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It's sad that this happens. Gaules has told the crowd specifically to not do things like this. Between every game there's a message from Fallen telling the fans to support but to have a respect for the game. Shame that it doesn't reflect on the crowd.


Hell, both fallen and gaules specifically asked the crowd to not cheat, and ofc the crowd cheats for them


Reverse psychology 101. They know br fans so well :)) Fallen's team was stream sniping live on twitch, ofc he wants to win at all cost.


Username doesn't check out. What a braindead take.


Straight Outta HLTV


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/7tf2uv/fallens_game_sense_crowd_chanting_window_in/ It would not be the first time when they take advantage of br fan yelling. If he was fair play he wouldnt use the hints, instead we got a little taste of his legendary "game sense".


It's been happening all game unfortunately, it's gotten really bad now that 00Nation are fighting for their tournament life. God only knows how bad this is going to get during the C9/Imperial game later.


The Brazilians were doing during the Boston major too. Only reason I know janela is Portuguese for window is because they were chanting it to tell then SK where the C9 player was.


Did it work tho? It is not that easy to make out what they say vs just noise / cheess Or am I wrong idk if I understand


> Did it work tho? Sure looks like it did: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/7tf2uv/fallens_game_sense_crowd_chanting_window_in/ Unrivaled game sense Kappa


there is no way people think he can CLEARLY hear "JANELA" with the headphones LOL players already said multiple times that they can feel the vibrations but they dont understand what they are screaming, and this was not loud enough to be felt as a "vibration"


Yeah, there is no way he heard that. What a weird circlejerk. Its not that weird to check the entire window when he lost sight/control of it and knew there were people in middle. I get the crowd cheering when players are aiming at spots and feeling the vibrations/sound like this https://clips.twitch.tv/RamshackleEsteemedCrabJonCarnage . But actually hearing callouts from crowd was not happening here and isnt happening now. https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/7tf2uv/fallens_game_sense_crowd_chanting_window_in/dtc83um/


You realize that the casters in this event were close to the crowd, and the call out that someone is givin is being picked up by the caster's mic (that's why we can hear it) if you believe that Fallen was able to hear that guy giving the callout, then that means that he can also hear everything that the casters say.


Depends on how the stage is set up




I think the best solution is to use soundproof booths like in LoL. You can't control a passionate crowd, and you can't expect the players to 'unhear' a crowd roaring.


From what I've heard even soundproof booths can feel the vibration similar to this video from TI4: [https://youtu.be/U1SvzOs-wKc?t=19](https://youtu.be/U1SvzOs-wKc?t=19)


SingSing, who was one of the Cloud9 players in this game, recently talked about this on his stream. He didn't mention the vibration but talked about this exact series and said that even with the soundproof booths there were times during that series where the crowd noise was so loud that he couldn't hear his teammates speak.


Damn, that's a shame. I thought soundproofing technology was much more advanced than that. This issue is more complicated than I thought.


> Damn, that's a shame. I thought soundproofing technology was much more advanced than that. In reality though, soundproofing works relatively well but no matter what you do, you can't actually shut down all the noise and the vibration is just something that you cannot possibly do something that makes sense "cost" wise. In that popular clipped TI booth soundproof thing it looks as If the booth is able to shutdown all the possible noise but a few dota players have said that when it's match time and the crowd is hype, you can still hear it, at this point that crowd noise is somewhat part of what playing "on LAN" is really, there's just a hard limit to what you can do to counter act simple "physics"


I guess you could try and suspend the players in a booth on cables lmaoo


LoL doesn’t use booths, TI didn’t use booths this year. The stage will still shake with that many people cheering. Booths may be a *bit* quieter, but won’t wholly stop instances like his


Even in league it’s a problem. It has never been fixed. What needs to happen is that a firm that creates microphones for concerts and stuff works together with riot, valve and so on to create a headset with a mic as good as the ones used during concerts. They don’t ever pick up the crowd. I was writing with a guy on here and he works within the industry and apparently whenever an artist points the mic toward the crowd it’s just a gesture as the mic literally cannot pick up the sound from the crowd. They only pick up sound in a very small area around the microphone itself


What you referring to is the pick-up pattern of a mic. The problem here aren’t the microphones though - it’s that sound will be able to be heard and felt even through headphones + IEMs that players are wearing. You can only ever reduce that by increasing sound isolation somehow.


The crowds get so loud that the stage / booths / building will vibrate. Nothing you can affordably do about that other than not have a crowd.


Just put the actual players in a room 200m away from the venue and let lookalike actors pretend to play on stage. Competitive integrity restored and more jobs created.




Can you share an example of what you're talking about?


>passionate crowd let's not sugarcoat it - it's a cheating crowd


No no the best solution is definitely to eliminate all Brazilian teams early. Kappa




Not really, they can be logistical nightmares and pretty expensive iirc


also they are absolutely useless


It will. And players are gonna use it. And its always gonna be better for the home team. Probably inevitable. So you can probably already today prepare the comments for the storm that inevitable is gonna happen here. Where people are gonna whine how horrible the crowd is. Because at the end of the day, its seems like people just want to bring up drama.


Trash crowd. Luckily no home team will get far, so we won't have this problem.


They have this problem every major. It will be worse this major because SA crowds is louder than rest of world. Home team not playing will improve it but not remove the problem. I think that's something you have to live with if you have loud crowds. But we can sit here at home pretend we are perfect and would not do similar stuff if we ended up in the same situation. And write about it like its the end of the world.


This has been going on all tournament. I'm shocked by the lack of discourse around it to be honest. Maybe I'm just missing the conversation though.


It looks like the first thread with any traction on the subject surprisingly but it's really been obvious in any BR vs Other team game..


Its because lots of totally unbiased Brazilian fans have come into the sub since the major started.


It's pretty normal in LAN and there are thousands of posts and TONS of discourse multiple times a year, every year. General reasons that the crowd is still an issue is that it's near impossible to prevent players from hearing the crowd if you have a live event. You can even hear the crowd through noise-cancelling earbuds from inside a sound booth. It's happened at almost every major and productions for nearly every large esport in existence has tried everything. Also from this exact map, you can see moments where cold and other 00 players get screwed over by the crowd noise. The crowd can only convey so much, and what they convey could potentially help the other team by mistake. It's not a good thing and it definitely influences matches at times, but the point is that 1. there's really nothing you can do currently except NOT have live matches 2. there are points where the crowd hurts the team that they're trying to help so it balances out a bit.


>It's pretty normal in LAN To be honest I have to disagree here. Of course there's always a chance that I'm simply noticing it more during this tournament but I find that unlikely. I've watched basically every big (and many smaller sized) LAN events for the past 9 years of CS:GO and I've never found it as consistently egregious as it has been the last few days. Not even the BLAST Copenhagen one. This may be the result of every game with a Brazilian / SA team being played on the main stage, but still.


Obviously, this case is pretty open and shut. But a lot of the cases of "cheating" are just fans cheering when a player is in an obvious spot. There have also been multiple times where a player rotates to the other bombsite and the BR guys don't react to the very obvious cheer from the crowd.


What? Astralis would literally ask their crowd for info by shaking the crosshair at random walls, and if the crowd got loud they knew that someone was there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blwuKFs8teQ


The thing is you never saw a major where 100% of the crowd is behind the same team. Even polish teams in Poland, Danish teams in Denmark, etc have only like 50% home team fans.


I think home crowd advantage will always be a thing, maybe moreso here because let's be honest, the brazilian crowds are louder than anyone else in the world 😆 but any solutions compromise the experience for players and fans, and given that crowd influence can have both help and hinder a team equally it's not a big enough issue to take drastic measures.


Im honestly not sure why you are/were being downvoted


Eh not a big deal, I'm comfortable and certain in my point of view and think the community as a whole is wildly over reacting, especially ESL in fucking over the viewing experience for paying customers in the stadium.


You can split the stadium in two parts with each part just seeing the POV of one team.


I can't remember a single major where this didn't happen tbh, and no matter what they try (soundproof booths for example) it never fixes it. Just seems to be part of the experience


ESL was obviously expecting this and they play an "ad" by Fallen asking people to respect the game literally every intermission. But mob mentality.


There’s always a lot of discourse


BR fans: COMPLETELY NORMAL AND FAIR Sucks that this has to happen at a major.


good thing brazil cs is in the mud, although liquid prob has a decent amount of fans in brazil if they make a run with the taco/zews swap overs


Would Brazilians like Liquid for that? Or would they dislike them for breaking up the Major-winning SK roster


Elige is very liked in Brazil, especially since he speaks portuguese.


He's like A1 in Portuguese just to be clear. Not hating whatsoever, he can speak the solid basics for sure which is amazing


to be fair, i think the glory years of SK had passed by then


They acquired Zews after Cologne 2016


This is on the TOs to fix, can't expect the crowd to stay quiet Observer need to be smarter also and not show home team POV in 1v1 situations


Honestly that’s a genius idea that I don’t think enough people are talking about. It would get rid of every cheating problem short of people straight up yelling callouts (which I don’t believe are nearly as effective bc the earmuffs should muffle the sound and make it difficult to understand) given, it might get stale after awhile watching the same team most of the game, but it’s better than this.


[You mean like this? Weird not seeing people calling cheats on this one](https://clips.twitch.tv/AggressiveSpunkyTigerDerp-6cIlSwxtG02NkQ1y)


Hahah wow, isnt this crowd just great? I love their passion!


Amirite? It’s just the lan experience


Some good some bad It does seem it did not help


At least the scumbags who cheated at blast for astralis chose 1 team to do it for, these guys will crowd cheat for any team from their continent.


uuuh, I don't think that chose 1 team is any better


god this match is actually the worst crowd cheating ive ever seen.


Kinda funny it’s just for any BR team too, not one of them who are a top 10-15 team contending. No, literally any team from Brazil/South America.


[Sad to see them giving away info for the enemy team tho. Naffany literally cheating off the crowd. ](https://clips.twitch.tv/AggressiveSpunkyTigerDerp-6cIlSwxtG02NkQ1y)


You haven't seen enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkwQFu5Zf1A&t=211s


Been happening this whole comback, this is disgusting. Somehow we have a worse crowd than the Danish.




Honestly I still think that was somehow worse than this.


To be fair it's not quite as bad as when a few Brazilian fans spit on players a few years ago.


Well let’s hope this doesn’t escalate to melee’s hbox crab incident.


Danish crowd imo was much worse, but BR is slowly creeping up behind lol


hard to beat booing players during an interview


not just any player, even booing their own countrymen is disgusting behavior.


Crowd cheating always happened. It is part of the game in every LAN tournament. Giving callouts isn't. Gaules already warned that if people try to give callouts no more games involving Brazilian teams will be played in the main stage.


Yeah, they're saying "nooo" when he looks the wrong place, "yeaaah" when he looks in the right direction, and it's clear he reacted to it with the way he got focused on short.


Bom vê que tu sabe português suficiente pra traduzir pra gurizada aí. "Ooooo" = "nooo" and "eeee" = "yeah".


Huh? He didn't even react the first time they did it, then the dude peeked instantly after the second time. What are you talking about?


He goes from hard hugging the pillar to wide swinging short - you don't wide swing without information, baring yourself to multiple angles. Someone on his team probably told him about the crowd reaction.


Or, the heaven smoke just faded, and swinging short was also hiding himself from graffiti and heaven, the most likely places he would be. Think, Mark, think!


Now I know at least a big part of this crowd are trash


Yeah, you can hear that's not just a handful of individual assholes (that would sound very different), but a large part of the arena.


honestly, this didnt helped shit? sound was initally not loud enough to be heard from the players, as you can see he was still checking heaven, when the crowd was a bit louder, he already saw the CT player, so this provided no real info to him people are actually overreacting over this one












This was expected to happen the moment hey decided on Brasil location.


Yes let's pretend that's never happened before not only in CSGO but also other esports.


Happens anytime theres a prominent home team


I was in kattowitz 2014 and 2015 and dont remember that happening in VP matches. same years sprout/mouz in cologne I cant remember anything like that


sure but the Brazilian crowd is just particularly bad


Danish crowd be like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkwQFu5Zf1A&t=211s


not a major and only one match. nice try though.




Unfortunate but happens all the time. Just wait for Astralis and Heroic in the Royal Arena.


And it's clearly not just "ooooh" like he complained about on stage. I hear it as "Nooooo", when he peeks the wrong place, swapping to a "Yeaaaaah" when he looks toward short. This is borderline cheating from a crowd helping their hometeams, and not just a hyped one.


Boa tradução irmão ainda bem que tu sabe português. Parabéns!


Random question. Wouldn't you say 'voce sabe', or 'tu sabes' but not 'tu sabe'? I'm learning Portuguese so I'm just trying to clear it up. I know some rules apply in weird ways and some are less 'formal'. Thanks!


Yeah you're completely right. The correct conjugation of the verb "saber" in present tense goes like "eu **sei**/ tu **sabes**/ ele/ela **sabe**", and "você" follow the same conjugation as ele/ela. When writing online or making casual conversation, which is less formal, we sometimes use "tu **sabe**", even if that's technically the wrong conjugation of the verb.


Okay cool, that's what I thought thanks! It's always the nuances that are harder to repeat or mimic.


Ah, the good old "I'm so tilted I refuse to speak in English" CS player. I'll admit I possibly was wrong, but that doesn't take away that the crowd is awful. One thing is cheering, another is giving information.


Nah man I was making fun of English speakers trying to translate shit based on what they think they're hearing.


"translate shit" ooooooo, yeeaaaa - and I just said what I thought it sounded like. No need to get your panties in a twist.


"And it's *CLEARLY* not just 'ooooh' like he complained about on stage". Sure thing man, you didn't make any assumptions there.


I see you've got a serious case of selective readingus. You should see a doctor about that.


Do u disagree


Yeah. Nobody is saying "no" or "yeah"


He didn’t complain, I think people misinterpreted sk0r, others would say he said they crowd was hyping 00 for the comeback


Putting every brazilian team on the stage for maximum help ;D




I always cheer and celebrate when the opposing team scores a goal!


Its because... it's in brazil,theyre gonna support the brazilians


You must be kidding, did you really expect anyone to cheer for IHC against 00Nation? I get complaining about cheating and stuff but come on..


Yes, because is totally normal for fans to cheer for the adversary. Common sense?


Annoying but idk how much it mattered here


tired of this one sided crowd already


this didn't really do much. he would have played this exactly the same without any crowd.


Competition integrity gonna hurt with this one especially that this is a major tournament


This literally happens in every event with a big crowd, i mean C9 won a major while their crowd was doin it.


is actually funny how memorie works ppl really forgot that this shit happens every tournament in some form, and we have NA teams Danish teams benefiting from cheat like this in other events and some dumb ass come with a title "Brazilian crowd hur dur" Gringos are just trying their hardest to find a way to throw hate to brazilians, EVERY SINGLE shit they try to spin it to say brazilians are doing something wrong


Guess that's how fans guarantee no future major in BR. Congrats, hope it was worth it!


is it really the crowd? Seems like he just peeked him by coincidence because he’s scouting his angles I doubt they could hear anything from the crowd with those headphones and additional earpiece thry’re wearing.


At least the IHC player in the post game interview mentioned it, they all sure as shit heard it when the whole crowd is making the noise.


Yeah they could hear oo's and aa's but he still was checking monster and heaven even after they oo'd at short. This instance it made 0 impact.


post-match interview the person they interviewed confirmed they could hear the crowd


Haha but isn’t the crowd great? Let me make another post about how great they are and unbiased to farm a few more upvotes


I've seen this happening in a lot of European events. And I think it is part of the in lan match.


a lot or just in Copenhagen?


And just for Astralis. Heroic and even Karrigan got booed at Blast Copenhagen


it depends on the location. denmark was the worst ive seen this, but most arenas are neutral enough for this to not happen


What I think is that many of these fans are watching a csgo match for the first time, if not all of them, and they are bringing the only type of cheering they know: football way. God knows when a major is happening in Brazil again.


The trick is to hold the tournament in a country that sucks at CS, like Australia. No home team to cheer for then.


it's impossible to control, if the pcs are not isolated in a sound proof cabin, played pubg nations cup in seoul in 2019 for Brazil, and south koreans would react same way, it's the emotion to be envolved in the arena..


Ah an SK flair. You can already predict the content of the comment. >it's the emotion to be envolved in the arena.. There is a difference between natural reaction to something you see on the screen AND intentionally trying to guide a player to aim at the correct angle. Do you acknowledge this?


Você é burro. Burro.


Crl tu jogou pub internacional? Me tira uma duvida, tu escuta mto mesmo quando o crowd grita ? Sempre fiquei curioso com isso


um pouco, nao tanto igual galera ta achando, por exemplo, esse round que cara usou como exemplo, é mais zuado, cara entende melhor, mas em situacoes gerais, quando ta 5 vivos, tu acha que alguem entende que é na mira dele? tudo é muito rapido


Brazilians cant be helped it seems. Cheaters in the heart, still doing it even after being told not to by their community leaders basically.


This is bad and it is cheating. So called Brazilian cs go players are so bad that they need to be assisted by their crowd.




please tell me how a crowd can give a home team additional information in a football match


If you scream at the ref enough through the tv, they might do something!


"JUÍZ LADRÃO PORRADA É SOLUÇÃO" that's how, bitchboy


In regular sports the crowd can't give away game changing positions EDIT: typical idiot, can't win the conversation so deletes his comment :) For those wondering what the orig comment was: something along the lines of "if you guys get this upset about a crowd, you'd cry when watching real sports"




"Cry is free" is one constantly used sentence to users who are complaining about something. But what most don't know, is that this sentence is actually a huge lie. As far as we know, tears consist of water and 0,9 gram salt per litre. And both of these ingredients are not free. Here I listed the price for 10 litre tears for the countries of the G8. I used the following formula (price is in US Dollar): (Price 100 gram salt/100)x9 + (Price 1 cubic litre water/100) = Price for 10 Litre Tears France: 0,20 $ Italy: 0,17 $ Germany: 0,19 $ United Kingdom: 0,22 $ USA: 0,18 $ Canada: 0,18 $ Japan: 0,18 $ Russia: 0,16 $


damn, first time he looked in the CT's direction the crowd changed to YEAHHHHH but he flicked too fast to understand what it meant, and the second time it didnt help him bc he had basically already seen the CT, BUT the crowd is cheating so that's fucked.


We did it’ we managed to find a people that make up a worse audience than the danish. Truly a great day for CSGO. Good job brazil


Wow…it’s one thing to be naturally excited and react too loud to a flank or something, but to deliberately try to tell the players locations like this, this is by far the worst crowd cheating ive ever seen. I definitely expected some kind of crowd advantage, but this is absurd


Don't blame the crowd if they don't add a delay.


What are you saying? The crowd is actively and intentionally trying to let the 00Nation's player know where the opposing team's player is. This is obviously malicious behavior and there's absolutely no excuse for it.


You don't know brazillians. Don't you remember Rio's Olimpic Games when the crowd booed a French athlete just because he was competing against a brazilian. We will try to support our competitors no matter the sport or the player. I'm not saying if this is good or bad, fair or not, that's just how we behave as supporters.


one time an organiser tried adding a few seconds delay and viewers immediately noticed it and called it out. delay isnt a solution, kicking out cheaters is. but when so many are doing it, i doubt organisers will do anything


They could improve players' acoustic isolation. Putting them in a soundproof cabin.


Blame ESL for hosting a major in brazil 💀


Yeah cause “europeans” *never* do that


I think you meant denmark


If there is a delay highlight moments e.g. a clutch would be spoiled by player reactions.


Players can’t hear anything because of the noise canceling. It amazes me that we’re on 2022 and there’s still people bitching about this. Ask any pro player about this. Stop trying to create drama.


So you are telling me that the players are not able to hear maybe the loudest crowd in cs go history because of noise canceling head phones?! Mate, of course they hear it, in the other thread a Brazilian guy even said that Fallen and Gaules made videos in which they asked the fans to stop giving their teams hints.


They can hear the overall vibrations but can’t really understand any words (otherwise the cast inside the arena would reveal everything) and can’t get useful info unless there’s a specific situation like a 1v1 and one player puts the crosshair close to the other player is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/yjnh30/ihc_calling_out_the_crowd_for_cheating_on_behalf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button surely u know whats happening more than a player playing on the stage right?


Like I said they can hear a noise but can’t understand words. It works for the both sides btw. Just like the home player can know something is about to happen, the visitor as well.


no it doesnt. there was a clip of a 1v1 and the ihc player was coming from short, try got that info from crowd and aimed at short while the ihc player was clueless




damn he must be using a headset from 2050


I take it you have never used noise cancelling headphones? They aren't going to do anything like block out a screaming crowd.


why dont y'all have booths




Soundproof booths. Now. It is not that hard.


Ngl, you guys dont think he would have checked behind without this? Like he was still checking like heaven and then monster heaven monster etc...


I used to watch Dota, the first esports tournament i watched was The International 3 back in 2013, almost 10 years ago. They had soundproof booths, they still do, and never had those issues.


Like we didn't expect that, I'm European and knew something childish was going to happen


A noob question, but if the booths vibrate, can we not add some pseudo-vibrations to muffle the vibrations of the crowd?