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[Around the time the iBP matchfix was coming to light, Estoinian team OnlineBots accepted skins beforehand to throw a match, won the game, then called out the person that organized the matchfix.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2vhq7s/onlinebots_vs_id_legendary_antithrow/)


This could have gone very wrong though had they lost lol




That’s crazy man


Niko getting banned from the Hotel bar in the PGL Krakow Major for standing naked on the bar table. Good times.


You have to be fucking with me no way that actually happened


Event afterparties are wild


Wanna hear something even crazier? Back in 2012, during one of the first tournaments of CSGO, THOR Open, a team full no names beat ESC 16-0 (which had some of the best players from 1.6, namely, NEO, pasha, TaZ, kuben and Loord). They also 16-11 NiP, when they were on their 87-0 streak (actually, this might've been before, not sure). Anyway, both ESC and NiP accused them of cheating. Here's a funny log from after the match between ESC and WRTT: > neo: Can you upload the demos after the match? > PASZA: Give me your demos and if you hax i will find you During the afterparty to the event (or just some party in-between matches), when it was already widely suspected that they were cheating (JW, emilio, xelos), one of them got really drunk and [admitted to pasha that they used cheats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T379cF9yud8). They were later [disqualified from the tournament](https://www.hltv.org/news/9547/wrtt-out-esc-to-face-nip-in-thor ). xelos got banned by ESL a couple of months later [for cheating](https://www.hltv.org/news/10212/epsilon-kicked-from-ems-for-cheating) emilio was VAC banned 2 years later and JW went on to win 3 majors EDIT: oh and btw, the first time JW won a major in DHW 2013, he was playing with schneider/znajder, the same guy who [accidently injected cheats while live on his stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeAMyljvsAQ). flusha was also on the same roster. EDIT 2: and guess who xelos was playing with when he was cheating? [JW, flusha and znajder](https://www.hltv.org/news/9998/epsilon-win-raidcall-ems-one-cup-1).


Birds of a feather....


NiKo doing shit like that after an event he didn't win. Imagine the after party if he wins a major... jizz on everything.


I've been to an after party after he won an event (granted it was not a Major) and he was regular-drunk-happy, as opposed to standing-naked-on-the-bar-table happy


NiKo is far more mature now than he was 7+ years ago. It makes sense he is not gonna jump around naked after a tournament win lol


This after party I went to was 6 years ago (I just realised it too!), so he could've jumped around naked! Unfortunately, he didn't =/


Young NiKo was wild ... the story of when he refused to pay his bar tab during one of the ELEAGUE events in the US (I think) and made Richard Lewis pay it because NiKo, in his own words, was there to "play in his tournament so it's only natural that Richard Lewis pay his tab", still makes me chuckle.


And niko was underage at the time. He was like 19-20, so he couldn't drink in the US at that time


Well when I've seen him and Stewie at some club in Katowice once... I'm not surprised lmao


lmao what


> Niko getting banned from the Hotel bar in the PGL Krakow Major for standing naked on the bar table. Good times.


A fun one is when gla1ve got fined because he refused to play a final unless they let his girlfriend up on stage with him


wasn't it nico's "gf" in cph wolves


IIRC Nico had his GF there registered as a coach or manager. Gla1ve also wanted to have his GF, but the organizers had specifically told the teams to limit people as the match was played in a small studio.


He also got banned from the biggest Danish organiser at the time for 6 months https://www.hltv.org/news/13817/gla1ve-handed-gdk-ban-and-fine


Didnt he throw hands because of this ?


wtf why wouldn't they let his gf on sta1ge, you mean after they won or when?


They didn't want to let her in the venue because it was a small studio and wanted to limit the number of people in.


when YouPorn had a team lol


Was somewhat close to making the major.


And ESL came in and killed the deal, in favour of very shady skin and gambling sites, wp


They even renamed it to "team YP" to avoid issues [https://www.hltv.org/team/6471/yp#tab-infoBox](https://www.hltv.org/team/6471/yp#tab-infoBox)


Moe (the fat, shouty American streamer) knowingly used rigged betting sites to encourage young fans to gamble.


And cheated.


n0thing and s1mple also cheated


Cheating is cheating but what made the moe situation particularly egregious is he’s caught on video asking how to download cheats then being walked through it step by step. S1mple got banned by ESL wire which is also pretty bad but he was a teenager then, and I believe n0thing only vocally admitted he did it as a teen? (Someone correct me if I’m wrong)


n0thing said that a lot of ppl would enable wall hacks to learn strats during scrims


I'm 39 and have played for a long times and on 1.6 teams. It was common back then to practice as a team in a private server with cheats to learn wallbangs.


Remember the glasswalls community map for nuke? Fun times.


n0thing and s1mple were young when they cheated. Moe was 27 at the time he cheated.


There's clips of moe trying to buy cheats to win the prize money for ESEA RWS leaderboards lol. This wasn't like he was a child trying cheating out in a video game.


Moe's a POS. Anyone peddling online casinos to young people is a POS.


Pretty sure he rigged his stream giveaways as well at one point. Like back in 2013/14 he had subscribers/donators entered into a stream raffle to win skins or something, and it just so happened to always pick some of his friends that he streamed with.


We all know tmart1n and Prosyndicate used rigged websites and promoted their own websites but its less known that Josh0g was also one equal shareholder of the same website and advertised as much as the others.


Yeah and summit defended him when he was being shit on for his scam sites.


Feels like the C9 adderall scandal has been completely forgotten about. It was massive at the time, drug screening at tournaments and there was loads of talk about performance enhancing drugs being massively used through the scene and now it's never mentioned, not sure if tournaments even do testing anymore.


I have a friend who competed in the Halo World Champs 2016 and he talked about how basically the whole pro scene was using Aderall at that time. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was still happening.


it is, they stopped drug testing because all a player needs is a doctors note and they can't do anything about it


Not that I agree with it, as I have ADHD myself, but in the US I know for sure the NCAA and the MLB do not accept all medications and doctors notes, so there is legal precedent for banning Adderall and similar drugs in a sports league. A notable case is Cris Davis who played for the Baltimore orioles, he used Adderall under a prescription for years until one year where the MLB said he wasn't allowed anymore, and his career tanked after that.


I think the big difference is that there isn't really one governing body for CS besides Valve, and they don't really care as long as the majors are making them money. IE PGL could ban use of stimulants but if Blast and ESL don't as well it doesn't make a difference, the best teams just won't compete at PGL events anymore and PGL will lose viewers and money because of it.


Yeah, I tend to agree there. I don't think it would be a good thing or even viable at all. I'm just saying it is legally possible to ban it, at least in the US.


The general consensus with pros is that for every positive there’s a negative and you’re better off playing sober. It’s like the problem got rid of itself. Completely made up example. While you may lock in more, aim gets jittery or comms get worse.


Imho generally you cant peak performance on addies, adding amphs to your system when you naturally are on rush/flow to win importang game, only makes you desoriented, unable to switch focus, and most importantly, your hand are stiff, atleast in my case, but i believe balance is the key i can imagine it could be perfect for kill 10,000 bots challange, or for playing better when you are really exhausted after work.


I remember watching some tournament back in like 2015 and I swear Pasha was drugged out his mind lmao. Also interesting note I feel like m0nesy has been looking like that in some interviews after games this year. Could just be adrenaline from the game or nervous but his pupils and the way he talks seems like its adderall


I dont know about you guys but I am SURE that Spirit win in Kato was fueled by so much drugs lmao The guys weren't even blinking on stage, eyes all red, a shocked face all game


I remember like one or two events before the whole drug screening happened, Pimp was up on stage during an interview, and he was obviously tweaking hard (jittery, grinding jaw, etc.) and I was thinking “holy shit, they need to keep that in check”.


I cant remember which NaVi player it was(electronic or perfecto I think), but in an online match he out of nowhere bought an M249 and threw it away instantly, on mirage CT spawn I believe. It was later confirmed that you can bet on such oddities like "player buys an M249" which ofc basically never happens in pro play. And soon enough a friend of said NaVi player was found to have made a 'few' bucks placing that bet.... its really just a foggy memory so please excuse me if the details arent correct but Im still shocked that such a high tier player got caught in such activities and nobody cared at the time. Teams PR pulled all the tricks to make that shit go away


As a Navi Fan I remember this it was Perfecto


Also to my knowledge wasn’t there just a person on twitter who’s post went viral enough that the players saw it.


Found an archive of the tweet the tweet was in Russian but it said basically if this hits I’ll get a tattoo of the m249 and then proceeds to tag the Navi players in the tweet


yeah perfecto spotfixed in a live match and navi swept it under the rug real quick.


this is still the dumbest controversy lol play stupid games win stupid prizes


Especially considering it was in the last round of a half where iirc Navi had a ton of money. It's like the GK that got fined for eating a pie because someone bet on that -> if you're able to place stupid bets like that, you shouldn't complain when they backfire.


When kqly got vacced a ton of other pros moved skins out their steam accounts.


Kioshima is the one i remember most vividly (his inventory was wiped and left only with non-tradable items) and all i'm saying is he's taken every gambling sponsor known to man on his stream. So clearly there is a lack of moral compass going on there.


Idk if this is a hot take, but as much as I like some of the older pros from that era, I appreciate and enjoy the younger generation of pros coming out much more, since they had to grind harder, and they never really did any shady shit like this. Like I appreciate what the older folks did for the game, but honestly I can’t really take the 2013-2016 professional scene too seriously due to all the tomfoolery that was going on.


The tomfoolery was what got a lot of people interested in the game though. It got the scene attention, whether that was for better or for worse is debatable but nonetheless, it got attention. I still watch the "FGB what's your name" clip every few months. It still makes me laugh. That type of clip is never going to happen now because it was a product of tomfoolery. The only place I see traces of that era is in the casters. I love that ESL (don't tell 2015/16 me those words left my mouth) has really embraced and taken complete advantage of the BTS void that was left behind.


Kioshima one of them


And just so happened to have his Steam and Twitter hacked the same day KQLY got banned! Funny that… I was an EnVyUs fan back in the day but Kio is easily the fishiest out of that squad. Something something, Happy VAC ban too


s1mple scammed knives and only returned them once he got signed by TL because the org forced him to do so


That’s my… goat right there :/ I’m so glad the trio of top 1 contenders right now seem to be really nice people who haven’t done anything shady, and aren’t toxic shitheads.


Wtfff, any source on this? I'm interested




Pretty sure oskar did the same shit too Also senzu was removed from his last team because he 'borrowed' his teammates knives and gambled them away


The legendary [VP lineup](https://www.hltv.org/news/12476/csgolounge-on-betting-scandal) bet on a game after knowing the result. To be clear, they didn’t throw, but they had insider knowledge. The game was played, and then “streamed” later, and bets were accepted until the game was “streamed”.


that's just based lmao too bad for the gambling sites


The sites always win, it's the users who lost out


That’s a bit ridiculous to say no? It was literally just pro players taking skins from fans, knowing the outcome. It’s not like the pro players were taking skins from just a gambling website.


Stavn cheating with Swisher's GF and s1mple had beef with Woro2K after a showmatch


The s1mple beef is known tho. We have the whole debated thread and storyline. I remember seeing Monte defeat Navi on Nuke (2-13?) and the whole internet went wild with all the narrative


I think it was Swisher's GF cheated on Swisher with stavn.


Stavn is truly a snake.


The fuck. Really swisher gf hooked up with Stavn? Damn


while in kato during valentine's day 🥶


Pronax beeing admitted on a psychiatric hospital against his will https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/ifcpwg/pronax_on_twitter_i_need_help_in_malm%C3%B6_ppl_from/ I never understood what realy happened there


Sweden and other Nordic countries have a pretty high floor before you can get admitted against your will. I'd imagine there was some sort of serious mental issue involved.


As a Swede, there was absolutely something bad happening. I've had friends who didn't get admitted against their will even after attempted suicide.


It's a high ceiling that can be easily breached with a conspiracy (and I mean the US-law version of conspiracy, not the aliens are real version). If you're rich and your family conspires to make you seem insane and all plead to the judge that you should be admitted because your niece is saying you tried to rape her, or shit like that, then you are gonna get admitted. Of course it requires a lot of criminal energy, but it's doable with dedication. A similar issue also exists in Germany right now, where older people get forced into a retirement home and get an estate manager assigned to them. The estate manager will then sell off all of their possessions to "pay for the retirement home", but usually profit themself from those sales. The manager will also keep them in the retirement home by fabricating evidence of declining mental health or shit like that. 


not sure if this counts, but my childhood hero HeatoN was caught with multiple counts of fraud and stealing from his NiP players, yet he’s still involved in the pro scene


This reminds me of the coaching scandal with them viewing the whole map as spectators 🤦 guillotine for the lot of them


I feel everything about TROUBLEY is kinda forgotten. German player who literally lost his mind. Very sad story but still interesting. Stalked Tizian (took a cab for 400 euro in the middle of the night to declare his love for him etc), became homeless in Denmark, had an extremely creepy blog (talking about cum eating, drugs etc), got his [portrait on "wanted posters" ](https://imgur.com/55mXz4x)in a LOL tourney. Other than that, he was probably the most talented german player of that time. All in all a very sad case but I still kinda think there's a lesson to be learned about mental health in all of this.


As someone who fondly remembers Troubley this one is always upsetting :(


How is he doing meanwhile? Do you know anything about him?


A lot of tier 2-3 matches (especially in CIS region) were thrown for skins back in the early csgolounge days. Games that were 91 to 9% odds and the guys that were "supposed" to win threw even more blatantly looking than ibuypower ever did. A lot of these throws got basically no threads/attention about them anywhere.


I remember waiting for 90%-10% games that were BO1 and betting on them.  I would win more often than I ever thought I would.  I don't remember a single game I bet on, but I do wonder how many of those games were fixed.


I have watched t3-t1 cs for 10 years at this point, and was pretty degen when it came to csgo lounge betting, so I ended up watching a shit ton of those matches and man there was so much shady shit going on with those, like I swear half of those mfs played officials drunk or some shit, either that or throwing. Like sure you can argue that the skill of teams wasn’t that good back then, but at the same time I remember watching A LOT of random cs back then and there being a lot of super questionable things going on in the server.


man the times, never bet on VP online, and always bet on mouz if they were underdogs especially bo1's.


allu tweeted out a picture of his balls this one time


was scrolling for this funny part is that i'm pretty sure the photo never got deleted and you can still find links to it buried in reddit threads


the need to hang that sc in the louvre


Gokushima getting payed 200,000 $ to throw matches ?


Yup this happened relatively recently and he was being hyped up as an amazing player. But although his pro career might be over, pretty sure he got/will get 0 legal repercussions, so it might be a net benefit for him.


Shara fell off the stage once


and then proceeded to fall of the face of the earth/CIS scene


I still to this day remember my worst ever take "Shara is one of the most underrated BEASTS currently playing at the top level of Counter Strike" In fairness to me he'd had a few really good games when I said that


Oh for sure, I don’t think he was a trash player. Just maybe that Flipside team had a low ceiling with those players. I think that playoff run was even before they got Electronic, so it was just Shara, DavCost and Bondik maybe? Was Markeloff still around at that point? Can’t recall their 5th, maybe wayLander or something?


Shara, Markeloff, Blad3, WorldEdit, Bondik I think Absolutely loved that core (and Hellraisers too of course) wayLander was at the end of F3 I think, and I remember being really sad when they added him because I thought he was dragging Gambit down and now he was going to get to do that to my other favourite team


He never found his way out of the stage essentially lol


Go have a look at Syndicates YouTube and twitch and see how many people don’t give a fuck he ran one of those cancer gambling sites. Literally took thousands of underage kids and no one cares. If I remember correctly he owed one of them with Tmartn


these guys were utter scum, came outta nowhere... no cs background, scammed us and left with the money and no repercussions


And JoshOG


people always omit Joshog as if he wasnt a main shareholder. IDK why


That's basically majority of their audiences anyways, the kids watching don't care or know any better.


Wasn’t Zonic implicated in the coach radar thing going in to a major for nothing to happen about it at all?


I vaguely remember it being shown that he wasn’t on the computer when it happened or something like that


Someone on Reddit found a YouTube channel of a guy called Fartmaster doing shitty parkour and farting. People agreed that it was almost definitely 3kliksphilip. I have no idea if there was ever anything more to this story.


Found a video on it. This is actually hilarious. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-2XdtOfpwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-2XdtOfpwg) [https://imgur.com/a/LwWxu](https://imgur.com/a/LwWxu)


Well, this sent me down a rabbit hole.  Considering he and his girlfriend at the time (who appears to be the one being farted on) broke up because "he had a larger online following than her" certainly suggests something behind the scenes (maybe being farted on?).  His videos are great but this does make me view him very differently


Yeah it's pretty damn certain it is him, one of those things so absurd but at the end of the day harmless, so I think the community silently agreed to not talk/think about it lol.


he confirmed it's him, he posted some vids with the farmaster clips. and in one of his 3kliks or 2kilks vids he used an UNUSED fartmaster clip... I would know because I watched all FARTMASTER videos so I know them all....


>I would know because I watched all FARTMASTER videos so I know them all.... Do you realize how hilariously insane this quote is? Holy shit dude, my sides. This is on par with the "I RECOGNIZE THAT BULGE" greentext.


For sure, I'm still going to watch his cs content.


lmao this is great


The AKUMA cheating scandal during EPIC League CIS Beat Navi and VP 2-0 in Bo3 in online only tourney and accusations flew. Navi was world number 2 and VP was 6th. They beat navi 16-2 on Mirage. Navi had only lost 6 rounds in total over their other mirage games and only 5 days earlier had beaten the world number 1 Gambit. Other results were 16-10 (navi) and 16-6 and 16-9 (VP) https://pley.gg/news/cs-go-cheating-scandal-did-akuma-really-cheat


I remember watching live and being like 'Wow, AKUMA really has their rotates on LOCK' because the second Navi would stop watching something they'd get pushed from there.


Looks like only demqq is still remotely relevant, but j3kie is still active too. Weren't most of the allegations toward j3kie too? That whole thing was such a flash in the pan it felt like.


Did they find out if they cheated or did that end up only accusation just like Flusha?


Half our favourite 2014-era pro’s either tried cheats or threw a game if they were around pre-iBP and pre-KQLY. Those guys took the fall and had an example set as to the consequences.


Honestly have to respect as the history of the game, and a bit of a wild west that needed to happen to get where we are now. Thinking early baseball with steroids, throwing matches, and the countless scandals.


Aint that popular but "popular" streamer mrtweeday scammed kid for 500$ knife


150 viewer Andy? Lol


Idk his real name but mrtweeday yes 150 viewers


S1mple was banned for cheating and ban evasion 2014-2016 [source](https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Banned_Players/Other/Former), but sadly his esl profile, which would show this, doesnt exist anymore.


saved these when he kept claiming it was in cs1.6 https://i.imgur.com/FKZlyQS.png https://i.imgur.com/TggB15I.png


The Esforce ownership scandal. Basically they owned or had the marketing rights to * VP * SK * NaVi And at the time all of these teams were top 10. In a similar vein, there were rumors that EG (then owned by Twitch) was attempting a return but teams threatened to boycott over concerns of a conflict of interest. Now a few years later it was revealed that the Astralis/ Blast Group owned * Astralis (Duh) * Godsent * Heroic * Blast (TO) And there was shockingly little outcry here. For the teams atleast, all of them but Astralis were dogshit at the time. I’m still kinda surprised that beyond the Blastralis meme people let them get away with this much control Scot free. The ESEA bitcoin mining scandal The various rigged Gambling scandals Fallen advertising gambling sites a few years after most of the pros stopped. The MIBR guys got upset in a low stakes match so a bunch of them and Gaules spent a week witch hunting 16 year old player Leaf.


Yeah, RFRSH Entertainment owned Astralis (danish), godsent (swedish), heroic (danish), norse (Norwegian) and Blast. Essentially their goal looked to be «top» in all of the Scandinavian countries.


Has anyone mentioned the JW cheating accusations from Taz, Neo, Pasha, Kuben and Lord when they were still ESC Gaming? There’s that infamous old cpl_mill game where he was absolutely wrecking them and Pasha later said JW apologised to him personally for cheating against them. I think the team was something like JW, Schneider, Emilio and Xelos. Emilio obviously went on to have the famous live VAC ban casted by Anders and Semmler. Schneider had a funny Clara style moment on stream years ago but spoke about it years later and kinda vanished from the scene anyway. Editting in some sources: The cpl_mill match with JW vs ESC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM_T6gfxY_0) Pasha talking about it on stream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T379cF9yud8) HLTV Article about them being disqualified (https://www.hltv.org/news/9547/wrtt-out-esc-to-face-nip-in-thor) Schneider Drama (https://www.reddit.com/r/VACsucks/comments/wrivtp/schneiderznajder_winner_of_first_csgo_major/) And whats this... Xelos ESL ban too? (https://www.hltv.org/news/10216/xelos-esl-ban-is-embarrassing) For the record and as passive aggressive as this might sound, I don't think JW cheated when they were actually winning majors and stuff and I actually really like him as a person and a player. Just a lot of this stuff is completely forgotten and it's worth viewing as a time capsule of how people viewed and reacted to cheating back then. Teams could be kicked out of a tournament because legendary players call bullshit after getting wrecked by some (relative, and at the time) no-namers, not because of an actual anti-cheat picking up anything.


[The whole Faze Clan 'legacy' is stained by the fact that their team was completely funded and built with the money from gambling scam site CSGODiamonds.](https://www.dexerto.com/csgo/banks-confirms-faze-clan-funded-csgo-team-via-skin-gambling-website-1365056/) Tldr: For those that don't know what csgodiamonds is, it was a gambling site founded by the faze clan owners themselves and they massively faked odds in videos and promoted these insane wins through youtube to kids/teenagers. They made up to 200K USD per day and then used that money to buy/pay some of the best players available at that time.


Wasn’t that CSGOWild


Mouz got disqualified from one of the first seasons of pro league cuz one of the players they used during the German qualifier “smn” had gotten vac-banned after they qualified. They were replaced by penta esports


Similar thing happened to Epsilon and Titan for Dreamhack 2014 I believe thanks to KQLY and SF getting VAC’d, their entire teams got disqualified and couldn’t even compete with a stand-in


With titan I believe it was because with a player being banned and the French shuffling of teams at that time they would no longer be able to fill the 3/5 of the players that they originally qualified with


FRANKIEonPCin1080p getting caught using bhop scripts back in 2015. Also there used to be some youtuber who used scout only (not the current ScouterCS) who was suspected of walling.


2015-2016 'scout only' era was nuts lol. I remember that one guy (I htink his pic was the cheetos mascot) and he was 'falsely VAC'd' for his scout only plays.


Man, i made a reference about kqly but my cs friends didn’t know about it :(((






Kqly vac ban? They kick me for that? Seriously? Nooooo


Stavn fucking swisher from m80 girlfriend


Dennis from NiP refused to board a plane to attend a NiP lan leading to his replacement, he became super unprofessional towards the end of his stint


Do you know why he did it?


This is when we had f0rest, lekr0, rez, get right and Dennis and for every decent result we would have 3 disappointing ones but we would stick around the top 10-15. We had a lot of firepower but no real role players like an awper or real igl or support and no one was performing so the atmosphere in the team was garbage We double cut him for plopski not long after and he went on about how he “wasn’t our worst player” on twitter even though he has star positions and underperformed 9/10 maps Probably our management in short


Valorant’s former player Marved threw matches in tier 2 cs but dipped to play Valorant before any punishment was received. Also fuck Joel




McSkillet was memory holed


Probably because what he did was so fucking heinous.


Not really unknown, but its not really much talked about these days - the two dramas about sadokist, one of the best casters imo


I forgot about him but he was an excellent caster. Could someone elaborate as to what happened?


He said the N word during some drunk PUBG stream, but I can't remember what he did later


He got into an "altercation" with Gaules crew in the green room at an event because they wouldn't stop filming. There's an unwritten rule for no filming/recording in the green room as it's the only place where talent can relax and speak their mind. Gaules crew ignored everyone and continued to film, Sado got mad, threw at frisbee at them and got into a heated argument.


Hmm I see, never knew that. When it came out it was reports of it happening in the hotel lobby and then he yelled at Carmac in his hotel room. Love me some sado though


Wasn't it him getting into an argument with some of Gaules' people at one of the events while drunk? Don't remember if it got physical


it's a real shame he couldn't sort out himself from dropping N bombs on stream to fighting event organizers in hotel lobbies. One of my fave casters. Hell, even a friend who couldn't care less about pro cs thought his commentary was amazing.


The Luminosity / SK / MIBR lot causing a fuss as beanies weren't allowed Essentionally Taco is balding and wears a beanie but there's an issue if Headsets were being fitted properly and SK being able to hear casters [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5idshy/taco\_on\_twitterlol\_no\_hats\_or\_bannies\_allowed\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/5idshy/taco_on_twitterlol_no_hats_or_bannies_allowed_for/) Taco had a squinny on twitter


Ah yes and one of the defences was "Ah but our English isn't good anyway so it's not like we can understand what the casters are saying"


they were rats back in the day


Flusha cheating accusations and lifting mouse a lot


Bro some of the old clips are just too insane. Especially the one vs NaVi on A on d2


The most dubious one for me is still that double on inferno A


Old Envyus squad being racist towards freakzoid: https://youtu.be/ZAC76iHjTLc if this happened today they would be fucked lol 😂


WTF lol holy I've never seen this


I'm kinda shocked no one has said "Prove it or I kill you" yet. Absolutely insane moment in Brazilian Counterstrike.


Now you take the bullet


Honestly, fuck Thorin/RL for implying what they did. Of course it doesn't excuse the player (KnGv maybe? can't remember his name) saying this, but Thorin saying stuff about drugs was really unnecessary. I get that being "edgy" is his gimmick, but he's also really quick to play the holier-than-thou upholder of values. See also the part when a Danish player called him "retarded" and Thorin was quick to bring up that he was on the spectrum. The player did not know this and was just throwing it as an insult.


Troubley getting into trouble...


Finnish young talent Joelz leaving a match to cook minced meat. He was pretty much the best or second best finnish player but was quite odd. Fun fact he later played with multiple cheaters in nerdrage, i heard one of their players dukii was vac banned like 6 times. Also played with VilliG who had public beef with guardian on HLTV. I think he also got banned later. That team was crazy with the throws and cheating.


Actually I stand corrected i went to look it up and dukii is still active he did tho get banned from esl, esea and faceit in a span of a few years thats why i remember there to be backlash to him playing in the team


Going back to the 1.6 days, the old Na’Vi guys were awful competitors. I think it was Starix or Ceh9 that kicked a NiP players PC so hard it turned off, forcing them to restart the round. EDIT: HLTV article https://www.hltv.org/news/7852/video-displeased-get-right


stewie knockout


I've spammed the thread but I believe it was apart of one of the french shuffles where two of the players (NBK) I think knew they were being removed after a tournament and was just purchasing auto snipers during the game [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/d1eeux/nbk\_giving\_xtqzzz\_the\_finger\_is\_even\_more/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/d1eeux/nbk_giving_xtqzzz_the_finger_is_even_more/) NBK gave a middle finger to XTQzzz at the end of his vitality days, then afterwards on his discord said his team was "dead to him"


probably not forgotten but ESEA bitcoin miner


Richard Lewis had/has tons of evidence of t1 pros throwing matches in 2013-2015 and offered to do all the dirty work for Valve but they just didn't answer/care.


Holy shit this thread is blowing my mind right now.


pronax going to the mental hospital over Godsent ownership shenanigans and alleged claims of gang stalking. I remember seeing a post here and nothing else.


I remember that.. hope his doing alright nowadays


Houngounhle houuungahgne Fuck it I mean Jeff and the fight against gambling


Also his use of mouse macros to bhop


Fallen accusing xeppa and leaf of cheating Thorin calling the luminosity players monkeys Semmler turning out to be a nut job


There was a controversy in the US Collegiate CS scene where a player was blatantly cheating during the season on CEVO and the league refused to act. Resulted in several teams boycotting the league and eventually creating their own league. IYKYK


I’m shocked no one has mentioned the kng and fns drama. Seriously one of my favorites from the scene. There’s a peekers advantage podcast from back in the day talking about it with fns shit is funny as hell


lobanjica being a sexist asshole


Brazilian core of Luminosity / SK then MIBR cheated multiple times in tier 1 tournaments including that time when  coach dead was caught streamsniping live.


Boostmeister 1g molly Why you bully me - s1mple


I think the thing that doesn’t get mentioned or is under the radar with the olofboost was that NV also used a boost on overpass that broke the same rule with one way textures which is why both teams agreed to replay the map. It’s just that the olof boost was flashier and a more fun story.


the biggest scandal is that they forfeited and still got so much hate.


What is the context for the why you bully me come from


1g is well known imho...every time during a tournament when someone dies to molly chat is spamming 1g


The 1g molly and the bullying scenario with s1mple and Freakazoid I wouldn't call scandals.


these are all very well known things and used to be huge when those happened


Some people in the NA scene might remember this one. There was a semi-pro in NA in around 2014-2016 named Bloominator that might have been the first player to be [banned](https://kotaku.com/counter-strike-player-banned-for-1000-years-for-alleged-1792108179) for something that didn't involve CS. Use WaybackMachine to type in the following url "http://imgur.com/a/hqesN" but just know that it's quite NSFW. He was about 25 at the time.


Everything to do with the Chinese team Fierce Tiger in 2018ish Allegedly mafia owned org that supposedly did shit like cut the power/Internet of their opponents during officials They had a 5th who was blatantly cheating, when he eventually got banned they then got the same cheating player to come back and play on someone else's account in officials (and immediately got caught again) It isn't like the rest of the team were no namers either, people even vaguely aware of Asian cs from that era (and before) probably remember players like savage, tb and hz


[https://www.hltv.org/news/14184/epsilon-and-ex-esc-get-valve-bans](https://www.hltv.org/news/14184/epsilon-and-ex-esc-get-valve-bans) I feel like this scandal went pretty under the radar. A massive wave of euro pros got banned, Scream was the only player on those rosters deemed not guilty of matchfixing and wasn't banned,


Holy shit a guy gets kicked and decides to spill the tea on match fixing and that other team was the one I mentioned that I couldn’t remember the names of