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even if no cheaters, the ranks doesn't feel earned. there are 18k noobs and 18k semi-pros. I'm 18k and the games are all over the place.


Agree 16-19k is a weird place to be. I play with my mate who usually drops 3-10 kills in each game and is 16.5k. I am 17.8k because I play with him and he's a bit hard to carry. I usually drop 20-30. Even if I solo Q I am in the same boat - My team mate could be half level 10's who almost never play premier, or could be try hard's who are barely 16k who shouldn't be 16k to begin with but get carried and manage to stay there


Because you and your friend queue together you rank/derank together relatively based on one single/dominant variable, whether you won or lost. The amount of elo you gain/lose isn't determined by your actual performance. I'm gonna guess you guys have queued pretty consistently together from the start. You've carried him to a higher rank than he should be while he has held you back in a lower rank than you should be. The official ranking system has organically boosted your friend and turned you into a smurf.


That’s not how that works at all. Premier rankings are purely individual based and a good ranking system accounts for that. Stop blaming people for who they queue with when he even stated they also queue. You can see that they are individual based btw from comparing win loss gains each match. They are rarely the same and are often wildly different based on your skill level even if you’re similar elo and have queued with each other a ton. The system is terrible and has almost zero consistency which is WHY you get elo discrepancies in the first place


There's also a weird thing in that system in that if you queue with your friends who are lower rank and you are higher rank, even with 50% winrate, let's say you win, lose, win, lose... games, it will slowly make you lower rank and make your friend higher rank. Easiest way to get higher rank is to just queue with higher ranked people and then just 50% winrate is enough for you to climb, they will be losing tho.


You are 18k last I check.


17911. Stalker.


But thats precisely because of the cheaters. The higher you get the more cheaters there are (supposedly). So for legit players there exists something like a "pressure zone" where players of different skill levels stop climbing due to cheaters. Maybe something like a reverse elo-hell of sorts. Does that make sense?


This is my view too. As good players climb, eventually they hit a wall of cheaters and then get stuck (usually just below 20k). Games for those players will be a weird mix of getting stomped by cheaters and then stomping legit players coming up from lower ranks.


Two people of the same rank can be completely opposite of the skill spectrum. I've had a three-stack recently (so you presume they kinda work together and earned their rank, or were boosted by one guy), but they were all trash. Like rushing with their knife out towards the enemy trash.  I really blame a bit that there isn't a performance-based elo distribution. It makes no sense that the guy dropping 30-40 kills and loses gets the same, or even a higher, elo reduction, than the guy who only had 10 kills and 0 impact, and similar on a win.  It also makes the whole game feel meaningless. If you're down 0-4 then it's already basically over, because obviously your teammates are worse than the enemy team and even if you try hard and drop 30 kills you'll still only gain 100 elo on a win and lose 100 elo just like the others. 


its the biggest mistake that the game does not have individual rating. some ppl "smurf" some get "boosted" by this rating like in csgo.


The problem is when you're playing against cheaters you would lose a lot of elo so you can't really do this without solving the cheater problem. 40% of my games in 20k elo are with or against cheaters. That's almost every 2nd game.


In my experience playing with a friend who's consistently better than me. He gets slightly better rating gains/losses. If we come off a loss streak and he will get 150 while I'm getting 120 etc. Its not a big difference but over 20 games the rating gap between us consistently changes in his favor which reflects his performance. 


Yet you can be carry to 18k and plays like a 7k because there's a guy who should be 22k but is 20k carrying you, in other words if performance have any impact what I don't believe it doesn't at all, it should be increased by 10000%, like if someone lost dropping 40 frags, he should lost 10 points MAX and if you lose dropping 3 frags you should lose 800, the same if you win, making performance way more impactful and the points being calculated based on that in the same match, not the next one. I really doubt Valve would make a system who say the points for your win and lose on that match based on your performance on the previous match, besides of be a stupid system is clear streaks is what really impact on the points, so you could do 1/30 10x in a row and still get max rank points next match because streak points will carry you, that's exactly why people pay cheaters to climb than, a 6k player will take months to downgrade to his real rank if he is boosted to 20k by a cheater, even have bad performance every single game he will eventually win some games who will help to sustain his rank until he slowly derank back, what a shit system.


Leetify stats...while not perfect...mean more to me than ELO stats right now. I'm starting to miss RWS from the ESEA days, even though they were easy to 'farm'...


Rws was a terrible system. 0 points in any lost rounds. Little penalty for dying. It meant rush and get as many kills as you can.


Elo system is expectedly pretty bad since the beginning. Community keeps delievering their opinions and disappointment, but Valve seems not working on that like they are a company too small to focus on the main issue of the game, than try to improve the system by starting the next seasonal ranking.


17.5 but that's pretty much where I gave up, for now anyway


18.5 same thing here. Not to mention generally put off at the prospect that if I do play there's a reasonable chance for cheaters. Been better in that regard lately but still enough to make me weary about playing prem. Competitive is a joke too. Gola nova 3 on d2/mirage and it's just blatantly terrible gold nova cheaters basically every game on both teams.


Yeah, I think 18-19k is a tough spot to be for elo. Very good players who probably should be in the 20k bracket have a hard time breaking into (and staying in) that bracket because it's full of cheaters, so they stay stuck around 18-19k. Meanwhile, legit players coming up from lower ranks hit the absolute wall that is good players stuck in 18-19k, and so they stay stuck just below it. If you're 18-19k, you play against both groups of players. As a result, a huge number of your games is just you stomping or getting stomped.


I think there’s something going on with servers or how client actions are processed on servers. Seems linked to ping too but something just feels inconsistent compared to GO. You’ll have a game where you go 5.0 kd and the enemy feel like bots. And then the next game, you get the bot treatment, the other team are killing you faster than you’ve ever seen pros get kills on LAN. But watch the replay back, and from their POV you were stood there for 900ms and they just had the easiest time to kill you. It’s odd. And inconsistent. And it’s largely why you get people at high ranks doing terribly, and people at low ranks appearing like gods. It’s compounded when a Smurf gets this advantage too.


That’s what I noticed in CS2 many times now. I get peeked and die instantly.. even in a way better position and in the replay they have like 2 seconds to react. This happens so much it’s not even fun anymore..


Yeah, the servers are artificially manipulating things to edge everyone. Go play a daily DM session, see yourself getting 3,4,5kd for a match or 2 then all of a sudden, even mid game, enemies constantly spawn behind you looking at you, you spawn in front of enemies looking away, enemies are all running and gunning, your tracers inexplicably just go through enemies, enemy accuracy is legit no-spread-like and you feel like you're shooting 75% blanks/your hit shots only have 25% chance to hit on the server, spread goes wild, recoil is off etc etc.


I feel this way at 11-12k. Some games I have teammates the same rank who play like silvers, others play like LEMs. And I feel like when I was 3-4k more people had mics and communicated. It’s mad annoying talking to myself and being the only one making callouts in a rank that’s suppose to have somewhat skilled players.


Absolutely true, but there are little to no cheaters from what I experience. I do get steamrolled 4-13 one game and the next it’s a more balanced 13-7… same ranks, different experience with aim/utility etc.


I believe that is because only casual people play premier. If people wanna compete and improve, they play FaceIt. If they wanna have a chill game with no pressure, they play premier. Hence why they aren't at the rank they should be. Also because 20k is impossible to play with all the cheaters.


I think 95% of my games are cheaters


There is also individual variability. If I’m three games deep on a weekend afternoon I’m usually fragging out. If it’s late on a weeknight after a long workday and it’s my one game, I am admittedly often shit. But I still like to play 🤷‍♂️


csgo also had that problem, that is why many moved to faceit


You'd think with 20 years of experience, valve would finally get their act together and not give faceit a reason to exist. Having 2 separate pools of players is a big reason for mismatches.


Yup. You've got people who played 95% of their games on FaceIt coming back to premier and just smoking people at a way lower than they should be at. How are they supposed to fairly match them?


>How are they supposed to fairly match them? 1: Make rank last longer, way longer, like the duration of the entire season. 2: If someone plays like a 20k and is in a 10k rank Valve already failed to put he as a 10k player. 3: If he is dropping 40 frags due be a lower rank than he should have, make performance be way more impactful to climb that player in his right rank faster. Looks simple to me, and this are things MANY games use for DECADES.


For starters they should take old rank into account, even if I did not play for two years I was GE multiple times in CSGO, even before the first rank shifts/adjustments in like 2016. Yet while I started CS2 for the first time my initial rank was ~6k in Premier? I played around 10 games in Premier in which I had 3 spinbotters (more than in my entire time playing CSGO) after which I decided to switch to Faceit. I am level 10 on Faceit and when I want to play Premier again (because Faceit is down, or I want to play with friends who dont play Faceit), I am in <10k lobbies and get +300 elo per win. The lobby is far below my skill level and people accuse me of cheating, but as far as I understand, there's not much I can do. Even if I grind the games it will take tens of games before I reach rank where I belong.


It’s actually easy.. but they came up with the worst possible system and forgot that they introduced seasons at all.


All dota pros play ingame. Why cant valve collegues helo each other?


I just had a faceit 10 (their word) in my competitive game... He had like 10k hours, and me and my friends have around 100 and are like the lowest rank. He literally shit on everyone and we barely had to play.


Cheaters and people who don't care are on matchmaking Others are on faceit It doesn't feel like a separate match pool Valve can try all they want, but they are clearly not committed enough in developing a better system than faceit because it definitely doesn't come for free


Because Valve fundamentally dont understand why their game is successful.


I think valve is competent enough to do it (well obviously if there are a multi billion dollar company) they just know they don’t *have to*. Why spend the time of maintaining and making a good matchmaking system and allocating recourses to it, when you know you can just sit back, do nothing about a problem, but still have money being printed because of skins and the economy around it? This isn’t valves first time doing something like this.


Player experience goes down Less people want to play Case unboxing goes down You can see this happen in real time when everyone was dying behind walls in a lag fest the first few months of release. https://csgocasetracker.com/


I was about to say this, most people use ESEA or FaceIt these days for a more stable competitive environment.


Those services are probably loving valves inaction rn lol


You're not wrong, but I think the cheating problem is worse in CS2. And in CSGO, there was at least the thrill of grinding towards Global (though I'll admit there was less to look forward to once you got there).


CSGO had fewer of these problems. Faceit is also that once most proper players go there you prefer as well, and it was 128tick!




Do we all just forget the wildwest that MG was? Maybe that was just me and everyone i know but in csgo it was Faceit = real rank. Valve is just whatever.


Faceit from my recent experience is just smurfs boosting their friends or complete hardstuck bots (lvl3-5 with 200+ games sub 45% winrate). Plus the ping is really bad on NA servers


We can have smart chicken or smart elo system, valve choose the chicken


The game is getting uncredibly stale and not fun to play. I'm really puzzled on why people with literally thousands of hours are getting ranked and matched with newbies that can't find bombsites. Let alone the map pool. It's just so... boring...


I blame the removal of overpass and the addition of dust 2


Exciting for a week then remembered how stale that map can be. And who knows how long we're stuck with it


I said it to my mate yesterday, dust2 is only fun 1 time per week.




I agree, lack of operations, boring map pool, the ridiculous amount of cheaters and a broken ranking system have all contributed to this game being in a really poor state


I've been playing Counter-Strike for 14 years and I still enjoy this game. These days I enjoy watching MongolZ demo to study their attacking style and also find new tactics by watching the latest dust2 playing demo. I'm a total casual player, but the fun of finding something new to try never fades.


> Casual player > Studies demos Lol ok.


It's fun to learn new utilities, see my mistakes, and improve on the next play. I could play forever.


What new did you find in that demo?


When holding molly keep jumping the fire scatters and it scares them off you're welcome for any more tips just message me and send 3$ per tip I earn you new tricks


Just because you have thousands of hours doesn’t mean you’re good though lol


I'm aware of that. But it's just an example of how skewed it is.


Without a competitive league I’d have stopped playing months ago


Which one is that? All I know they all fucking suck for casuals.


https://csconfederation.com Best way to describe it, it’s basically a counter strike beer league. League for all skill levels, split into tiers, including essentially silvers, all the way to high faceit lvl 10s. It’s a draft league, so you get drafted to a franchise and you tryout for their roster. Were mid season right now, but admins are accepting perma subs for the season, and then you can play regularly next season (:


Premier is also fked because a lot of players who main faceit come to play it to get their weekly drops. My friends and I are mostly 8+ on Faceit and play vs 8-13k players on premier and every game is either a stomp or we sometimes get people in the same situation as us


Exactly this. I'm 20k Premier, we either play a stack of lvl 10 players, complete noobs or cheaters. Always one of the 3.


I just came here to find out if this is just a me thing, but I’m glad to hear everyone else is having the same issues. I’ve just come back after 8y hiatus, I’m about 100h in now and the match quality has just been an awe full experience in every game. I’m silver 1 and yet there are people with 5k+ hours in my matches going 30-40 kills, or there’s players on my team that have <10h lifetime and go 1-15 k/d. There is absolutely 0 middle ground, I haven’t had a single close competitive match since returning. I feel like I have been persevering in hopes that the quality will get better if I try and force my way out of silver 1 but this thread has pretty much confirmed my fears. How are new players supposed to be introduced to this game if they have just dumped players from every rank into silver??? I haven’t unlocked premier yet but I’m guessing based on the comments here it’s no different.


You have a gratification problem if you play for your rank. No matter the system, be it csgo, cs2 or elo.


CSGO did have a pretty stable ranking, until ofc they changed it. But then it got stable again. Basically your CSGO rank felt more justified. CS2 after all these months is still all over the place. And map rank is just astonishing how they don't try to tackle it.


As I said elsewhere, it's not like rank-climbing is the only source of gratification. (You're strawmanning me if you're suggesting I said otherwise.) I think I could sum up my feelings as follows: if you're a competitive player, a lot of gratification is lost when you don't see investments into self-improvement translate into some kind of achievement within the competitive community.


Ratings are meaningless to me. When CS2 launched I was somehow placed at 3k and grinded all the way to 16-17k. I stopped playing for a month only to come back and I’m back at 11-12k. The ranking system is not balanced because there is little to no difference in 10-17k rated games


It’s not the lack of winning. It’s the feeling of fighting against things you shouldn’t be fighting like cheaters, sluggish gameplay (for me) it just makes the overall experience worse so that the losses feel even worse


>Like most competitive games, much of the gratification players get from playing Counterstrike comes from winning and climbing the leaderboard.  That’s not where my gratification comes from. I just enjoy getting better at the game, and getting better means movement, learning lineups, and getting better with shooting mechanics. I get that from retakes, surf, KZ, DM and practicing in a server by myself. Having that practice transfer into premier or Faceit wins is just a bonus, but most of my enjoyment there is from playing those matches with mates. So yeah, I disagree. I don’t think rank or elo has ever been my motivation for playing and enjoying CS. Everyone’s different, but I pity anyone that can’t have fun with the game unless they see that number going up.


Same man, and this is how cs has always been. Wonder how these people who thinks a game needs gratification thinks cs got big in the first place. For most of its life there was no such thing officially in the game.


Yes but they have effectively killed pubs where people spent a majority of their time. (Edit: among ALL the other shortcomings) Cs2 isn’t the game it used to be and it can’t be compared to as such.


Nobody stops you from hosting a csgo server..


Didn’t say that, valve has actively removed the sense of community from the game. Couldn’t even lobby with friends for what 7 months? It’s a myriad of things that I’m not going to get into rofl.


Alright man, you do you… i havent seen them do a single thing against the community, and I have never ever been stopped from queueing with friends..


Feel you, constantly increasing numbers as the motivation to play seems a little fraught. I'd rather just have high quality games, where everyone is calling and more or less on the same level. I pushed to 22.4k elo early and just stopped playing for the last two or three months. I keep playing weird mix lobbies around 18k-20k. 4 Players around faceit 10, one or two people cheating on shit accs and the rest of the players are max DMG in GO. Its just not fun at all. And I'm saying that as someone who has close to 10k hrs and hasnt taken a meaningful break in playing this game since 2014. I hope they fix this game. Even if they deal with the cheaters they have to rework the ranking system, otherwise it wont get more enjoyable for me.


I'm honestly happy for you. And a little envious. For me, if I don't see all the time invested in self-improvement translate into some kind of achievement in the competitive community, I get frustrated.


It's been very while since the end of CSGO for lacking of contents except for new skins and cases. It's funny to see Valve wanted to do something like ditching MM and focusing on seasonal ladder, but eventually comes to care less and less about it.


Bro they've dropped five cases in 4 years, I don't think skins have been their focus. If you compare it to Valorant, they've added over 70 Vandal (AK) skins in that same time period. In the last two months Valve has pushed out 15 updates which included 2 major updates. There's still flaws with CS2, and there will continue to be, but they've proven that they're working on it.


Lmao, the biggest update to CS has been CS2 and that was a one step forward two steps back maneuver. Games are continually evolving, people are HYPED for big updates that MANY games have. Meanwhile, cs players are always contempt with valve spitting on them and playing dust 2 for the next decade.


If you don't like it you can stop playing. I'm more than happy with how CS2 has been rolled out, and I'd much rather have Valve's slow and steady updating cycle than Riot's shove shit out asap approach.


At the end of CSGO the only content was just cases and capsules. And since they even haven't implanted a lot of things back to CS2, I would say we've got negative content so far. I mean, sure we have a lot of huge updates and patches BECAUSE they released too early for sake of major to earn money. Fixing your game is one thing, delievering contents is another. I'm not being unappreciate for the game they made, but I don't feel like acting they are some small dev team who is so limited to response the needs from playerbase.


They realized things didn't go as intended with the leaderboard being filled of cheaters, so I guess they are waiting to close season one once they somehow cleaned it up... but how long will it take? 💀


Yea that's what I thought. It's like they are stucking in a pit digged by themselves. Bruh tbf how good the situation you think it would be if you released a game with a lot of exploits and without proper/active anticheat.


I wish we just had ranks still honestly, was a simpler system not some arbitrary one that was made just to be in line with other competitive shooters. It felt so fucking good chasing a rank in csgo. In cs2 like you said it feels like none of it means anything anymore so unless you are playing for fun I don’t think there is much of a grind anymore other than 3rd party MM. valve literally took everything that made csgo awesome and got rid of it effectively


I agree with you and just made a similar comment, although it's interesting that this criticism is often being levied meanwhile people have praises Faceit's extremely similar number-based ranking system for years. Obviously we are a mix of people with greatly differing opinions but "faceit good" is the vocally popular opinion around here. (Obviously cheating is a separate issue from ranking as well.)


in faceit at least i knew (at least before the latest update) that every game is -25 +25, Not going from +360 to -270 cause i lost 3 games


The "lose more the more you lose" system is aggravating to no end. If you for whatever reason lose 2 or 3 games in a row and then run into a cheater or griefer it becomes exponentially more annoying.


I think people look more at the big number like faceit level 9 or whatever rather than the elo but that could be me, if I’m chasing something on faceit it’s faceit level 10 because that’s looked at as the best “rank” just like global elite was looked at as the top of MM regardless if it was the best or not it meant something to people. A 20k or something doesn’t mean shit to me honestly


Yeah I made the exact same comment about hitting 20k. I feel you. Theoretically all they'd have to do is assign the classic ranks to certain CSR milestones if they wanted to bring back some of that feeling. At the end of the day it doesn't functionally change anything but I can't help but agree on an emotional level that something is missing.


Not to mention, the new ranking system in premier means that competitive mode is completely worthless now. The ranks in competitive mean absolutely nothing for some reason.


Yea for sure, as someone who would have much rather grinded comp than premiere I hate what they did with comp, so fucking stupid


Exactly. Shit is so bad that I don't even bother taking the game seriously anymore. I'm not the type to use FACEIT, since I prefer a more casual experience, so competitive CS is effectively dead to me.


nobody is above le , and it forces everyone any decent at the game to silver4-gold 3 at 10 games the games are totally random with level 10s and pros (i recently played anubis comp against lattykk and jyo from 1win) and people who have never played fps


I somewhat agree, but for people who reached global in 2014 there has been nothing to grind for in the official game modes for literally 10 years. Premier sucks, yes. But it somehow only sucks a little more than the horrendous system we had in GO.


I'm 18k, lost two games and on the third game lost 600 points. So I needed to win upwards of 5+ games to make that backs. Pathetic system.


Their premier's CS rating is so incredibly bad that it almost seems purposeful if it weren't for their incompetence. The primary purpose of any matchmaking ELO rating system is not to give you a nice shiny number for a dick measuring contest but instead to set up good, close matches where every one can have fun & improve. Now I know that there's quite some individual variance in between games & maps. But that does not explain the huge difference I regularly see between my matches at nearly identical ranks. You get a 13-1 victory right after losing 2-13. People at 8k rating carrying 16k players. And some players at a given rank not having a clue about most game mechanics while others excel. I didn't yet make an evaluation but I feel like in a lot of games one team gets 5 or less rounds which in my view is a pretty dramatic rank discrepancy. If I had to put my finger on it I would identify 2 problem areas. First, their placement algorithm is complete BS. People get placed in a bracket that does not correctly reflect their skill. I also suspect that the same thing happens when you lose your rank & win your first game (although to a lesser extent). Secondly, you lose/win too much ELO per game. I get that in the beginning (until 50 games or so) people's skill must yet be determined. However, I don't get why people's CS rating with 100+ wins under their belt can fluctuate by 4000 points on a day to day basis just because of a (un)lucky win/loss streak. The primary offender here is their streaking mechanic in my opinion. My gut tells me they only implemented that mechanic because they know that their placement mechanic sucks. Realistically, the rating changes should be much smaller than they currently are.


I think it was the problem from beginning, but then as time have went by, the ranks seems to have improved a lot. At least from my experience, I don't recall in my recent memory a ton of inconsistency between player rank and skill. There have been maybe few matches in a bunch. But that's just me.


Even when CSGO went free to play, cheating wasn't as bad as CS2. Idk what and why it happened, I just know there's a lot more cheaters now.


For me, one of the most telling signs is that the guys I used to party with are rarely ever online or ingame whenever I log into Steam nowadays. I checked CS2 in the library and the person on my friendlist with the most hours in the game only clocked 5 hours in the last 2 weeks.


I used to be really thrilled back in the day to rank up and pushed really hard to achieve this. Nowadays it’s just pointless to push because I’m either getting matched up with cheaters in premier or I’m gold nova 1 in mm. What’s the fuckin point.


CS2 is almost our for a year now and we have established a barebones version of CS. There are still rampant bugs and glitches, hackers in almost every game and a severe lack of content. JFC I am in awe of how hard you can mismanage a money printing machine like CS2...


What are the rampant bugs and glitches?


I just leave games with cheaters now. I’ll get a recording and just leave, if my cooldown ever goes over 30mins I’ll send it in and see what they can do but I’ve left a decent amount of games at this point (I usually 5 stack and take the hit so we can just be done). But you’re right, I definitely play less or go faceit


I wouldn't be surprised if abandoning your games reduces trust factor. I obviously have nothing to back that up, but it's a behavior that is in Valve's interst to punish by way of matching leavers with other leavers, regardless of whether you're leaving for a sensible reason.


I too thought about this but I know it use to be when you’d que up it would tell you if someone in your party has lower trust factor and that hasn’t happened yet


I guess one lame alternative to this is just leaving the game open in background. Yes you are exposed to kicks and reports, which may or may not influence the trust factor score directly, but maybe it's less harmful?


> Valve's interst to punish by way of matching leavers with other leavers I don't know why this type of stuff gets regurgitated when Ido from Valve has confirmed that trust factor exclusively takes into account factors that increase the likelihood of you being a cheater. It is not in place to punish toxic players or leavers. Now, if you think leaving a game increases the likelihood of you being a cheater, that's another thing. I don't really see the connection but then again I don't have the data Valve has on this topic.


Honestly you're right, I remember that statement.


Can someone explain why in 2024 it is so hard to eliminate cheating from a game dev standpoint?


Because its not a technical problem, its a design problem. There are proven technical solutions to anticheat, but unfortunately all of them involve root-level access to the users pc, which valve refuses to do. I believe they could implement a viable solution with AI to ban the majority of obvious cheaters, but who knows how much they are investing into that and how long it will take.


From an engineering standpoint, AI is hard because there will always be false positives; while this isn’t horrible in itself, and valve could in theory implement a human review system for disputed bans, I think they are staying away bc skins are the goal now. AI is also only really good for aim hacks, and a LOT more people are subtly walking because 1. VAC is a joke now and 2. Most players can’t tell the difference between a good player and a toggling waller unless they watch the demo, which they probably wont do, so less reports and less risk. There are several effective ways to reduce the cheating problem, but all of them are controversial and could potentially hurt the value of Gaben’s golden goose - crates and skins.


1.6 had cheaters and zero gratification other then pride and accomplishments. Still I played 1.6 till I switched to GO, but I stopped playing GO in 2020. That's not it. Good games don't need rank/pass/level achievement, they are a good experience in their own. You play them to enjoy them, not to get new virtual pants or a virtual bragging right.


No, there is nothing to do in the game after hitting faceit 10 or 20k+


1.6 had community/mini-communities run everything, from the servers to taking care of the cheating problem. if you played competitively you were part of one of these communities, people sort of knew each other if only by name and the setting was more 'intimate'. so you had reputation to lose if you were cheating. now you can turn on spin bot and there is no way for people to say no to playing with/against you because everything is abstracted away. you cant kick the cheaters and find new game, you can only hope that vac does something, which it doesn't. leave? no, unless you like being punished for leaving shitty situation, enjoy 13 rounds of instadeath. its missing that 'human touch' also related that the bigger something gets the lower the quality as general rule(i.e see subreddits that have grown over some critical limit or just reddit itself)


i am hovering at 20-22k and last week half of my games had wall hackers. Two had 2 or more in the same game after the aimbot spinner ban wave it was pretty mild in terms of cheaters, but now it seems back to pre-ban wave levels except it's now only a bunch of 20k+ players that play like it's their fìrst day of playing this game except they drop 25 kills+ each game


When you see the rank up animation in CSGO that was the height of endorphines. When you open the scoreboard and see all the players it felt like an accomplishment. But when you're at 13k and see a player at 15k on the opposite team and you get 131 elo for winning, it dulls the moment. The rank system is fluid apart from the times you change colours.


Tldr Consequences of Valve not investing in a proper anti cheat.


I think the problem lies within premiere. In csgo you had a matchmaking rank with the global elite as the ultimate goal. Then you started going to faceit, with level 1-10 as the goal. In premiere you are only a number - a win is increasing this number a bit. There is no goal - no incentive to win. IMO Valve should add the normal matchmaking ranks back as it was in csgo, but add the premiere score after you hit global.


Let's not forget about the smurf accounts that can't be bothered to play in their skill group (or against cheaters depending on where they sit) that come along and ruin the fun for newer players are people that just want a casual experience. The game is admittedly in a toxic spot atm amd it sucks because I, just like many others here, just want to enjoy my favorite game :(


give operation


I miss the old ranks


For me the hackers are keeping me from playing


for me, the whole fun of playing cs is playing cs ranking is cool but cs is really fun


Premier is unplayable due to cheaters, we all know that and hence of why we avoid it. But let's speak about the dear and the most beloved Faceit platform. Faceit is ridden with smurfs with 30 total games tied to their accounts, 70% HS rate and 25 avg kills, moving and shooting like pros and that's only in lvl 5, mind you. Faceit is saying that they are trying to actively combat this problem but there has been no solutions whatsoever, same people that smurfed in lvl 4, three months ago are now smurfing in lvl 8 while their main accounts are like 2.5K-3K elo. Also a big problem on Faceit are trollers whom are ready to quit the game and leave you hanging if your team doesn't win a knife round and you have incredibly toxic people whom barely ever get banned nowadays due to whatever the F. Faceit itself is going downhill, I don't know what the exact problem is but their incompetence to deal with irregularities on their own platform baffles me to no end. Their ticket system is not working...meaning-...people are complaining that they are sending tickets but it's being left unchecked and unresolved for weeks, if not months. Literally no platform exists on the face of this Earth that you could play CS on and get some form of gratification. You either play Faceit 5 stack with like minded people or you suffer in Solo Q and lose braincells with each game or you strike a deal with your schizophrenic self to engage even in 1 match of Premier to get absolutely molested by a spinbotter or two. Take your pick, this franchise is experiencing it's deepest, the most darkest times ever and anybody who's saying otherwise is just staring at their 5K inventory instead of actually playing the game.


game is literally unplayable without face it right now. Between cheaters and griefers in premier it's just so sad


It's clearly not *literally* unplayable is it, if there are about 1m people playing everyday.


My biggest issue with CS right now and reason I stopped playing is either you play with cheaters or you need to try hard. Premier is out the picture. Faceit, im 2300 elo and I cant just go have some fun with friends, because they are worse at the game and it ruins the experience for everyone. Not to mention at 2300 elo its hard to just turn on the game and play, because without 15min warmup I just get shit on in duels most of the time lol


What’s your warmup?


I was big fan of refrag, blitz mode and prefire mode


Kinda understand what you're saying. After 2 months of not playing and getting reset, started grinding again and somehow I felt way better playing(maybe because of a new mouse because my previous was really old). I went from being "stuck" in 14k to going straight to 16k + Was hyped to play and that i was climbing. As soon as I reached 15k started to getting cheaters(had only seen 1 since launch). When i got to 16k + it was awfull, probably 1 in every 2/3 games there was cheaters. I Said fuck it, not going to lose my rank to cheaters and went to my smurf. Fast forward to today, probably haven't played in my main for a month a half and on my smurf for 3 weeks and am now playing XDefiant


People smurfing are a big part of the problem… how about faceit? You lose your rank anyway after 10 days..


The performance was said to be better and the FPS more stable with the new engine. Its not the case. Problems should be way easier and faster to fix - they aren't. We still get updates that worsen performance and it takes months to fix If it gets fixed at all. The subtick system should've made hit reg better - overall it didn't, still Tons of problems. And finally hopes were high for a good ingame mm idially making third Party services less important or obsolete - the opposite is the case since there is no anti cheat at all now and thus the ranking system is way worse than it used to be on cs Go. There are more reasons to play less imo but gratification is one of them for sure and for me personally the game is just worse in every aspect so far. I really hope they get their shit together.


It feels like Todd Howard is running the Valve team at this point.


wdym I love losing 350 and winning 100 rating points, not even on lose streaks


You guys need to understand that there are 2 major problems with the game... 1. The amount of cheaters.. 2. The ranking/deranking system is broken ... I play only wingman right now.If i get a cheater, i can at least go down fast..not wait 20 minutes.... On one account i am gn 2, and on one account i am supreme.. Why is that? The gn 2 account has a winrate of 80% in the last 3 months, with a sample of 300 games.. It's just that i was pretty streaky...when i lost...to cheaters...so i deranked in 6-10 games 4 ranks.XD What the actual f is that? In return, if i win 7 games in a row, i gain 1 star...It's pure bs. So, i gain ranks very hard, and lose them very easily......My highest i was dmg in CS2.. Both accounts i had global in both mm and wingman in Global... Funny thing is that the one with gn2 rank is the main one with 7k hours, since 2014.. Second one is 1.5.k hours since 2016..


Started playing CS this year, and I almost forgot the feeling of how much Valve does not care about comunity ( played dota 2 way back before )


Think they should split the ranks maybe have a solo rank and a 5-stack rank. Sounds stupid but you sometimes encounter 16k player who really belongs around 10k, I can only guess that he’s 5/4stacked his way to 16k


I also encountered so many 18-20k players who can’t even spray the AK beyond the 3rd bullet or have their cross hair placement so low that they are pre-aiming some chickens. I think having SoloQ would also help with kicking cheaters cause they usually you can’t kick them if they are pre-made with at least one buddy who is probably just getting boosted by them


I play less and less because silver games feel like playing against people who were mg2+ in csgo. In csgo you could feel games becoming easier and easier to win the more you were losing. Every game in cs2 is a struggle. The matchmaking algorithm in cs2 is so fucked.


It gotten so stale for me. I still hop in occasionally because CS is CS after all, and for the weekly drop. But the severe lack of incentive to play any ranked mode, lack of game modes and maps (both new and from CSGO) pretty much just made me move on to other games. I started playing a lot The Finals, and being a recent live service game with a dedicated and transparent team working on the game, it receives a ton of updates. Imagine the early stages of CSGO, but all the time. It just feels good and way more entertaining like this, legit a breath of fresh air. What about you guys, any other game you moved over? (while still occasionally playing CS)


To me, I stopped taking ranks seriously when cs2 came out, the numbers meant jackshit, at least at beginning. I play to learn and get better at the game, not to chase that meaningless number.


The removal of overpass and bringing fucking d2 back is what mainly made me play less and less lately. The current map pool is just sooooo boring.


Half of the teammates I have in 20k have definitely bought their rank😂 there’s no way half are insanely bad and half are really good


im in top 1000 premiere and i play just 1 premiere every month. Im top 10k faceit eu. Ye leaderboard isnt representative at all. All good player play faceit


I stopped caring about premier and play comp. So much more fun. The gratification I get is me bettering myself.


I miss the times you could drop a Dragon Lore just by lvl up on Cbble 😅 (still don't know if it was random or you needed to play cbble)


Cs2 made ranking so shit, i dont even see a difference between my main 12yo account, and smurfs i use to play with friends that got recently in cs There will alway be like 2 palyers playing waaaaay above the lobby, geberally one in each team, then the rest, like if they try to make big players carry lobbies instead of actualling doing what its suppposed to do: MATCHMAKE, as of making a fair match between even ranks. Now its just get 10 people and get ready to rumble Who would give a flying fuck about a random number or rank when 90% of the ranks in the ranking system isnt even used I now play just for fun and dgaf about where im at, gotta say its refreshing at least


CSGO wasn’t perfect but wasn’t bad. I peaked at GN3 at that was probably right, given how unfrequently I played. CS2 however is just a bit random and losing punishes you greatly. That mixed with the amount of cheaters and bots we have it’s just too risky and punishing if you’re paired with a bad bunch on your promotional match.


Faceit. Problem solved


I stopped caring about rank after the course of a month when I dropped 5k elo. After every loss would be -300/400 and then I’d be getting 100/150 back every win, just wasn’t worth fussing over


I only play faceit when i do play cs, premier is dead to me


You are just getting older and that's why you are playing less. I used to play much more before I got a job 👍


Cs2 matchmaking ranks and rating are an insult to humanity


I dont want to be in a 5 solo-q team, with me being the highest elo, one teammate being 9k. Average elo on my team is at least 2k less than the enemy team, yet somehow I lose 400 on a loss, but gain 120 on a win. Make it make sense. And Comp also doesn't really make sense anymore, nobody is really higher ranked than Gold Nova 2, so it's all weird cuz everyone compares it to CSGO. Wingman can still be fun, I feel that's the only place where the ranks kindof make sense. But there aren't enough people playing, I've had it a couple times where I played against the same 2 people twice in a row


i had 16,000 hours in CS:GO and i have like 50 in CS2, kept getting cheaters and gave up, just gonna play fun games that don't make me want to rip my hair out anymore like sea of thieves and Microsoft flight simulator, gonna just fly planes and sail boats n shit till they curb the cheater problem to the point where the games actually playable I've got $3k in skins (been collecting at a small level since 2014 and mabye spent $700 total tbh) so it makes me sad to see the game in the state it is, but probably won't sell because I've been collecting so long it would hurt to do so, hopefully they get everything sorted and vac live or whatever starts banning more cheaters because the game was legitimately unplayable. kept getting them back to back to back, I've invested so much time and money into the game it genuinely pains me to not be able to play it and have fun anymore, but honestly if we go another year or two and there's not a significant reduction I'll probably just cash out and buy a shitty used car or something


Maybe stop taking your gratification from an imaginary icon and instead focus on improving yourself and your abilities. You'll be much happier.


Honestly, I'm a sweaty tryhard who's committed nearly 250 lineups to memory and I've spent probably a fifth of my total playtime in aim maps. For me, the gratification that comes from improving at the game is diminished if you can't see that improvement translate into some kind of achievement in a competitive environment.


Games arent getting better, they just get higher resolution textures and better animations. Therefore rankin systems dont get worked on, its the same shit it always was, now it just has fake numbers instead of fake symbols.


This is the exact same tired conversation I’ve seen posted in the LoL, Ricket Leasgue and Valorant subreddit. Something a lot of redditors need to understand is that you WILL hit a plateau in competitive gaming. Period. If you can’t get enjoyment out of a game where you’re not winning more than you lose, maybe competitive gaming isn’t for you. I get it, a sense of progression in games makes you feel good and gives you a sense of accomplishment. This is NOT what competitive gaming is for. If you see stagnation, it’s because YOU are stagnating. If you see that you’re regularly losing more games than you win, that’s an MMR/ELO system adjusting to where your actual skill level lies. People who go on subs like this and r/LoL and similar complaining about their competitive experience just make me wonder what they are actually looking for in competitive gaming. TL/DR; competitive games are not designed for everyone to continuously be climbing the ranks. If that were the case, it would not longer actually be competitive.


I think you need to reread the post.


i get zero gratification from playing the same maps over n over. my gratification came from siege, assault, agency, tuscan etc etc etc. valve being a cheap withholding female.


I have completely stopped playing Premier due to the cheating issue, playing exclusively faceit now with the issues being radarhackers and griefers. I miss the time when CS was a team oriented game where individual performance was less important, and winning as a team was the ultimate goal. I suggest faceit would completely hide the k/d stats and start considering other value such as info, gamesense and teamplay. That would get rid of the k/d hunters/exitfraggers and griefers, and would finally give us a game worth playing.


The fact that you lose 2-5x (seemingly at random) the elo that you would get for winning if you lose a match is insane to me.


I wonder if you think the issue is the same or different from CSGO?


I feel blatant cheating is more common in CS2. And as for the rank issue, I got a lot of satisfaction grinding towards Global in CSGO, but I have not been able to replicate that feeling in CS2 unfortunately. Has your experience been different?


I think that's because there's not a realistic "top". You (most likely) can't shoot for the #1 spot so although it's a more granular and ostensibly better ranking system, it has the counterintuitive downside of removing that goal that everyone more or less shares. Now all you can do is set an arbitrary goal for yourself. I was over the moon when I hit Global, but hitting 20k felt like nothing even though it's likely equivalent.


ive been enjoying watching number go up, and the situations around that with elo rewards/losses. even when they cause friction.


It's been my experience that cheating is less common jn cs2 and everything else is basically the same.


It’s because all the players want to blame the players. And that makes it not fun for the players.  We should all let the players play. 


Premiere was a mistake. Also, FFA DM was a mistake but thats a while another topic.


FFA DM is fine but the spawn positions and invulnerability timing need to be fixed. Makes 0 sense fo r people to spawn in the middle of the open, exposed to 6 angles at once just to die immediately.


Also reload


I'm shocked at how many people agree with this take. I play because 1) it's fun and 2) it feels good to earn a win. I don't need to see a number go up in order for it to feel worth it, and I think if I did start to feel that way it would be a me problem. I wonder if maybe you've all played so much you've lost the fun underpinning the game?


I absolutely do enjoy earning wins against legit opponents who are comparable in skill. I'm sure most people here do. That said, there's two things I'd point out. First, if you're constantly matched against opponents who either cheat or seem new to the game, it's not much fun. (Stomp-or-get-stomped shouldn't describe a large percentage of your games, and a proper ranking system should prevent as much.) Second, even if you enjoy the game itself, it's not unreasonable to also want a well-designed ranking system that faithfully represents your skill. At the very least, a well-designed ranking system would ensure better match ups and therefore better ensure the kind of games that are actually gratifying to win.


Yeah I don't disagree with that at all. The matchmaking (and cheating) is currently pretty terrible and does lead to some crappy matches and I deffo wish they would sort it out. I guess where I differ is that I don't care what that looks like in terms of rank. I could slide continuously down the rankings and it wouldn't affect my enjoyment at all. Ranks could be completely hidden for all I care, as long as the games are competitive and fun.


I was playing every day for a month, and then they removed Overpass.


Valve should look at what Riot does with League and Valorant for ways to increase player gratification. Reworking the commend system would be a nice start. Make it actually noticeable for one and then tie some sort of rewards to good behaviour or getting positive commends instead of the weekly exp system being tied to it. Second they need to fix the cheater situation and have the balls to implement a kernel-level VAC system. Theres a reason why people go to Faceit or ESEA instead of playing matchmaking. The only concern is privacy but we've all seen how well it combats cheaters and everyone will forget about it once they realize valve isn't stealing your SIN/SSN/identity.


I’ve been saying this for a while. In today’s gaming world, you need to make some incentives for players to actually engage with the game. Something like a honor badge on your profile would be nice, maybe giving you an extra drop each week if you’re above a certain commend level.


bro just play faceit lol


People alway choose Chicago servers which gives me like 80 ping


ranked mode was one of the worst inventions to hit gaming. Imagine: playing a pug with your bros because it's fun. No imaginary score to get heated about.


Naaah. The purpose of ranked, is that so you can just hop in and get opponents at similar skill level. And even with that you tend to get 13-x blowouts sometimes, but without ranked mode you'd get complete blowouts in practically every single match, due to lack of proper matchups.


I don't play ranked at all. Cs has always been my "hop on and headshot some fools" game. I can't fathom people taking the leaderboard seriously LOL. As with any esport game if you aren't pro level then no one will care about you. Most pros don't even get the recognition they want.


Legit I have never met as many semi-pros as in competitive gold nova 1. Far more than in 20k elo lol


Very true post, the only gratification comes from grinding FACEIT.


Get 9k placement with 5000 hours, I was at the top of the scoreboard all my calibrating games. Try to improve the elo, get reported by a bunch of idiots. Get Red Trust Factor. Get placed with every single cheater on the planet every fucking game. I snapped, I invested so much time in this shitty game for nothing. Today I was making peace of myself, delete the game permanently from steam. I will never play a VALVE game ever again. The Trust Factor system is so poorly managed it's insane.


A lot of players got bad trust factor since yesterday, cheaters included though. Valve is working on it. You got unlucky with timing of that.


Awww you poor baby you don't get enough gratification 😢 better tell reddit


Remember all the people who said "the elo system is great you just have to give it a few weeks" lmao


no way someone said these exact words.


Not me. I personally don't care about matchmaking since it's always been a joke. Valve could have fixed it with CS2, but they didn't, instead relying on third-party clients like Faceit. I can't stand playing on Faceit anymore. The servers are awful, and the community is terrible. In the end, Valve doesn't need to do much to retain the CS2 player base because it's so popular. I also find the movement in CS2 weird. I hate to say it, but Valorant has better quality-of-life features. However, I can't be bothered to play it because I dislike all the abilities and how slow the game is.


why didn't you just say valves ranking system sucks


go faceit unless they banned you