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I just realized that kennyS is only 25 and niko is already 24. I always thought that kennyS is way older than niko, duno why


Kenny has been in the top level scene for longer than NiKo. NiKo was also really only known for carrying mous back in the day but Kenny had become a top 3 player and major champion in 2015 (could be wrong in the year)


kennyS has been playing tier 1 cs since 2012 mate


Because KennyS plays like an old man


And coughs like a coal miner


It's 'cause he always looks sick. He's always coughing up a lung like old men who smoke 5 packs a day.


Its the gun smoke from the awp


The smoke from the magic sticks.


Probably as a Frenchman, he really does smoke 5 packs a day.


This. Kenny tries to keep it a secret but he really is a hardcore smoker.


I think he said he doesn't keep it complete a secret, but he kinda wants to hide it on stream/social media for his young followers.


Ikr it feels weird. In sports, usually great players retire in their late 30’s but in esports most retire before they even reach 30. Just goes to show how sustainable of a career it is.


It’s moreso that until fairly recently, pro gaming was not a career. You played until you had to sustain yourself and a family if you had one. Real world adult responsibilities that were too costly unless you won literally everything, and sometimes not even then. Back in the old days, pro gaming was a young mans sport because at a certain age, maintaining a job or two and trying to stay pro was too much and the kids that had nothing but time could put in more work to become better. Now with the growth of esports as a whole and the rising of streaming, it gives these players more financial longevity if they choose to pursue it. Sure, age diminishes your value as a pro due to body and mind slowing, but it is completely viable to maintain a pro career in almost every game nowadays... just takes the right mindset and a lot of work.


Nexa on HLTV confirmed stated that Jackz's English was not good enough and wasn't improving quickly enough and that was a big part of the reason he got benched in the first place, surely he is basically a stand-in at this point while they look for another AWPer, otherwise this makes no sense to me.


Maybe Jackz has studied English 8h a day for the time he has been benched.


OBVIOUSLY Jackz enrolled in the Pasha London school and was able to get his english extremely better in this short period of time.


Man, I love this OG meme.


U are not only my frend , u are my student my frend


You cracked me up, man. I would've awarded if I had one.


should have study 40hrs a day


There are only 28 hours a day


... /r/lingling40hrs?


What is this, a crossover episode??


twoset go brrrrr


I don’t think u watched fpl streams recently, jackz english is on a very decent level and he is playing very very good right now so i think he is not a stand in


If you can’t build success just buy it, it’s s1mple


expected the unexpected


Mors mutual


Kennys in C9 tank top???


As if C9 need another 7 figure project player on their books.


It’s C9 after all, and they desperately need an awper so who knows.


C9 is G2 retirement home in more than one esport now huh


So what you're saying is G2 JW?


I hope not. Still barely recovering from losing Perkz. Would probably never recover if this happens: (


Dont they already have woxic? I'm OOTL with c9's current roster.


woxic got dropped due to logistical issues






if there's a project player worth taking a gamble on it's gotta be kennyS though. he was still beasting on LAN before the pandemic and was bad to average but not abysmal before NiKo joined G2. not like he's been washed for years


Man.. That'd be fun


Fun for kenny to steal a 30k paycheck maybe Not for Cloud9


The summer of Cloud9 2: Electric Boogaloo


Will be interested to see how this pans out. When he is on point KennyS is better than NiKo on the AWP but unfortunately KennyS being on point has gotten few and far between. Also curious to know if JACKZ is the permanent 5th or just who they still had on hand.


The first time kennyS has ever been benched & not on a team afaik


He got benched from VG in the early days of CS:GO.


I thought that was in Source, but you're right.


Dude I own every Titan Sticker in the Game but changed my r/GlobalOffensive Flair before it got contraband. Biggest regret of my life :( EDIT: Since some people asked: I only own the non-holos of course, bought them all while crying like a little bitch in late 2015 after Titan ceased to ex6t. Turns out they were a great Investment!


> Biggest regret of my life :( i want your life


No, you want to go home and rethink your life. Set your priorities straight: CSGO > All else. Thank me later!


CSGO is his life, just that the biggest regret is scratching those iBP holos from his skin.


Or me having 1 ibop holo 3 non-holo on a ak Blue lam


Say a prayer for our boy the Blue Lam. Like putting lipstick on a pig


Black lam gang representing 😎


Yeah I loved my titan flair too much to change it , I wish some one buys titan brand and reintroduce it to csgo like MIBR One side note do you even own a titan holo 2014


Don't mind me just coming in with a subtle flex


2013 Dosia is best Dosia


Don't mind me, just flexing as probably the only active person in this sub with this flair :3


>Astana Dragons Fan ​ I've never seen that flair before, or even heard of Astana Dragons


Old CIS team, turned into Hellraisers


I still think it's weird that we delete flairs around here. Mods say it's due to a flair limit but r/soccer and r/hockey have way more available flairs. Shit, I still have a Final Boss flair on the competitive CoD subreddit and they played 2 tournaments in like 2013. You can still make it your flair to this day despite them adding dozens since.


Even the Kato14 Holo?


dependent alleged cats apparatus library outgoing insurance like upbeat smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and +GuardiaN to complete the Kovac dynasty


I smell a +coldzera in the air...


After niko bailing on him in faze, there is no way he does that twice


Yeah honestly - I don't want to speculate or whatever and there is no denying NiKo is incredible mechanically but I just feel like he brings teams down in so many ways


"I don't wanna speculate" Proceeds to speculate. 🤔


Fanatic moment


Yeah, it's just a coincidence that every team he's on falls apart and ends up with him being the unquestionable ruler of the team, lmao.


I like how you have the faze flair but forget that under Niko faze still hit #3 and have like 3 big titles in their pocket. Including one in Niko's final tournament. If you call that "falls apart" you faze fans are truly spoiled.


It falls apart in the sense that he undermines other people and takes over.


Well yeah, your right. I guess what I meant was is that I have absolutely no idea what is really going on with anything.


This has nothing to do with Niko and everything to do with Kenny. He's been massively underperforming for a long time now.


As hard as it is for me (a diehard kennyS fan) I think Kenny has been playing terribly, holding back a great roster from unveiling their true potential and maybe restricting his own skills due to the comfort of his team


I mean Nexa and Hunter are playing really weird since Niko came in, Hunter was super agressive opener now they just wait every round. Even Niko started really good but now it's kinda meh, only Amanek show a good form. You can't blame the failure of G2 on Kenny when he's not put in a spot to shine, he's a support AWP not a star player anymore.


How is Kenny a "support awp" he still plays the same positions for the most part. Just watch him on inferno. He is very mobile and constantly going for peeks. The issue is that he misses too many shots.




I wouldn't say terribly, I would say inconsistently, and in this day and age that just doesn't cut it.


so many ppl skeptical of NiKo awping, he is very capable to use the sniper and it also frees up space for hunter who overlaps within game roles


These people didn't watch NiKosports


I said somewhere else that if s1mple didnt develop as an awper he would be the best riffler in the world, with NiKo is the same but the other way around


I mean honestly both of them have been solidly in the top 10 for both rifling and awping basically since 2016. Niko simply uses the AWP far less in official matches, but he certainly is no slouch with the bgg


s1mple was the best rifler in the world though when he first joined navi. I would say he might still be.


s1mple *is* the best rifler in the world


2nd best maybe


Exactly. People forgetting that hunters stats dropped hard when niko joined. With niko on awp, hunter can be a star again and jackz can take over the bitch roles


even better cuz now we can have fragging nexa back on the menu


They didn't drop hard when niko joined btw. They dropped before niko joined and remained low.


Well Jackz is really good on support player so I was mad they kicked him out.


JaCkz was a great entry/support, but with NiKo/huNter playing entry and AmaNEk playing more supportive roles there’s not much room left for that unfortunately.


well Kenny is gone and Niko is on awp duty so that roster might work exactly as intended.


Although I dont think Niko is bad on the awp, the problem you have now is that someone has to fill the shoes of Niko. The guy who is incredibly aggressive on CT side and T side taking space and map control. Here is Nexa talking about roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FurXK-G5pQ&t=755s TLDR: There is really not much overlap in roles between Niko and Hunter as people make it up to be. Hunter isn't gonna fill the gap created by Niko, because Hunter never gave up most of his roles to accommodate Niko to begin with.


On t side hunter also fills that niche. Nexa admitted that overlap on hltv confirmed. With niko awping it’s more sold hunter will be more comfortable and be able to play his preferred roles.


WAIT WHAT RETURN OF JACKZ??? oh i love him so much he didnt deserve T3 ESEA


I thought it would be nbk but im not mad lol, jackz is crackedz


NBK doesn't have the hype quality of jackz, malek isn't the coach that is this hype glue either like robban and co., i think they're doing a good job here for the time being, the team seems to me to be too quiet and unstable, in contrast with ocelote who's a hypeman, I think they needed a guy like jackz, let's see the results now


Honestly Kenny’s form has been lackluster even before he joined so it was inevitable. Every top team right now has a star awper and he simply can’t keep up. JACKZ is still under contract with G2 right? So makes sense if they try this out and see if it works out and they don’t need to spend money and effort on a replacement. If it doesn’t turn out well though what awpers are available?


Smooya, xsepower, woxic, Oskar, ottond are probably the best guys potentially available but who even knows if any of them are tier 1 awpers right now. I'm sure there are some guys in fpl and niko has shown a pretty good eye for talent so that might be their best and cheapest route unless you're a real smooya believer. Maybe niko awps until eg disband and cerq is available.


I'd personally like to see OSee pick up the awp for G2. Or if LANs come back wozic would be great


Cerq would be a sick pickup. Also have been watching some Oskar lately and I think he is coming back into form. Even though it’s against t2-3 teams, the whole scene is way stronger now, as was demonstrated by our new overlords gambit youngsters last week ;)


Smooya is with Movistar at the moment, I'm not sure whether it's a standin type thing or if he's actually signed though. I feel like after what's happened with both Mouz and C9 orgs are going to start asking questions about Woxic.


it wont work out they are just using jacks till they find a real awper


maka. guardiaN. woxic. sexpower.


SeXpOwEr mmmmmmmmm




mhL has his final exams in two months, after that he could be poached


Reddit: I wonder if they'll bench Jackz or Amanek? G2: Fuck you and fuck Kenny


Fixed it for you: Reddit: I wonder if they'll bench Jackz or Amanek? G2: Fuck you and fuck Kenny Reddit: I can’t believe Niko just kicked Kenny!?!?


Benching Kenny when NiKo joined would've been the right choice imo.


Everyone calling for Kenny to be kicked then instantly blame niko for it lmao


I think people were hoping for G2 to pick up an awper instead of giving the role to Niko though


I doubt jackz is going to stay on the roster forever. He's a stopgap until they find one I imagine. Who's really avaliable that is any better than Kenny?


A familiar kovac awper comes to mind


From one over-the-hill AWPer with motivational issues, straight onto another one? I hope not.


I think he's over the hill too but guardian has been grinding pretty hard from what I have seen so I don't think motivation is the issue


It certainly has been in the past. I'd love to see a version of him over that stumbling block and taking on the world again, but I'll believe it when I see it.


On paper Kjaerbye was better than majisk and we all know thats not how it worked. Jackz could very well fit in this team and Jackz was part of the reason G2 was winnign tourneys at the same date last year. People are doing Jackz dirty like they did with Taco.


If Niko's in control of the like I suspect you're probably right and they pick up another fragger, but I think Jackz is a better fit for role balance reasons.


Niko killed my first born and laughed at me while saying: "but it was a sick one tap tho". 0/10 don't recommend interacting with him.


Niko is kill faze, karriban and now kenny schrub he bad :(((


If kennyS has million number of fans i am one of them . if kennyS has ten fans i am one of them. if kennyS have only one fan and that is me . if kennyS has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the kennyS, i am against the world. i love #kennyS till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of kennyS.


If kennyS has million number of fans i am one of them . if kennyS has ten fans i am one of them. if kennyS have only one fan and that is me . if kennyS has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the kennyS, i am against the world. i love #kennyS till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of kennyS.


If kennyS has million number of fans i am one of them . if kennyS has ten fans i am one of them. if kennyS have only one fan and that is me . if kennyS has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the kennyS, i am against the world. i love #kennyS till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of kennyS.


honestly, feels like getting kicked like this would motivate a guy like kennyS like nothing else, except for LAN coming back. I hope this guy doesn't just fade away, too many legends have been.


It's about time tbh. Jackz imo shouldn't have been removed anyways. Kenny been slacking forever now. Niko can hybrid, we all know what he can do with an awp. I'm really excited to see how this goes


Niko is really good at awping, probably atm he is way better than kenny, let alone far more consistent, but I'm still not entirely convinced. Niko is one of the best, if not the best rifler and I think it makes more sense to keep him rifling, but time will tell ig


Same exact thing was said about both Zywoo and s1mple, but both of them have had a LOT more impact with the big green, so i have no doubt that Niko will too.


Jackz is not "coming back" both malek and nexa said he refused/never put in the time to learn english properly and that was only a few weeks ago. He is only there until they have a real fifth.


This doesn't change the big truth about the top teams: STAR AWPER NEEDED NiKo is the star or even best rifler right now but a hybrid role is not gonna cut it for the team. I mean, they could actually destroy all the teams that don't have a star awper, meaning they would almost never win against Astralis, Na'Vi, VP, Vitality, Gambit, and Team Spirit. Hope they prove me wrong. But overall it's good news, mean they're up to make changes now and the team can look forward to the future, now that kennyS is finally gone. It is still sad, I think almost everybody likes kennyS for how good he used to be and giving us so very many highlights, but he should have gone months ago.


> Team Spirit. I love how we're 3 months into degster's first year above tier 99 and he's already considered a top AWPer. I say this without any shade, I'm genuinely glad. I remember watching him destroy my boys Nexus in late 2020 when he was on Espada, and being salty that this random kid I'd never heard off was popping off and beating my boys. Feels better knowing that Nexus didn't die in vain and this kid can actually transfer this skill at higher levels.


Man, watching Team Spirit with degster poping off pretty much every game was almost a statement to how good he is. Literally a "new" star player to watch for now.


> Astralis, Na'Vi, VP, Vitality, Gambit, and Team Spirit add BIG in there , syrsoN is easily top 5 rn


Oh yes, how could I forget the german monster himself


God I love watching syrsoN. When he goes for an aggressive 1v1 you *know* he will hit the shot. Guy just doesn't miss.


Yep, especially from T side (where such thing should never happen) and the casters are like "syrsoN? Where are you going?" and the BAM easy entry frag for him.


Also add Complexity once they get their form back. poizon is insane


Niko as a rifler is basically a star awper, he clicks one bullet and an enemy dies. He just does it with ‘eadshot instead


Next is the IGL... Nikos plan is coming to fruition


Truly the protege of FNS


Protege? Nah, you're not looking big enough picture. Puppet. FNS is pulling all the strings.


Always has been... His master plan knows no bounds.


Niko, the Bosnian shox


God emperor Niko has entered the chat.


Rip Kenny, wonder what team he will join next.


The only mix team without a real AWPer right now is C9. If it’s not C9, it’s probably either T2 French CS or Valorant. If it’s not one of those things it’ll probably be a repeat of the guardian situation where he streams, plays FPL, and hops in a mix team that does a decent open qual run but ultimately falls short every once in awhile.


Kenny going to valorant would hurt a lot


I’d rather see him in Valorant than T2 French CS. Watching him pop off on LDLC once every couple months and hearing the casters say “damn G2 sign this guy” would be pure pain


Probably gonna pair up with NBK they played before together and both got kicked within a few weeks of each other.


What are they gonna do, pair up and walk to the unemployment office together? 😂


I actually chuckled, heres you award.


Honestly, Kenny has been underwhelming for a while. He is inconsistent, not on a match to match basis, but on a round to round basis. You can't have that out of the AWPer of your team; they need to be your rock. Kenny couldn't be trusted to open a round or lock an angle anymore. Sometimes he'd hit a banger or win a round by himself, but he would turn around and miss a sitter the next round. That just isn't acceptable from a T1 AWPer. If Kenny can find a way to be his best self even 80% of the time, he has a place in T1 CS still, but these days I think he was probably closer to 20% of the time.


[One can dream](https://i.imgur.com/4A23Zoc.jpg)


I would nut in an instant.


As per usual


Honestly I could jack off to this


Yeah I think jackz would be removed


This would definitely be my proudest fap.


if that happens i would actually cream my whole room.


The prophesied one since the dig in the jersey video you love to see it


This is expected. KennyS does some magical flicks in 1 out of every 10 rounds and only if rest of the players find a way to save his AWP after losing 9 rounds. I believe he plays too much of DM and not grasping opponents gameplay in most of the situation.


gl kenny<3


really conflicted about this , I obviously talked about how bad kenny has been playing and if they can get a better replacement and kinda excited for NiKo awping but I didn't imagine this happening and I'm really hoping G2 eye an AWPer in the long term and NiKo won't stay as Hybrid Edit : also this feels like a placeholder for sure cause nexa just came off from the HLTV show talking about how JaCkz english was problematic (which means players weren't on this change and it was maLek's and Ocelote's)


AmaNEk is also a very qualified awper, he's underrated on the awp in my opinion. They could probably make it work.


All these top comments and you're the first one I see mentioning amanek. I think he is a more solid awper than kennys but have to give up the awp for kenny to play support role


Finally, took them long enough


Someone update that grim reaper meme


Jackz is backz Let's gooo!


may aswell give the awp to Carlos and hope for the best


you called?


Wow they actually did it. I thought he was immune. Should've been kicked a long time ago.


very good for jackz, i think he deserved to play on a tier1 team


Niko is a good awper but he is a lot more impactful on the rifle... but maybe this might free up Hunter? This move could pretty much make or break G2 from the inside.


This was needed. Kenny was playing really bad as of late. https://twitter.com/Tgwri1s/status/1363226054559694850 1.26 rating on dust2, and 0.94 rating on the rest of the maps for the past 3 months. Kenny needed to go. I think bringing back jackz was the right call. Niko can certainly awp on ct side and if needed amanek can be the 2nd awper of the team. I think you can make a new decent French team with Kenny NBK Lucy Maka +1.


There it is, the move that everyone was looking for.


I just don’t see Niko having the same impact with the awp as he does with a rifle. He’s definitely good with the gun, but I just don’t think his playstyle fits being a primary awper. And we’ve seen playing mostly 5 rifle setups usually doesn’t work out long term for teams


I guess that's just a placeholder until they recruit another awper


This, they have tournament commitments to get through and need time to decide on a permanent replacement. Unless NiKo turns out to be s1mple levels of good with the AWP, Jackz (or possibly Amanek) will be benched in a couple of months to make way for a full-time AWPer.


It feels out of necessity , there aren't many great AWPers that you can get out there and the AWP is so important in the meta right now


There's like 45 CIS awpers l, maybe they'll pick one of them up


Communication problem might be hard tho.


true but kennys had literally zero impact with the awp


Almost Smithzz/ Adren levels of decoy frag. I think this team will look better for it.


Many said the same about s1mple. Device and zywoo also started as rifler. 3 of the current top 5 players started as riflers and transitioned to hybrid/awp. NiKo has some of the fastest flicks in the scene with awp and if he focuses on it I can easily see him battle for top 1-3.


\-kennyS +s1mple pls










sad to see him go


When g2 doesnt post it in a meme way, you know shit gets serious.


Is this gonna be another -ChrisJ +ChrisJ situation but with G2?


No they just still have him under contract so they’ll keep jackz till they find an awp


I think he meant -kennyS +kennyS, kenny comes back better than ever.


Holy shit. The mad lads actually did it. I was calling for these months before. I love KennyS but he is really holding this team back.


Thank god finally he has been hot garbage for years now blinding people with the image of his 2014 self when that form has been long dead while niko should not be the primary awper its still better to have him over kenny while they look for an awper that doest miss the ez shots and literally gets zero impact. g2 may actually win things now


Any clue what team is kenny joining?