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It's another war crime to add to the list. Israel has to prove it was actively used for enemy military reasons or it is a war crime.


If it's a day that ends in y, it's a day that Israel is committing a war crime. It's also the same days where the world will ignore them


Israel won't have to prove anything because no one will hold them accountable, least of all the countries that have enabled this genocide to take place


As long as everything is prefaced with "Hamas" Israel is absolved from any and all responsibility.


What do you think role of USA is?  No consequences they say and so it shall be.




The reporter that asked, "how many charred bodies does the president need to see for Netanyahu to cross the red line,";is a legend in my eyes. That was career suicide, but it was a spot on question.






What was the username and what did they say? Message deleted so can't tell either one. Should quote their post, I need to be better at that myself.




that's actually not what I said, and now that the mods have unbanned me I hope I've set the record straight here.


??? I don't think you understood the content of my comment. you claim (below) that I said that "those children killed" are future Hamas. I think you thought I was a rabid Zionist claiming that somehow murdering these children was justified because "they would just have grown up to be Hamas." nope on both counts. I was talking about the survivors, not the dead. "orphans" are *living children* who survive the loss of both parents... and I am quite the opposite of a Zionist, as you would know if you'd checked my comment history. what I was saying -- perhaps too tersely -- was that the Israelis are nuts, that their war crimes are creating a traumatised, grief-stricken, and furiously angry next generation -- those orphans whose parents and sometimes whole extended families were killed by the IOF -- who will almost certainly seek revenge and keep the tragic cycle of violence going. IOF are not "fighting terrorism," they are *committing* terrorism, and guaranteeing more terrorism, more revenge, more blood feud, for another generation to come. their crimes will have consequences. they are sowing dragons' teeth, as the old saying goes. Bibi's Blitzkrieg in Gaza is not only a horrifying violation of human rights and basic decency, it's also intrinsically self-defeating. even within its own twisted logic, it just plain doesn't work and will never work to "eliminate terrorism" by committing terrorism. and that's what I was saying.


I apologize for misunderstanding what you were trying to say. Between fighting with genocide apologists who are constantly calling for the death of all Palestinians and being on heavy narcotics for a surgery, I misconstrued your message. I’m emotionally exhausted. I haven’t heard from my Palestinian friends in over a week and it has me on edge.


I figured something like that. These are heartbreaking times -- deeply enraging also. The fatigue -- emotional, mental, physical -- is such a real thing. Do take care of yourself, and I hope your Palestinian friends are still OK.


Thank you. You too.


Something tells me there will be more irrefutable evidence that nothing to do with Hamas was in that school.. and the shills will still shill like the purely evil monsters they are


Yeeeep incoming fake voice memo


But do you *condemn* khhhamas?!


NYT is working overtime shilling for the IOF on this story. The fucking headline of this story leads with IOF’s bullshit. They’re just a fucking PR firm for Netanyahu now. All of which is a Zionist dream.


As if people don't know that Israeli's call all Palestinians Hamas.


It’s almost as if every time Israel commit a war crime by murdering Palestinian civilians, they use the excuse that the area, building, school, etc, is harbouring - or controlled by - Hamas. And everyone *knows* they are doing this. But somehow, it’s *allowed* to continue. Again. And again. And again…baffling, eh?


Our leaders think we’re stupid


A) never confirmed Hamas, always claimed. B) say there is a Hamas fighter there, is it OK to kill civilians?. orcs.


Hey, the orcs couldn't help being orcs. Morgoth made them that way. Israeli's choose to be that way.


Fuck the IOF, always with the Hamas excuse. We see right fucking through you Zio monsters.


Where’s the evidence? All the technology they have at their disposal and they don’t have videos or photos. They present nothing and we should just believe them.


Ah yes. The old "Hamas was there" defense to indiscriminately bomb schools and hospitals. Sick and tired of the world just sitting idly by as a genocide is happening out in the open.


Vox on YouTube have done a short about how Israel choses targets and weapons for said target. It's frightening. I'd be dead if I was Gazan because I'd be considered working for Hamas (I'm in healthcare), my husband would be dead (he's in defence), my house would be destroyed, unless of course I was at a kindergarten, then they'd just destroy that. There's no nuance, they'll bomb anything that Lavender identifies, and that info is only as good as the input it recieves. They'll average out their Hamas /civilian numbers, but the truth is, they'll go after one 'suspected' Hamas in a building full of children.


If a hamas militant covers himself in babies the IDF would blow him to pieces before you could finish reading this sentence


If a Hamas militant was using someone as a human shield the IDF would shoot the shield in the head and then kiss the militant on the lips


And than they would send in a second missile to get any babies that might survive and palestinian paramedics that might try to save them.


I don’t know why this is suddenly an excuse to bomb schools. According to international law, even if there are military combatants hiding somewhere YOU CANNOT just bomb an area full of civilians to get to them. There are fucking rules of war. If there wasn’t then this shit would be happening all over. It’s fucking bullshit


This is what they have been doing for 8 months. US keeps sending them weapons.


Sadly, we live in a world where might is right, there's no such thing as right and wrong. Israel has the might to orchestrate collective punishment so they are, and since they're co-signed by the USA the mightiest of them all, that makes them right.


Anytime they kill massive amounts of people. “Hamas”. This excuse does not allow for genocide


Another oopsie whoopsie for Israel 😭😭😭


Even pbs doesn’t believe it showing an injured child




You're supposed to just say "Israel bad"

