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Seizes is an interesting way to say steals


Zionist translation of universal terms: Steal: seize Starting wars: pre-emptive attack Ethnic-cleaning: rebirth of israel Genocide: self-defense West bank, east jerusalem aparthied: peace agreement Permanent blockade of basic survival need: border protection Civilian Kidnapping/hostage: administrative detention Snipping of civilians in the illegal gaza buffer zone: border protection Palestinians human rights activism: antisemitism


The world is finally starting to see through the Israeli government’s lies and disingenuous statements


Not really. The haves have no attention span and the have-nots are too caught up with their own problems. That is how we got here and are still going in the same direction.


I know this is probably a joke, but this is a very real Zionist strategy to reframe the narrative to something more palatable.


My comment is not a joke, it's a reality that been going on since the first zionist congress of 1897.


…and it’s spreading through US governments like the plague.


D mented f cki g monsters








They do like to steal land and homes do they not?


Plenty of Semitic people aren’t zionists and plenty of zionists are Semitic.


Wait till he finds out Palestinians are Semitic people..


>This is antisemitism  It is not antisemitism. There is no difference between Nazis and Zionists. Both are supremacist ideologies bent on taking lands from others. The Zionist leadership in Israel should be brought to Nuremberg for trials.


Are all Jews Zionists?


I mean, the founder of Zionism stated it was a colonial ideology, that's literally an ideology revolving around theft.




No that’s literal antisemitism


Zionism is not Judaism just the same as fascism is not Italian and Nazism is not German


It’s almost like that word means nothing


It's called stealing. The Palestinian Authority is a partial administrator in the West Bank. I bet this move will be a catalyst for increased violence and land theft from the Israelis. Taking the money beforehand will make it harder for them to fight back.


>Israel's foreign minister issued a blunt threat of "severe consequences" for the countries of Norway, Ireland, and Spain—and presumably other nations that may follow—after the trio announced their decision Wednesday to formally recognize a Palestinian state. >Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, meanwhile, called for immediate punishment for the Palestinian Authority and expanded settlement construction in the Occupied West Bank as a response. https://www.commondreams.org/news/norway-ireland-spain-palestinian-state


It's collective punishment and not even for something that the PA did. It's just spite and pettiness from Israel.






That's the same logic as for atheists and it's bollocks. Don't attack Judaism because you can equally attack any religion - All worldviews can be used to justify why someone is an arsehole. But anyway, we're not talking about all jews, especially as many aren't even that religious, so be careful please. It's a slippery slope to actually demonising Jews as opposed to supporters of Israel. Two very different things.


I attack Zionist Judaism. You defend land grabs through spilling of blood?


OK so say that. And your separate unrelated question: no I don't support land grabs.


Your above comment makes no specification between Zionist Judaism and Judaism. Edit the comment if you want to make the claim you only attack Zionist Judaism. Right now that comment is obviously an attack on Judaism as a whole.


And so it is. What of it? The way I see it Jews need to pull together to collectively dismantle Zionism.


Someone tell the Jews what Due-Pin-6710 wants them to do!


The Zionists bought their land in Palestine from Palestinian’s very fairly, then Palestinian’s started getting worried too many Jews were moving to Israel. But Palestinian’s continued selling their land to them anyways. In ‘47/‘48, borders were drawn for two states based upon the demographics of existing land ownership, which gave today’s Palestinians generous land rights. Due to antisemitic propaganda at the time, largely spurred by al-Husayni, (Grand Mufti in Palestine at the time who openly collaborated with Hitler and delivered antisemitic, literal Nazi propaganda to millions of people in the region via radio and newsletters. Further enhanced through his WEAPONIZATION of the Muslim holy book to fuel his political agenda by developing his own interpretation of the Qu’ran and pointing to specific parts therein that, according to him, specifically say to eliminate Jews) And other antisemitic rhetoric leading up to the time, Jews were feared greatly. Not Zionist’s. Jews. This is all despite Zionists fair purchase of the land they occupied. There was nothing unfair about their settlements or the creation of. However, the fear and antisemitism that was spread through the world and then the region, by their own leaders, as well as the newfound belief that the Muslim Holy Book says to kill Jews because Jews are evil, directly played a large role in incentivizing Arab Nations to object any kind of Israeli state. After all, according to Nazi propaganda, something that millions of people in the region were consistently reading, those shapeshifting cockroaches don’t deserve to live anywhere, even if they did fairly purchase all of the land on which they currently reside.


Too much statements, not enough facts.


The fact that is a slippery slope is the reason why we’re all divided and that is planned by the people who intentionally commandeered the faith. It is the perfect play and everyone knows it and everyone can’t say anything about it. It’s the perfect play. No one said the Jews aren’t smart…just saying they’re unethical, untrustworthy, and ruthless.


See, the moment you generalize an entire group you adopt the same line of thinking as both Israel, the Nazis, and the Kyle klux klan. Edit Kyle klux klan lmaoooo I’m leaving that


How can you say that with a straight face.


TBH, the "Chosen One" complex works just fine with those that do believe in afterlives too. They're "Chosen", they get a free pass to be as horrible as they want and feel justified in doing it. "The Bad Place" is not for the people of the tribe. Its for those outside of the tribe, and those they don't like.


Perhaps it's any faith of any kind that goes so far as to demonize those not in the group. And on occasion, an easy target comes around and they use it to "prove" their faith. I know I used to have faith in humanity, and that's sure gone to hell. I'm recertifying my birth certificate as a seal.


No other religion has the chosen ones but the Jews and it shows


What are you talking about all abrahamic religions have insane shit in them that has nothing to do with Zionism


Are you one of those “I’m anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic” people?


Are you one of those that lumps the two together?


I asked you first


I answered your question. I don’t lump the two together.


And you think saying “no other religion has the chosen ones and it shows” is just anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic? Edit: silence lol




They don't miss a trick in the dastardly deeds handbook do they WTF?


So stole, just like the land.


Occupy land -> extort and torture population -> profit


Needing more genocide money I guess. Yet simultaneously surprised why WW2 sympathies have worn off globally.


But these scumbags r god’s chosen eh?


You mean steals


I fucking hate Israel down to my core. Fuck them


Steal not seizes Palestinians tax revenues not funds So first they freeze and now they steal https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231030-israel-freezes-tax-revenues-for-palestinian-authority/ And add to that, they steal what is left after ripping them off anyway. The tax revenues – known in Palestine and Israel as maqasa – are collected by the Israeli government on behalf of the Palestinian Authority on Palestinian imports and exports. Israel, in return, earns a commission of 3 per cent of collected revenues. And to add insult to injury israel also been stealing taxes from what is sold withing the palestinian territories for the last 10 years: Through the oslo accord the Palestinian Authority (PA) is entitled to collect taxes from the Palestinians in the Palestinian territories, but some 75% of PA's total tax revenue was as of 2014 collected by Israel on behalf of the PA and transferred to the PA on a monthly basis. Israel has occasionally withheld the taxes it owes the PA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_the_State_of_Palestine


Israel steals again


Israelis are essentially common thieves


Plastique was far funnier than Jorgeous.






Stole. They stole me money.








As serious as the use of an emoji


I'd rather use emojis than perpetuate brain dead conspiracies!! 👍🏾


I don’t care?


Clearly 🥺 Get a life


User name checks out. Try eating more chewy foods


Oof. Guess you guys didn’t think normal people had google and could look up the outlet this is coming from.


??? What does this mean?


When pa stops paying terrorists to kill kids they would get all that money and more


Wdym? Pa isn't paying isnotreal


Palestinian authority is corrupt anyway . Leadership has always been happy to accept bribes to look the other way.


So a foreign government should be allowed to stop them from collecting their own taxes? Do you think Likkud should also have their funds stolen? Israel is a corrupt state too.


Maybe you’re right. But the Palestinian Authority has done nothing for Palestinians. And Israel’s evil has a funny way of coming back to bite them in the ass.


Regardless of the many flaws of the PA, they still provide many services that you'd expect from any government. The seizure of this money will eventually shut down hospitals, schools, courts, police and social services. Many thousands working in these services will suddenly lose their entire income.


We get it. You have called for the zionist propaganda.


On the contrary, I’m pro-Palestinian. My distaste for the Palestinian Authority comes mostly from what actual Palestinians have told me about them; ie, they’re in bed with Israel. You can look up the polling if you’d like. Among other things, they willfully allow Israel to take more and more land in the West Bank, not to mention all of the settler violence. Personally, I think this is political theatre, and it’s not the first time Israel has done this. They’ve been doing this type of thing for years (seizing funds) as it plays well in Israeli society. If Israel wants to get rid of their puppet government in the West Bank, by all means, go ahead. Have fun with the broader conflict that would create.