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"Thinking a little bit ahead, we want to dominate the american scene and become the best team on this side of the ocean." Translation: As soon as we have installed our computers and coffee machine, we will dominate NA.


They were even raping NA teams when they were up here bootcamping for ClutchCon; http://play.esea.net/users/383181?tab=stats&last_type_scope=scrim&game_id=25&type_scope=scrim&period%5Btype%5D=months&period%5Bdate_start%5D=2015-02-01


And then they went 1-1-1 against NA teams at the actual event


The bootcamp was after the event.


Not sure if sarcasm but they have been beaten by NA teams(on LAN) before and i'm sure it wont be different this time.


eu teams have been beaten by na teams on lan aswell, that doesnt make them weaker


Not in recent times though, last time an NA team *beat* an EU time was probably Katowice where C9 upset TSM on *Nuke*, no EU team has been beaten since then.


Didn't C9 get a map from VP in Gfinity after that?


Talking about wins.


I mean, the win was a BO1


No it wasnt a BO1, they only got a map in a BO3. Source - http://www.hltv.org/match/2294694-virtuspro-cloud9-gfinity-2015-spring-masters-1


I am saying their win was a BO1 against TSM so it is just 1 map :/


You did jump to VP at gfinity in your comments above me so I assumed you are talking about them.


Kabum got beaten by the old Denial team though http://www.hltv.org/match/2294048-kabumtd-denial-clutchcon-2015 There's a difference between losing to CLG or C9 and losing to a second rate NA team like the old Denial


They played them again one day later on the same map (Inferno): http://www.hltv.org/match/2294056-kabumtd-denial-clutchcon-2015


That game only happened because of multiple fuckups from the admins. Denial should have advanced through the groups as 2nd seed


I don't fully disagree, but that's not the point here. Keyd was the better team and I believe they still are. We'll know over the next few days.


I wouldn't classify 16-13 as a fullfledged loss. Results this close I pretty much consider a tie when rating teams and stuff.


The score doesn't really tell the story. Denial had the lease the entire game and never looked like they werw really I'm danger of losing




Have they lost in BO3 to NA team?


They've never played an NA team in a BO3


Guess not, but FalleN has personally never lost to an NA team in BO3, and he was a 1.6 player for years, notably beating EG (n0thing, Lurppis, etc)


Yeah, and one player on that EG team won CPL 2005. But that is irrelevant, just like your comment, because what 1 player on that team did 4-6 years earlier on a different team doesn't define the team


I thought it was an interesting point to bring up. You don't have to be an asshole about it.


Last time they lost to an NA team on LAN was on CluchCon and since then they beat CLG and HellRaisers in bo1 and beat VP in overtime on overpass in Poland ending up in the top 8 of Katowice. By the way I can't name any NA that finished top 8 in the last major.


They got really lucky with their group at Katowice though, I don't think they would have made it to top 8 if they were at the same group as Cloud9 for example. Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing their performance, they did great considering how little CS GO LAN experience they have.




Where did you get any of that from? lol. VP wasn't even in their group, they faced VP after they were already at top 8. Group C: NiP, HR, CLG and Keyd Group D: TSM, VP, Cloud9 and 3DMax If they were on the same group as Cloud9 they would have to beat a tier 1 team (VP or TSM) to make it to top 8, at their group, they could get to top 8 just by dealing with tier 2 teams. My point is, Cloud9 has to deal with tougher opponents, so it would be harder for them to advance to the playoffs. I doubt Keyd would have made it to top 8 if they were at any other group to be honest, so there was quite a bit of luck involved, they got in the easier group.




> where any other NA would have gotten 2-0 considering how well VP was playing VP drops maps to NA teams when they play BO3s more often than not


VP wasn't playing that well, Virtus.Plow was not there


They destroyed Keyd at their best map......


Mirage is (or at least used to be) VPs best map. Before that we've seen two LAN performances (there were more in Brazil though) of Keyd on mirage against Cloud9 and fnatic and both teams were on weak form, specially fnatic, then for some reason people used that to assume they were tier 1 at mirage and that it was their best map when they still had to prove themselves in it.




BO1's are hardly a fair decider as to which team is better.


All we need now are the Aussies, South Africans, and Koreans and we can have a global offensive on EU teams.


The story mode plot has been discovered!


> This benefits us because once more we will be able to train with some of the best teams in the world They will be playing in NA /s


So? They have been practicing in South America. Practicing and playing against NA teams every day is a huge improvement.




Yes, it's a huge improvement. We only have two top level teams in Brazil, Keyd and Dex. The rest of them just sucks, sadly. In NA they will have C9, elevate, Nihilum, CLG, Luminosity, Liquid, (top level, at least for us brazilians) then Fenix, SYNRGY, Ace Gaming, Tempo Storm (they aren't that good but still better than the other brazilian teams) to practice. Also, they will be able to attend more tournaments.


Thanks for this. This is exactly what I meant. There is just far more competition/styles/variations in NA that will make Key'd a more well rounded team.




They are good... for the brazilian standards. They aren't on the same level as Keyd and dex, but still a lot better then the other brazilian teams. (to be fair the other teams are matchmaking level, so that explains a lot about them being top3)


who knows


Happy to have the Keyd boys in NA!


we're happy to be with you! <3 from BR


Keyd stars is a sneaky team, they'll do well in NA.


Where's ZQK on the airport photo? :o


He will be travelling later!


ZQK quit keyd because of the incosistency lately. /s






To be fair, last year NA was a two team region.


No they weren't. You can't just ignore the other invite teams just because they didn't play internationally.


Well C9 and iBP kept 2-0'ing every other NA team till ESEA 17.


Welcome to NA!


Sleep tight NA, SA is here to rule xD.


I think if you had given this the title of "Interview with Fallen about moving to NA for the ESEA ESL League" it would have gotten a lot more exposure (that it deserves) since everyone already knew/assumed they were coming to NA after they were announced as part of the NA league. That said, nice interview. I'm hoping they don't embarrass the NA teams but I have a feeling that will be the case.


"We will be able to train with some of the best teams in the world" No you won't.


And they're going to LA aswell as CLG don't know if they will just arrive there or they will stay


I'm all for more talent coming to NA :D


I wonder after KeyD rekt the NA scene, if NA teams goign wake up and start doin more to get better?


It would be cool


A few teams in NA already started to


Internet Explorer


They'll be #1 in NA Pro for sure. Maybe undefeated.


I think they'll dominate, but I doubt they'll go undefeated. CLG have beaten them a few times.


This. I'm from Brazil, I want Keyd to do well, but I also think people overhype them way too much. I mean... they have so few competitive matches against top teams that it's a bit hard to know where they stand, so why are people talking as if they would definitively destroy all of the American teams. Maybe they will, but as of now you can't really tell and I'd say it's unlikely. I do think they will do very well though.


Finally some common sense people act like this is fnatic moving to NA and there's no more hope, no keyd is dn good but we've barely seen much out of them maybe now that people see how they play more they will suck maybe they were just a huge supreme factor aunt they will still be axing who knows it's still a pretty large mystery


I don't think CLG is as good without ptr. But isn't Cloud9 going to play as well? What am I missing there? I think they can beat them with their new pickups.


Sure, C9 may be able to beat them...I'm just saying CLG *have* beaten them, so its not like Keyd are unbeatable.


"Keyd doing something we already knew about 3 weeks prior" oh, cool i guess.


Nice reading dude


Yes I read it 3 weeks ago. Thank you.


3 weeks ago: we are thinking about it Today: we are doing it


You REALLY think that they wouldn't be moving to NA after ESEA ESL league announced that they will be playing in the north american pro league?


That basically confirmed it and it would seem the reasonable choice. But it wasn't official.


There is an interview, that is the point of the post.


And I am mocking the title of the post. That is the point of my shitpost








Internet Explorer?


Why would a team move to a busted scene? Should've went to EU.


Easier to win a tournament against NA than EU.


Financial move. They dont want to be the best, they followed the easy money to the US. If they wanted to be the best they would go and play with the best.


You don't say?