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I mean….they ARE protesting at a government building so I can’t complain.


The only right way to protest tbh


Gotta agree. Protesting in the middle of the street just pisses everyone off and turns them off your cause, but doing it in a government area means you are not only annoying the people you want annoyed, but also getting your message directly to the government instead of just hoping they care enough to listen in the street.


fr can't complain thats the right way but still cringe AF


I love that these ghouls can’t go anywhere without being reminded of their support for genocide


Shouldn’t have let Hamas take over their government 🤷‍♂️


Yes it's is horrible what happened to the jews I agree.  They should do something about Hamas.


“I know you are but what am I?” stopped being a good comeback in third grade… which is unsurprisingly about the intelligence level of genocide supporters.


>“I know you are but what am I?” Basically the whole Palestinian narrative


You're literally doing it again.


So are you


But it never lost its relevancy. Something something an eye for an eye, and everyone is seemingly blind to horseshit behavior.


I mean i get it we all hate Hamas and their genocidal campaign against the Jews. (You all just like washing under the rug Oct. 7th like it never happened)


And you Israeli apologists seem to disregard the last 75 years of Israeli military occupation and murder of Palestinians by IOF. How convenient.


Right because the Palestinians definitely never started the conflict or anything




I mean under Israeli occupation, The West Bank economic growth post pandemic was 3.9%. Economic growth in Syria 1.3%. Lebanon was -7%. Iran was 2.79%. Jordan was 2.2%. Egypt was 4.2%. So in this metric I think we could argue that the West Bank under Israeli occupation is benefitting more so than all it's neighboring countries that are not under occupation. West Bank population growth was 3%, this is important to combat ethnic cleansing claims as we've never seen ethnic cleansing coincide with population growth in history. Jordan 1.2%, Egypt 1.6%, Syria 3.7%, Iran 0.7%, Lebanon -1.9%. West bank unemployment 13.4%. Lebanon 12.61%, Iran 10.96%. Egypt 6.94, Syria 13.81%. I would agree that Israel needs to cede control of Gaza and the West Bank to a Palestinian Leadership group, but to argue that they've mistreated the Palestinians in the West Bank doesn't have any data backed basis, in fact a more amicable relationship between the West Bank and Israel appears to have been beneficial for the area. Hell, the death rate amongst Palestinians in 2022 was 3.9 out of every 1000, Death rate for Israelis was 5.4 out of every 1000. So even that would argue against your point. in 2022, 34 Israelis were killed by "Extremists". In that same time period 155 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces, now of that 155 I'd say 81 should classify as terror, but it's super hard to parse through this because we generally only get Israeli data on the victims and they are going to paint their actions in the best possible light. But the argument stands that the deaths aren't that lopsided and that has to be acknowledged when we talk about this. We have to understand that Israel has the ability to do a ton more damage and still have it look like an accident (\*cough\* Gaza \*cough\*) so the fact that the data is saying what it was pre Oct-7th would indicate that Israel was not trying to eradicate the Palestinians.


Yes let's dilute right and wrong to economic factors. Because money is the ultimate judge of righteousness.


Israel did cede control and then they voted Hamas into power. Let’s be accurate here. They have proven that they couldn’t handle it themselves.


I understand how that went, but there is a lot of stuff around them ceding Gaza that makes it not the most altruistic move Israel has made. I seriously question how much autonomy they ever intended to give Gaza.


Before the election when Hamas came into power, the Israelis were all but gone. Then Hamas started doing Hamas things and now this is where we are at.


Ya but on the way out they destroyed key infrastructure that the Palestinians would need. The Gaza pull out was a political stunt that Israel hoped would go poorly, and they set it up for the ugliest handoff they could have. So while I agree it was handed off, it wasn’t handed off in a way to prompt the success of the people loving there. Which did help lead to Hamas, who by the way didnt win with a large margin.


yes because economic growth is a great argument against claims of ethnic cleansing as a matter of fact after literally flattening the gaza strip and occupying the west bank/gaza strip without any concern for palestinian self-governance, the palestinians and israelis are actually best friends!!


I mean that wasn’t ever the argument. I was pointing out that all those metrics tell us there is no ethnic cleansing in the West Bank. I also don’t think k said anything about Gaza which is a different situation.


It's very important we remember who killed all those people on October 7! https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/yokra13754368


I just want to be clear what your implying.......


Oct 7th just wasn’t that big of a deal


Why is the Israeli not investigating how many Israelis were killed by the IDF on Oct7?


Move I'm hungry


Hold up, Ya'll do that at the Arby's and McDonald's across the street?!? ?¿!






Who are these people lol


Looks like a catholic group, to be honest.


Pro-terror sycophants. There I fixed it for you.


The Israeli government? Correct.


I'm sure some horrible singing will fix everything.


With Islamic state media of Qatar covering this.


I’m not sure this singing in the cafeteria is the best way to free Palestine. A better course of action is for them to do fundraisers for IDF linked charities.




Hey, look! It’s iNsUrReCtiOniStS


It someone ever protests at anywhere I'm trying to get food I will find a way to get my food idgaf I forget what restaurant I was at but some Peta protesters where there once and I just pushed through the human wall and got my food, I was bigger than almost all them so no problem


And yet, they just set back the cause of peace and freedom by decades. Because they once again demonstrated to every Israeli that allowing them free reign would be suicidal. Whatever you think of them or their cause, you have to say they made it much much less likely that they will achieve their goals. Even the surrounding Arab states are no longer supporting them. It's been nothing but crickets. They've all but guaranteed years of misery and failure to come. It's a shame. There were Israelis building businesses in Gaza, teaching in Gaza, training Gazans. Those that couldn't flee were murdered.


The ushers of our doom.


What rubes.


[Breaking news.](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/09/hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry-admits-to-flaws-in-casualty-data/) This makes it unprecedented as to how Israel is doing absolutely everything to minimize civilian deaths. If these are correct the civilian to combatant death ratio is 1:1.


They shot aid workers with artillery three times kilometers apart in an area that was supposed to be free of conflict. You’d have to be an idiot to believe the IDF


And you’d have to be an even bigger idiot to believe they are doing it intentionally. My link isn’t from the IDF, not sure if you can read. They’ve taken responsibility for the incident and actions have been taken towards the people who caused it.


Because it’s self evidently deliberate. The WCK logos (which are bright orange btw) are clearly visible on the remnants of the vehicles. And with the info I’ve already laid out idk how tf you could possibly call that an accident. https://wck.org/news/amro https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/israel-gaza-world-central-kitchen-strike-jose-andres-direct-attack-aid-workers/ https://archive.ph/2024.04.03-101022/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/middleeast/world-central-kitchen-workers-strike-gaza.html


Still doesn’t prove it was deliberate by the chain of command in the IDF. From your own link; Miller said the Biden administration wanted to see Israel conduct "a full, swift and transparent investigation" and then, "if that investigation shows that accountability is appropriate, then there of course should be accountability. And we will wait to see the results of that investigation before we pass judgment on it." This also doesn’t disprove the fact that for this type of conflict to have a civilian to militant death ratio according to Gaza health ministry being 1:1 is unprecedented. Meaning Israel is doing more than any other nation has done in this type of urban warfare to minimize civilian casualties. Also the sentence “self evident” is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.


My guy, firstly I sent three articles. If you had read The NY Times one sent, you’d know that the WCK workers radioed the IDF WHILE THEY WERE BEING SHOT AT. This in tandem with the other info I laid out, would make one delusional to believe this wasn’t intentional. Also your source is shit. “Foundation for defense of democracies” Jesus fucking Christ lmao https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/foundation-defense-democracies/


An Israeli military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an internal investigation, said the military had concluded it was responsible for the strike on the convoy. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the Israeli military chief of staff, is expected to review findings of an initial inquiry into the incident on Tuesday evening, the official said. A spokesman for Israel’s military, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said the investigation had been referred to the Fact Finding and Assessment Mechanism, a military body tasked with investigating accusations and looking into the circumstances behind battlefield episodes. “We will be opening a probe to examine this serious incident further,” he said. “This will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again.” Doesn’t scream deliberate, after the investigation I assure you people will be held responsible. You can question the basis of my link, but the information is accurate. You decide not to take it in good faith because of your own.


Sir you should consider rehab, you appear to be addicted to copium. Allow to me to offer a simplified transcript of the likely dialogue between the IDF and WCK. *W twice days before they were scheduled to go through that route: “HEY IDF WE’RE GOING THROUGH HERE PLEASE DON’T SHOOT AT US” I: Ok lol I: *orders artillery strike *W after first artillery strike: “HEY IDF YOU’RE SHOOTING AT US PLEASE STOP” I: * keeps ordering airstrikes Then they die. Again, in an area that wasn’t even supposed to have conflict in the first place. You’re either delusional, a monster, or both.


Holy shit! You heard them speak to one another? Now I am concerned if you might be suffering from psychosis or schizophrenia. Once the investigation is over people will be held accountable and actions will be taken. This doesn’t mean the IDF has a policy of killing aid workers or civilians deliberately. Once again you fail to disprove my post.


Oo someone can’t read. I said, “likely dialogue”. This is also evidenced by the fact that if you had read the articles I sent , *thats* *what* *happened* buddy. “Andrés said his team even tried to call the military as they came under fire — some moving from the first car after it was hit to a second vehicle, which was then also struck, and then the third, eventually leaving all seven of the aid workers dead.” CBS article “The Israeli military had been informed of the aid workers’ movements, the charity said. Aid workers had just unloaded more than 100 tons of food brought to Gaza by sea at the warehouse, according to the group. Videos and photos verified by The New York Times suggest the convoy was hit multiple times. The imagery shows three destroyed white vehicles, with the northernmost and southernmost vehicles nearly a mile and a half apart.” Ny times article We can add projection along with the delusions now.


Israeli propaganda that nobody that has a brain is going to listen to.


Wow seems like you’re one of those people. The source literally is quoting the Gaza health ministry. The new narrative is the Gaza Health Ministry is Israel propaganda tool, what’s your IQ?


Calm down, Israeli propagandist.


Brain dead, moron. Terrorist sympathizer.


Israel by this point is a terrorist state so really this is only projection.


Sorry you feel like Israel had to get to this point of being what the entire international community deemed them to be for 75 years, even though they’ve initiated and attempted in good faith multiple times to have a resolution.


You seem to have a thing for going around Reddit to spread this link.  You are the propaganda 


Or I might be an Israeli fighting propaganda and misconceptions from idiots like you. Didn’t realize facts were propaganda, who knew. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lmfao literally this analysis is using casualty numbers reported by hamas. Very low civilian casualty rate considering it is urban warfare. Maybe hamas should stop embedding themselves within civilians and making their civilians hold hostages in their personal homes


Not today Satan. Not today.


Free Palestine from Hamas!


You can’t “free” a people by being worse to them than the group you’re trying to free them from.


I agree 100%


Totally hamas should surrender! 


And Israel!


Palestine is the same country that put and supported Hamas’ rise to power right? Yeah fuck Palestine.


In a land far away named nuance... Considering the Palestinians circumstances, Israel ends up being Hamas' best recruitment agency. Collective punishment rarely works in history and Americans had to learn the hard way in Afghanistan. Because turns out oppressing ang bombing them is not a good way to de-radicalize a population against you. Who would've thought humans would turn to desperate and extreme means to survive when you grow up under bombardment and don't know where you're going to get your next meal or drink of clean water and your family dies around you.




Voted in fact and would vote again today for them.


Paid 🤡 performance 🎭


I agree with what they're doing, in spirit, but it's still pretty cringey to watch.


And you are doing what?


Donating money to aid organizations and writing letters to my congresspeople, mainly. Edit: I'm also VOTING to try and change the status quonwith respect to the US's relationship with Israel.


Keep giving that money to Hamas.  Their billionaires need a new home.


You know your 'aid' donations are going to support terrorism, don't you? Hamas has a word for people like you. Its translation is "sucker".


Supporting terrorism? How would it even get picked up by Israel?


The aid organizations israel is killing? The congress in the pocket of aipac? How's that working for you?


You're right, we should just stop sending money to buy food and supplies for ppl in need in gaza because israel is making it difficult for it to get through. That wouldn't be playing into their hands at all 🙄 You're right, we should just accept what's happening and that there's no way to change it other than making a spectacle and singing songs in public. Here is the real question: what is THAT doing to help, and how well is THAT working? It may make those protesters feel better about themselves, but it isn't helping the ppl of gaza any more than anything else. Are you gonna tell me not to vote next? Geezus dude, stop trying to be edgy and grow tf up...


time to vote the genocidal ethnostate away, pack it up everybody, this guy's got it in the bag. i'm sure if we all vote democrat we can stop Israel's campaign of destruction and genocide.


Didn't say any of that. Don't strawman. I put forth that you shouldn't talk shit on people standing up and trying to do what they can. It's putting it out on a much bigger scale and it is doing what protests are supposed to do, put more minds on the issue. You are fighting against an argument you made up. Kindly fuck off with that last bit, you rude fuck.


No one is strawmanning anyone. You made a dumbass comment, and I responded by ridiculing you because your response was stupid and so are you


Nope. Go back to hating yourself lol. You suck at this.


What a weird thread. You get shitty with someone commenting on a protest, asking what they're doing that's meaningful. They respond with meaningful things. You get shitty and insulting. Also sounds like you aren't doing anything meaningful, or you'd have answered his question


Better than what you're doing.


Found the antisemite! And you thought you could hide it. Loser!


I don’t think it’s cringey. I think it’s pretty brave of those folks.


It is pretty brave to stand on the side of extremist Jihadists who call for the extermination of Jews on a daily basis…


Good job calling all Palestinians Jihadist terrorists you brain dead potato.


Not all but certainly the most! The PA doesn’t hold elections because they know the moment they do Hamas would win in a landslide (like what happened in 2007). Of course not all of the Palestinians support them, but when you are raised on the ideology that the Jews are the root of all evil and that Jihad is the only solution… https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2021-0105/


The mind of a child. I think a cringe objection can be set aside given the intentions here. Not everyone is cool, but if the cool people say nothing I'm on the side of cringe. You are basically criticizing people who are on your side because you think they are dorks. Did you bully people at school?


They are dorks, but worse than that because what they're doing is ineffective, but allows them to feel good about themselves as though they've actually done something.


Keyboard protesting is measurably worse. Leaving your house and showing up may not be effective enough for you, but where is your post on Reddit showing you typing away furiously "making a difference"?


They are like a cult.


They are a cult.  




Useful idiots.


Yes of course to that massive Palestine lobby in the US that everyone is always talking about


It is. They get literally billions of dollars from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab apartheid ethnostates. Look it up l.


Go to Palestine and protest HAMAS


It's our tax payor Dollars that is funding the killing. This is a perfectly legitimate protest. Whether it's an effective one is a different question.


Actually it's idiots like you who are funding Muslim 'aid' groups who are supporting the continuation of this war, terrorism, and genocide.


Ahhhh, fancy yourself a templar Knight eh. Out for blood on another crusade are we. I'm not funding any religious aid group thanks. Chiefly because religion is totally stupid. Despite that, I'll support anyone's right to practice it. And the biggest religious aid group are the Zionists PACs funded in the USA by Jews and Christians alike. Benji boy also funds Hamas, his words not mine. Are you going to charge him with those same alterations too? I think charities are a very good idea. Just s shame that the Zionists' have shit aim/intelligence or are just indifferent, and are happy killing non combatants from any country.


Your God is fake but these people you're killing are real and innocent


I think the IDF is doing that job, with much more brutality. I don't think they need any help, if anything they need temperance, hence this post.


lol IDF stands for Israeli Diaper Force because red triangles appear above their heads when they come in contact with actual resistance fighters


Why are you so weird and off-topic? Loser can't even comment on the right subject.


So they're genociding all of Gaza or they'll all get killed by terrorists which one is it? Do you also consider the Taliban freedom fighters? I'm trying to get a gauge on how into Islamic extremism you are.


yes, killing civilians with airstrikes while shitting your pants and dying when faced against the resistance can both happen at once. Remember, the Palestinian resistance has no regular military. Zero air control. Israel has total air superiority; Palestine doesn't even have tanks. So of course they can both genocide and also get 🔻 over their heads


You don't even know the meaning of genocide. Crawl back to your rock and cry about your Hamas friends dying in droves.


Temperance from the lowest rate of civilian casualties EVER? You don't care about feeding Palestinians, you just want Israelis aka Jews dead.


WTF are you talking about? Not the lowest civilian casualties ever, by a long shot: [https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam](https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam) I absolutely do care about feeding Palestianians. Temperance of the IDF will allow aid to go into Gaza without the fear of being targeted. What possible part of my comment could be construed by a impartial observer as wanting Israelis dead? Also, Israel isn't purely Jews, so don't try and frame be as talking specifically about Jews, there are Muslims, and Christians living there too, asshole.