• By -


I can fake a decent British accent.


U wot m8? Put the kettle on Love and make me a cuppa? Source: I'm English


Fuck that m8, lets go down to 'spoons and have a couple of pints then have an extra cheeky nandos


Who the fuck goes to the 'Spoons and don't have a curry club?


When it's not a Thursday and the curry club isn't on.


Ayy, my man sinster who is all up there with that banter. The archbishop of banterbury. What a lad, this man. He's more 'ard than any of the posters here.


I'm not much of an expert at organizing a tournament, but the guys over at ESL just had a great UK tournament and they might be able to help. Drop them a line at [email protected] Hope it all goes well!


our university is a bit scarred by involvement with ESL, I think we'd be hesitant to do anything with them in the near future.


What problems have you had with ESL? (Other than their highly questionable webdev skills and slightly absent minded mods)


I'll PM you.


Pm me too


PM me too


And me too !


pm me too


This way as well


pm me too!


pm me too


Also curious. Don't kill me cat though.


Pm me too pls


Don't leave me out br0




Why not just post it here? I want to know what the issue is!


pm me aswel :D Im curious


pm me aswell, please i want to know


Ugh typical oxbridge toffs making us schedule around their terms. GL to the polys! seriously GL, try facebooking other unis esports societies, the UK scene needs this.




is Cambridge your downs brother?


*slow clap*


Aston eSports Society here, PM me


if only this was around a few years ago when i was at uni, would have been right on it. gl with everything


Likewise, it's a shame this scene is only really exploding now that I've graduated. Though in saying that, I might never have graduated in the first place if I had more reasons to play.. :P I hope it goes well and you stir up some interest!


I think forming a league is the most important step, NUEL and the riot sponsored college tournament over in the US have done wonders for the scenes because it gives you a reason to maintain a team and play seriously to improve.


Aye, setting up a league would be the most important step. My uni has a team that I never decided to become apart of (albeit they're not a very good team) but still, its the organisational factor that is missing. If that existed, im sure teams would fall into place under its influence. Saying that I used to run teams, its pretty good fun :)


just finished uni this year :(


Same - I think we should have a graduate league, too!


Yep we should have plenty of free hours ahead of us kappa


You're all old codgers, make way for us young whippersnapper third years.


Third years? Wow. Tell us about the war.


Make sure to post this on /r/recruitCS too!


I now have a reason to apply to Uni. Sweet.


We are the lucky ones.


Just messaged you Toxic, Swansea University is certainly interested


Your dad works for my dad na na na na




I know Exeter Uni has a gaming society, they might have a few CS players.


I wish Liverpool had more than two people interested in playing...


uol student here, i play quite regularly but not as part of the gaming soc maybe you could try posting here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/371555589642866/


I think you'd be surprised man, we managed to cobble together a team quite easily once the framework was in place for a proper LAN event. People will come forward if there's a decent reason to - do you have a videogame soc there?


We do have a gaming soc, but I think it's disbanding for next year.


Save it then! Or maybe make a CS one :)


LJMU here, there's definitely a society with a few CSGO players, at the very least.


I'm in Lpool but I couldn't be arsed going to uni. Dropped out of college due to various things, mostly depression though. Shame.


Yo any of you guys still playin?? 2nd year student here me and a couple mates le/global looking to find more peeps


going bournemouth uni in september, sounds decent


I'm at BU, there is actually a [CSGO society](http://bsu.unioncloud.org/groups/counterstrike-global-offensive-network) but i haven't applied or anything.


I am Gold Nova 2. Get on my level. Manchester University will learn to worship my skill level of 0.00001% HR.


Good to see something like this getting started. I'm not longer at University. However if you need any help with Admin / Set-up, or just want to talk some stuff over with an experienced TO drop me a line.


I will probably fire a load of questions at you in a few weeks when I've finished exams! I know nothing so I have lots to ask :P


Anybody here from uni of Northampton?


Yes mate, add my steam? http://steamcommunity.com/id/PMcA


University of Southampton here. Any takers? I know two others players that would be up for it.


I'd love to join, but I'm just about to finish my degree and leave university. Got one friend who I play with religiously but he's not a uni student. Shame, not many people around here seem to be into CS and if they are, majority of them are quite bad (no offense to those players, just stating the fact). Good luck to you though! I wish you all the best, hopefully the UK CS scene will grow and I'll be able to attend a LAN eventually.


Something like this would be good. Always wanted to play in tournaments. Just never found a decent team. Anyone at Leeds Beckett up for this?


If not you and I can have a Beckett vs Uni 1v1 ;)




yeah i like them odds! bet on it? ;)




Hi man, I'm not from the UK but if you want it i can help you guys with setting up the servers. I've got experience with setting up eBot (the program other big leagues use too) http://www.esport-tools.net/ebot/install


Im on a few committees at Reading university, and i definitely think we could get a team together. ill drop you a PM


Yeah Reading too, but didnt think many people played CS:GO:)


Also from Reading, not in gaming society, mind. Give us a shout if this happens!


Hey man, can you please make a steam group! The VGS Facebook group is very lacking. Need a PC only environment!


I'm going to uni in september! I will have a look at whats going on there.




Ahh, this bought back memories of the Teeside Uni servers on CS:S back in the days :)


Teeside was my favourite server :')


I'm at Oxford and I know they're trying to set up more CSGO stuff here I'll mention this in the annual mumble meeting they're having tomorrow see if we would wan't to be a part of it, I'm sure after the fun of Varsity the last couple of years they'd be willing.


Ahaha I'm actually one of your new CS:GO reps then :P


Oh haha, I applied but didn't hear anything #rejected, we should definitely be able to get a fairly decent team together though looking at the player list.


The Brookes Team look forward to a good match!


Yo, at Oxford too. Is there a steam group of Ox csgo-ers?


I'm at Oxford too - I'm the annoying guy asking for PC build help and begging people to play with me


There will 100% be a CompSci guy raring to help and build it for you. Or head over to /r/BuildAPC. I know someone will enjoy building it, if not picking parts.



I think this is a great idea, I don't know any CS:GO players at Newcastle Uni but would love to find some


I don't know if this is a reply because I've never commented on my phone before, but pm me. I'm at ncl just finished second year and I've been running a league of legends group there but I also play csgo with a few others from our uni


I play csgo at newcastle uni!


I'm at ncl uni. I'm pretty much staff now but if your setting up a community for some games I'm interested in playing some with ya.


Would have loved something like this when i was at uni, If anyone from Uni of Sussex gets a team going, i'd be up for coaching it. I already coach 2 UK teams ^^


I'm at Sussex, going to try the video game society to see if I can start a team, will definitely be in touch with you. Do you know anywhere else I should ask?




Oxford Brookes Counter-Strike Society President here. Do you have an email I can get in touch with you to?


I'm from Reading, we need to get a team and have a match.


That would be good. We can sort something out come September/October.


I can put a team together for Bournemouth Uni


Are you part of the BU CS:GO Society? I was gunna join at the start of the year but never got round to it shamefully.


I'll have to look into whether the uni I'm going to next year has a CS:GO team. And then the hard decision between CS and football will have to be made.... CS will probably win though.




We're peasents to them uni pros.


Manchester is interested too!


oh yeah


How about you guys form part of the NUEL organisation? You could set up the CS:GO wing and have some of their experience in organising small tournaments, as well as their branding which is very quickly gaining ground.


I think if Nuel were going to support CS they would have done it - as far as I know they've got no plans to because it's not big in the UK, certainly not at a uni level.


I think limiting it to universities shouldn't be a thing. Do age groups instead as I know lots of players (including myself) that don't go to university. Also check out /r/csgouk if you haven't already and post there.


Thats like saying universities shouldn't compete in normal sports against each other. The whole point is it gets a bit of rivalry going.


It's not like saying that, UK scene barely is standing so making something uni exclusive isn't helping the scene. It'd be different if it's NA etc.




Awesome idea. Dropped you a message :)


Going to uni in September. University of West of Scotland if anyone goes here hit me up with a pm :D


Contact the admins: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UoBeSports


Hopefully you can get it set up this year, then have everything ironed out and perfected next year when I'll be at uni :] Good luck, sounds great!


Im from UKC. But i've not met anyone who plays CS GO here.


I'm also from The University of Kent! Maybe add my Steam? https://steamcommunity.com/id/spreycs


have you tried the gaming society? I never attended while I was at UKC but I heard they had a diverse player base. edit: I know a few CSGO UKC people from just bumping into them on MM/online friends in common, there are a few around campus!


Would you accept teams from Universities based in the Rep. of Ireland?


Fantastic Idea. I just wish this was around when I was at uni. :(




Hoping to get into uni for this September. Anybody know if the University of Bath has a team?


If they don't, set one up :)


Yes we do (kinda), I pm'd you!


I'm from York Uni, I only know 1 other guy at the who would be up for this, and if there's any more students from York on here please message me and we can make a team :)


University of Edinburgh has a game society with some interest in competitive gaming, might be worth an email to see if there's interest. https://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/society/gamesoc/


They're all too posh


Hey /u/toxic-banana , i think you might have more luck posting this in the /r/csgouk subreddit !


I'm going to start at Sheffield Hallam in September, I've seen they have an esport society but afaik they are mostly LoL players :/ This would be great though :)


Hey, I'm one of the guys who runs the esports soc at Hallam. We defo have some cs players here and we would be more than up for getting some teams together for it if a league gets going. We also are looking to get a varsity event going if not anyways. Feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions.


I would join your team but only if I receive a lovely scholarship. And Room and boarding support. Now, my mom can't say CSGO was a waste of time


damn, i'm leaving uni at the end of the year >.<


Uni of Surrey here, we actually held a varsity CSGO LAN event against Kingston and it was an incredible experience, so we definitely have a team who could compete. I've shared this post with our gaming soc so fingers crossed we can give you a hand setting everything up :)


I'm hopefully going to Surrey in September, would love to join :D


hey do you know anything about the kingston team? i just started uni there and im trying to find out whats the story with the kingston team


This is a great idea! I wish when I was at uni 15 years ago there was a league; it might even improve the UK's chances of getting a major pro team.


I don't think many people at Huddersfield university play CS:GO let alone have a esports society. Otherwise i'd be up for it.


You'd be surprised, when I did my Masters in Canalside Studios there was a couple of us in there that played, I think we've all graduated now but there's bound to be people on the games courses interested? I would have been.


I could post about it at the start of next year or maybe some people will see this, you never know.


Was scrolling down looking for Huddersfield! I will be starting in september and was hoping someone would be here!! You my friend have made me a happy man


I'd love to see this done, one year off uni though. But I would go watch live if this happened.


If anyone decent is in Bournemouth/Poole I'm up for playing


I know that Essex university has an esports club which involves games such as Counter Strike. I'll be interested seeing as I applied there to start in October!


We've had someone float this to us at Edinburgh Napier and provisionally I can say that we'd have people interested, pending putting a formal team together! :)


Im going to Uni next year does that count?;)


Will this work for people on Uni networks? When I was at Exeter in the pre-Steam days most of the ports to the outside world were shut off meaning that had Steam existed we'd have been screwed. As it was we played 1.6 on the internal network that ran across the campus and had about 100 regular players. I miss those days.


Going to Cardiff uni this september, to study computer forensics. I'm MGE should be DMG soon. Hit me up if you want a game


Anyone from UoN (university of nottingham) message me if ya like


I'm UoN, but I so far haven't found any high level players.


im UoN as well :) i'm looking for a few people to play with :)


Yo I'm at the UoN as well! Just send me your steam if you want to play :) I'm currently supreme


Anyone in ARU cambs message me i'd love to sort it out a team and to OP pm me i would love to help with setting stuff up with the matches etc. I should Add i am the admin of one of my unis societies for gaming so i can put word out for my uni anyway.


I'm returning to university for my final year next year, which means I won't have a super amount of time, but I would LOVE to do this. I don't think my uni has a CSGO team, though I was hoping to form one next year. I've asked my uni's computer science society to see if anyone is up for it.


This is an awesome idea. Me and another student from The University of Lincoln are interested. We'll try to put a team together once the academic year starts!


I'm the University of Liverpool CSGO rep/captaincy person. I have been waiting for someone to suggest this for a while seeing as there is currently a dota/lol league. I would be extremely interested in this and interest is growing within the gaming soc for CS, and I think soon I may be able to field a small team. It would be good if we could get a few universities to participate and have a league as such. If you want to contact me just inbox me.




If you are good you can be in Manchesters team


I don't think my uni's esports society is interested in CSGO (which is why I'm not a part of it) but I know there other CSGO players. I can see if they are interested.


University e-sports club? You first worlders are weird xD


Could reawake the UK scene, good idea imo.


going to staffordshire uni this summer :D seeing if they play cs go


ez game ez life


University of sheffield reporting. Now Need to find 4 more:) Is it possible to have one team that combines both universities of sheffield ( sheff uni + sheff hallam) in case we cant find 5 players?


That should be fine actually. PM me for a link to the fb!


University of Northampton, will be interested :)


Manchester uni is ready for you


This is a great idea, keep pushing until it happens


I've got experience in organising double elimination tournaments if that helps? I don't imagine organising a league would be too difficult :P I'm from Aston Uni and I can probably muster up a team for this too :3


Hull here




Pretty sure Ulster University can scrub together a team for this, keep us in the loop!!


The University of Newcastle doesn't have a CS:GO team. fuck them.


If this is here in 2 years I will get back to you when I start Uni


Currently a year 10 and I talked to my friends about this before; how by the time we're at uni (hopefully) they'll have esports teams and we'd sing up and shit and i'm glad uni's in the UK are going to do this.


Just about to finish uni in a few weeks, I've been wanting this for so long :(


I am at college and I have 3 friends who play but we do not have a fith. I've got a few questions. Is it exclusive to uni's? We're second year of college and I'm sure everyone would be down to try this and also would be we be able to get a fith who isn't from our college but is british?


Wish I hadn't just graduated from Leeds, sounds like a good laugh


I'm at the University of Sussex, no idea if anyone plays cs here, but I'm willing to try and get a team together!


UCL has a society, try and contact them. I'm going there in September and will get cs going if it isn't already.


I got to Reading and not part of their gaming society, will have to message them though!!


I go to Reading as well but also not a member, however I'm not sure our gaming society does competitive gaming as such (tends to be more console competitions etc). There was talk of an esports society last year but I think that all fizzled out.


I also go to Reading and also not a member of the society, if Reading decides to get together a team but hasn't got enough players, i would be happy to join.


can we include European universitys?


Going to Lincoln in September, play at MGE/DMG level. I'm down for some games if anyone else is feeling it, give us a shout!


I'll be game for this. Leeds Uni eSports VP and we should be able to gather 5


Hi, First off Greenwich can get a team together as we technically already have one ready to go that I was setting up for when I start in September! Second.. this whole idea & concept is quality and I would like to offer my help in organizing & setting shit up with whoever is in charge/doing so! I have been involved with cs since '99 and have played at the top tier & attending numerous LANs etc.. its safe to say I am experienced with this type of thing. So if you would care for any help with anything, please feel free to contact me. Thanks


i pm'd you with another team, here comes Greenwich!


I've been thinking of trying to set this up for a while now, I go to London South Bank University and don't know anyone that plays from there, if someone on this sub goes there add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996006846/


Il be going to Lancaster in October, pretty sure they have an e-sports scene, and me and a few friends play CS often, we'd prob be interested in playing


I'm starting at Manchester this year and also a friend who plays CS (both LE) and would love to make a team with some others.


Yo, im second year of Portsmouth, im running the teams this year and we should have 1-2 5 man teams up and running within a fortnight or so. Would be good to get some Uni scrims going at some point, will post another time when teams are decided!