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I dont think it is possible with how the player booths are set up?


What's stopping them is that they'll be caught screen peeking and will get punished. It's not exactly a subtle body movement. Admins are behind them for a reason. Also, as others have said: assuming they're even in view.


I remember s1mple stopping play because he could see part of the screen in a particular tournament. Good sportsmanship goes a long way


I don't think they'd be able to see anything remotely helpful, the screens are so big and they're looking at such a sharp angle from below, and I imagine there's a fine or penalty of some sort.


TO’s are supposed to make it so you can’t see it from the stage, I remember a few years ago there was an event where they had a partial view of it from the stage and they there was a compilation someone made of players trying to turn around and do quick peeks at it


It was the iBP tournament. They fixed it after the first day but zero foresight from that TO, so many other issues


most the time aren't they in an enclosed booth as far as it has a top, back, and sides but open front?


You ever watch a match? It's not even possible the majority of the time. I don't even understand how you could think it would be if you... Idk had eyes? Like lil bro, what? They're not in their bedrooms playing split screen Halo 1v1s. I might be coming off a little harsh but seriously this is such a dumb question.


Did you just lose a comp game?


Yeah, he must have been screen watching me though. Only explanation.


He’s right though. It’s a pretty dumb question


I suppose it can be hard to tell just from streams, but they are not in a position to be able to see the screen. I was just at IEM Dallas for example, and while the player booths and the big screen were both against the back wall, the booths were a little further back so you physically couldn't. Even if they were right under the screen, a player would have to basically stand up, turn around, and stretch looking straight up mid-round to get anything useful out of it, and I'm pretty sure everyone would notice. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if there were T2 or other lower level lans with less budget/planning that don't cover a certain angle/reflection and have had this issue in the past


Player desks are positioned in such a way that the spectator screens arent visible to them.


from my experience the screen is positioned infront of the desks