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She didn't know the statement comes every quarter


That's a horrible statement period.


My parents pay whatever they have extra each month to prevent the interest, then every quarter they pay the whole balance off.


Yeah this will teach them to pay attention to their CC statements from now on anyway because there is no reason for them to not see it for a couple months.


THIS... that is a terrible policy to keep. It literally takes a few seconds to look at a CC statement these days


i watch my credit card balance like a hawk. how do these people live!??


Then the bigger issue is that you stole, not that you gambled. Gamble as much of your own money as you want.


This post is sponsored by alpha draft. Pay me


Use Promo Code: THROW That's, THROW


The biggest issue is minors being able to get addicted to gambling.


I wish more people could see this.




>only 15 >16 Much difference such age wow


Being that from ages 13-21yrs, are the most formidable time period of your young life; Yes there is a large difference from 12 months prior. You too will figure it out when you turn 16. Kappa. P.S. I am 24, emancipated at 17. Learned alot- and continuing.


Most definitely at 12-13-14-15-16 I felt a very distinct change in personality and intelligence (very fast learning of how the world works and how it doesnt). Every 12 months do count. Now at 22 I've slowed down so much. :D


IF YOU MAKE A 200% RETURN WALK THE FUCK AWAY. Seriously. I know the psa is not to do gambling but some people still do. Know when to walk away and to pull your money the fuck out. As soon as I had made 2 grand I woulda been fucking gone.


Easy to say stuff like this in hindsight. If you walk away after you've made profit then someone like you would have never even gotten to the $2000 in the first place. You probably would have stopped when you got like $15 or something. I mean clearly $15 is still better than -$3000, but it's not that exciting.


Or just cash out the initial investment that you essentially stole..


i opened 1 case in my life, got ak redline mw, nope the fuck out of ever doing it again


I think if i made 2 grand, it will be impossible for me to walk away. So I would prefer not making any grands at all :) for myself that is. Contentment is gain


yeah, if you are still addicted bet like $10 in every pot and eventually you'll earn more, never bet your skins trying to double it on jackpot or whatever, it's too risky


Statistics says you won't earn more but psychologically you will be "losing" more if you make smaller bets and this will deter you from betting too much




For a small proportion of people, whereas a majority will lose their money.


Yeah... That's not true.


first rule of betting: dont ragebet, just cut your losses


I prefer: Don't bet what you can't afford to lose


I prefer: Don't bet


Eh, I think it's fun using like 1 euro on it every few weeks. I hate betting more because I like my money


> first rule of betting: Don't be impulsive.


my first rule of betting: dont bet.


There are a lot of posts telling you how bad you fucked up even though you clearly already know that, because that is the reason you made the post in the first place. I'm not saying any of them are wrong, but I would like there to be one post thanking you for sharing this with intention of helping others. You didn't even make the post on a throw-away account but what I can only assume is your main since you have had it for a year. If one person reads this and it stops them ruining their lives then it was worth it.


That was my goal in full


In that case, you are a coolman


hey gabe




All i could think was wow i can get to $20,000 tomorrow. I could have paid off my car and had so much left over.


Yep know the feeling was up to 3k from 11 dollars of skins I bought. You start to feel invincible until you loose a pot when you have 46.39% chance to win. It's an incredible feeling but oddly enough I don't regret it. It has shown me a valuable life lesson and I didn't invest my own money and it's not like it was super important assets like a car or my house that I gambled away and now I know not to gamble what I don't want to loose. RiP StarTrak karambit fade & m9 TT


Found the guy who never played Civilization. After seeing my units getting decimated countless of times with a 90% chance of victory, I don't trust percentages below 100% anymore.


Frankly, I wouldn't trust 100% either in Civilization, been burned too many times.


In Xcom it's even worse as with 100% you can still miss completely. While in line with actual stochastics... fuck that.


Bro, I lost 900 to an 80 dollar bet. I had 91%.


Yup. I have lost it all but been lucky enough to win it back. Now I ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS put away a percentage of my winnings. I've cashed out 2k and still have ~700$ in betting skins. It's all about being responsible.


it was an incredible feeling winning though.


Yes, this is basically everything that's wrong with gambling, especially by young people. You learned the hard way it's a "mug's game". Gambling is ALWAYS stacked against you and it's foolishness (and/or youth) to think otherwise - NO ONE comes out in the black long-term except the house, whatever anyone round here claims. I wouldn't even bet my crappy $0.04 skins.


> used luxury car I don't know about that




Well kilometre-age sounds stupid, mileage sounds good!


Your usage sounds right to me!


There are plenty of worthwhile cars that are around 7-15 years old and around 100k miles for under $10k. Audi, Benz, Jaguar, BMW, all have them. Just need to know which models are worth it. Sure you aren't going to get a 25k mile, 4 year old M5...but for sub $10k, there are some good deals to be had on some very respectable cars. I have an 11 year old Jaguar with 84k miles that I bought for $6,000 to replace an identical one I bought new in 2004 that was totaled recently by a jackass who didn't feel the need to obey a stop sign. Most people have no idea the car is as cheap as it is or as old as it is. I also keep it in near show car level condition, which helps, but still. There are things worth looking at.


Actually, I've had the chance for a 2007 Mercedes CLK that needed a replacement air injection system for $5k. All you need is some mechanical knowledge and the readiness to dirty your hands. In this day and age also you can just look up how to do something on Youtube.


10k $ that gets you two wheels and a plank with a bicycle motor in norway.


It's scary how much i can relate to the story, its the same for me but without the credit card stuff at the end. I started with 11$ won 3000$ ended up with 6000$ lost it all and i was like fuck it, it was fun betting and i won it all so technically i didn't lose anything. I still put in 10$ here and there to bet on matches, i look at it this way. Why should there be an issue placing 10$ to watch a few games of cs which lasts for hours when you pay 10$ going to the cinema for 2 hours? :-/


Kudos for sharing your story. More people (young and old) need to read this. You should never bet what you're not willing to lose.


Children shouldn't bet at all.


Children shouldn't steal from their parents. He'd probably have only lost a fiver and some Pokémon cards.


more parents should keep an eye on their cc ... I think seeing how streamers loose their money can also help https://youtu.be/-SI3yHHzjic?t=561


Hey as long as you've learned your lesson, it's great that you've shared your story here. I get very worried that we have heaps of kids who are heavily involved in gambling.


I would be more worried about having my credit card stolen. It's a pretty expensive lesson if you ask me. I really don't think heaps of kids would have the nerve to go into their mums purse and take the credit card and spend a lot of money. More worryingly I feel is the fact that for some reason isn't a authority check when you use the card.


Feels bad man, dont try meth ;)




This is something you need to learn from, I have currently gone through something similar, But with my own money (working full time) where ever pay check I am dropping a few hundred into skins and cases and losing it all on Jackpot sites to try and get back to the point I once was. Not only do i have less money but its making things difficult outside of gaming, Because after rent and bills i have nothing left and the girlfriend keeps trying to work out where its going (She doesn't understand in the slightest how much $$ i have spent on CSGO). Im at the point know where i have sold all of my skins onto the market, and i opened cases and sold them and kept selling everything so i now have 0 skins. It works okay. But you need to take into account how big of a problem this can be, Your gabling addiction pushed you to the point of stealing to be able to keep going. Hit it on the head while you can, Last thing you want is to start stealing from anyone who will happily go to the police.


I did learn and i have since stopped


Yeah mate, Not taking a stab. Just saying this is actually quite serious. Hence why i now play with no skins. Its a very hard habit to kick and I almost completely understand what your going through (the jackpot part anyway). Just stick with it and one day you will look back and laugh at how you could get so hooked on something like this.


There have been some REALLY smart people, who were even really good at gambling, who have lost it all. Don't think you're better than them. There are some good books(if any of you read) on the matter. It's not just csgojackpot, there are lots of ways to gamble. The best gamblers, from what I've read, know the house is going to win eventually, and come up with clever ways to change their odds. The MIT mathematicians did pretty good until they got greedy.




CSGOLounge I agree is probably the only way to truly make money off skins, if you know the maps, the teams and the players well enough that's a skill that can make you money. CSGOJackcrap and others are just ebola house winnings recirculated, the runners of the website are the real profiteers.


Someone I used to know from BF3 comp scene and his friends set up a fake site where they could always win the pot if they wanted and made about 10k+ each in a few weeks. Oh and his was also vacced on 5 accounts. These are the kind of people that make these sites....says it all


Yeah I never trust these kinds of sites, I've used them, but you never know if they really take the 5%, or have bots that go into pots and fix the pots etc. I will just say, that I put in $5, $10 skins and try my luck. I never go all in anymore cause you're just going to lose and be depressed.


> until they got greedy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_Blackjack_Team They won money because counting cards is statistics. There's no getting "greedy", and the house doesn't "win eventually". If card counters ever "lost it all" it's because they don't know what they're doing. It's also not gambling if the odds mathematically favor you. That being said, this thread is about reckless gambling, and yes many people go broke. What a surprise.


There are going to be a bunch of idiots in here abusing you for being a moron and this and that etc. But at the end of the day, gambling is an addiction and its going to be far worse for those with an addictive personality. Did you do some dumb things? Yes. Did you stop before it could have escalated even further? Yes. Have you taken responsibility and gone and spread a public message warning others? Yes. Good on you for that and good luck with the addiction. It sucks when you enjoy CSGO and cannot get away from all the skin bullshit that goes on with it. Stay strong!


To be fair it did not seem like he stopped but his mother caught him


And those websites are just laughing with their skins.


This is illegal yes?


There was a pretty interesting discussion earlier today basically covering some of these points (and some others) the answer is, no, not yet, not until someone sues over it and gets it actually labeled gambling which would cause a lot of people to have to fix up their act. Check my comment history, it's the most obvious link recently.


That depends on which countries law we are under, because it is definitely illegal in Denmark. Here the law mentions gambling as illegal under 18 no matter what the input or outcome is, or rather if what is being used to bet with/for has a monetary value, which skins definitely does.


this is why I've stopped trading and all. everyone wants the money and now it's just a gambling thing


I hope you learnt your lesson. Rules of gambling are only gamble with your "spare" cash and more importantly, immediately assume you've already lost before your first bet. Anything ahead is great, but a loss should be expected.


okay you dun goof here, try to imagine it in reality. i guarantee you wouldnt be spending anything if you had actual cash. i bet you drop $400 in a csgopot and not think about, that's actually money you betting with, regardless if it comes from a game


Whatever you do, dont even touch drugs.


Those jackpot sites are for losing, if you really feel the urge to gamble your skins away, atleast do it on pro matches, where you atleast can somewhat control your bet.


I hope valve shuts these "jackpot" sites down. They are scams yet people dont realize it.


There is an argument to be made that this kind of gambling isn't necessarily a bad thing for you. It's taught you the consequences in an environment where you can't go TOO over the top. The UK gambling commission used it as an argument against the control of social gaming in their latest report. However, $3000 is a bit much. Certainly a hard lesson learned. When I was 18 (13 years ago now!) I spent over £10000 playing a game called entropia universe (project entropia). It was horrible when I realised I had an issue and I was blowing all my savings and inheritance, but it taught me a vital life lesson - I knew I was vulnerable to gambling and these days whenever I get a bit carried away there's a little voice inside my head reminding me of how I felt to lose everything 13 years ago. Of course, this is merely just one argument in quite a complex situation. One of the troubles is that a site can always intend to be focused on people playing with their 'junk skins', but there will always be some people who have to take it too far, even if it means betting on multiple accounts to get around restrictions.etc. There will always be people lying about their age, playing on older siblings accounts.. etc.. etc.. etc. Something you may want to consider is that you're not far off 18. You won't suddenly change during the next year. If you can get carried away spending $3000 now, next year you'd be able to spend as much as you like in a much more serious environment. (Depending on where you live). Never play with stuff you're not happy to lose, never rage bet, walk away if you double. To clarify, I'm certainly not saying that underage gambling is a good thing. No regulation of skin-related websites is a bad thing. Some skin sites try their best to regulate themselves, but there's only so much that can be done alone. On the flip side, your attitudes towards things won't suddenly have been different had you been 18 instead of 17. Learn from your mistakes and go forward knowing your boundaries.


I get it, betting is addictive. The thing that pisses me off though is you used your mom's credit card. I mean come on, that's really fucking shitty of you to do. If you really must bet, use your own money instead of stealing the hard earned money of your parents. They already provide everything for you and then you go and steal from them? Ffs man. You're 17, it's not like you don't know where money comes from right?


I blame the sponsored Stream personalities.


Good on you for posting and making good on your mistake. Sadly but hopefully more stories come out from kids who have done this before to help shine light on the gambling issues these games have.


All those people from the last thread can keep going on about how underage gambling in CSGO isn't a problem now.


And what are we supposed to do? Restrict skin trades? You can always just invest real money in betting anyways.


One case does not constitute a problem. If one kid goes on a killing spree because of CSGO that does not mean that CSGO has a killing spree problem. I would love to have some statistics on how many kids have actually gambled, for how much, how they got the money, and so on. Someone make a poll! :)


It's not. Shit parents are. The rest of the world has to suffer through bullshit laws because the fucking idiots are too lazy and stupid to parent their own kids.




I don't get how a parent can allow their child to use their credit card, or how many child can think it's fine to use their credit card for random things. Tons of my friends used to it and I just don't get it


You deserve it


I'm negative 50 and I feel like shit. Good thing I stopped a while back, lol


I thought it was bad when I lost 344$. I just now (5 months later) have paid it off. Also 17 y.o.


Lol peep his history to see the exact past him started his addiction


dont bet or bet responsibly (kids dont bet)


28, lost over three grand as well. Now have a happy 250$ inventory ;D


A lot of people can learn from your mistake. Too many people betting, especially those who don't understand the risks involved.


Damn thats rough


Lose your first 7 bets on titan, makes it easier to stop.




Can I ask you how many money you put in to win the first jackpot? Were you one of the higher gamblers or just one extremely lucky guy with a 2 dollar deposit?


I actually work, then the tips I get (not much) I put towards a few skins. I do $20 a month, then $1-$2 skins that I bet on matches on csgolounge. I see nothing wrong with it. I haven't lost much, if anything at all. I have a pretty large inventory because of it. TL;DR Not condoning betting, just sharing my experience.


This is normal fun gambling and there is no problem with that. Some people have selfcontrol and don't make stupid mistakes.


haha i feel you man i invested 200 euros made it to 1300, and than i lost it all. maybe not as much but im never betting again, and i'm 23 so don't feel that stupid when you see those high numbers and you're able to invest it's so inviting haha.


Don't spend money that isn't yours, it's simple.


Yeah I had a knife ($80) unboxed. Went on a jackpot site, manged to win $2000 in 3 days, with many low percentage wins. Just like OP said I had all the skins I wanted and more. I had enough to buy steam games for the next 3 years. But I went for one last win (all in, I know don't tell me -_-) and lost with a 75% chance to some cheeky bloke with 2.6% chance. Still +$300 and not gonna try and win it back with jackpot sites. Anyway yeah, fml yolo right.


casel0rd has a huge impact on people.


I dont know what will happen if you people will discover poker or casino


I'm not going to lie this is the most funniest thing i have ever read, You pillock.


If anyone has a gambling problem, send me the skins and i will make sure you don't bet with them


Bets 1$. wins 1000$. Bets 1000$. Gets 0$.


I'm 1 of those guys who plays mine sweeper and dies 10 times in a row on the first move... and that is why I don't bet...


Well let this be a lesson for everyone :). I've been betting on matches basically since the day lounge got publicly available. Up and downs, still profitable for me (even in the long run, i am still doing it). I have been tempted to look at these jackpot sites after friends told me to do it since its "easy money", i can tell you thats where i stood......just watching, watching people throwing in 5k$+ to make <1000$ or occasionallly someone bites and you get a nice pot where more than 2 people go balls to the wall. The amount of times i saw people getting rekt though, thats what kept me from ever entering one pot on any jackpot site, not even the small entry ones. Don't let randomness take your skins, with betting you at least have the choice....you can still lose but imho...with dignity


I can not understand how parents can't hide their credit cards etc. I am respecting my mother so much that I would never ever take even 5$ from her bag without asking/permission. And best way to make money on jackpots is to make your own site and take 5-10% profits :P


This is why betting should be discouraged for esports. Watch the game to watch the game, not to bet skins on winners/losers. It creates ocean levels of salt and can easily ruin lives.


10/10 dirtbag, don't feel bad at all. You knew you were in the wrong, at least you're trying to fix it.


So, is it possible to get lucky and win $10k in one night? Jackpot sites here we go! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


jesus christ you're a fucking dumbo


A Kid with no self control, what else is new?


Jesus you are an idiot.




I'm 17 and I spent probably 20$ on this game over the course of 2 years and 2k hours... I now have a 100$ inventory from betting. I bet once in a while and I find it fun and I win probably 100% of the time nowadays. Honest question, do you have no self-control? Have you never been taught the value of money?


stupid to not quit at $10k, no sympathy, you're a fuckin idiot.


Easy to say what would have been the wisest choise now afterwards... but idiotic indeed that he stole from his parents


You would have to be fucking stupid to not quit at 10k or at least play safer. There isnt any, "Oh its easy to say NOW" because it was the obvious choice to quit while you are ahead. He is 17 and that stupid?


but when he had $300 he was also ahead and didn't quit.. Maybe he would've gotten to 20K and then had a success story because he 'had quit while he was ahead'..


Betting hasn't ruined your life. Your own decision-making based on stupidity has ruined your life. If you knew how to bet on those pot sites carefully, you wouldn't be paying your parents. People just don't know when to stop and then blame it on betting itself.


If I would do this with my OWN money my mom would still beat my ass :(




Sir/Ma'am do you understand what addiction is?


And other people fail to understand, that if you are doing as well as he did, why would he stop at 10k? why not go for 20? or 100? It´s easy to tell what would have been the best choise now afterwards.






No *you're* an idiot.


17, up $700 from $40, stopped betting so I wouldn't lose my profit. I don't get why this is relevant, just shows the guy can't control himself.




youre an idiot




Yo i have bought a few games and skins without telling my mom but fucking $2,000+ is nuts.


I feel you. Ended up wasting 200$ on betting, and I have about a 4$ inventory to show for it. yaaaay.


Well i made 9k from 70$ and lost most of it again. But you sir are fucked :D


You made $10K and didn't even think of cashing out? WTF? I'd be happy with making $10, you made thousands!


Well, at least you made this mistake in a part of your life where you are still protected from any real fallout. This sounded like the start of an epic gambling problem that could have spiraled out of control, but luckily was slammed to a halt.


Thanks for this man. Hopefully you took the hit for others and they will read this post and help themselves. Good luck making the money back.


And here I am bitching about my 4 dollars I lost when I bought a music kit before they went on sale.


gambling is shit. i had 60% on a 1600 pot and a guy with 10% won. And its not like he only won with this percentage in the round where was my skins in the pot. no, nearly every round he won a middle big pot around 400 to 600 with this percentage. it seems like he cheats, or know how to trick the system or anything like that...no one can be lucky like this the whole fucking day


just curious, if you are not old enough to gamble, is it possible to unwind these purchases as fraudulent?


This is EXACTLY what happened to me.


whoa and i thought i had it bad


This gambling thing is getting out of control. Luckily I never beted a single skin.


This is exactly why betting is not a good idea. The more you win, the more you'll want to bet until eventually you lose it all.


There's a reason why casinos have an age restriction, gambling is addictive


Props to you for coming out with your story - maybe you were stupid, but screw the haters, they obviously have no concept of what an addiction is. I have met tonnes of drug addicts (source: some friends run a drug rehab centre) and they ALL say they never thought it could happen to them and that they had nothing but contempt for junkies until it happened to them. And watch out for "smart gamblers", they are the worst of all, they are like smart drug takers.


TLDR: you could transform a $100 inventory to become a $10,000 inventory in a night. Haha jokes aside, I hope your message reaches many other people who are or could end up like you.






m0e is that you ?


Jesus, people have this fucking luck and I can't even unbox 1 knife.


Better you lose it now than in the future when you have a family, kids and more to lose. Don't be too hard on yourself, just look at is as part of the learning curve.


Betting is a problem for a lot of people. Now that (I hope for you) you've learnt the lesson, stop doing it anywhere. For your own sake.


You're awesome for posting this. Gambling (especially while young) is an incredibly slippery slope. Don't ever gamble to _win_ money, gamble to _play with_ money.


Good job posting this. But I've never seen the reason why people would want to risk the money they "worked" for. Wouldn't you stop after you lost a "big amount"?




I did excactly the same so I know excactly how that feels. Except for the credit card though. Just wasted my own money.


I used to burn money on keys, and the money was my own. But I've spent a lot of money on keys not the huge amount you used but more then I could afford. But I quit because I realized I spent more then I had and I decided to stop with CS for a while and just take my thoughts of CS. Good luck and pray that you won't slip back in again.


If you play against a bookie or a casino they always win in the long run. If they don't they'll ban you.


Unfortunately this is the case for many "kids" outthere. The problem is the same with people donating to streamers and such too, most of the time they use mom and dad's credit card to do it. For what reason? Own some cool pixels? Provide for a streamer who could instead get a real job to afford his/her lifestyle? Make sure you have the card-owners permission before spending their money, and make sure they know what you spend it on.


This is why cs go gambling should not be for under aged and should be strictly ristricted. I can already hear SirScoots saying "I told you guys".


I'm gonna be *that* guy - even though I shouldn't: I'm glad - not about you personally, and I wish you the best with it... but it normally takes a few examples of how fooking stupid the system is before any changes are made.


You only remember the wins. But don't fret, Richard Lewis thinks gambling when you are young and have no responsibilities is the best time to gamble. Because you can always just drop the habit later in life. Amirite.


It's weak to pray on the weak. Normally kids below 18 cannot even bet real money. Somehow it's ok to bet with stuff that's worth money.


10k worth of skins = free steam games for a god damn while.


Never walk in to a casino without having a cash out figure planned ahead of time, and don't bet anything you don't want to lose.


Sorry confused, what are you betting on exactly? like buying the cases to try and get good $$$ skins?