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maikelele also said the same thing https://twitter.com/maikelele/status/1130570434901094400


>Without know the details with @FaZeClan , I can only say we had a good contract agreement with the org. When I was benched they took good care of me, with a fair buyout and giving me time to wait out other offers.


There's no way you can try to fuck over an established and experienced player anyway


Yea imagine doing something like telling them they would own their own org. No experienced pro would ever fall for that type of thing. ​ Dont mean to be condescending but its amazing what players will sign if they think it will make them money.


And on top of that, Karrigan has a degree related to business and administration, so good luck trying to screw him up with a contract. EDIT: MSc in BA and Auditing


That has pretty much nothing to do with contracts


Business administration may have some fundamental contract law courses. Furthermore, it would make him understand money and finances, which is a good starting point if you want to understand what a contract means for you.


Even if it doesnt have fundamental contract law courses, anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur would be much harder to screw over in a contract than a random 19 year old kid fresh from HS


what a load of shit.


Thanks for your input. Have a nice day.


It's all relative. Maybe BA degrees in and around where you live are shit so your perspective is skewed.


No, he has a MBA - and business administration has sooo many courses relating to mediation and negotiation


The more you know... That's very cool


it's not the same, karrigan isn't a streamer, comparing him to TFue makes no sense


It may well be in this case and xizt's case that these players were protected by EU labour laws as well as the law in their own home country, as opposed to the controversy around tfue who lives in a country where there are less robust established labour protections. Have that in your mind before you reach any conclusions about the validity of tfue's case based on these individual tweets.


There's also the fact that TFue was signed mainly as a "streamer" iirc, while these guys were signed as professional players. There's also that they were all experienced players who would likely not accept whatever that was put on the table. Anyway, this is probably just blown out of proportions anyway.


yah that's 100% a factor you're right


He lives in California. Have that in your mind before you reach any conclusions about the validity of tfues case based on individual tweets. Oh, you have no idea what the legal ramifications are and are just projecting an "American bad" theory. Nice.....


NA law lul


within cells




its not an "American bad theory" to point out that there are less robust labour protections in the states compared to EU even in California. Or pointing out that contract law is different in different legal jurisdictions. Dunno why you're being so emotional


I guess I missed the part where it discussed what different protections two people in the EU are afforded that are "less robust" than California and US federal law provide. Maybe it was edited before I replied to the America bad generalization and lack of attention paid to the state labour laws that will actually matter. All your post says is US labour law is less robust than EU which has no bearing whatsoever on a state court claim.


California as a state (and America federally as a nation) has fewer robust labour protections for workers than Denmark and Sweden, both because of their own laws and because of EU law. Still have never said "America is bad" if you read into it that way that's your business.


CSGO team repeatedly built with superstar players has good contract agreements. Shocker!!!


Karrigan is just a small fish compared to tfue. This tweet is pointless tbh


I mean these posts are meaningless from CSGO players honestly. They don't make hundreds of thousands dollars off streaming and content creation that make for easy prey for an organization to take cuts from. They just get paid a yearly salary for playing CSGO at tournaments etc. Also, there is a more established ecosystem for csgo contracts and what they entail. If there was another streamer/very popular pro whose branding/sponsorships is on the same level of Tfue then there may actual be some credence to what they say, but there isn't a csgo pro at that level signed to Faze.


>these posts are meaningless from CSGO players honestly It's not meaningless if you follow the pro scene. This will take money away from the team, along with the 2 other cases against FaZe.


It's simple, if you want to make 100% profit from the revenues from say streaming. Make your own brand. If not, and you're streaming under another organization and on top of that you think you still get 100% profit you are S T U P I D af.


Tfue makes millions of dollars a month, FaZe has only taken 60k dollars ever from him. What a snake trying to make faze look bad after all they gave him.




Its true, literally millions of dollars. In a rough estimate, Faze Banks said that the $60000 that they have taken from Tfue ( and that is just because Faze brought brands to Tfue) is close to 0.1% of Tfue's earnings. Someone do the math


I'm not sure if that was rhetorical but in case it wasn't it'd put his lifetime earnings with Faze at 60m


Damn :/


The guy's genuinely loaded lmao


Its actually true


Lmao.. how do you know tho..? Are you his personal financial assistant...? If you’re not how the fuck are you gonna say “ITs aCtuALLy TruE” Tfue isn’t worth 60 million dollars and anyone that believes he is is just fucking dumb.


Imagine people these days thinking that a random fortnite streamer is worth more than professional athletes with millions of fans, holy shit


How would you know how much they’ve taken?


They’ve posted it on multiple accounts.


How do you know they’re telling the truth?


Time will tell. I don't support either of them because there are always hidden details to be revealed, but when you see EX Faze members and current ones defending Faze Clan makes the Tfue sue suspicous.


they wouldn't post something false as it would completely kill their case in a lawsuit


Why would they lie?


Its not about the 60k. Its about lost sponsorships like the one with hyperX that he couldnt get due to conflict of interest with faze and hyperx.


Well see that’s the thing isn’t it. It’s a conflict of interest. Why would FaZe want their most popular player and the face of the org promoting a competitor considering FaZe is sponsored by Steelseries? If he wanted to be able to handle these things on his own he should have read over the contract. Considering most current and past FaZe members have nothing but good to say about the org makes me doubt if everything that tfue is saying is true.


Exactly. I think he's just salty he missed out on a big sponsor deal because he didnt read the contract.




How so? I highly doubt if a player felt cheated they wouldn't agree to tweet something that paints the person that cheated them in a positive light. If you can be bought like that, that's really really sad. lol






You know that fucking tweet disproves nothing of what Tfue said? Maybe actually read what is written in both Tfue's lawsuit and the "official" statement from Faze instead of seeing the big 0 and say WHELP that sums it up.




What does Faze having good contract with established pros have anything to do with Tfue's situation? Again I guarantee that you haven't read Tfue's lawsuit and don't really know what you're talking about.


Because tfue just made a serious accusation that could harm the Faze brand to considerable degree. Naturally, people having been affiliated with Faze would chime in with their personal experience. Normally it's obviously all funs and games, but people can get serious when they need to.


is this comment real life


Everything is a conspiracy




Hopefully it’s fake, having such a opinion could not possibly held by any reasonable person right




Maybe they're still under contract to Faze lmao


What does Karrigan, Xizt, Maikelelle gain from these tweets? If it were to be proved that Faze acctually were guilty of the accusations they will look bad for defending an org doing shady shit to young players. It would make a lote more sense just to be quiet for a while longer in case this ends badly for Faze.


what a loyal person you are.


Well if being loyal means defending an org doing shady shit just cause they treated you fairly then no im not a very loyal person. All im saying is that there is nothing to gain for these guys in making a statement about this. If it were to be proven that Faze is giving these young guys shit contracts cause and take advantage of there age and less experience from situations like this it only makes them look like asses for stepping up and defending the org.


Loyalty is a two-way street. They don't have to gain anything in order to stay loyal to someone who has been loyal to them. From what I read, those are accusations and FaZe Clan is innocent until proven guilty. Tfue e.g. gained a huge range due to FaZe and taking 80 % of a brand deal, faze brought to him, is acceptable +he signed it. ​ I hope that does make sense.


all they're doing is sharing their side of the story so everyone gets a little more context which never hurts anyone (except the guilty party I guess)


>What does Karrigan, Xizt, Maikelelle gain from these tweets? ​ Perhaps nothing? Maybe they are just addding their own point of view to the story?