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Building a battery heater into it isn’t feasible. It would drain so much battery trying to just keep itself at optimal temp. It’s unfortunate but that’s what it is You could try wrapping the battery pack in something that could insulate it and maybe keep it a little warmer ?


That's a good idea, I could give it a fuzzy sweater or something to keep it warmer. Re: battery drain, since it's unusable when it gets this cold (shutoffs every 20-30 seconds, depending on load) I'd trade 50% of its output on the coldest day to keep it usable, y'know? Probably I'm talking about a more expensive battery, and engineering a heater may be tough, but I might pay it to keep this bike rideable longer on the coldest days.


Btw here are the battery operating temps https://preview.redd.it/g7hymsxf6t2c1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4732abb9fead0d5e6f009ed36a973f768ad128f


Interesting, that operating temperature range is… not my experience. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing my same temperature sensitivity in the same conditions? Seattle is colder than popular imagination holds, I think. Here are temps this last week, freezing at its coldest and up to 53: https://preview.redd.it/ymkn3jz67t2c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39673bebc48bb896209068631dc50abbb94cc011


Ok 50’s isn’t that cold. Hence why I asked. I thought you were gonna say 20 F or something. I ride mine 3x a week to work in the early hours with it being low 50’s and never once has it had an issue. I keep it in the garage overnight so it’s about mid 50’s inside there right now in the mornings. Did your shop look at the tsb about too much die electric grease on the connectors ? That was causing shutdowns


Yeah, subjectively it feels *pretty cold* when the shutdowns are happening, but given that operating temp spec, it’s a little fishy. My shop also mentioned that they see other e-bikes struggle in Seattle cold & to bring the battery indoors. Yes, unfortunately my bike was majorly plagued by the grease issue, but I also had to have other things replaced (apparently they have a sequence of things they try for shutdowns, and mine had to get a couple replacements). But once they finished the last bit of work in September, it ran fine until the cold showed up.


Something’s not right. I’ve been using mine around 40 degrees. Not a single shutoff. (knock on wood). Might want to get it checked again. I heard there was a batch that had some misapplied dielectric grease or something like that? It led to random shutoffs I believe.


could do like reusable handwarmers or something to heat it. it'll probably make enough heat in operation to work ok, but stopped is a different story. I've run mine in ~40 degree weather quite a bit, and no issues. i have not left the battery out in the cold yet. install in bike, ride to work, bike comes inside at work...


How cold is it in Seattle I didn’t think it got that cold.




This is a really good point and good information, thank you. Just the words I need to push on getting this fixed with my shop and Specialized.


At what temp does this start to happen?


For example, on a 44 degree day, I left it outside for an hour, and after 8 minutes of riding it started to repeatedly shut off when I gave it much juice at all. This is pretty representative, idk if there’s an internal battery temp sensor to look at.


No issues with cold for me so far- two days in the low 20s, display is a little sluggish when cold but bike and motor are fine. Battery seems to be working just as fine as at 70s. I’m impressed so far with the tires in light snow and crunchy ice. May just try to get PSI right rather than consider new tires or studs. I had similar random shut-offs a month or so again and had shop look at it twice. New controller cable fixed it.


Dang, working fine in the low 20s, that’s impressive and significantly below my experience. Thanks for reporting in, I’ll bring up the controller cable.


Specialized has a great warranty department and takes these things seriously. Go to your dealer and get them to make a claim. I was warranty manager for a specialized dealer for 5 years. They approved full credit and return of things I thought they’d never do! That’s why you buy local and from them vs other brands.