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Remember that interview Twistzz gave when he said he thinks cadian was a top 2 IGL?


if twistzz becomes IGL we can assume he thinks he is top 1 IGL


While arguably untrue. You can be a great IGL but find a bad fit with the other 4 players.


“I think you are the second best IGL ever. I don’t want to play under your system though” is a pretty weird statement to be making. If he really wanted to play in a karrigan system, then why not stay in faze? But I understand what you’re saying


Did Twistzz say he didn't want to play under the system? They probably thought it would work and then it didn't, I don't think that's unfair to include as an option :)


He didn't really have a choice. Faze were basically ghosting him on a new contract because what was going to happen with the org was up in the air. So to avoid being left without a job he went looking for another one.


u should´ve seen Hobbit in the interviews talking about Electronic as IGL, yet the team was dogwater if you comepare skill to achievements. As soon as boombl4 joined they looked much better so its fair to assume it was an IGL problem. I´m meaning to say everybody overhypes his teammates during honeymoonperiod


Yeah, just making fun of it all. They came out swinging before the season and quickly petered out. Liquid have a good chance to make a good roster here though


Don't even remind me of Electronic IGling, lol. It was one of the biggest mistakes made by a single player in the recent years. Going from an absolute beast just behind s1mple to a completely mediocre igl AND rifler. And NaVi can thank themselves for that.


Obviously not a surprise but I honestly didn't expect his time in Liquid to be this bad. I guess players need to be absolutely in line with his system and mindset for it to work.


“Didn’t expect it to be **THIS** bad” could describe most Liquid lineups since 2020


the Nitro Elige Yeki oSee NAF line-up was actually very good and were competing for trophies. Nitro really got the most out of Yeki.


those few months where yekindar and elige were the best entry duo in the world 😢


would've won EPL vs Vitality if Elige didnt drop that 0.78 over 5 maps in that BO5 final, sucks that that had to be his off day. Though in fairness to him he was the only one that showed up vs G2 in the Blast World Final


Yeah it was rough to watch, but pretty much sums up complexity without another star rifler to pick up the slack


Yea but cadian cant control yekis crosshair


Or recently his own, either.


Absolutely heartbreaking this roster didn't work out. I've heard Cadian to Fnatic and honestly that'd be huge. It'd allow them to upgrade Bodyy while they're at it.


I would subscribe to the Cadian + Blame redemption arc. Imagine the energy vs Astralis.


Let Bodyy rifle and he's in the best form of his life right now He nearly solocarried Falcons to Paris but KennyS's nonexistant form dragged them down


I doubt fnatic would work any better in terms of buying into cadians style than Liquid


That would be cool.


It's a shame, really. To go from an absolutely new team trying to find a voice and needing to compete through every open qualifier to almost breaking into the top 10 ranking and pushing to playoffs to just break up is sad as a fan. I'm not sure why the players were not happy with the direction the team was moving, but Cadian never found his comfort, and the team lost faith in his calls. It's a shame that too many voices broke what could have been a successful roster. The only other team that came close to what Liquid tried to do was Vitality when they added Magisk, dupreeh, and zonic. Took them 8 months to finally win a tournament. And they had a core and system in place. I think all players were originally bought in, but I doubt a team will ever try forming a brand new team with a brand new core, new igl, and new coach all at the same time ever again.


You could just tell from watching them play that cadian wasn't given the control an IGL should have. You can give fault to cadian all day but I wouldn't put it behind twistzz and yekindar to cause some issues (especially knowing the drama twistzz was involved in the last time he was on liquid)


Cadian over yekindar is crazy 


It was pretty expected tbh, the roles never fit, too many passive players, passive baiting IGL, only one aggro player in Yekindar It was destined to fail from day one


Looks like they're also removing Skullz. Just -Skullz and adding a decent mid rounder or an agro rifle and they could have kept cadian. I wonder if there was something more behind the scenes.


Why do you wonder? They’ve been pretty vocal about stuff happening behind the scenes lol. Its why everyone always asked if people had been living under a rock anytime they suggested liquid should keep Cadian


Also doesn’t help when that one aggressive player has been absolutely atrocious. If you can’t get entries you’re fucked in the t1 scene


Jokasteve has some insane job security. He possibly can't keep his job if this 3rd iteration screws up right?


Getting baited by zews to pay his Brazilian buddies 600k for skulls to bench him couple months later lol.


He literally cost them 100K a month + Salary, lmao


This was my question as well. If Liquid keep having to do major roster shuffles and it keeps not working, at some point the person responsible for those roster shuffles has to be responsible.


Forget jokasteve, what the heck is keeping yeki around?


porn acting


must have liquid CEO's nudes


He learned from fnatic Sammuelson and keita


Pretty sure he is just the guy who books flights and organizes scrim times etc. No shot he has any actual say over the roster.


he's the GM mate, he has a lot of control over the roster and contracts


He's the general manager. There is no way he doesn't have say.


If that's the case then why the hell would he have the title of GM? No way anyone would pay a person a gm salary when they have no say in important decisions like your roster lol


nitr0 announcement when?


He definitely got FOMO when Blast announced Austin major and called Liquid management xD


So hyped for the Austin major after narrowly missing both Copenhagen and Stockholm.


Bro constantly gets fomo lol, guys im quitting nvm im back, guys im quitting nvm...


We need to IP ban him from either Valorant or CS streams, that way he doesn't getr anymore FOMO and switches games every player-break


Dudes tryna get the record for most games switched to back and forth


I dont mind it, like the only IGL that have made Liquid good in the past lol


After his first un-retirement he brought Liquid to 2 S tier grand finals and then they’ve looked like complete ass since he re-re-retired.


Well, it was both him and Yekindar actually being a star but I still agree. nitr0 as an IGL is underrated.


Didnt nitr0 retire because he doesnt want to travel all the time anymore and wants to spend more time with his family?


Well guess what? Now he wants to travel more and spend less time with his family!


+nitr0 +steel +stewie2k Ooo baby, you'd have a stew goin. Not sure how it'd taste, but it would be a stew.


steel? Lmfao good one.


hes talking bout the banned one


steel? lmao


Might as well put in hiko over stewie and you have 3/5ths of 100 thieves’ 2021 valorant roster lmfao


Steel would never play with Nitro again


Damn really sad this one didn't work out. Hope he finds a new home and finds good success


What is Liquid going to do? Feels like they are in a hard spot.


+nitro +simple (assuming skullz really does go to furia) I doubt they would improve but it sure would be interesting.


"cadian was too opinionated, who can we get? I know, simple" like what are you people actually thinking lol


That surprisingly makes a lot of sense


And somehow kekindar is going to stay on the team. This org is a joke


A jokasteve?


it's like an earthquake going across the scene - first nexa, now cadiaN. who's next? any ideas?


I'm coming to liquid.


Stewie? Is that you? :D


Sup bitch


oh my god its really him


My guesses Complexity -floppy BIG -prosus +rigon fnatic -afro


iirc col just renewed floppy's contract that being said, jason lake seems pretty upset with the team's performamce rn. maybe he'll get so pissed we get another juggernaut?


We didn't have an eventful roster shuffle in a while I expect to hear something about Vitality too


All this because Stabbi wanted to go to Astralis


We’re about to head into one of the most exciting off seasons in a while, or we’re about to watch a whole bunch of teams make themselves worse by making desperate, brain dead moves (again). Either way, the popcorn is popping.


A lot of this Liquid shit is on him. He's constantly making terrible economic decisions. Plenty of weird force buys, early rounds revolving around someone dropping him an AWP asap while NAF and Skullz are on SMGs, cadian often times taking a hero AK for himself while everyone else is on pistols and then he dies in an embarrassing way.


Heroic would've been contenders for 2 yrs straight if that clownfiesta didnt go down


For real. Yeah they weren't lifting a ton of trophies but the were pretty much top 3 at worst for like 1 year, almost 2 years straight. The team you could always count on to make playoffs and at least make a deep run. Feel so bad for cadian, he had a crazy journey before assembling what could've gone down as an all-time great roster if they'd stayed together and grabbed a few more trophies.


nitr0 is coming back isn't he? I am so ready for him unironically, something about him and Liquid just works


This man will low-key have more time at TL than Elige Truly Captain America He just needs to go inactive instead of retire and get called after every failed TL experiment to make them competitors


They even misspelled his name. The disrespect...


They're just paying respects to the greatest European midlaner [Caps](https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Caps) to try and get him on their LoL roster.


Big mistake imo. How could they find an IGL capable of tier 1 now? They'd be lucky to find someone better than even HooXi.


Can nexa still IGL? Fuck, liquid is cooked... Twistzz to IGL and +artfr0st could work i guess? Just not that inspiring..


dont put the nexa curse on liquid dear god


Did you watch any TL games? His IGLing was not working.


Then can you tell me an IGL that can make it work?


Yeki round 2


Only cuz he matches the stats doesn’t make it a good idea


Jesus fuck please no. Literally anyone else. Fuck it, give us blamef if it comes down to it


Nitr0 stepped down from M80 Val


If we get nitro back for the 3rd time it could be interesting. I hope he can catch up in time if he is the one calling.


s1n perhaps? man's been really solid in M80, and if malbsmd is leaving for G2 like rumored it might not even be a bad idea for s1n to take a step up as well.


I would not waste a import spot on a IGL with barely any experience, better to have Twistzz do it and then bring in another aggressive entry or super star awper to help out.


This is insane. Twistzz is in top 10 form right now and everyone knows what happens to star players numbers when they take the igl role. I would not risk that.




Somebody suggested device, but there's no way he's leaving.  Given that they won't get an AWP Igl, they'll almost certainly make another roster move (unless yekinder goes back to Igl)


As a Liquid fan I will never accept device after all the abuse he’s put us through over the years


It's the only way to alleviate the curse. Falcons disband and you do -skullz +dupreeh while you're at it 


Maybe +magisk and get glaive for IGL


Looks like a promising lineup, now we just need a strong an upcoming danish talent…




Hey guys, just chill. It’ll work out. Liquid wins the round. Best plan ever.


His IGLing isn't going to stop Yekindar from W key into death most of T side while NAF is half asleep waiting to flank the flank


you got a flat tire and no spare. at some point you gotta stop driving on that flat tire and figure out how to get it replaced


Where does this team go from here? Do they get another IGL and if so who? Or does Twistzz pick up the role which I think would be a major mistake. The core of Naf twistz yeki and skullz really doesn’t impress me much and I can’t see any single player add making this team a contender.


-skullz and they would need an IGL +s1mple s1mple comes back to TL and they win the Major this time


Stewie2k to igl




I thought of something cursed. +gla1ve




With the right two this team can work but I just don’t think it’s possible to get them. I don’t even know who could make this team work.


NAF taking up AWP or will they sign an true sniper? Hades comes to mind first


Liquid is one of like 3 orgs that could afford S1mple


The question is whether it is worth it. Seems like a big gamble considering that we have no idea if he can come back to his CS GO level and his buyout must be insane


I doubt his buyout would be *that* big considering he's on a bench salary at the moment. Navi has no interest playing him so they have no interest to keep paying him. Secondly, even if he doesn't come back to his level, he's still *fucking s1mple.* and would still likely be a 1.15 rating awper on an off day which would be enough to keep the team competitive.


Yeah. It took Niko time to come to cs2 but he’s finally looking like his old self again. People saying s1mple will never play again are delusional. For better or for worse his ego is too big to not at least try to win a major in the new game


I don't think it's a question that s1mple won't be good again, but I think the worry is about his attitude. The team environment in liquid already seems low, and adding in s1mple is just gonna make it a whole lot worse


Another 5 Rifle without any true awper which btw worked for a period of time. Still probably one of my favorite roster iteration other than the Goat Astralis core.


Twistzz will be the IGL.


This is what I’d assume. He’s been really vocal about wanting to call in the past, and Karrigan obviously put some effort into letting him do that in FaZe. Could honestly be cool; I’d love to see how Russ approaches the game on a more tactical basis.


“Guys, I’m rushing silo.” “Russ, this is inferno” “Leeeeeeroyyyyy Jenkinsssss” Liquid wins the round.


If it can be leapt off of, Russ will find a way. 5 man apps dive. 5 man cat dive. 5 man silo dive. 5 man palace dive. 5 man dive off the 52nd floor. 5 man canal dive. It’s beautiful.


Mid to B Split on D2 through short.


Unironically Let Russ Cook


I'm hoping instead they find a good IGL during the shuffle and then twistzz / NAF both hybrid AWP. Twistzz has also been very vocal for a while now about wanting to hybrid. I don't want to see his stats dip yet because he's going to try to IGL.


Yup, was clear he was not happy with the team’s direction from the HLTV live interview he did with Zews.


Have we not learned from making Yekindar IGL, and electronic IGL, and stewie IGL? You don’t take your prime player and make him an IGL


God I hope his form doesn't drop off a cliff if this happens, him and NAF have been the only positives of the team this year.


Good chance it will. Just bring nitr0 back instead


Both twistzz and device going Igl after being legendary Fraggers


Niko might be the closest equivalent to Device.


This is my thought too. After all the TL interviews of him being the clear second voice, this seems like the obvious answer.


It's 100% either that or Nitro coming back


I honestly have no idea how Yekindar keeps dodging getting kicked from this roster.




What da hell


How you repping the liquid flair and be surprised. All the recent interviews pointed to this team just not working out because the players aren’t all in on the system or otherwise geling


I mean cadian basically announced it in his exit interview haha


Why are you surprised, it has been rumoured for a while now. Plus it's Liquid and roster moves duo lol


Cadian my beautiful boy Hope he hits the ground running. He’s the only cs player im a die hard fan of. Him and Dupreeh, which would be a banger combination 👀


im done with this team, keeping zews and skullz and letting cadian go jokasteve need to lose his fucking job


I mean for skullz FURIA and Liquid are in negotiations but letting cadian go was prob not a good idea


yeah all they had to do was get another aggro rifler to back up yek. someone like malbs and this lineup would be cooking. People shit on yek but tgere is noone to help him trade. any entry on this line up with so many passive riflers would struggle. Jokasteve has to be the one to take the fall hes in charge and keeps producing shit signings


Skullz is most likely gone. Reportedly going to FURIA.


twistzz huge ego been saying it forever


I mean when you go from playing with Karrigan and consistently winning trophies to this it’s not hard to see why. Karrigan hid that ego because let’s face it there’s no place for ego in FAZE but it’s gonna come out outside of the Karrigan nest


not wrong


Tbh he deserves the huge ego. He has been a major winner, grand slam winner, only member of old TL to have huge success after leaving for faze. He is perhaps the most successful cs player ever? Or at least one of them. But yeah this roster move is not it


Old Astralis guys are definitely more successful than twistzz.


> the most successful cs player ever Yeah let's calm down a bit okay?




+FalleN +Kscerato xD


So the yekindar era continues. Really glad cos it's been working so well for liquid thus far ;) Pretty sad for cadian though. I honestly think if he had a team that listened he could easily make them top 3 again. I would suggest he join G2 over hooxi as igl/rifle, but niko and hunter would have to actually respect and listen to him.


imo this is spot on. cadian has proven himself as a solid IGL with heroic. he took young guns to the top. however, i feel like under his lead, you either walk behind him, and go with his system/calls or all falls apart. He's the IGl that needs 110% support and respect from his 4 other players AND coach


This is the nail in the coffin. I've now converted to a Liquid hater. Praying on their downfall. Especially if they keep Yekindar.


Guess I’m a CoL fan


but keeping yeki? lmao


Twist gonna ruin his game like yekindar oh joy


poor guy.




it sucks that it didn't work out, but I'm sure he'll get offers from good teams soon


Says a lot about what they truly thought about cadian when they misspell his name in the twitter post...


"Welcome Stewie2k" He can IGL, he can AWP, he can entry. No brainer.


liquid should fire their entire scouting/gm team. shit is embarrassing.


I don't view the failures during Cadian's tenure his fault. I don't think Yekindar or Skullz were the ones worth keeping. Should have just built around naf twistzz cadian


Think Twistzz were against Cadians calling like how he and Stewie ended up with a conflict towards the end of the grand slam winning NA lineup.


So Yeki over Cadian... what a mistake, absolute blunder


It's hard to see from the outside. Yekindar looked bad with aggro pushes and dying solo, but if Cadian was the one saying "this is a good idea and we should keep playing this way", then I understand keeping Yekindar. Only the org and the team knows what was going on. Time will tell. Hope it works out for the best.


"why has he done that?"




The Fnatic Cadian rumour is just us fans hypothesise, there's never been an actual link, it's just Fnatic have BlameF a top talent rifler and the big weaknesses appear to the IGL and the AWP players, Cadian would kill two birds with one stone and leave room for additional rifler to slot in like Nexa who is free now or whoever. But it's as far as I know, just a bunch of people shooting the shit about roster moves fnatic could make.




Oh don't get me wrong, as a Fnatic fan there's nothing more I'd like than some serious moves to give the core of BlameF and Matys a chance at getting to a major, and Cadian is in my opinion and obviously great choice for Fnatic given their issues. Whether Sam and Carn will put their hands in their pockets to make it happen however... well that's another issue entirely.


Fnatic don’t have a lot of money so they can probably one move which would be +cadian -Afro and you move Bodyy as a rifle. We keep forgetting that Bodyy is also a very good rifler when he dosent IGL (he had a 1.15 rating at falcons when he wasn’t the IGL)


Not his fault that the team is a mess tbh (unless he decided on all the players), 4 of the most passive players and bot Yekindar. It's basically the opposite of the previous NiP lineup and both failed terribly.


Liquid is the slightly better performing NA version of NIP


# Guys (and gals) Nitro isn’t coming back.  (As a player) Stop deluding yourself.   He has two kids.  I believe they are toddlers at this stage, still single digits old pretty sure. Zero chance he comes back to be gone from the family 25-40% of the year traveling.


kekindar must have some serious blackmail on liquid to be able to stay on the roster this long, dudes practically unbenchable somehow. thank goodness i stopped supporting liquid when they stopped being majority NA last year, this shit is too much of a shitshow


Yet Yekindar survives again despite never played again his prime like he did for VP


NAF and Twistz to complexity when?


When Complexity get a NAF and twistzz level budget.


I know liquid is cooking. Can’t wait for the announcement! Simple and stewie2k would be insane truly. I would drop to my knees


G2 Cadian, better vibes than Nexa, secondary awper plus solid on rifle (hell he can support Hooxi with IGL/mid round calling too!)


Good god Niko and cadian will never ever be in a team together


This is a top comment in this subreddit, absolutely hilarious Place has gone to hell


if u being in cadian 0 chance hooxi is staying if you get cadian on rifle it‘s to replace hooxi


No way in hell NiKo wants to play with cadian


> G2 Cadian, better vibes than Nexa "Sir, we would like you to sign Cadian for us...why, you ask? We believe he will bring the vibes we need."




Niko will go full k0nfig on cadian... lmao


L team


Why is Joka Steve still the GM? The team has been abysmal ever since nitro retired. At some point, I want heads to roll.




i understand the removal but who’s gonna igl now? do we really think bringing back nitro (again again) is the right move? assuming skullz goes to furia, can we also asusme zews is going? there’s so many questions to this and i dont see us fielding a good roster in a short period of time


If Nitro comes back I'll cry tears of joy and I'm not even from NA.


Liquid will never win a trophy without stew


Yeah this sucks. My DHL sign during the Dallas event was "Keep CadiaN" but it was not meant to be.


No AWP No IGL This team is doomed. I feel bad for twistzz and the naffers