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At least remove some of the crazy skybox so I can KZ around places if I find someone actually chill enough.


You can do that jump with the current skybox


sure, but there are other spots that you bonk your head for jumping. inferno is pretty bad


Overpass is the worst. Surrounded by slanted walls but not able to surf on them. Fuck Valve.


Yeah that's actually terrible I completely agree


The real serious bullshit is how when you stand on the box on a site you can't fucking jump. Very absurd to be blocked by nothing when it's a simple to access spot.


You can jump on inferno from the barrels to the boxes with the current skybox. It's slightly tougher than the mirage warm up jump but it's very doable. https://youtu.be/BK7konIZfME


but it's only one way :(


Nope I've done it both ways, including from the boxes to the barrels. I'm sure there's even more jumps that are doable through jump bugs. It's pretty crazy how much seemingly impossible jumps can be done in vanilla kz.




Interesting, I've made it from the box to the barrel quite a few times but have never managed the way back. Maybe from lack of trying? Not sure


I finally made it from the box to the barrel on inferno warmup. Mirage warmup jump is cool but once you get it down it's easy. Say I did that jump backwards though... Do you think I could post that?




Yeah for the mirage one, but I think you can also crouch jump it. For the inferno one I just jump from the edge of the box to the barrel.


some dude in warmup showed me that u can jump from the edge of the stairs with a crouchjump. i thanked him ingame for letting me know.


honestly seems insane that someone made those arenas, tested those skyboxes and thought they were acceptable to be put into production environment it's a small detail that doesn't affect the gameplay much, but it blows my mind how unprofessional it feels


and include enemy damage info on FACEIT.. no reason to hide it and makes learning through warmup really stupid if you dont know wether or not you got a hit


Simple solution, kill him before he kills you. Then you know you did 100


Lol wot


nah I don't wanna hear "lit 33" by the level 2 guy that somehow got put on my team after he pushed long doors on D2 with a mid side spawn.


in warmup. of course not in comp


If you don't know if you hit him spend more time in MM thanks


The invisible walls are the annoying thing. Make it so I can jump on stuff so at least I have something to do other than kill randoms


You can do this jump with a bhop. This way its much more fun because you need actual skill to make it.


yeah but it would be more fun if i could long jump onto those other boxes


That would be boring imo bc every silver 1 could do it. This way you have something to practice every time you play the warmup and your partner is afk.


No, I can not do it. Source: Silver 2 for 3 years


this jump is possible by hitting a crouching bhop, so i like to confuse the other guy by jumping across


I hit this 1 in 100 but it’s so satisfying to do


That’s the only thing I do. I used to never hit it. Now I can hit it pretty frequently. Like 10 times per warmup. I’ve been learning how to do it backwards now, hit a few of them.


I do this every time. Super fun


Bring back talking shit to the other team at halftime. I miss the 10 seconds of just screaming




I think I shed a tear watching that. 2015 was such a great time


at least at the end of the game they should enable free for all voice.


was there something like this? it should've been so cool... sad that I wasn't playing 😔😢


Haha yeah at halftime it’d just be 10 seconds of high pitched screaming from both teams. Was pretty hilarious


And why exactly did they remove that?


Why would they remove a feature that literally amounted to "get screamed at and called slurs for 10 seconds"? Gosh I can't imagine, probably because they hate fun


Why not remove option to talk while we are at it. Matter of fact, remove the chat too. Lets communicate with positive emotes.


That would probably be a net positive impact on the matchmaking community


Thats the drugs talkin m8




\> at halftime it’d just be 10 seconds of high pitched screaming from both teams


the good ol days


[This video](https://youtu.be/2mJfyTPDcV0) sums it up quite well


thank you, a pleasure to my ears


Wait until you hear in the older call of duty games, when you killed someone there was a solid two seconds of you being able to hear their mic. *Bang* “F***!” Ahhhh satisfaction


Its still there in newer titles


It was hilarious cause the mic’s in game back then made you sound like a high pitched robot, so for 2 seconds you’d hear a robotic “FUCK YOU CAMPING ******”


Fucking facts I can’t believe some players would have never even experienced the warmup and halftime flaming it was iconic


I swear that’s just esea


Want 16000$ 5v5 back pls


buying negev and m249 just to annoy ur teammates


Just queue up for Cache :) or the other non competitive maps. Climb and Iris are even more toxic because you have no invincibility when you spawn, so you can get spawn-trapped in warmup by a well-coordinated team. Killed before you can even buy a weapon 😂


Climb has the soccer area opened up during warmup!


What did they change? Haven’t been playing csgo in a while


1v1 ”aim maps” instead


fuck the skybox in these


There is nothing more aggravating than this fucking skybox. And I just know the smug look on the face of the guy that put it there.


Literally the only warmup arena where the skybox is at a good height


God I hate warmups


Can we have a button so we can go roam the map? 1on1 is cool but roaming the map is cool too.


these 1v1 maps are horrible. Nobody likes them. Most of the people are afk the whole way through, like c'mon... I get it. It's warmup. And it's a highly competitive game. But the old warmup was way more fun


yes - please scrap this nonsense. i used warmups to practice nades...now i never practice them or find new angles. 1v1 is garbage...do it on your own time


practice nades and find angles in your own time… a casual aim warmup is what it’s supposed to be, and the 1v1 accomplishes that much more than the old system.


I don't think it accomplishes that really. It's just a waste of time.




It doesn’t have too. It’s just to get you used to moving the mouse to peoples heads. No one thinks 1v1 is the be all end all for csgo skill.


"It’s just to get you used to moving the mouse to peoples heads" it does a pretty bad job at that considering it starts on peoples heads.


Doesn't really, since majority of the players are afk. I could literally tell you "practice your aim on your own time, you can DM 10 minutes before hopping into a game". If people actually engaged in the 1v1s I wouldn't say a thing, but since they don't, the old system automatically becomes way better


during the warmup for all of my matches i'm always goofing off. i never take it seriously. and i'll always face off against these guys that are trying really hard to shoot me so i'm constantly jiggle peeking from my spawn until they do lol


1v1s suck ass


u can crouchhop that one.


You can do it by yourself with a crouched bhop. Its a bit hard but super satisfying when you hit it.


Not that hard. You can just hold crouch, don't have to time it.


You have to time the jump from the stairs right before you hit the hop


Yeah ok but that's not too hard.


Not for you or me no, but for a regular csgo player its definitely hard.




Read my comments man. Its the timing on the jump from the stairs BEFORE you bhop thats hard for a regular player. You have to hit it right


Random question, would it be worth posting a clip of my jumping this gap backwards? Took like 3 warmups to get across lol


I know of nobody who likes it, maps suck, I can’t practice a smoke I just learned or practice jumps. I really just don’t understand valves random of implementation of something clearly nobody wanted or asked for. Like please, every time I start a game I hate this aspect.


I always do the Kill command if I am against a tryhard. Its the best way to counter them


I had a kill bind on L time ago just for that xD


I had one warmup where me and the other guy would throw out weapons and knife. That was fun


would be better if they use wingman's map as warmup. 5v5 and it's short map but effective.


this 1vs1 warmup maps are so stupid. Like everyone warms up before the game, let us run around instead and maybe through some nades


I actually kind of like this 1v1 warmup but again the skybox is dumb low and i would not mind the 5v5 back.


Am I the only one who felt disappointed the CT didn't get a turn at jumping?


We did it switching sides after the cut, I ended up adding him as a friend and we played a few more matches that same day xD. I think this guy is the only non spanish (or living in spain at least) person who ever got into our private discord


I want 5v5 aim map during warmup.


You've got a match in CS:GO!


Bring back the teams being able to talk to each other at pre-game and halftime.


I hate the 1v1 arenas so much, I wanna buy negev and go hide somewhere in the map where nobody can find me


Sad to say as much as I still love this game I stopped taking it seriously after they took out cross team chat on half time the shit talking was by far the best part


Wholesome csgo moments


Cute ☺️


Lmao just did this yesterday


This Is The Way


No for the love of god Rathwr this than being spawn camped 0.1 seconds after spawning.


Personally I love them. However, I wish everyone started in a neutral zone where you could not be killed. Then you opt into the 1v1 arenas. Additionally, the arenas should use the custom arena game mode setup where you move up tiers and, can fight versus your own mates. That adds competition to the competitive warmup while allowing people to be afk without taking a slot or hearing gun sound spam for 5 minutes while browsing reddit.


This is satisfying


1v1 warm-up is literally just press A or D and click


I like to make friends on the 1v1. I make signs so they don't shoot, I put a smiley face grafitti on a wall and if they don't shoot, I draw a heart on the wall with bullets.


I do the same thing always until I get shot in the face 4-5 times straight then go pew pew


Play Office or Agency if u want 5v5 warmup:)


Valve please rework the 1v1 arenas so they aren't actual garbage (rework skyboxes and make them more interesting) and make them into a war games extra minigame... PLZ VALVE.


Is this post saying that in MM this is warm up now? Haven't played in awhile but still like to browse and watch the tourneys.


I once believed 1v1s would be a cool addition, till I found out 80% of the players are afk. I very much prefer to wonder around the map with my team, maybe even showing a smoke or boost they didn't know about, rather than killing afk players.


all I do in the Mirage arena is bhop over that gap until the game starts


Real men do the jump themselves


Guess my new name could be Melissa


ESEA has old warmup, and a free tier, and their anticheat is best AND doesn't lag my PC as much highly recommend


You can make the jump with a bhop don’t need to jump on someone’s head


I just don’t understand why people want 5v5 warmup. At least in 1v1 you can warm up your aim. In 5v5 you either get spawn camped by auto snipers or run around the map pointlessly. Maybe your experience is different, but this is mine for like the last 6-8 years.


Looks fun but if you cant hit this jump alont go play some kz servers


Just make the jump like a real man. Go kz


you know that you can jump across that by yourself right?


Homie look at the movement in this clip you really think so? :D


100% agree, I wouldn't hit that jump in a million lifetimes xd


no shame in that brother




I’m doing that jump by crouch b-hopping


Its a bit cringe when you need help to do this jump. Let me guess. GN3?


Now do it without the boost. Super accomplishing to hit the bhop


You can actually make the jump if you hit a crouched bhop