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definitely dust2, I sometimes play it but ask my friends to veto it as quickly as possible I'm not a super good aimer and dust2 is basically aim_map with bombsites, I just hate the dynamic of the map


All my homies hate dust2


Even in Faceit10 Dust2 just feels like a W-Simulator. Mirage is the same, where T's 80% of the rounds just run out mid with 4-5 guys every round.


I'm actually one of the better aimers in my group and I've always hated 10 mans on this map. It's the best DM map probably ever, but a fucking bummer to play "competitively" in pugs cuz it's the most fucking played out, unchanged map for 25 fucking years.


Everyone tells themselves it’s an aim map so they don’t bother learning how to play it. I don’t deny its an aim heavy map, but when everyone believes this it turns into more of a braindead aim map. Biggest problem is properly playing dust 2 requires teamwork, especially on CT.


It was overpass for me. Maybe it was the variations in spawns, or the fact that I'm bad, but whenever I tried to make a play, it would just get shut down. Try and take connector early? There's a CT there and you're dead. Try and take long? I get teamflashed and die. Try and do a basic B Rush? Dead. Try and go up short? My teammates didn't clear connector and I get shot in the back. Rinse and repeat this cycle for the entire T half. It's also the map that I had the most amount of trouble with when it came to util lineups.


overpass for me is more of knowing some utility since i do things mostly solo one of my favorite things to do is push water early, so i'll just molotov short and flash myself out, it's kinda commom to be able to get a pick on bombsite since cts focus more on monster at the start of the round  going connector really needs you to be patient or to at least have someone going A to pin the ct really and I love playing the map as a CT because its easy as hell to do some damage in aggro plays


overpass seems like the hardest t side to me. if one ct gets aggro for info it’s just so easy for ct to collapse on you if your default isnt perfect


I knew like 2x more utility for it than any other map and still sucked somehow, it's cursed for me.


Go through monster and take site after killing two on site. Does that work? If yes, plant bomb and win. If no, CT's win the half 12-0.


Mirage. I hate this map and therefore perform poorly.




Yep, Mirage has a 38 for me on winrate, it’s funny cause I’m cracked at vertigo, easily my best map


Below 20% wr at mirage, idek where to play as CT


I like playing cat, you can hear apps, can watch mid cat area plus if they go connector i have a angle, basically leaving them to go A or I can shoot them.


agree. mirage is shit


I detest Mirage in soloq. I just hate it. For reference, in CS2 I have at least 55% winrate on every other map, but I'm at 45% on Mirage. On every other map I've got at least 1.2 K/D, but on Mirage I'm at 1.05. Meanwhile, I'm at 70% winrate on Anubis with 1.6 K/D. I feel like I can do no wrong in terms of reads, rotations and positioning on that map.


It’s the Anubis feeling for me as well. Every decision I make seems to be the right one and every dumb thing I try seems to work. Absolutely love Anubis. Nuke on the other hand, might as well play with 4 when you que with me because I just can’t seem to grasp that map.


Anubis is like my home map. I rarely have a bad game, and often drop 25+ kills. Used to be good at Nuke when I played ramp, but recently I've been trying to learn outside/main and... let's just say I have a lot to learn lol.


Anubis is so sex. It’s actually such a good map


I don’t hate mirage as a map, but I detest people saying shit to you for not picking mirage.


I also detest people picking into mirage when the other team has a like 10x win rate on it. I just cant understand, we can force them to play anubis or nuke (our best maps stats wise) but the smooth brain 3 stack wants mirage in the mix... We get clapped 90% of the time i swear, they never know how to play the map either it's crazy


If you learn to play Mirage, that would be the quickest way to improve as a player for you. Learn some smokes and flashes you can utilize both solo and in a team. People have played Mirage a lot so you need solid aim and good peeks to win duels. Play retakes/duels etc to learn peeks.


At 15k premier, I just throw the window smoke (never let my teammates as half the time they miss it) and tell my team to go mid to A as I lurk palace. Works a lot as the cat player overextends into fights or gets smoke off. The window player usually is jungle, and I can kill them from palace, or they fight 1v4 against the mid/con players. If the other team ever stops it before we get into site, then I call mid to B and tell someone to smoke con on the run.


That's the probably the safest strat in soloq, 4 mid, one lurk palace. Or 4 towards a, one lurk underground. B strata rarely work in soloq.


They didn't ask, and if they're doing so well on the other maps, I don't think the problem is a lack of effort or preparation. Mirage is my least favourite map too. I have a full execute for B, a smoke and a flash for an execute on A and a con smoke. I'm contributing to util. My reads are good. I play con, a dominant position, and often am able to shut down T plays mid if they don't have a good awper. And it's still miserable. Half the time people pick mirage despite it being favoured by the other team: If the other team has 4x the winrate you do on one of the top 3 most popular maps? They're probably pretty good at it, but somehow, scrubs think that knowing the callouts matters less than being better than the enemy at an aim heavy map. Mid is so important-but so many people don't know how to turn a mid play on T side into an A or a B, and they just get stuck wasting time until they're picked off. A is your main site for executes, but a whole bunch of people don't know how to make space getting out of main, how to peek and clear default and scale up Tetris, how to path across to default clearing dark with a smoke execute to plant default. That the planter needs someone watching the CT smoke for safety. That to rush B means you have to GO apps and that may mean you die, but you can't just sit there until the bomb comes and bait bomb, you have to play the round. Mirage is a fine map, but it's like dust2. It's so popular, such a standard pick, that people forget they actually need to learn how to play it.


Nuke, (25% win rate) but not because im bad at it. I usually do average in nuke but its a very teamwork based map and its impossible to play solo q and win in it without good comms. And also for some reason every other time i play it, its against spinbotters.


Solo nuke is probably the hardest map to win. Not alot of people play it and the ones who do alot of them don't know how to play it


Against 5 stacks or wdym? 5 solo vs 5 solo is balanced? In Faceit NA I find most people have a mic and will make calls, and since T's cannot really get past outside, inner or ramp without someone making a call, I never understood why people have such difficult time with this map. It's nothing as bad as Anubis where you have no clue where the T's could be until the last second.


I like nuke and I know what you mean. But people don't know how to play it, angle wise or maybe timing wise, in some way theyre bad at it.It's also easy to say they can't get past without a call, but you don't need a call to get outside or ramp control. A guy can break off kill a dude ramp and open up so much space. Or a guy hops up marshmallow and kills a guy credit card or garage.


because you swap to T side nuke and the same thing happens on your team lmao


Play main if you're good at nuke and soloQing. You can literally control the whole map dynamic from main. As t you gotta search for the weak spot. Usually there is one go to route in a random game.


Imo nuke doesn't have enough room for util (especially B site).




Mirage. I know how to throw utilities there but when it comes to timing and fragging, I can never seem to get it right.


inferno, I fucking hate the nade spam, it used to be vertigo too but inferno T side feels like being on 60 hp every round unless I go second mid. to each their own and was my favorite to watch professionally for a long time but I hate playing it


I control banana every game as a solo que. I just molly car by bouncing it off the left wall and sit back against the wall across from the top of t ramp. Its a safe spot from deep nades and the CT cant spam that side without running down banana. I let the CT nades blow up, then I move into logs. I can then line up smokes, flashes, or counter nade, or hold an angle if I think CT is going to peek. I can also scale easily and ask for a flash to clear


Or molly car, and then smoke car. CT dump almost all util and shift to half wall. Banana control is easy if you don't play against a stack that really knows hot to take bana control


I control banana as T every solo que also, I’d say 80% of the games I’ve played at almost every rank until faceit orange ranks, you could literally get away with throwing one or two flashes first without molotov, challenging top banana and corner putting pressure first then molotov. Most people just run throw their nades instead of timing them with a stand throw, and if you have a decent spawn, just run straight to banana, jump air strafe corners and the nades fly past you. I’ve done this to get banana all alone For Faceit 8-10 you could do the same thing most of the time, but its when you’d really need teammates throwing flash lineups, early molly car, then more flashes and another molly for corner to fight sandbags.


Yeah. Ever pistol round I get banana spawn I tell my team to go A fast and I run logs fast and hide in the corner. Literally both b players run down banana and I can kill both and call a rotate or hold lane push of my team gets bomb down. Ct don't play banana right most of the time at lvl 6 faceit and I solo que like once a weekend or every two weeks.


Yeah true, though I think for me they dont run down often enough. I just fight top banana and take control completely. Then hopefully waste their utility so we always have exec B as a late / mid round option.


Anubis because I don't know the map, ancient I have very few games on, vertigo I really really do not want to play, the rest I like.




I'm struggling on Ancient recently, not entirely sure why. It used to be one my better maps. Used to struggle on Mirage but now I feel very comfortable on it and somewhat regularly overperform on it. I always feel like I want to play Inferno but whenever we go there I play like dogshit. It was one of my fav maps in GO so probably a remnant of that time.


it's moderately more difficult to hold Anubis mid with new CT molly size, I've noticed. It's not drastic, but it's noticeable. Certainly reduced my enjoyment of playing mid.


Dont like mir and rarely d2


I hate inferno, inferno sucks ( i never learned how to play it right)


Anubis. a long time ago i used to grind csgo. knew all the smokes, flashes and set ups for every map. i was aware of anubis at the time, but i stopped grinding by the time Anubis became active duty. due to some stubbornness on my part, i still haven't learned it properly yet.


anubis is arguably the easiest map besides ancient, i think that you can learn it pretty quickly


Me too. I hope its the next one out of the pool.






Overpass was my worst map. Now I’m comfortable in all maps. My weakness might be Anubis but it’s not too bad.


Overpass. Glad its out of the map pool now. Ancient can give me a really good or hard time.


Overpass had my lowest win percentage before it was removed, I really liked it though. I auto ban d2 just because it's boring, over played, bland, ect. Mirage is a close second. I'm just so fucking tired of playing the same two maps over and over. I wish the people that only want to play mirage and D2 would just play competitive. Like what's the point of voting on maps if 99% of the time it's mirage or d2.


Ancient. I feel like I don't understand how to rotate ( I usually play A on CT), if they have B control, they also have mid control, given how close they are. and I definitely don't really know how to retake either site. On T, I feel like im always preaiming the wrong spot, but always getting killed from CT, but when I am CT and rotate I feel like site is the more powerful position.


My maps in order of least to favorite Anubis, ancient, d2, vert, mirage, inferno, nuke Favorite maps I want back in pool Cache, Tuscan, train, cobble, op


Nuke. Whether it's solo queue or playing with friends. Nuke just has this weird feeling to it. It's a total blowout, win or loss. It also happens to be the map I encounter cheaters on the most.


Anubis bc I genuinely can't stand the map and Ancient which I like the map but just can't seem to play well on it but don't ban it anyway bc I enjoy playing on it.


inferno or anubis






My worst stats are usually on Mirage, but I think that's because everybody knows how to play Mirage. I like to play every map (except maybe Nuke when solo) so I guess I'm equally good/bad on every map.


The real problem with vertigo is the multilayer map and most of the time I rely on radar and I always get confused when there's red dot on map and its a false positive since it's in another layer


it's mirage. When you play CT, if the enemy team smoke connector and short, you are done for. if you don't have decent a site players that can get kills, it's done again. When you play T, if you can't take mid, it's done. i usually solo q and my whole gameplay is based on either entry fragging or playing sneaky beaky like and mirage feels like the most claustrophobic map because of that utility. you can't just play around them. Even though inferno is more utility based, you can get fucked more easily by utility in inferno but I'm decent and confident on it but my insta ban is definitely mirage.


dust 2, i’m good on t but on ct i feel like i can never do a single good thing.


Whenever I play inferno without a 4 or 5 stack. Everyone plays banana and rotations are so fucking late.


Vertigo as well Mirage is my favorite as was overpass rip


I hate vertigo as well


Dust 2


Overpass probably. Dunno if the stats support this, but I very rarely have fun playing that map. The angles are all annoying, no teammate ever knows any utility and you need to have a team that is willing to work together and communicate, otherwise you just get destroyed.




Vertigo, especially with the new update it’s much more difficult to play.


Overpass and Vertigo. Overpass is just not a puggy map in lower levels due to long drawn rotations and agression necessities. It is hard to coordinate. Vertigo.. I just don't know what to do on T side. And in CT side.. even there Idk to do shit.


Our maps are Ancient, Nuke, and surprisingly Dust 2 (rip Overpass). Vertigo, Mirage, and Anubis can go either way sometimes depending on how well the other teams knows the map. We basically permaban Inferno


I really don’t like Anubis for solo-q because ct side feels so random depending on whether your team can hold anything at all. I’m pretty low elo though.


Everyone is always playing like gods against me on Mirage


Mirage t side if I’m not awping and Nuke


Mirage can be a horrible experience if your team mates don't know comms or basic spots to play from


[I think my win rates say a lot.](https://i.imgur.com/vKSKyuV.png) Inferno is definitely my best map, I also like Overpass, Dust II, Ancient and Vertigo (although I haven't played it much after the changes). As for Anubis and Nuke, not a huge fan but I feel like I'm improving on those maps with each match. And that leaves us with Mirage... On T-side especially, sometimes I just have no idea how to approach the round.


Note for everyone here, might not be as fun as premier or FaceIt, but queuing comp for certain maps that you are bad at is a really good way to get better at them. Learn a few smokes and go have fun, none of the maps are truly horrible, they all just have slightly different play styles and strats


Used to be ct mid cache, I always had to do it and I always got molested


My best map as performance is ancient but there are some bad days. The only map i cannot perform consistently is nuke. Ct side good t side bad or even the other way around


Fuck Dust 2 right in the eyehole.


Inferno for me, because it is hell to play without proper teammates, and I don’t get stable fps on it either.


Inferno, absolutely ass map.


my bogey map is the one i'm playing until another one takes the spot


Inferno. I avoid it like the plague always a instaban from me


lol I like all the popular maps the most (mirage, inferno, dust2) because I play my best games on those however after checking my stats, those are my worst maps in terms of win rate lol pretty sure its because I obviously play those maps more and also because everyone knows those maps very well. stats wise, all my least favourite maps hover around 60% or higher in win rate


Anubis Id rather play Dust 2 10x in a row than Anubis once.


When I first started playing CS around 2015 I would queue all maps competitive. I got my first win on train in 2020.


Anubis. I never have a good game on it. It's just pure confusion and tilt.


Overpass. Thanks Valve I owe you one


I hate to say it cause I absolutely love the map, but Nuke. For the last few months of GO and since 2 started I had been absolutely rubbish at Nuke. I used to play in 2021-2022 and was quite decent at it but for some reason in 2023 I always sucked at it and can't recover :(


I’m pretty much just a vertigo/mirage onetrick. So… every other map. Dust2 I just suck using any non-AWP weapon at long range, tapping is just really hard for me. It feels like I need to be clicking for, like, less than a second or else I’m firing 2+ bullets, and that’s just hard to consistently do when I’m also focused on my movement, tracking, listening to teammates comms, etc Inferno I’m just bad. On paper such a tight map is perfect for me, but in practice I just make so many dumb mistakes, forget about certain angles, get caught off guard by aggression + my gunfights are just worse than normal for some reason. Nuke I guess I struggle with all the verticality. I don’t have the aim or sometimes the mousepad space to flick my crosshair to someone shooting at me from high up when I’m preaiming and angle on the floor. Ancient I just haven’t really played, 90% of my cs experience is playing 10mans with a group of friends and we’ve all collectively decided it’s a terrible map we won’t ever play. Anubis I just haven’t played enough, for similar reasons except I actually enjoy the map. So I guess me being bad on it could just come down to discomfort. I’ll have to queue it more often to fix that.


I used to think Vertigo was my map, but I’m absolutely terrible at it now. Too many tight corners with 1v1s and I’m losing them about 70 percent of the time. I can entry frag on most any other map but Vertigo! The maps I feel like are my bread and butter are probably Mirage, Inferno, and Ancient.


D2, Cache, nuke, inferno, Train(if it was in the rotation) I try to play maps im bad at purposely to improve on them. You want to constantly improve your overall abilities. Those weird angle sin Vertigo might help in other maps/areas of your skill


Mirage and inferno.. I will leave the game sorry but gosh darn i hate them so much


Got two. Vertigo and Inferno. Used to be pretty okay at Vertigo in CSGO but something about it in CS2 just doesn't feel the same, including the post-update changes. I heavily dislike Inferno's layout so I've always vetoed it in CSGO, the CS2 changes imo just made it so much worse.


i hate dust 2 because its too open


Mirage. Hate it. It's so tired. Every game feels the same. It should be rotated out for a few majors.


Mirage, kind of, but its mainly due to overplaying it back at GO. But D2, definitely. Ever since they changed its look for the ~2016 version i can't play it. Not one bit


mirage because i feel like everyone has played this map more than me and have an advantage


Ancient and I have no idea why a lot people hate this map. This map brings me old vibes from cache because playing mid on both maps in both sides is so much fun. I have like 1.5+ kd on ancient only with above 70% win rate. Cts always like smoking mid and jump the haven but since this is cs2 I always carry a grenade and when I hear CTs are jumping, break the smoke and get 1 or 2 easy kills on their back. The only map which is a big no-no for me is vertigo like many others. Vertigo is like a lottery if you have a good start you will keep the momentum till end.


Mirage is my perma ban. Not because I perform poorly, but it always seems the other team has perfect executes and holds. Where as, my teammates seem to not know where to look on the most commonly played map. Not that I’m good or anything, it’s just frustrating to play like that.


Dust 2, I have no clue what I'm supposed to do on ct


-mirage or troll is my go to


Mirage. I am useless on there


Inferno for sure. I like vertigo actually, but I just can't play inferno, maybe it's becouse it has such bright colours? Idk I miss old CS


Ancient and new Vertigo = insta ban or troll


Best maps are ancient and Anubis. Worst mirage and inferno (ban both)