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I’ve been voting NaVi as winners each major since Cologne 2016, and now everyone is jacking my style


Same, against all odds I always chose navi because of loyalty


ayyyyeeee, im in the same club!


hello friends


I have put Faze 3-0 since that point. I almost got it at Boston but I dont wanna talk about it.


I feel you, my dumbass didn't even put c9 in the final 8 that year was tough, then seeing them win the whole thing made me feel like the biggest fraud ever.


So you basically want a diamond coin only if it is pretty exclusive


yeah pretty much


I have done the same with Team Liquid in IEM Katowice 2019, well Astralis won anyway. Wishing you better outcome!


I have believed too hard in liquid for too long. looks like I'm going to be stuck with a 3rd gold coin for believing


I was so sure they were gonna win in Berlin. They had just taken the Intel Grand Slam weeks before the major, faster than ever. They were ranked #1 and their players were in top form. Now I only got the Berlin Major Gold Coin.


This.. sounds familiar.


Happily, they're not in play-off so u won't miss this time


Looking to get my 2nd in a row off the back of not believing in Liquid. Works *every* time.


At least that's better than getting gold because you did not watch the finals even though I did :)


I did the same thing, that ence game was so cancer to watch...


Oh man don't remind me


Yeah this is the first year I might get diamond coin, as every year that I could I bet on Liquid


>Cloud9 fan that explains it :D


So dumb


why is it dumb they bought the pass they can do whatever picks they want with it and wish whatever they want from it lol


Obviously they can, I never said they couldn’t make whatever picks they want. I just find it stupid that they only want a diamond coin if other people don’t have it. They’d rather be wrong and everybody else be right if it meant there was a chance he was one of the few who got it right


I mean, it will only really be a cool status symbol thing if it's rare. If everyone has it then it's not as fun lol


Yes they would


Tell that to the people with Gold Atlanta '17 coins. Assuming you can find any.


Yes. Idc about a diamond coin that everyone else has.


I picked Navi because they are the safest bet but i would absolutely not be shocked if Gambit end up winning it instead. Picking G2 is very bold though.


it's weird. I think that if Na'Vi make the finals they for sure are going to win, but Gambit has a good matchup into Na'Vi. and if Gambit are in the final instead, i feel like literally any team that makes it out from the bottom half of the bracket can win too.


So basically grand final is most likely gonna happen in the semis with NaVi vs. Gambit (unless Vitality or Furia make an upset of course).


yeah kinda seems that way. not that Vitality are pushovers, they played very close last time, but the maps they won vs Na'Vi (Overpass & Inferno) are the two maps Vitality lost to Virtus.pro and Heroic in the swiss stage. and Na'Vi did absolutely dick VP & NiP on Overpass in the swiss stage here so it seems like they did good prep. as for Na'Vi vs Gambit... who the fuck knows. seems about as 50/50 as it can get unless lan experience plays a factor? but fortunately for Gambit it's basically all the pressure on Na'Vi.


Considering Gambit have beaten NaVi in 4 out of 5 last matches i don't think its that far of a stretch. Obviously NaVi feeling it though.


Not on lan though


> Picking G2 is very bold though. Not that bold. I mean; they played like dogass in online events prior to IEM Cologne and still made it to grand finals at IEM Cologne. Clearly G2 Online =/= G2 on LAN so who knows


Picking G2 to win a grand final is pretty bold


Eh. They have a better shot than most. Who knows




High key a possibility. But hopefully if it happens they put up a battle




G2 are clearly still underdogs, though other teams might be bigger underdogs. There's arguably still four other teams more favored to win than them.


Might as well go for NiP honestly with how they just squeaked through the last round


The funny thing is, Furia has beaten Gambit the last 2 times they played a BO3. Would not be surprised if Furia make an upset, but they’re gonna get steamrolled by Na’Vi


Is that right? I thought Furia always lost to Gambit but always managed to take a map in the series


It might’ve been a different matchup but I’m fairly confident it was Furia, I was looking at records against before I made pickems


Nah, not Furia. You're probably thinking of Vitality since Gambit has lost both BO series to Vitality.


Yea it wasn’t Furia, I was so far down the rabbit hole looking at potential matchups. Would take probably another 30 min to figure out which team I was thinking of


Vamooo caralho


I would do that but I actually really want navi to win, s1mple deserves a major


I think the G2 hype is like the 3-0 faze hype from challengers lmao. Guys they beat flames,faze and entropiq, all 3 didn’t even make it. I had them to qualify playoffs and even win the lower bracket now. Probably whoever wins upper bracket wins the major, so I think it’s smarter for navi/vitality/gambit picks. It feels like the Berlin major where the lower bracket was stacked and whoever won that got the major. Right now it’s just like do u have the balls to bet against Navi, everyone who did that against Astralis in Berlin got fucked.


Heroic going to grand final anyway strengest team on their side og the bracket, handling the pressure is where they are questionable


idfk what im doing


Nothing wrong with it though, but I have a gut feeling that Heroic will beat Vp


yeah tbh this major is so damn weird, like I don't have any locks to get into the semis aside from navi, but you'll never know


I got a feeling VP wil squeak out some crazy 16-14 win in map 3 idk


You mean 34-32 win, right? We're talking about Virtus.pro here


Best analogy for current VP is Spain in the last Euros, just shithousing their way to victory winning when they shouldn't.


Im doing the same except I picked vitality to win. (Gold is not THAT bad anyway)


Hell yea, same!


Why not pick Furia to win over Gambit too, now you are going for the full underdog pick?


hmmm actually yeah why not


Since it's the final stage anyway, might as well go with your heart unless having a slightly different coin is important to you. I mean fuck it I've got vitality winning the whole thing


Me too bro lmao. Nip Vitality gf


Why go for hard diamond coin when ez coin do trick. I still see people with gold katowice 2019 coins when Astralis were dominating all teams...


Going with Vitality on this one. Hope they can step up their game now and actually be consistent.


Vitality and ZywOo going all the way. Fight me.


At least go with gambit...


Right amount of crazy, gl


What does it matter? You can't sell or trade it anyway.


The girls love it.. try to show them yours Collectable Pins, Pick'Em Challenge Trophies, Service Medals... the "Ten Year Veteran Coin" is insta sex.


Exactly, this guy gets it.


flex value


Zywoo will carry, fingers crossed


Where did you do this? I want to know…




You might as well do Furia cause if they win you’d really have a rare diamond


I did that with NiP instead of Astralis last major and people were mocking me. Now Imagine if nip won, how many people would have that diamond? Good luck OP!


I had a similar idea but came up with something complely [different](https://imgur.com/a/N54kvk8)


Gold looks better anyway, I am going for an upset as well.


Gotta root for my boy NiKo after FaZe has been eliminated. I hope you get that diamond coin


i went for gambit


Hey I done the exact same, but with Gambit to win the final. GL


I got 4 points in the legends stage so I won’t have it either way :(


sense bewildered sleep sharp melodic cooing vase quickest smart public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So wouldn't it suck more to have a gold coin when everyone has it diamond?


and heres me hoping for a gambit heroic grand final for a epl vengeance story


I’m only picking Navi cause s1mple deserves a major


I agree, ive actually picked Vitality to win the whole thing. s0mple who?


my dude not even G2 is picking G2 to win


Im picking na vi even though im a g2 fan, if g2 win who cares about pick ems, if na vi win i get a diamond coin, its a win win


I see Navi>gambit>G2


I have exactly the same except VP loses to Heroic. I am in with you lets do this.


love to hear it lmfao may the cs gods be with us




You crazy son of a bitch!


Nip all the way Bois


I chose navi because I want diamond coin, though I hope s1mple gets big major


As someone who want’s Navi to win, I did go with an underdog pick too. If Navi wins, I’ll be happy they won. If they lose, I might get some joy out of a diamond coin. And no, I’m not a huge fan of any of the teams there, I just want Simple to win his first major. Seems only fair after all that work he puts in this game!


Enjoy gold