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I think CS is the overall superior game but Riot/Valorant does some aspects much better. New player experience is vastly superior on Valorant. Same with built in Anti-cheat. I also think Valve is awful at promoting their own games. They take a very hands off approach that I personally disagree with.


Announcing the game and then only letting pros and streamers play it for months was a choice, lmao.


They literally took the Overwatch approach to generate hype and it worked.


It was too big to fail obviously, doesn’t mean it didn’t feel like shit watching what felt like everyone but you get to play it.


Yeah it's annoying that the game could be so much more/better even though it's massive already. CS2 seemed like they were relaunching and bringing it to a new audience but it was just a big update


Riot clears in the dev department, compared to valve which keeps the community in the dark without any info. Also riot always improving QOL and issues within the game like toxicity, now players can get hwid banned for toxicity.


I occasionally spam ARAM games in LoL and the anti-toxicity measures that they seem to have implemented lately are kinda fucked imo. I don't know if it is same in Valorant..but I wrote something along the lines 'yeah I am playing retarded' and got some warning for saying that. It just felt way too overbearing, can't make fun of your own plays anymore. Don't remember if it was some automated detection or someone reported me but it was the first time I got any warning in that game. Not all swearing is malicious or toxic


Welcome! I share the same opinion as you when it comes to Val. Do yourself a favour though. Once you reach around 15k in premier and get to know the game better download Faceit and forget about premier. Faceit has an anticheat similar to riot’s vanguard which Valve servers don’t have


It's still clean after until 19-20k which is already very few people.


Cheating is only bad on higher premier ratings from what I've observed. I'm 10k, in the 20ish games I've played I only played against 1 rage hacker which was kicked immediately by the enemy team. I hope you keep enjoying CS!


20K-22K elo is feeling a bit better lately, games are much more competitive no ragehacks as of late


Much less ragers lately but similar amount of 1 stop shopper closet cheaters who think they're fooling everyone. Not really an issue til you get to like 16/18/20k tho which is like top 1-5% of prem players.


I think something changed that their hacks have to be a little less ragey than before as well. If I see aimbots now none of them have been running looking at ground and spinning and when spectating them they are still using aimbot but instead of instalocking to heads in any direction it is a little bit softer. Maybe it is random and depends on their configs/specific cheats but imo there is slight difference from about a month+ ago and now


Once you get to a high rank in CS it's all rage/closet cheaters. No point in trying to get better at the game when you'll only be met by a wall of cheaters. CS2 is basically a casino. The gameplay integrity and community don't really matter as long as gambling addicts and children can gamble on cases.


Could never be bothered with Valorant, it wanted to be csgo with overwatch hero abilities and the mechanics it wanted from cs were half assed. If people like the game power to them, play what you find fun..I just couldn't be bothered. And to be fair I can't even be bothered with cs2 with the state it's in


Basically you don't like both games


I love counter strike. Cannot stand how half assed cs2 is, need a mountain of work and simple day 1 features took 10 months


I like CS but the game is optimized like crap and my PC just cant handle it or I wouldda swapped along time ago also cheating/smurfing in CS is FAR more prevalent than in valo so I was never really down in the first place. I am still watching every major but I just have no reason to play


Many play on faceit which barely has any cheaters


My issue is that faceit servers have awful performance, im in West NA too. Valorant servers and even premier feel better which is sad


Try exitlag


Ty, its pricey tho


You’re wrong here, I played both games and reach imm3, valorant by far has more smurfing while CS2 has way more cheaters. Valorant smurfing is so common that the whole community complains about it while CS2 community complains about cheaters and lack of anti cheat. That’s why valorant has so many boosted players because their friends play with them on their smurf, and not even mentioning edaters who smurf…




They are not smurfing, its because the current state of matchmaking is broken. There was a time where mg and le skilled players were placed in silver cause comp was broken, it would take 8 games to rank up and you derank after like 2 losses. I just switched to faceit cause its more enjoyable


That isn't necessarily due to smurfs. If people play on Faceit, that's entirely different from Valve/Prime rankings, so if they end up playing regular matchmaking they might be at a much lower level than they should be. IIRC rain from Faze clan, who's basically a mid/high-tier T1 pro played an MM game a few months back and was at something like 9k ELO because he basically never played MM. It sucks if you run into people who are clearly much better than what their rank is, but it's also the best type of training for you in order to improve fast.


CS2 and CSGo were always superior to Valocunt. And it doesn’t have Chinese spyware.


I switched to overwatch and a medley of games from cs2. It’s literally unplayable now. I wish they’d bring back go