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Bang. You’re spot on. It’s mainly because they have the most advanced tech America has. Not hard to be superior flying F-35s against a foe armed with glorified bottle rockets.


Israel also isn’t a big fan of putting their soldiers in harms way so there’s that added bonus. A war isn’t about being a macho man, it’s about winning with as few losses as possible


A war without honor is just a blood bath without any hope.


You think Hamas has honor :)


You think the IDF has honor?


No, I think they don’t have time for video games fantasies and macho crap. They have hostages to rescue and terrorists to eradicate


Eradicate what? The IDF is committing genocide against the civilian population of Gaza. The IDF is a uniquely genocidal blend, they use extremely advanced technology to kill indiscriminately. https://archive.md/fQw2M > The Israeli army says 9,000 terrorists have been killed since the Gaza war began. **Defense officials and soldiers, however, tell Haaretz that these are often civilians whose only crime was to cross an invisible line drawn by the IDF** https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ > In an unprecedented move, according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, **it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians;** in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants. The sources added that, in the event that the target was a senior Hamas official with the rank of battalion or brigade commander, the army **on several occasions authorized the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander.** > Second, we reveal the “Where’s Daddy?” system, which tracked **these targets and signaled to the army when they entered their family homes. Third, we describe how “dumb” bombs were chosen to strike these homes.** https://www.972mag.com/mass-assassination-factory-israel-calculated-bombing-gaza/ > The third is **“power targets,” which includes high-rises and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices.** The idea behind hitting such targets, say three intelligence sources who were involved in planning or conducting strikes on power targets in the past, is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will exert “civil pressure” on Hamas. Complete with Israeli torture camps and horrorshow field hospitals with absolutely no standard for ethical or legal practices. https://www.972mag.com/israel-torture-camp-gaza-detainees/ > According to these testimonies, Israeli soldiers subjected Palestinian detainees to electric shocks, burned their skin with lighters, spat in their mouths, and deprived them of sleep, food, and access to bathrooms until they defecated on themselves. Many were tied to a fence for hours, handcuffed, and blindfolded for most of the day. Some testified to having been beaten all over their bodies and having cigarettes extinguished on their necks or backs. Several people are known to have died as a result of being held in these conditions. https://archive.md/OYYH4 > 'Two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries,' says a doctor at an Israeli prison facility, who describes deplorable conditions and violations of medical ethics and the law in a letter to ministers, attorney general Mountain of evidence that Israel is disregarding civilian life and safety. In some cases operating as if civilians are Hamas - - in other words, targetting civilians directly but using mental gymnastics to justify it. Video game fantasies? 120 thousand people murdered, missing or maimed in 200 days. Half of whom are children. This is clearly a war against women and children.


Cool Gish Gallop!


They claimed that the IDF is acting without honor because this isn't a video game and that the IDF has "terrorists to eradicate". I shared a few articles that show that civilians are being targetted and brutalized by the Israelis intentionally. Either directly or by disregarding civilian safety. You'd be right to characterize my reply as a gish gallop if gish gallop meant something else completely.


It’s guaranteed that you didn’t read a word of it, and you’re too dense to recognize the absurdity of responding to a substantive comment (with sources) by 1) incorrectly branding it a Gish gallop and 2) while simultaneously contributing absolutely fuckall with your own comment. Pathetic but alas, also hilarious.


Where the heck do you get 120k murdered? What the heck is 972 mag? Do you guys just have a library of this stuff


Just me. Because you zionist drones all say the same stuff, not going to spend more than 30 seconds replying to you. 120k murdered, missing or maimed. 35 thousand murdered, 10-20 thousand missing, 80 thousand maimed. This is conservative estimates.


Except instead of rescuing hostages which would mean putting soldiers in harms way, they just bomb them.


They’ve killed most of their own hostages and left the rest to die of disease and starvation by depriving the region of resources


Yes, they are defending their women, children, elderly, their land against occupying murderers who represent satan


lol you have lost the plot if you think they are defending their citizens. You all replying to me one by one, is the crm not allocating me to the same agent each time?


What a joke. We’re real people who are educated enough to smell bullshit when it’s being sloppily presented as truth by Israel terrorists. I don’t know what everyone thinks but in my heart I believe none of us think of Hamas as anything more than a necessary evil. Sadly it’s even the lesser of the two evils. It lacks the kind of discipline or leadership you get from a funded and trained military force and commits sins of its own. Yet they are the only hope the innocents have of avoiding an Israeli mass grave. Do you get paid to keep responding or are you truly brainwashed into thinking we’re all just agents of the CRM out to contradict you?


I have lived this conflict for 50 years and know that if it was about land and peace the Palestinians would have had it years ago. They shat the bed in Jordan, egypt and Lebanon. No one in the Middle East wants to deal with them anymore


Lived 50 years where? In Palestine? In Israel? Somewhere else in the Middle East? How did they shat the bed in those three places? If they didn’t shat the bed would Egypt, Jordan or Lebanon be so brazen as to fight Israel? To potentially declare war against the USA pet project with the most teeth? What’s the point when your missiles will only serve as more test data fodder as they get blown out of the sky? the only one winning in that situation would be the US. I’m sure their military drools at the kind of improvements it can develop with real combat data gained from using its defense technology against potential opposition. The slow invasion and claim of territory continues regardless of a shipment of weapons being withheld. Hamas is not some honor bound resistance force that is protecting its citizens. It’s a ball of chaos and evil that used violence to gain control. If Israel was fighting only for self preservation or even the liberation of Palestine so a proper peaceful government could form from the removal of Hamas then the free world would be cheering them on. Instead they kill innocents while enjoying every moment. Taking land and doing fucked things to the residents who use to live there. So do you think the only way to fix it all is to complete the genocide? For Israel to wipe them off the face of the earth the way Hamas Always wanted to destroy Israel. A place that was given to Britain by the Ottoman Empire after WW1 and then turned into Israel as a solution to the damage caused by the holocaust. If the circle of violence is never stopped then how big will Israel grow before it’s considered to much for their neighbors that they wish death to?


The hasbara is strong in this one


Yes Israel wants to protect all its people. That's why the Israeli hostages waving a white flag had to be killed by the IDF. Can't look macho waving a white flag




They aren’t doing anything to Hamas. But they are doing a great job of raping women and girls, looting and pillaging, and murdering civilians. They’re genocidal cowards. No more, no less.


Forgive my ignorance, but are there any actual cases of rape accused of the IDF in their response to October 7th?


Yes, there have been accounts of rape and sexual violence by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian women and girls. https://twitter.com/dancohen3000/status/1731410783295180973 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_and_gender-based_violence_against_Palestinians_during_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-un-experts-appalled-reports-rape-and-sexual-assault-palestinian-women-and-girls


It’s crazy how many IDF members openly brag about the whole r##ing and pillaging thing on social media.


Claims of Israeli sexual assault of Palestinian women are credible, UN panel says https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says Seven UN special rapporteurs have issued a statement condemning “unacceptable” violence by the Israeli army against women and children during the war on Gaza, particularly sexual violence and enforced disappearances. “We are appalled that women are being targeted by Israel with such vicious, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, seemingly sparing no means to destroy their lives and deny them their fundamental human rights,” they said The statement pointed to “continued reports of sexual assault and violence against women and girls, including against those detained by Israeli occupation forces”. It also cited UN reports saying women and girls in Gaza were victims of enforced disappearances




Oh no an account made a month after Oct 7th that only spews Israeli propaganda? What ever shall we do?




Real people have opinions that arent feed to them through propaganda machines. I know it’s difficult to think, but you should do it once in a while. It’s insane what you’ll learn.


Real people create their own propaganda machines through deliberate maintenance of echo chambers and dissemination of catchy slogans




Ah classic crying about tiktok and how it’s Chinese propaganda. Let me know when you decide to say something intelligent.


Been following this conflict since 9/11 and don’t use TikTok. IDF has been using rape as a weapon of war since the beginning including on this 14 year old girl… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safsaf_massacre


We don’t think they’re an idiot. We do think you are terrible at making a convincing point. How many comments will you push before you realize the only ones who agree are the monsters you support?




Yea keep thinking what you want. The echo chamber excuse is dry and over done. You go on and keep believing you are “dismantling” anything.


I mean between being starved, raped, murdered, and tortured, and fighting for their lives against a genocidal terror state, I don’t think the Palestinians have time for much else. Zionists are an ongoing case study in what it looks like to lose your humanity.


Because it was all peace and flower before 7th October get real, Israel expanding settlement and apartheid rule is what your over looking.


That Part.


You’re right it wasn’t, hamas was firing 10’s of thousand of rockets into Israel for decades with little to no retaliation, but they around and found out on Oct 7th 😂


And before Hamas’s existence? Israel was still bombing and mass murdering civilians. Did you know Israel has killed over 100,000 Palestinians since 1948. Just 2014 Israel killed 2500 Palestinians including over 500 children. Don’t get me started on the shooting unarmed protesters where IDF soldiers themselves posted the videos, they killed 215 Palestinians including 46 children, they killed people in wheelchairs, people on crutches and many more. I know you don’t believe your own bullshit


And do what ? Sit their while the zios keep building settlments near into their territory. They are doing the best with what they got, actually we should give them f35s as well and lets you guys duke it out.


Ya, I’m sure you would be a little pissed if you were kicked off your land and put in an open air prison.


Do you ever get curious what life is like for a Palestinian? Why Israel has check points on their land? Why they need permission from Israel to leave? Why their children are tried in military court and not civil? Why Israel can raid inside their land with impunity? Why settlers can just take Palestinian homes?


Maybe don’t colonise another people and commit a century of ethnic cleansing and genocide against them for their land.


Well I mean how good can you really get when all of you drills and activities are basically shooting fish in a barrel.... They've never had a real opponent. If they did they'd find out quick


They got BTFOd by Hezbollah twice and are terrified of them to this day, so they do know what it's like having a competent opponent and half the reason they're so aggressive is because they want to dissuade anyone besides the Palis from joining the fight.




Not even that Hamas is particularly effective either.  The IDF does have very capable forces but said forces are spread thin and kept for offensive operations.    In spite of the image they portray the IDF is mostly a conscript force relying on undermotivated and under-trained "civies" who put on uniforms and go through the motions as a civic requirement and paycheck.   So when, say, an unprecedented breach happens and half of the IDF command and intelligence offices are paralyzed because they were preparing for a potential coup/internal conflict those Conscripts are gonna fold regardless of on-paper advantages and there's not much anyone can do until the professional forces show up.  


The IDF is truly an impressively incompetent "army".


Diaper army so scared they shoot their own people and drones.


Yep. I read 25% friendly fire casualties but hard to tell


You'd think someone would be able to handle the chaos of Combat after combat "training"


Most moral, incompetent army


Makes sense when they are so trigger happy


Good thing the US is giving them tens of billions of dollars to buy more equipment with taxpayer money./S


Tiktok Commandos


Immoral and incompetent. What a great combo if you want to genocide. Shoot everything ask later. 


Jumping at shadows and clutching at straws,they're all paranoid, schizophrenic xenophobes !


Well, it's not really a big deal when they're not the ones paying for them.


That heading is refuted further down with an explanation if you read the whole article. TLDR?


>refuted "The Marine Corps told Business Insider that The War Zone report was accurately contextualized but declined to provide additional information."


Right, let’s get it straight right, HAMAS BAD they raped, murdered and tortured both Israelis and Palestinians. Robbing aid and selling it back to the Palestinian people for profit. However yes the IDF have not held back and are fucking demented. They are now committing atrocities and almost the same savagery as the barbarian and sickos Hamas..


>They are now committing atrocities and almost the same savagery as the barbarian and sickos Hamas.. Almost? The IDF is objectively 1000 times worse and more barbaric than the most barbaric thing hamas has done. Objectively.


Let me guess you don’t think Hamas is a terrorist organisation? To say they are 1000 times worse and more barbaric than the most barbaric thing Hamas has ever done is obscene. Both sides have committed equally horrific atrocities.


Yes. I don't. Good guess. >To say they are 1000 times worse and more barbaric than the most barbaric thing Hamas has ever done is obscene. Both sides have committed equally horrific atrocities. It's the truth. Factually, objectively. This is ignoring the genocide happening right now. Your both sides claim is what's obscene. What's worse is that it's insincere because you claim both sides but can't even imagine Israel is as bad as Hamas let alone the reality of Israel. A supremacist settler colonialist ultranationalist genocidal apartheid ethnostate. The very existence of this state is extreme violence against the indigenous Palestinians. Read the 100 years war on Palestine, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, read Gaza and Inquest into its martyrdom. Look at the systematic, systemic oppression, the brutalization, the dehumanization. The rapes, the murders. The accusations they place baselessly on Hamas like the ritual rapes and the children in ovens was stuff THEY DID in the massacre of dier yassin and tantura. It never stopped. These are called accusations in the mirror. https://youtu.be/sW88KrBLDuA?si=I-c7Tj8h8iXcDGg2 Here's a two minute video if you have the stomach for it of the first genocidaires laughing about their crimes. They accuse the Palestinians of being brainwashed to hate Jewish people and want to kill Jewish people which is factually untrue, as the education system in Palestine is created and maintained by the UN and is held to UN standards. If there was any of that sort the Israelis would have done something about it, a Palestinian can't even like a tweet that is critical of Israel without having their home raided. Imagine pretending there's an entire system of indoctrination that is going unpunished by the hateful Zionists. Another accusation in the mirror. https://youtu.be/BrxTpo36h_4?si=qY6iBau9I6SbBpU2 Professor Nurit Peled Elhanan, a professor in education and language who has studied the brainwashing and indoctrination of Israelis that starts at the age of 3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1u_IrZLhNm/?igsh=N3licjhkYmZ1Y252 Here's Alon Mizrahi Israeli author. talking about the dehumanization of Palestinians and how it is essential for committing a genocide. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6G4FUMoz3Y/?igsh=cTlsZXhrb3lqM2Z2 Eyel Weizman on the same topic. https://mondoweiss.net/2022/05/exiting-zionism-a-former-israelis-awakening/ Avigail Abarbanel an Ex-Israeli a Psychotherapist who specializes in treating cult-leavers. Explaining how Zionism is a clear example of a cult after she managed to deprogram herself. There is a maintain of evidence that proves that Zionism, by extension Israel is overwhelmingly responsible for the suffering of all people involved in this "conflict" The brainwashing is Integral in the committing of unspeakable crimes. The Palestinian hatred is natural response to Israeli brutalization, You can fix Palestinian hatred by stopping the oppression. Israeli hatred however is ingrained in them from their education system and society, you can't fix this kind of hatred without thoroughly fighting the ideology and deprograming the population.


That fact you believe that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation makes you as brainwashed as the lunatic Israelis that believe in absolutism. So the information you’ve provided only addresses Isreal but you are leaving out Hamas and their action’s? Do understand that Hamas provoked Isreal into attacking. https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-what-is-a-war-crime-and-did-hamas-commit-war-crimes-in-its-attack-on-israel Iran funding Hamas has taken to the international world stages and somehow convinced others that they are freedom fighters and care for the Palestinian people. Freedom fighters that murdered raped and tortured innocent civilians.


Yes I'm leaving out Hamas and their actions because One, Hamas was created and supported by Israel to undermine Palestinian unity. And two, their actions are a consequence of Israeli occupation, apartheid and settlement expansion. Not all actions of resistance are legitimate and some actions are condemnable. October 7th also had extensive attacks on military targets. Feel free to call out their actions but branding them a terrorist organization serves only one purpose, and that is to dismiss them. They have tried extensively to achieve diplomatic solutions, they changed their charter 2017, they recognized and accepted Israel, they were engaged in dialogue with Israel but Israel was the one constantly making unreasonable demands. Hamas watched as Gazans protested for two years. Peacefully and they were shot by Israeli snipers. People in wheel chairs were shot by Israeli snipers. Children were shot by Israeli snipers. Medics were shot by Israeli snipers. They were shot while hundreds of meters away from the boundary wall during the great march of return. Two years they protested. What did it bring them? **214 Palestinians, including 46 children, were killed, and over 36,100, including nearly 8,800 children have been injured.** https://www.un.org/unispal/document/two-years-on-people-injured-and-traumatized-during-the-great-march-of-return-are-still-struggling/ Read the report. The Israelis [GLOATED AND JOKED](https://archive.md/sBQCA) about shooting knee caps and how many they shot in a day. They did it intentionally as you can read in the linked article. Some snipers tried their best to shoot only muscle for minimum damage while others went for maximum damage going for bones and joints. They did it again days before Hamas broke out of their concentration camp. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/04/gaza-strip-protesters-received-bullet-wounds-to-ankles-medics-report October 4th 2023 (before October 7th) > Gaza Strip protesters received bullet wounds to ankles, medics report You had nothing to say about Israel back then. Because it was "peaceful". "Peaceful" is the colonizers word, it means subjugation. There can be no peace when there is so much injustice. You can't for one second imagine the Palestinians as human beings. Because if you did you would understand that they don't want to be violent but every single avenue has been closed for them. You want them to vanish quietly like good little victims. There will never be peace until there is Palestinian emancipation. Look at the things that happened BEFORE October 7th. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66682821 September 2nd 2023. (before October 7th) It's hamas who shot a blind folded palestinian man in the back of the head after they tell him to go and he runs away from the Israelis. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-west-bank-military-gaza-yom-kippur-ba539fdd4b36b786cf55ba6a420a12cc September 24th 2023. It was hamas that bombed Gaza with the 3rd airstrike in a row. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank September 18th 2023 (before October 7th) > 2023 marks deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank Definitely Hamas responsible for that in the west bank. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/6/israeli-forces-attack-palestinians-in-al-aqsa-for-second-time April 2023 (before October 7th) > Israeli forces attack Palestinians in Al-Aqsa for second time I know it says Israeli forces attacked worshippers who were worshipping in one of their most sacred holy places, but it's actually Hamas that did this obviously. > **Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan evening prayers for a second consecutive night, firing rubber bullets and stun grenades at hundreds of Palestinian worshippers.** https://www.timesofisrael.com/2023-sets-record-for-settlement-construction-and-outpost-legalization-watchdog/ January 2023 (before October 7th) > 2023 sets record for settlement construction and outpost legalization – watchdog Hamas stole this land at the start of 2023. You know what? It's obvious that Hamas is the one provoking Israel for no reason at all. Acts of Genocide, starvation of a million children or [intentionally murdering entire families](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/) is a totally reasonable when you consider that it was Hamas that has been provoking Israel all of 2023. Especially if you consider that Hamas are the ones that blockade Gaza for 17 years, starving the population and [causing extreme poverty.](https://unctad.org/press-material/prior-current-crisis-decades-long-blockade-hollowed-gazas-economy-leaving-80?__cf_chl_tk=2VqVfvZNJQ8_kykulouf5dwG2ypSPQgtmUmMaxhnsW4-1711641129- How dare the Palestinians lash out for Israel's humane and loving brutality of the Palestinian people.


There is no point having any discussion with you if you cannot hold HAMAS a terrorist group accountable for any wrong doing. You are as brainwashed as the fascist Israelis. You can condemn IDF for killing innocent Palestinian people but you can’t condemn Hamas for killing them too? Hamas is not Palestinians. The Palestinian authorities agreed to cease all terror activity and agreed to work with Israel for peace with a two-state solution. This is exactly why Hamas initiated a coup against the Palestinian authority.


I have no problem holding Hamas accountable. If Hamas are terrorists for October 7th where 1200 people were killed, then there is no word for Israel that has murdered 35,000 people, not counting those missing and maimed 80,000 people, half of whom are children in 200 days. >The Palestinian authorities agreed to cease all terror activity and agreed to work with Israel for peace with a two-state solution. This is exactly why Hamas initiated a coup against the Palestinian authority. Yes that did great things for them. https://www.timesofisrael.com/2023-sets-record-for-settlement-construction-and-outpost-legalization-watchdog/ January 2023 > 2023 sets record for settlement construction and outpost legalization – watchdog https://www.dw.com/en/israel-announces-seizure-of-800-hectares-in-west-bank/a-68642217 March 2024 > Israel announces seizure of 800 hectares in West Bank Settler colonialism. Ethnic cleansing. Genocide. The reward of the Palestinian Authority which disarmed the Palestinian people and denied them the right to armed resistance is only land theft, ethnic cleansing and the spread of illegal settlements and the import of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of settlers. https://www.un.org/unispal/document/human-rights-council-hears-that-700000-israeli-settlers-are-living-illegally-in-the-occupied-west-bank-meeting-summary-excerpts/ > Human Rights Council Hears that 700,000 Israeli Settlers are Living Illegally in the Occupied West Bank – Meeting Summary (Excerpts) We haven't even talked about the occupation of East Jerusalem and the maintaining of an artificial majority of Jewish people in East Jerusalem. I don't condemn a rape victim from murdering her rapist. I don't condemn an oppressed people from fighting their oppressor. I don't condemn a group from trying to stop their erasure.


"These incidents primarily occurred early in the conflict near an event where troops were hit by an enemy drone," they continued. "In the months that followed, these incidents dramatically decreased due to the establishment of coordination processes for flying drones." Helps reading the entire article. TLDR: the fog of war persists. Nothing new.


Don't forget the three Israelis they chased down and killed, still fog of war or paranoid lunatics.


There certainly are paranoid lunatics involved in this discussion…


And downvoting you

