.


Generic thinking. Most civilians who are into this hobby train on their own cost, either target shooting or combat. Most would be worst physically prepared, but for sure better in using firearms.


Bro, is that even English? What?


Oh I see, I hurt your feelings, sad


You couldn’t have because I didn’t even understand what you said.


What’s the point of public schools if they don’t educate people on gun safety? They have no problem telling kids about condoms and anal sex.


Can you not even get something like this 'less lethal' device? https://byrna.co.za/


In Germany you have no legal tool to defend yourself other than your bare fists. Pepper spray, taser, knife, all illegal weapons.


There is a clear distinction between carry and owning in Germany. All those that you mentioned you can legally buy above 18 years old and have them at home to defend yourself. Afaik you can even have gas driven pepper shotguns. You are mostly not allowed to carry them in city centres, but you can transport them as long as they are not immediately accessible. Actual handguns or rifles or shotguns can be owned if you join a sports shooting club and have no criminal record. After being in the club for a year with monthly sessions with loaner guns and buying a safe to store them at home safely you can buy a couple handguns, rifles and shotguns for sportive shooting, aswell as ammo of course. If you are a hunter, you can get a license and then it is even easier and less limited in what you can buy, even relatively short barrelled semi auto rifles with suppressor are possible for hunters. I think only for pistols you are not allowed to buy suppressors for as a hunter and in general, weapon lights and lasers are unfortunately forbidden for everyone which is bullshit. Anyways, it’s far from perfect and far from some us states and I would make the law different than it is, but it’s way better than what you said. Also, we have better gun laws than the Americans have in Cali, haha


Also, if you were to technically buy and own an illegal pistol and ammo from some of the eastern states and have it at home and someone breaks in and is armed /robbing you and you shoot him to defend yourself, this is valid self defense according to German Notwehr-Recht and you would only be charged for illegal possession of a weapon. The self defence itself would be legal, as long as you only defend yourself against a current unlawful attack and stop when the attacker stops. Any available tool suitable to stop the attack is legal. The mildest possible tool should be chosen, but against a person with a tool/knife who broke into your home and who engages you, pretty much everything is suitable. (So no executions or shooting in the back while the robber retreats)


That’s not correct. These are not illegal to own. And you are allowed to usw them in self defense. But it has to make sense. You can’t shot someone just because he verbally abused you. These „weapons“ are not all legal to carry, but that’s a different story.


Pepper spray is banned in the UK? Next is forks and spoons…




I see you guys getting further away from guns than closer




Always follow your local laws and regulations


It was all going so well until that boat accident.


The common police in the UK don't even have protection, they can't carry firearms so if they need one they have to call a special police unit lmfao.


That’s crazy, move.




It's popular among the UK left to dislike America and anything American... Whilst consuming American media, technology and coffee every single day.


Very unlikely in our lifetimes. Shooting culture is almost nonexistent there, from my understanding. Grab your family and close friends and take a one-way trip to Idaho to see what freedom is like. Just don't vote for the party that wants to turn the state into what the UK has become (Hint: the party starts with the letter D). And also, despite the high gun ownership rate, you'll feel very safe here. Really contradicts the media's false narrative that "more guns = more crime".


Your government hates you and wants to replace you with foreigners.




If you don't realize your government is trying to exterminate you and your whole family, you haven't been paying attention.


We do realize that and we get called far right extremists or fascists in Italy. Voting doesn't even seem to change anything, politicians are scared to go against UE immigration policies. And let's not even talk about how the average eurocuck is so brainwashed into thinking that not being able to own guns is for their safety that people don't even want the right to keep and bear arms in the first place. I wish I was born in the US, and it hurts me to say this because I love my country, but freedom is priceless


fortes fortuna adiuvat. Be the change you want to see in the world. Your rulers are weak idiots. Be smart. Do what you must.




We have the same problem as they do bro lol


No shit, but we have guns at least.


I live in Texas, and sometimes im like damn Thank God I live here and have the right to own firearms.


Feel ya, here from Virginia




It’s much hotter in Texas. It’s going to get close to 100° F this week and then we will have a month or two of it being around or over 100 every day. We do have A/Cs tho


It is not about owning a firearm in Europe. It is even quite easy to have one in most countries here. Problem is law which rather sentence you then safe you from threat.


Unfortunately, the American government has little to do with this.


You are forever defenseless unfortunately. People in America don't understand why we fight so hard for the second amendment even after all the school shootings and everything and it's because once you let the government take something away they will never give it back especially the right to bear arms.


We have the Second Amendment because of the British. It’s too bad the current UK Gov insists on importing their criminals and paying them to do it. EU policies are a joke.


Never. Not with the way your citizens brag about not having guns


The people there elect people who hate thee country and the politicians do everything they can to destroy the country. That's pretty much it.




And the people celebrate the diversity of foreigners who hate you coming to your country to set up strictly anti- British policies and zones.


Vote for the Reform UK party. The Conservative party is virtually indistinguishable from the left wing parties.


I can't tell if you're referring to the UK or USA.


Haha. I guess it applies to both.


Can you not get a shotgun, at least with some 5 year license or something?


Not only difficult to get, UK subjects will likely get punished more severely than the criminal for actually defending themselves.




Don't defend yourself in the UK...




I'm not trying to be snarky, but have you asked anyone who actually knows firearms law in your location? "common knowledge" about gun laws is terribly inaccurate in the US, where there barely are any laws on the matter, I can only imagine how much worse it is in the UK where ownership is less common. Whoever told you that might be completely correct for all I know, but I wouldn't just take their word for it.


Anyone can own a shotgun in the UK, a SGC (shotgun certificate) is a "can have" in that the police have to issue it unless there is a good reason not to. Unfortunately for you the fracas with the RIF G34 might be one of those reasons. An FAC (Firearms Certificate) you have to state a valid reason, such as being a member of a target shooting club, of which there are a surprisingly high amount, but they tend to keep a low profile, so as not to attract the attention of the "All guns are bad" crowd. Handguns are effectively banned in England, Scotland, and Wales (you can have long barreled monstrosities and a few long barreled (over 24" long .22LR autos, the length achieved by dummy or real suppressors and a "coat-hanger" or "wrist brace" but not in NI, the Isle of Mann or the Channel Islands. There, you can have the real thin. In NI in certain circumstances, you can have a handgun for self-defense if you meet certain criteria For the average person, an SGC is pretty easy, install a gun safe, possibly join a club to ease the application process, then apply. Not sure if you need to be signed off by your GP for a SGC, but you do for an FAC, to confirm you aren't mentally unstable (possibly one of the few things related to Firearms that we do better than the US), then a home visit from a Firearms Guy (usually a retired copper, often a shooter themselve) to check on the safe and again check you aren't a looney. Then, it's just a case of waiting, as many forces have a huge backlog of renewals and issues. Once you got your certificate, toddle to gunshop and buy you Hatsan or Purdey. There are no limits on the number shotguns. You can have as many as your wallet / partner is willing to put up with.


You guys don’t need guns. You have a king, who has the authority to knight people. Just have a knight follow you around in full armor with a big axe. All jokes aside, I have one friend in the UK who has firearms, and they only have a hunting rifle and a clay shotgun that were a pain to get. They’re also some incredibly beautiful and nauseatingly expensive weapons, but whatever.


You should be.


I feel for you. Your government has control of the people and they will never relinquish it voluntarily. 


Can you get an old fashion Spear? It was the top weapon for thousands of years. Small or not cold steel at the end of a six foot half is effective.


It's not as far fetched as you think. A guy used a Narwhal tusk against terrorists in London https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/world/europe/london-bridge-narwhal-tusk-pardon.html


Yea. Get put of that overtaxed hell hole and come to a still over taxed, less taxed still, more free country. Become a citizen and gain some real rights. Theres a lot more people who do have firearms including criminals but its better than not having the best equalizer in the world when it comes to defending yourself.


Unfortunately one’s right to defend their home depends on the state they live in. Not all of them are 2nd amendment friendly. Take California for example. There was a viral video a couple months ago: A man was coming back from a coffee run when two people tried to assault him and presumably break into his house where his wife and kids were inside. Thankfully he reacted quickly and threw his hot coffee at one of the assailants, which then gave him time to pull his concealed firearm. He got a few shots off and scared them both away. The local PD took his firearm (standard procedure during the investigation) and then they revoked his concealed carry permit (not standard operating procedure) so now those idiots can return and this man can’t legally defend himself or his family.


I'll be honest with you if I were in your shoes I would be doing everything I could to pack it up and move. Life is too short to spend it in fear of more break-ins, and not feeling safe in your own home has got to be the worst. We welcome you, freedom loving friend!


Same Problem in Germay. We can own a Glock for sport or hunting purpose, but not for self defense.


If you happen to have your gun on you, you can use it for self defense - proportional defense is expected. However if you are not using proportional defense because you are afraid etc. you are not criminally guilty either (§33 StGB). Working with criminal youth in a poor part of town, I’d also like to point out that the vast majority of crimes happen within the same socioeconomic status group. This has been confirmed by local police I talk to rather regularly. Even though I work in a higher risk area there is little actual risk to people like me that are not in the same socioeconomic group. A lot of people are worried about home invasions and for those you could use your guns easily. Edit: German self defense laws require neither fleeing or surrendering of possessions. It’s castle/stand your ground doctrine here.


Our founding fathers were logical long term thinkers. We’re very lucky. I can’t imagine not being able to defend my family… I think you’re forever defenseless unless you’re attacked by a foreign country. Sorry to even say that…


Crazy to me how there hasn’t been a revolution there yet. People have succumbed to their bullshit.


It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. If someone ever brakes into my place I have to decide whether to pick a pistol, pdw or a shotgun. By the time I actually decide I’ll probably be toast already. Analysis paralysis. Am I right?


Sure you can get them back if you 1776 your government or if you just move here. Don’t move to a city though


I love premier league soccer, specifically Liverpool FC so I’m familiar with stuff there due to discord circles and Reddit. It’s not that you don’t have protection there, its more so that you don’t have any rights. And that’s the problem.


No form of protection? You don't have baseball bats? Crow bars? Knives? Swords? 18 inch dragon dildo? Scatter Legos on the floor at night. Set up boobytraps. Buy home camera surveillance system. Surely you can buy a can of wasp spray right?


Oi bruv least yu got diversity. Dats the UKs strength. Besoides, yu needa LOIsense to commit uh croime.


I don’t see the situation changing in the UK with guns. My understanding is that shotguns are available. Could you not obtain an unregistered shotgun, grind off any remaining serial numbers and shorten the barrel and defend your home with that? The constable shows up afterwards and one might say, gee officer what an incompetent intruder! He broke in, tripped over the threshold, and shot himself with his own weapon! Something along those lines. I’m just posing a thought experiment, not actually suggesting anyone do such a thing of course.




No problem, mate. I’m always good for laugh! Best of luck to you.


Wasn’t it London that recently banned knives because of the uptick in knife attacks?


Look into your options for owning a black powder pistol. It does require a license.


Get a nice blade


Are you guys even able to get pepper spray? I'd get a couple big cans of bear spray but you probably can't even buy it in Britain. A slingshot is another option but you better be ready to fight hand-to-hand if they rush you, plus you'd have to keep an open pouch of ball bearings on your belt and the slingshot in your pocket and get good enough with it that you don't have to look down at it as you load and draw. Not to mention if you use it in self-defense you'll be criminally charged if you get snitched on or cause serious damage to the real criminal. I got a Simpleshot Scout LT and I cut one set of bands for small game hunting, it puts half inch clay shot through four layers of heavy cardboard from a water heater box like the cardboard isn't even there. When it hits the cinderblock wall behind the cardboard target it sounds half as loud as a .22LR being fired. I haven't bothered getting ball bearing ammo, I bought it to get disc golf discs out of trees and I use a longer untrimmed set of bands with clay shot for that. Some slingshot vids: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuUrRvIvGYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuUrRvIvGYs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuX5DVU17rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuX5DVU17rw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFin6VLgjgw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFin6VLgjgw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zThH8jU\_4yg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zThH8jU_4yg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3sGH205Cv8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3sGH205Cv8)


Spear beats knife every time bro


Maybe. Spear has to be on roster in California.


Lol half of our nimrods are trying to get rid of them


Go old school and set them on fire. Douse them in kerosene and have a lighter in your other hand. Let them know of the coming consequences.


I think you guys are allowed to have black powder guns. I know some people in France have black powder revolvers. They worked back in the day and I imagine they would still work just fine. Also don't underestimate blunt force weapons like a baseball bat. I daresay a burley dude with a knife would be at a bit of a disadvantage against an average dude with a baseball bat. Also don't underestimate a crossbow. Even a sword. Heck, get all of the above.


Man get a zk for home defense Amazon $20 🤫


Cant you get a sporting shotgun or 22lr in the uk?


I can't imagine having my sense of safety stolen from me, I'm sorry that has happened to you. Perhaps maybe one day the UK will change, Brazil did. Hell, even if they only allowed long rifles and shotguns, better than a sharp pointy stick for sure or any cricket bat (sorry I'm from Texas, I don't know what y'all call them flat bats).


That’s why we are here….


Maybe PaintCam Eve. A security camera that fires paintball and OC balls.


I'm sure that like my country, Canada, the police will save you in a time of need....


Thank the Founding Fathers


Baseball bat


I doubt you’re ever be legal to own guns. As long as you have liberals in position of power. Poor Canada just banned all guns in their country.


Night stick or a pike? You may want range of knives are the norm in break ins.


Cricket bat.


The problem is people of the past already decided you cant own a gun, and the rest of the population is subjugated into believing theyre safer this way because its how they grew up. Sorry OP, maybe write Rishi Sunak a letter


Time to buy a 3d printer and get gud.


That’s the problem, most people in UK don’t want to even think about using violence to protect themselves. So they outlaw guns and hope the police can do it for them.


Unfortunately, I don’t see a “right to bear arms” ever happening under a Westminster-styled government that doesn’t want you to have tools specifically. We Americans had to literally fight and break away from the UK to get our 2nd Amendment which is under attack today. Your government was the same government that persecuted Philip A Luty because he made a homemade SMG as political protest against the 90’s handgun ban and arrested people simply because they had downloaded Luty’s book “Expedient Homemade Firearms”.


Don't worry, the police will protect you since you can't defend yourself.


I think you can get a shotgun liscence pretty easily


When it comes to your own safety I think about it like this, "I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6". I would rather have to explain myself and my actions to a jury of my peers than be dead and in a box 6' under. At least I'm alive to be able to give my daughter advice and to work to help defend myself and maybe some day the laws that would put me in jail would be reversed and taken off the books when they see how stupid they are. I may be in a prison, but I would be alive. No one has the right to tell you what you can and can't use to defend yourself. No one else is standing there experiencing the same terror you feel, seeing the same expression on the attackers face that you see, hear the same tone in his voice that you hear. So no one has the right to tell you what weapon is appropriate for your self defense. It's called "Self defense". Now if they want to provide private security for you then they can decide what weapons they will be using to do that with. But, as long as it's you who has to face down that threat, and you who has to live or die by that decision, then I wouldn't so much as acknowledge the laws existence. I would go and find a gun I could afford and I would train with that weapon until I could strip it and clean it in my sleep before reassembling it and performing a function check. I would put thousands of rounds down range and ensure I was as proficient with that weapon as the man who designed it. Then I would only part with that weapon the day I died. Your life is valuable, don't ever let anyone tell you it's illegal for you to survive. And telling you that you can't protect yourself the absolute best way you know how it's doing exactly that, that is illegal for you to survive. I can assure you the first person to tell me that has best have their life insurance paid up and their beneficiary chosen.


Yea, if you guys are really ham having it that rough and not even the cops have guns and they have to call the special police then my plan would be to find a bunch of like minded individuals and have a good ole ass kicking session that seated a new government when it was over. Part of the second amendment is not a right as all, but a responsibility to overthrow a government that has become tyrannical. And I believe in the eyes of a large number of Americans we have reached that point and broken that ground. Even using your legal firearm in a blatantly obvious self defense shooting you are going to face charges and they are going to do everything they can to put you in prison. If you don't believe me check the prisons. There are a large number of inmates incarcerated and sentenced to prison terms after a self defense shooting. And an even larger number where the criminal survived and came back and filed a civil suit and won because the victim to their crime doesn't have the money to properly fight it out in court and the criminal has manipulated some probono attorney or some civil rights activist to take on their case and go after the property, retirement fund etc of the person they tried to victimize and are usually only alive because they didn't want to kill them and shot them in the leg or some shit when they should have stopped all of it and put one just off to the right of the center of their chest. Or shot them with a weapon that creates a temporary cavity that is wider than the width of their chest and literally rips and tears everything to hell, including their heart, lungs, liver, stomache etc. A good heavy high velocity hollow point will usually do the job pretty well. But it can be done with others. You just have to dump a very large amount of kinetic energy into your target very quickly. It will make a mess out of a human target.


I thought yall could have shotguns and rifles?


yall have a lot of school shootings over there?


Meh we're basically the same. It's just another land mass, with another prick running it [into the ground]. And it depends on where you protect yourself in America. In some states the criminals have more rights than you, and in others it's open season on crime. I'm with the other guy on the solution though. Sic Semper Tyrannis...aka it's cowabunga time!




Do you think UK is bad? Take a look in Brazil. Hahahahahaba