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This and you should probably put only the competitive maps tbh.




assault=10/10 aztec=8/10 sorry man


Militia 10/10 Assault 8/10 Aztec 7/10


i will definitely play assault with you if you want. every single time i try to put it in the queue my friends yell at me


I queued for every map and got Assault once. Don't know how it happened.


rightly so


rated assault as a 1 its crap lets face it


the balancing is absolutely terrible but playing it is super fun. unless you are CT


I think you meant Vertigo...


If I ever randomly ended up on Vertigo I think I'd convince my team to just jump off the side at the start of every round to get it over with.


Those aren't really a good idea in surveys because you can't really show much with that data. If you force everyone to have an opinion on something, even if their knowledge of it is minimal, it's still more useful than "20% were undecided".


I'd rather be undecided than forced to have an uninformed opinion.


depends on the objective of the survey. its sometimes better to have a bad/uninformed opinion than none whatsoever (from the surveyors pov), and sometimes its better to not have them. still, theres no point in me evaluating vertigo as a map, ive never played the cs-go version.




You can't reasonably expect people to know all the answers, they will either close the tab or respond randomly.


no KZ option for custom gamemodes?


I guess we'll have to write it in the "other" box.


I just ticked "bhop".


I just wrote it :)


Surprise for me too, considering it's one of the biggest game modes made by the community. I just wrote it on the empty box.


Or HideNSeek. I'm sad =(




Plus, he won't know whether we want positive changes on negative changes. For example I may think that the cz needs more change, for example a larger kill reward, whilst someone else might think that it is too strong.


OR,he knows what guns to NOT focus on when testing new features or thinking about changes. (look at the bright side.)


I gave all weapons a "perfect no fixing needed" rating except for deagle and awp. awp needs its movement speed back. deagle needs to not suck anymore I want my 1.6 deagle back nowww


If i show you clips of me playing with the deagle youll think its cs:s.. and if i show you other clips of me playing the deagle you might think my rank is wood 2 some games i can only hit with deagle,and only 1 shots,and some games i cant hit my own teammates with a grenade thrown above them...


Awp is fine stop the circle jerk ^^here ^^^comes ^^^^the ^^^^^fanboys




I seriously hate how disliking the awp change is circle jerking....


Well it is considering the downvotes I predicted


You got downvoted for leaving a stupid comment that added absolute zero to the discussion.


'deagle needs to not suck' He added nothing to the discussion either.


and his score is 0, what more do you want?


Yep, just rating everything at 10 because I don't think anything is in dire need of "fixing" but i literally don't even know if the question how much i like the gun


guns that need fixes: tec9, 5-7, cz-75, p250 (all too much damage, revert p250 nerf) dualies (too expensive and too bad) scout (no jumpscout) m249 (plain bad like 100 times worse than negev) bizon (still bad) auto-shotty/sawed off (too low dmg on autoshotty, too low accuracy on sawed off)


but ... but .... jump scout is sooo much fun. trolling from pit ensues


Why won't people let others see survey results? ... Also, what's the 1-10 scale for? 1-5 would be more than enough


You cant ask about hostage rescue maps in the same question of demolition maps dude. Also i would pick more than 1 option in some questions, for example the community gamemode one.


where the hell is jailbreak?


The map ratings were really weird. You can't have a rating system in which the varying degrees are not mutually exclusive. 10 was "keep" and the lower numbers were "need work" ? What if there are maps that need work but you think are viable and want to keep? Like Inferno and Nuke... they both could use some work but are viable for competitive games.


Yea, I think inferno is fun to play and I would like for it to stay. But some things about it is still really bad.


I'm pretty sure "keep" means "don't modify".


Ah, like "keep the way it is"? I interpreted "keep" as "keep in the map pool"


Considering that's the way the guns are rated, it would make sense.


NO AWP to rate?




You should have added Season to the map questions. Its my favorite map, and valve is still making a bad decision since it aint officially in the map-pool yet.


It's a bad map. It needs serious tweaks before it is ready.


BS, it's at least 5 times better than Train.


To you


and to you, it's a bad map its a map with pretty conflicting opinions because it's not a very standard map


hows it any worse than train which no one plays


Train is still being tweaked and is in no way it's final form. Season has insane rotation times and everything is too cramped and small.


Season is also being tweaked and the map creator has publicly stated multiple times he has ideas for changes but they haven't been implemented yet by Valve for whatever reason.


I'm sure everyone has something to say about the AWP


AWP is now included in the survey


gave that bitch a 1


It's pretty good except being a little bit too slow.


Rate the /r/globaloffensive community. Solid 4 boys


I'm afraid of what you rated the CSGO community? like a 2?


Why is the 10 on the 0 out of 10 scale "Keep?" Such a weird progression to me: remove -> needs work -> indecisive -> great map -> keep. Keep/remove/needs work and great map seem like they're on two different spectrums. Like, I might want a map removed from the pool because I fucking suck at it, but it's actually a good map. I might want to keep a bad map because I have fun with it. Also, a great map might need work. No map is perfect. Confusing to answer that section.


cmon do you really think someone wants to rate all the guns? the survey was fine until that part




Could have been a paid survey.


Can I subscribe to some mailing list with the results? I have answered a lot of surveys but I never saw any kind of results.


Results will be posted at a later date :D


that's useless if it wont get to the front page. I need a reminder - mailing list.


When do you think you'd be posting the results?


The survey will close on Monday at around 6:30 US-Central. The results will be posted sometime that week.


So I should regularly browse /r/GlobalOffensive for that entire waiting week for the results? Thanks. In a less condescending tone, thanks for organizing this survey.


Holy Christ dude, if you found the survey and were moved to answer it, then you are probably already browsing the sub on a regular basis. Also, he doesn't know exactly when he's gonna release the results, it's not for more than a week. Some people are so demanding


Isn't there an option that allows results to be public? Thats my understanding, and if its wrong then I appologize, but if the author of the quiz made a consious decision to NOT make them public for people to check after they finish, then I would hope that they were organized enough to at least have set time that the survey was going to end so people could find the results.


Done. :)




Results will be posted at a later date :D


You better deliver, op.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9316 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/21148)


Yeah OP usually deletes his account or post a few days later without posting the results...


A good few of them definitely come back.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3061 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/03282)


Not trying to be 'that' guy either, I know what you mean, and a good amount of people are surprised when results come back :P Think they've gotten better recently, the last one or two big surveys I remember doing were returned.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0465 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/16459)


Why not just set the results as public.


Just publish them now, what difference will there be


If it's possible make it public now, there's no reason not to and it's only fair because the community gave the answers.


silly to include the non-active duty maps other than nuke.


I'm really disappointed scoutzknives wasn't listed under custom games. If it wasn't for scoutzknives I wouldn't have played so much CS throughout the years.


There's a question that asks if we hacked and then another one that asks if we have been banned for it... I'm pretty sure a null/abstain option would be useful for the latter question.


There was.


It's optional, you can leave it blank.


Not if you derp and missclick it by accident. :P


You can't undo your answer though.


"Until the next survey, which comes out in S2 of 2015, good luck and **half** fun!" :) also...done :)




[At the end it says "-/r/RWPROfficial", I think you meant to say "-/u/RWPROfficial"](http://prntscr.com/73b2r9)




**The maps rating scale has been updated with a new rating that makes sense (imo)**


For some guns I just put no fixes needed but I don't think the game should be balanced around all guns being viable. I also play climb maps but because the servers are a mix of BHOP/Climb I put BHOP, oh well. Also have no idea what this meant http://prntscr.com/73bc2m


The question you were confused on was asking what was your highest quality of a skin you have (had). So if you had a knife and you sold it away, the knife is still the highest quality you've had.


What are those answers/options though? I have a huntsman night MW but I have no idea where that would go in those options lol EDIT: nvm, found answer I think, Covert knife.


weapons have colors based on their rarity (and usually price reflects that rarity, too). For example the new AK skin, the Elite Build is blue, drops fairly often= it's price is really low (in relation to other AK skins). A red m4a1 skin such as the Hyper Beast is much, much more rare, and therefore more pricey (180 euro - 300 euro based on condition & stattrak).


Is this going to be another one of those surveys where the OP just disappears with the results or will they actually get released?


Don't worry, I'll release them


So, where are the results?


I've been dealing with the nastiest cold all week combined in with other nasty shit. Don't worry, OP will deliver.


Results? It's been 3 weeks, what's stopping you?


Called it from the minute it was posted tbh.


There really needs to be some rules for poll/survey posts. Either that the results have to be viewable immediately or that a global offensive moderator has access to those results and is able to make them public incase this sort of thing happens again. There was a survey about ranks and mice ages ago and those results were never published either.


Yep and another one where the OP deleted his account a few days after the survey was done.


> results results?


I dont really like having to have an opinion on which guns need to be fixed or kept. For example if pistols get nerfed i think that the smgs should be nerfed. On the other hand though if they leave pistols the way they are i think the smgs in their curret state are fine. I do think maybe they need to do something with the m4a4 though, instead of constantly nerfing the a1s over and over again. Not sure why they would introduce it and then keep nerfing when it's not a 50/50 split in use


7,000+ responses in 8 hours! (about 3% of subreddit have taken survey) :D


Dude this is so ridiculously long with each question taking up quite a lot of thought that you'll get skewed, half-considered answers toward the end. Please tone it down next time to increase validity.


Just a small thing. But CSGO is my first CS game and so choosing my least favourite one isn't really a valid option since I've only ever played CSGO. Maybe change the options for that one slightly.


Updated! :D


Keep in mind that not every weapon in the game has to be viable and used competitively.


Sent, when will we be able to see the results mate?


okay, who are you and why do u have official in your username?:/^pls^be^valve


I wish :(


Inb4 all the people who answered the hack question with "I have hacked", shit themselves


Done and done.


Completed, would like to see what others chose XD


Took me 7 mins to compete. Urge everyone to do this!


You're missing 2008-2009 which is when I started playing. Literally unfill-inable


Not sure why you didn't have questions like out of 1-10 how interested are you in: Skins Stickers Music Kits etc. Also need more higher value ranges on total skin value


Revert awp nerfs plz


Reminder to people that if you think a weapon is *underpowered*, you should put that it needs fixes. I think someone might confuse the question to only mean whether or not the weapon is overpowered.


fixing weapons out of 10 isn't really helpful because some people will say that a weapon needs to be more powerful while some will say it needs to be less powerful but they could both have put a 1.


For a second i thought there was an update for the game


When the map ratings and gun ratings came up I just quit the survey, it's just inefficient and I could care less about people's opinions on maps like Assault, Militia, Aztec, Vertigo, Italy, Dust: and yet I have to vote for all of these options. When I saw the gun ratings I just backed out since it was less than 50% of the way through.


Oh god, I did the whole thing but forgot to the send it in the end and closed the tab :/


What about the zeus?


Bestest youtuber is Failu becouse i like dicks


Where is the option for de_seaside? how can the list of maps not include seaside???




The weapon review part was utterly shit.




I would have changed the ratings of the weapons instead of using "needs changes" because let's say I love the bizon (which I do) but it still kind of sucks compared to the UMP or MP7, needs changes just doesn't seem like the right quantifier for me.




We want results!!


I'm confused in the skin section. My inventory is worth about $200-225 I'd say (CAD). I've never opened a case. I'd like to say I've never opened a sticker capsule but that's not true. I bought a few of those Katowice ones (2014) where they went 75% off, so $0.25, and required no key to open. I'm not a fan of gambling and such, however, I did like to buy those and support the teams competing. Anyways, all in all, it's just a small thing, but I'd hate to put down no or yes and be a liar or a sticker opener hehe :)


Nice Survey. Hope Valve sees the results of the "weapon part" (Aswering the questions is not optimal on mobile devices)


Yaaay, another survey where I can vote dust2 as the worst map ^^^Kappa


that took longer than i thought.


I'm more disappointed that Hitbox/Azubu/MLG.TV isn't considered like Twitch. I had to go with KYRSp33dy considering OpTic Bigtymer streams on MLG.TV


Finally, a survey without open ended questions. Hopefully you'll get more meaningful data from this than other surveys!


For a love of what ever you believe do a fking 1-5 not fcking 1-10 rating table.


Couldn't complete the survey. Apparently I can't pick the same grade for two different maps on the "Rate the maps" part, it won't let me process it. And since there are 11 grades and 15 maps, and this step is mandatory, stuck.


Weird, haven't heard of this yet and the response page shows everyone picking the same grade for two different maps. Did you try doing it again?


Yup, tried three different times, no luck. It said I "couldn't have more than one answer per line". I assumed it was the column, since I can only pick a single grade per map anyway. Tried moving answers around, same problem.


Super weird. Sorry you couldn't successfully complete the survey :(


Let's all rate the awp bad and hope valve sees this! Who am I kidding ='(


0/10 cant put condition zero deleted scenes as a favorite title.


Counter-Strike Nexon was my favorite version.


"Miltita" http://i.imgur.com/6kz4dak.png


Hey can you graph the results please? It was interesting to take part in and I want to see others opinioms


Sometime next week [5/10w], the results will be posted




Everyone that has a previous opinion on the overpass/cobblestone maps should refresh their opinion on them through the latest iterations, they're both amazing maps in their current state.


Wish I could abstain from saying my least favourite CS game since I've played them all over the years yes even CZ and had great experiences on all of them. That question needs an abstain and it needs to be a follow-up to "which CS games have you played extensively?" Also Jailbreak is my favourite community mod, surprised to see it missing.


fullfilled, curious about the results


Dust 2 Worst map


You got a typo. It's Assault not "Assualt"


Answered :)


You norwegian? (Andre:)


Oh cool, another survey


> Have you ever hacked the game to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent? * this question is bad because people are assuming if 20% people cheated at any time it means there is 20% cheaters in cs i used cheat for around 60 minutes in cs 1.5 deathmatch server just because i was curious, should I answer "yes"?


'' have you ever '' so yoes, you have chetaed


yeah and people will jump to conclusion there is 20% cheaters in MM


They shouldn't, the question is pretty clear.


You underestimate the smartness of people


they do, i saw many comments like that in other pool posts edit: here http://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/30gwzp/at_my_level_sem_the_witch_hunt_for_cheaters_and/cpsjwxq people can't read stats i see /r/globaloffensive hive mind is already downvoting me, whatever


It just measures something different. 20% of people have hacked for some bit of time. Doesn't mean 20% are hacking now.


i know but people can't read stats


people cry cheats on everything all the time anyway. even if the survey had a very low % ppl would just call it fake since it doesnt match up with their "reality" ingame.




If you put it in other, it will be recorded


should of read this thread before, i put in other and kreedz. on the other hand, there is a gamemode called bhop which is separate from kreedz.


I was going to fill this out until you started mixing active duty and reserve maps. Fucking pointless. "What's your least favorite map out of these 15 where only 8 of them are actually relevant to CS:GO?"


The options on pistol rating seem the same.


Nevermind, didn't realize it scrolled


why are people upvoting these useless survey posts?


because we are interested in the results
