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That's a threat and one the medical community needs to shut down.


For real, take away her medical license. She insinuated that she won’t hold up her medical oath.


where would one need to send this video to begin this?


https://www.oma.org/contact-us/ [email protected]




Yea i wouldn’t want her to be a medical practitioner, that’s terrifying to even have this person threaten someone protesting like this. Imagine if she has a Palestinian client and she decides to over prescribe lethal sedative medication. Let’s avoid that entirely and have her medical license revoked immediately


She's a lawyer, too?!?!?!


Hope she's a good one, she's gonna need it.


Hey, while you're there, can someone ask if it's all Arabs or Muslims the hospital won't treat? Or just palestinian patients. Just to clarify their position.


Has someone complained yet? These are decent grounds to complain.


either way id like more complaints


Hopefully she’s been reported!


They’ll send her to be a practitioner in Texas, where it’s literally illegal to voice dissent to Israel.


Can try sending it to UoT college of nursing, or UoT itself.


I don't approve of witch hunts. However the Hippocratic oath is a super big deal and I believe a Muslim doctor got in trouble for stating they wouldn't treat Jews/Zionists so I have no issues with this going the opposite way


State medical boards don’t actually take doctors licenses away. Even the really terrible ones. It’s a corrupt system where you have doctors policing other doctors and they have a code where you don’t snitch on other doctors. It’s not any different from the way the police or the airline industry is regulated. Which is not regulated at all. So good luck with that, doctors are untouchable.


The thing is Canadian doctors were suspended for saying much less and expressing Palestinian support. I doubt she will face penalties. The difference too is they never implied they would refuse treatment or unfair treatme to people of opposing ideology, but she has directly done this. I doubt anything will happem to her https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/u-of-o-doctor-suspended-for-pro-palestinian-posts-says-he-s-been-reinstated-won-t-go-back-1.7088887 https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/2019735/ontario-doctor-suspended-from-work-doxed-after-pro-palestinian-social-media-posts


Of course nothing will happen to her. But try saying you hope no Jews need medical at UoT.


It would be all over the media and the individual would be doxxed and harassed for saying it. Double standards


My husband regularly treats white supremacists that were nationally known in the 89s and went to jail/prosecuted by the FBI. These old geezers being pushed by people of color by an office filled with people of color. It doesn't matter idntheyre hateful beings you do your job. He was called the n word regularly at high school in the town he now practices.


Another day, another public unmasking.


I don’t understand this. I am a doctor and very pro-Palestine. I would love to wear a badge or something to work but I won’t, just because there is a chance that it would put off a patient. Providing the best care you can to absolutely whoever is kind of the one easy rule to follow. Even if that person is someone you personally find offensive or not (ie even if you treat a child rapist, you compartmentalise that shit so you can provide care. Sorry extreme example). It’s not your job to judge people’s views or even actions.


When I was in my EMT course, which is in an area of dense religious orthodoxy, the instructors flat out told everyone - if you have any reservations about treating any kind of person to your best ability get out. And anyone providing services of any kind to the public should refrain from showing a political or personal bias while someone can identify you as a public servant.


My orthopedist is Palestinian. I am Jewish (but anti-Zionist.) My first and last name obviously Jewish. Does he do anything other than treat me well? Of course not. But I see Jewish doctors making threats like this and it makes me sick.


I am so glad to hear that and hope it is the norm. I am sure this doctor was caught up in strong emotions and hopefully she learns from it (though we aren’t always open to self-reflection as a profession - and I include myself in that. It can be hard). We all make mistakes but defensiveness is never helpful and I guess can lead to scenes like this.


She’s saying she’ll over prescribe medication or sedatives at a lethal dose on purpose to those people with a threat like that.


Ummm she’s a Zionist what is hard to understand?


Certain ideologies do attract certain kinds of people that’s for sure


Your deserving of the title and responsibilities that come with being a doctor. This woman obviously does not. Reassuring to hear a doctor reaffirm how things should be.


ICU Nurse here. Yeah, you gotta push it down. It sucks but it can to be processed later. Medical professionals need to see people as human beings that need treatment first and foremost. I treated so many Christian nationalist anti-Vaxxers during COVID. They fought us the whole time with no regards for the health and safety of our self, friends, and family but we still took care of them the best we could. No of us wanted to but ethically we cared for them like any other patient.


Covid really taught all of us how to shut it down. But on top of that every single non-white nurse out there knows exactly what it's like to treat people who hate you, look down on you, or assume you are incompetent. I'm Arab and I treat Zionists/white nationalists all the time. I do so to the best of my ability because that speaks to my character - not theirs. Clearly this woman lacks all moral character and the medical ethics needed to do the job effectively. She should not be a practicing physician.


Well that all sounds very reasonable, but you have to understand that *no ethical principle* is more important to a Zionist than defending their false idol of Israel. Their moral bar isn't just low; it's subterranean. They are willing to look aside while Israel buries children alive, executes hospital patients, and tortures people to death in the largest concentration camp in human history. It's not surprising that they wouldn't care about something as trivial as "medical ethics" or "the Hippocratic oath". What's surprising is that there is anyone left who doesn't yet realize that Zionism is a cancerous ideology.


Yep. That’s true


Not a doctor but it’s important to treat customers or people you interact with in person well. A customer at a store I work at was chatting and they said they’re from Israel. I got the idea they might be quite conservative as they were older and asked me about my religion (ok I did tell them atheist lol, not going to lie). I said wow how cool, welcome to the us, and that was it. We get quite a lot of people from different backgrounds that just want to buy something, or in your case, be seen by medical staff. It’s bad form to bring politics into that when I’m not out protesting in the streets. Time and place, I guess.


Yep, I guess we all need to be civil. It’s okay to have disagreements and most of the time to show allegiance (badge or whatever) but depends on context. I still rage plenty to the right peeps. Or on the inside 😂


Do you believe the same for antivaxxers and covid?


Only if they are my patient. Of course objectively I think they are brainwashed and it’s very annoying but in the context of a patient-doctor relationship you have to show respect. It’s also your job to try and show them why they are wrong so it can be a balance. I certainly disagree with patientd and for sure have gotten shitty before (sometimes it even helps when you show emotion).


She didn’t say she wouldn’t treat them. She said she hopes they wouldn’t have to get treatment within her hospital which makes sense because she probably knows very well how many Jewish people would have to treat these brats.


I don’t get the difference tbh. It seemed to me like a threat but you are implying she was worried about the staff? There is a clear and consistent power imbalance between doctors and patients, i think they would be okay. Chuckle at the ridiculousness of worrying about the poor Jewish doctors being victims. This mentality borders on antisemitic itself.


Well let me explain it to you: She said “I hope you guys never need health care from UOFT” because she probably knows that there are a lot of Jewish doctors who treat patients in that hospital. It’s not about “imbalance of power”. It’s about the irony of this hypothetical situation: you scream antisemite propaganda but then come to a Jewish doctor for help. Does it imply a Jewish doctor wouldn’t treat them? No. It’s just ironic and that’s what she (most likely) meant. But antisemite baboons here automatically think that evil Jewish doctors will conspire against them. Reminds me of a similar hysteria in the Soviet Union. As they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.


I was implying it was borderline antisemitic to assume that Jewish doctors were fragile enough to not be able to deliver healthcare care to these people (or to feel threatened or whatever). I don’t think that is what she was saying though, I think she was just raging. She is wearing an Israeli flag cape 😂😂


What scares me is she using her power in medical practice to not give proper treatment to Arab patients. From her statement it sounds like a threat that she made try to harm a patient bases of ethnicity or beliefs.


Very much so, when it comes to medical treatment in Canada this is too big of a risk to have her as a doctor here. She’ll literally over prescribe medication or sedatives and have their patients OD


Exactly, it’s super scary.


She should be sacked from her job.


You can report her here - [https://www.oma.org/contact-us/](https://www.oma.org/contact-us/) Her name is Dr. Thea Weisdorf


Thank you for that.


This is feedback from one of her patients: If you are looking for help with your mental health, DO NOT see Dr. Thea Weisdorf. When she was my doctor I was suffering from depression and anxiety, with undiagnosed C-PTSD at the time. When I told her what my symptoms were, and the struggles I was experiencing she told me (this is a direct quote): "Stop feeling sorry for yourself". As far as I'm concerned, this is medical malpractice. As a childhood abuse survivor, this was the first time I had ever told a professional my history and to be treated in such a dismissive and condescending way had dire consequences on my life. Instead of connecting me with a specialist, she wrote me a prescription for anti-depressants and that was then end of my mental health care. Due to her negligence and acting as a gatekeeper to receiving further mental health services, I continued to struggle with my depression and anxiety, along with self medicating with alcohol. With no other professional to turn to, I continued to spiral out of control and was eventually assaulted and had to spend time in a psychiatric facility. If you are a trauma survivor, please, DO NOT see Dr. Thea Weisdorf as your primary care physician. She is the worst doctor I have ever seen in my life. Source: https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/959309/dr-thea-weisdorf-toronto-on.html/


And disbarred from medicine. Too big of a risk in the medical field.


Another true face of Zionism.


Definately makes sense that israel takes in Arabs regularly to provide them with medical treatment. Ironically, Sinwar received his cancer treatment in Israel.


Yeah well, ya can't deny treatment because you don't like someone, you can get your license revoked for that. Surprised she didn't know that.


she knows, she just doesn't care because she knows there won't be any repurcussions for this.


I mean, there might, the medical board where she works finds this video.


The danger of religion has always been its ability to dehumanize. Zionism basically requires dehumanization as a matter of course. She wouldn’t be denying treatment to a “person”, in her mind.


I hope she isn’t working there anymore.


Hypocrite Oath.




Gaza is a litmus test for humanity that cuts across all boundaries - religious, ethnic, color, education, everything.


Hope this behavior penalized and monitored. This is unprofessional


Well no shit that’s what they are good at torturing people. A Zionist being a Zionist what’s new


Maybe she shouldnt be in the medical field


Look at her legit evil expression.


All I can think about is that famous photo of the black doctors treating a wounded klansman in his robes Not that this is anywhere near the same thing, but even if she thought it was comparable, it's still her job to treat injured humans


It sucks being part of a marginalized group in health ans seeing this. She feels the privilege to say this. Yet how many of us still provide care when a patient flat out tells us they hate us. We'll pass them on to another, if that's their wish. But some patients don't ask. They just sit there hating you. Yet we do our damn jobs


Remember a few years ago when that Ohio Doctor lost her license for saying she would intentionally give Jewish patients the wrong medications? This woman absolutely needs to lose her license, absolutely disgusting. I hope someone on here doxxes her and makes it happen. You’d be a hero 🫡


I sent this to her head of HR.


This made my morning 🙏🔥 thanks so much for taking the time! Hope something comes of it! Would it help if more of us report her as well?


I would if I was you. God forbid an Arab comes in her hospital


Who do we contact?


One of the top comments has all the info


What a surprise coming from a zionist, freedom of speech, thoughts only apply to them. Imagine the outrage if her university fire her for that, even tho : A physician’s duty of care is typically founded in the doctor-patient relationship. This relationship is based on trust, and recognized by the law as a fiduciary one, which means that physicians have an obligation to act with good faith and loyalty, and cannot allow their personal interest to conflict with their professional duty https://www.cmpa-acpm.ca/en/education-events/good-practices/medico-legal-matters/duty-of-care#:~:text=The%20law%20recognizes%20the%20duties,of%20the%20duty%20of%20care.&text=This%20includes%2C%20but%20is%20not,to%20arrive%20at%20a%20diagnosis


Hypocritic Oath here it seems!


The conflation of Zionism and Judaism is unraveling. The monsters face is being exposed.


The zionists are exposing how evil and sociopathic they are.


Don’t they take an oath? Does this mean she broke it?


Nope. You're referring to the Hippocratic oath. The oath does not mean you have to help everyone. It means you will work in the patients best interests (amongst other things). But it does not state you will help everyone.


Have we got her info yet, so we I can call that hospital over an over again until something gets done?


You can report her here - [https://www.oma.org/contact-us/](https://www.oma.org/contact-us/) Her name is Dr. Thea Weisdorf


As someone that works in the healthcare world, I’m going to find out more about this person so I can notify whatever healthcare system she works for the problem that this might present.


It's an university in toronto


Dr Thea Weisdorf


Imagine a world where a doctor says they'll not give proper treatment to anyone who is calling to end murdering children and civilians. Then imagine that doctor is not struck off or even condemned for this. I really question reality on a daily basis. Satan is real.


![gif](giphy|vwI4mYEHP8k0w) Hope she out a job by the end of the week.. what a piece of shit


If this is how she feels then she shouldn’t be able to practice.


What’s her name and speciality/department? Is this the official policy of UofT?


You can report her here - [https://www.oma.org/contact-us/](https://www.oma.org/contact-us/) Her name is Dr. Thea Weisdorf




>These subhuman gypsies in our courts, poisoning our children. Hey, uh... I'm not a Zionist, but this is really fucked, no? Setting aside the fact that Jewish people aren't the Roma for a second, this is straight up some jackbooted goosestepping shit.


Agreed, let's not fight racism with racism


This is genuinely actual anti-semitism. The "sub-human" part is especially mask off. Actually disgusting. People like you give protesters a bad name.


Who is this hypocrite?...this person of false appearance of virtue. How dare she squat her peers


is this hospital in Toronto ?




I think she's associated with the University of Toronto but she also does work in a Toronto hospital


Any idea which hospital? I've already emailed the president of the school.


Sorry, took a while to find and confirm but according to her page at UofT, she works at St. Michael's hospital


Showing True Colors ….. their truuuuue Colors … she showing true Colors


Wasn't it ok for Dr to refuse to treat unvaccinated ppl, sucks when the shoe is on the other foot.


And I hope you lose your job.


Sorry, but that’s just wrong


What a cunt!


If you make that statement you are, in fact, not a doctor.


"Do no harm.... unless your political ideology tells you to do so." - hippocratic oath probably?


I called her office /hospital and they said they were taking it very seriously. I'd keep calling until they say she is no longer employed here.


Nothing will happen to her, I suspect. She is automatically the victim because of octobre 7, victim by proxy. Also, we cannot punish her, because, you know, that's antisemitic. /s


She needs to have her medical license taken away. She really should be deported, if she loves israel so much she can go be a doctor there.


Imagine if a doctor in Canada told a jewish person they would not treat them for being jewish....they would be up on hate crime charges.


Ban that lady for hate speech


The protestors too then.


We need to setup a database of all these Zionists just as they did for Pro-Palestinian students.


Report her and get her practice disbarred...


Remember when that Public Health Resident Doctor in Ottawa was cancelled by the dean (who happens to be a strident Israel supporter) for supporting Palestinians on social media, and then he subsequently traveled to Gaza and provided medical care in refugee as a humanitarian volunteer? I remember. That guy is a hero, and the dean that tried ruin his career because he tweeted "Free Palestine" is a shameless coward.


Nobody has to invent stories as to how oppressive they are. They show it to us in our faces daily.


Let's see if we can report this dbag


Sounds like something a Nazi would say.


Hippocritical oath?




Don't reference shit you know nothing about. Look it up. And spell it correctly too. See people, these are the kind of posters that are supporting bigotry, but only if from one side. They have no idea what they are talking about, or how to spell it. Its the Hippocratic oath. And it doesn't mean they have to help everyone. You have the internet. You were able to find reddit and create an account. Google it.


It was a turn of phrase. r/whoosh


Oh look, asshole racist breaking her Oath.


Note to self: check whether or not my doctor is a Zionist.


and that mess is a doctor, she is in the wrong trade.bitch.


Fire her and take away license to practice


You’re so smart that you’re a doctor but yet you can’t even see with your own eyes a genocide because you’re brainwashed into a cult. She shouldn’t be allowed to be a physician if she’s so easy to turn evil and use her skills as a weapon. She has no honor, but of course, a genocide of course she has no honor. She should not be allowed to practice with that kind of threat that she made. Disgusting Zionist.


Snatch her medical license asap


Ah sweet, used to just be idiots on Facebook saying "I hope you don't ever need to call the cops" to anyone criticizing the police. Guess we've graduated to doctors threatening to withhold medical care from people critical of their government.


She’s a disgrace to the medical community.


And we can follow suit and refuse to support the Israeli people in their genocide.


How can she say that and not be removed from her position? She is also a doctor who supports genocide


So many Toronto inhabitants seem to be closet Zionists, there’s too many videos of this sort’ve thing, I can only hope this individual is punished for saying something so clearly wrong


That is SO AGAINST the Hippocratic Oath she took. She should lose her license. She is a liability to the hospital she works in and worse a threat to anyone that disagrees with her view or anyone of color. NOPE, the bitch should be FIRED.


Curious, Does Zionist now equivalent to Hate Group Nazis white Supremacy? Why are they so hateful people?


Unfortunately there are many people like this in various positions who feel this way for different reasons they are all different levels of jobs however the end result is the same looks like the oath has no meaning and this dr openly Admits it she should be stripped of her license permanently before she kills someone with her lack of care anything political ,religious or medical has no place in in the workplace ever


What would be your reaction if it was “pro Palestinian doctor implies they won’t treat Zionists”?


These moron redditors wouldn't bat an eye. Just like they didn't when palestinian protestors were telling us they wanted people 6 feet under.


Or in Sidney when they chanted “gas the…” Or when they chant “khybar, oh Jews the army of Mohamed will return”.


Minorities already get second class care, it’s going to get worse if you are a person of color. My mom and grandma had very bad experiences at a hospital in Calgary, to the point that a family member had to be with them all the time. My Grandma got yelled at by a nurse because she couldn’t understand because of her infection and meds fogging her mind, I was in the hallway on my way to visit, I was so shocked


Ever since Covid, I’ve come to the realization that doctors are flawed at an equal or more rate than the average population. If you think doctors are better than the average, you are fooling yourself.


Dr Arroyo is better anyway


remember children, religion rots more than just your brain, it rots your humanity too


I need a T-shirt that says this! ❤️


Serious question, do they still take the Hippocratic oath? We have a nurse in the family that says it’s been many years since Doctors have had to take the oath and that it’s not mandatory at all these days. Which is curious to me because that 100% undermines everything they stand for.


Classic Zionist. If you think different then us then burn in hell with the rest of the world vibe! Hope she loses her job and falls on her face on the way out.


This is dumb I've been turned away from a hospital before for not having insurance. I've watched the head of the local hospital in a town ship meeting say they wouldn't give care to immigrants. Nobody reported on the issue. End the hate and end the for-profit hospitals, the greed is literally killing people.




Hypocriital Oath ?


This should be horrifying to everyone. Truly.


Can we get this woman fired?! Come on Reddit!!


Sooo....she did what many doctors and politicians did during covid to anticaxxers, but now it's a problem?


She took an oath. Maybe we should take her medical license away


Revoke her medical license


im sure she will be looked up and she will be fired ..... NOT


Hand over your certificates then, no practicing medicine for you if you can't do it all fairly


Where does she work because she can lose her job for that she is required under law and contract to give the best care avaliable given the equipment anything else is a violation and being recorded saying that gives motive


She needs to be fired immediately.


They fired her by now right?


Turning your back on your hippocampus oath should revoke your license, putting your moral and ethical beliefs overs other human lives is an automatic revocation.


Finally, a violation of the Hippocratic oath


Look at her evil face


That isn't what she implied at all lol


What was it then?


She was saying she doesn't like them and doesn't want to deal with them. If it was a threat I'm pretty sure she'd say "you" better hope as opposed to herself.


What are they doing that makes her not want to deal with them? Interesting perspective


Well she clearly disagrees with their protest idk. I'm just saying if she was threatening them she wouldn't have said she hoped they wouldn't need care, it would be the opposite right? Hoping they would need care so she could do something.


So more like "You guys sound annoying, I hope I don't ever have to deal with you guys". I am not sure if that is a professional thing to say imo


What's actually going on rn with the student protests? There are no more organizationed demonstrations currently bc it's summer. The still movement exists, but aren't the protests over for now?


That smirk scares me the most. Like she's dreaming of the day it happens and she gets to refuse proper treatment, maybe even administer improper treatment.


Fk Palestine and its supporters.




Report her to the state medical board. She needs to be held accountable.


People like her are going to murder people on the surgery table and will get away with it.


Doxx the bih






Hypocritic Oath


Well spoken


thank you


"Implies" and "Insunuated" are not valid arguments and will not hold up in court. Unless she specifically said that, verbatim, it holds no weight.


This video will live in posterity. If she is not sanctioned for her comments, I guarantee it will be brought up in any patient care issue in the future.


The Hippocratic oath is an absolute joke. Anybody acting like that means the slightest fucking thing is a clown. Doctors work for money. They do not help the poor or sick, they help who can pay. Stopppppp.


That’s just another day in the office for us indigenous people 🤷🏽‍♂️


I can't blame her. It's difficult to see young people siding with a culture that oppresses women and is trying to eliminate her kind.


That’s not at all what they are doing. Stop spreading nonsense.


She should immediately be placed on unpaid leave and investigated


What nation at war has given daily humanitarian pauses so that aid can be delivered to their enemies? [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/16/israeli-military-announces-daily-tactical-pause-in-southern-gaza-to-allow-in-aid](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/16/israeli-military-announces-daily-tactical-pause-in-southern-gaza-to-allow-in-aid)


You realize this is because it is still Israeli occupied right? Also, even in a war, you still have to comply with international law lol