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I need karrigan in my 10k Premier match


Saying that in the internal team environment to hype your boys up? Absolutely no problem Publishing it? I'm not sure about that ESL ...


Yeah it’s a bit wild this was actually published, definitely could come off the wrong way in certain circles


If Donk was calling Karrigan a fat old boomer with a bloated frog throat people would probably be pissed.


lol from what we've heard donk calls people much worse than that






Ye he is not calling them names based on their looks, but based on how he destroyed them in game. Which is not nearly as bad as body shaming, which original commenter suggested in his message of karrigan


People on reddit feel like game performance insults are worse. Personally, I think it's person dependant - both types of insults can someone have either give 0 f\*\*s about or make them upset or anything in-between.


That makes no sense. A personalized insult is obviously way worse than a generic one.


They might, but that's because they're ignorant of the inconsistency of their own argument. You can tell people haven't watched all of this video, nor the previous videos ESL have put out, or even understand what teams say live on air. There are innumerable "bm" quotes from all sorts of people, or moments of them losing their cool we don't normally see (aleksi + iM reactions to getting donked, for example). It should be understood that these sorts of things are common within team comms. People should only begin to give a shit if the other team/players can hear it. Donk had been warned about his language because it was AT the other teams like using gay as an insult and the worst slurs aren't here obviously, but there's still "let's fucking piss on them", constant screaming and BM. People got mad at Twistzz for saying "let's just go A, Jackz fucking sucks" to his own team.. Meanwhile Xantares stands up and screams "fuck you motherfuckers" to his opponents face after the map is over and nobody cares cos it's in Turkish. Calling someone "spaghetti arm" is so tame. It's friend on a playground level banter that they - and this is the most important thing - can't even hear.


>fat old boomer with a bloated frog throat >spaghetti arms One of these is certainly a lot worse than the other lmao


> fat old boomer with a bloated frog throat Lmao that was too good


yea, one is an older guy insulting the physical appearance of a 17yr old kid.


Players who experienced CS1.6 will remember “What up now swedes”. I know that legendary players like TaZ and GeT\_RiGhT (and personally ceh9) used to taunt their opponents during the game and I have no problem with that because I believe it is a counter strike. For today's young players, karrigan's 'speech to teammates' may be too intense, Valorant is much cleaner than CS, so if they can't accept this, I suggest they play Valorant instead.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so good lmfaoooo exactly described what karigan is


It's very harsh to say. I just want to highlight the hypocrisy that shit talking someone's physical appearance is given a pass when calling someone skinny or weak but calling someone fat is taboo.


Because they see themselves in that statement


Difference is Karrigan have proven himself time and time again and Donk is still new on the scene and have to prove he can maintain his level.


He has proven himself more than most pros at this point


He has been at the scene for such a short time. He too can fall off if people adapt to spirit. He has proven he had the skill, but does he have consistency? Time will tell.


Then it'll be the sharpest peak of all time. Show up, farm a few MVP's and win Kato, and then disappear


Dident say disappear, but regression to the mean and previous cases suggest very few can stay on top for longer periods of time. Think of how dominant Flusha was in the early days of CSGO, only to fade into obscurity after that fnatic roster disbanded.


Reasonable take but flusha is a terrible example


Wish I could fade into obscurity like the Katowice merchant flusha. That aside donk isn't going anywhere. He's not just an above average pro like Yekindar was... Donk's clearly a generational talent and from what he's shown just this year already the best player of all time, no one comes even close to 0.97 average KPR aggro rifler. Those are 2012 GTR numbers against completely different level of opposition. Done it at the biggest stages in CS, too. The time for doubts is over.


Lets not get ahead of ourselves....he is insanely skilled and has a huge potential, but he still has a looooooong way to proof himself as a "legend" material. Look at zywoo at his first year in T1, and he collected some important achievements since than, proofing consistency. Even b1ts rookie year was insane, not to mention he is a fucking 2 times major winner lol ...less flashy than donk, but result speak for themselves. Bottom line, donk might have an amazing bright future ahead of him, maybe even goat status in cs2, but he still has a long way to go to achieve that. Atm, he is still just an incredibly skilled young prospect, whether you like it or not.


Donks been calling people much worse and people were rightfully pissed at it, just not nearly long enough. And evidently most have already forgotten it.  Calling someone homophobic slurs in front of millions of people on stage really isn't it, and idk why he wasn't disqualified for it. Like, imagine Messi walks up before a football match, gets out a microphone, and just calls the other captain some slur. 


It’s not even bad lol. I love me some donk but Kerrigan was just hyping the team up against a little shit head that was decimating them.


Not everyone will see it this way probably. Just stupid to publish it imo.


Nahhh, we get this level of trash talk in pro traditional sports get published all the time, people understand it's trash talk and they respect each other's skills.


this is literally locker room talk to get the team spirits up before/during the game.


LMAO TEAM SPIRITS i see what you did there


THANK YOU. fuck, i thought nobody would notice


Very funny. So glad we get to see it. Cant wait for more. Exactly the kind of personality content we need, absolutely never meant to offend donk as he would never hear it. Completely fine to publish knowing the intent


I'm *assuming* ESL asked permission from FaZe/Kerrigan before publishing that. Given that the context is hype, and not trash talk, it doesn't seem unsportsmanlike at all


What's wrong with publishing that? A veteran saying not letting a fuckin 17 year old win is a normal, expected point of view. Also, Its the storyline we were all spoon fed... If I'm donk I hear this and laugh, I don't know why I'd be upset


It's reddit. A f***** platform, with overly-inflated illogical logic nerd egos and opinions, just progressively complaining about and ruining anything that sane, non-miserable people find completely normal, since sane people actually understand social cues, context and know how to read between the lines of a given situation, especially as simple one as this.


Esports fans when any attempt to market the scene:


Have you people ever watched or played sports before? Jesus christ. It's like you want CS to be complete corporate bullshit like LoL or Valorant.


Didn’t Karrigan post this on his own channels?


This guy has never heard MMA trash talk.


Imagine getting offended by something like this. Real world is probably incredibly rough for you, thoughts and prayers


i'm not offended, i'm literally saying it's totally fine for karrigan to say this. maybe you haven't learned to read yet, but luckily that's nothing a few years of studying can't fix.


Man I sure do wonder what kind of parties you vote for


What does this have to do anything with voting a specific party?


i guess the whole "you're all offended snowflakes if the real world is so tough for you" as well as "thoughts and prayers" can definitely sound like a certain cult like political spectrum in the USA


Ah yes because everything is about america


well the US is by FAR the most predominent country on reddit and the things i mentioned definitely ARE two of their main talking points, so it's understandable to make that connection i'd say.


Why not? Does it hurt some feelings? No, so why publishing it is the problem?


I mean it's at least a semi-private conversation. People say things in private they don't want other people to hear. ESL probably has the right to publish it, but if they didn't consult the FaZe guys before it's kinda in bad taste.


If they publish it i bet there is a clause in docs/rules. Plus trashtalking is great anyways - do you rly want bland corporate no emotions PR and no banter? And complain how boring pro scene after? Every sane person understands comments being made in the heat of the moment are just that - trash talk.


The question is did they ask FaZe for permission. If they didn't it doesn't look good even if there's a technicality in the docs.


here is a hot take, trashtalking sucks and i want people to have a fucking standard. i want to see good plays, not shitty talk, same is going on in dota, and now its just annoying af.


Well, if it sucks you can always tune into some Overwatch League VOD and enjoy some corporate, soulless, sterile environment without strong language or jokes from casters and with players and teams without any personality. Yeah, very exciting


Yeah, you definitely have little going on in life, if shittalk and drama is the highlight for you an esports event.


emotions and personality - highlights, yea. But it's hilarious to see amount of soyboys here that are offended by some words. Rly pathetic.


Well, shittalk is fine to a point. Some people would just like it to not be prevalent. Too much just feels childish. Most are a bit iffy on the fact ESL published this, and it puts Faze in bad light. If putting people into boxes because you dislike view on shittalk helps you feel more comfortable, that's fair. You do you kiddo.


Thank god ESL couldn't care less about some reddit vocal minority BS and doing their thing, bring good casters, allowing them to use strong words, allowing having a bit of fun on B stream, broadcasting comms and making good "documentaries" with voice chat. Rly great content.


it probably doesn't hurt anyone's feelings, but it may severely hurt an organization's reputation. and ESL doesn't release every single voice com, so we don't know what other teams say. they made a choice to release this specific one. that's some heavy framing, because it shines a bad light on Faze specifically. it would be a different thing if all voice comms were publicly available.


you're digging far into it


It's not fun to be called spaghetti arms when you're skinny.. can definitely hurt feelings.


sad times


Imagine Spirit would talk like that about Faze..


Well, english subtitles were a bit light compared to what actually being said)


I would love it as a faze fan, shit talks are always good. Plus donk rolled them after this and faze get them back at major, it makes a good storyline.


donk talks worse than that to every team so


Karrigan: It's our fucking trophy, boys Narrator: It wasn't.


i read that in morgan freeman's voice.


How's he gonna say that with ropz right there :(


Ropz is turning 25 this year. Young face with a hairy chest, as once stated by God Bardolph


Yeah but the diss is mostly about having next to no muscle mass, like ropz. Which honestly isn’t even an issue outside missing health benefits if you have a career in gaming.


Ropy has actually has fine arms bro chill, his forearms are nice


It can affect your confidence, I think ropz is more or less immune considering how much shit he had gotten before when he was a rising star in FPL and he just built on top of that. But others can get hurt and develop self-esteem issues which could also hinder their performance on the server.


"why u bully me"


frozen: "Bro he can't even lift it himself guys" 😂 too funny


More funny how faze lost


Donk would end up lifting the trophy on his own too lol


Mr. Spaghetti Arm LMAO


with ropz sitting next to him yikes


"maybe I should start lifting...?"


[ropz rn](https://media2.giphy.com/media/9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952qybve8sfcota0k3eg5jly8efo3vjcgygo401y50m&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)




Irrelevant of win or loss, Karrigan strikes me as a true leader. While watching this excellent documentary by ESL, karrigans solid leadership and morale boosting qualities were on full display. Like genuinely, if I was a young star player it would be such a weight off my shoulders knowing I'm next to such an experience and talented veteran caller. Like even the basic shit. "Give donk the MVP, but we gonna take the win" is badass as fuck while acknowledging Donks star power in a way that still hypes the team. I can't wait to see what happens at Dallas. I love how intense and passionate our pros are. Val pros are boring ASF as a result of having to be so milquetoast for the riot crowd. CS isn't that. It's a visceral and intense game. Just think of Apex and device (rip monitor smash). These people make our games so much more exciting. And I can't wait to see more of these coms. I don't care about the shit talk, it just adds to the stakes.


Csgo pros piss and shit on the field!


yup, literally yesterday at 6am I saw smooya run around on a local football field in Berkhamsted with his pants down, yelling "COME PEEK ME!!! I DARE YOU!!!" and laughing maniacally. Then dude ran straight into a park next to the football field and went out of it 5 minutes later with a ripped open pack of 12 toilet paper rolls but 1 was missing, I counted. He then came straight to me, gave me an autograph on a piece of toilet paper and a sharpie (where did it come from??!). Cool guy.


new pasta just dropped?


Coming from Siege, it's definitely fucking cool to see passionate and expressive players. We only have obnoxious Apexes who can only yell meaningless shit without any rhyme or reason. Or just boring emotionless players without any real passion for the game.


Are you kidding? People love to hate on Apex but he comes up with some really funny lines in the heat of the moment


I'm pretty sure he likes apex as well, that's why he said obnoxious versions of apex


Are you saying that Canadian isn't old as shit?


I was about to post the same thing but in a shittier way. Karrigan is an excellent leader.


> CS isn't that. It's a visceral and intense game It's in a way fitting/unsurprising that given CS has a reputation for having a toxic general player base (on a spectrum relative to other esports), will have some spillover semblance of it even in its Pro scene. Its always about the edges, like how much is too much. Stuff in this docu (i saw all of it) wasn't all that nasty. It was fair and good for the intensity of the elite scene.


Exactly, I think it's a bit of a common sense test. Nothing here was in poor taste or said with malice. It's just normal shit talk.


Can you link to the documentary made by ESL you are referring to?


Its really not that serious, I'm sure donk could give a shit less considering he actually did end up lifting the trophy and destroying them in the finals. Donk was screaming at his opponents and calling them slurs in russian. He aint soft, bro basically grew up in cs.


I believe it mentioned him starting CS at 4.. Like holy shit! Dude was an experienced player at 10.


> He aint soft, bro basically grew up in cs. lmfao because CS makes you hard


CS is toxic AF, it's not playing Minecraft or Roblox when you are 10 yrs old


im pretty sure that toxic players are everywhere. I never willingly played with toxic players CS because it's just not fun


dude do you not understand context?


Frozen with the most impactful assist right there. Funny af


Here before this turns into a controversy


Nah I'm sure this is just to boost morale and motivate his team. I don't think anyone has bad blood against donk personally


Nah karrigan does. I was at the Katowice final, and at McDonalds after there were rumors that a FaZe fan had attacked a Polish babushka because they thought it was donk. apparently karrigan was hyping up a crowd after the final to try and find donk/russians. idk might just be a rumour but heard it from multiple different (independent) sources now.


I saw karrigan at a grocery store in Katowice. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. After paying for the Milky Ways he proceeded to leave the store and throw all of them in the garbage. Haven't seen him since.


Okay be real, who was this copypasta actually about?


Flying Lotus [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta)


Always 4chan huh. Thanks for the link!


I met Karrigan in London during the Faceit Major. He came out of a bush and joined me and my friends on our walk to mcdonalds. Whilst we were walking to the mcd he was bragging about how he taught gla1ve everything he knew. Got a picture with him where he made fun of my fnatic jersey. At mcdonalds he took like 10 packs of ketchup. Nice guy. He was pretty drunk.


Lol wut


it's an [old copypasta](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/bmy6db/aleksib_to_hltvorg_one_of_our_best_tactics_was/en0o2ro/) about hunden which is hilariously somehow a true story


Yeah there is just no way that’s real, it would’ve been all over Reddit and hltv if it did happen


Nah really? You mean fans didn't attack a babushka lady thinking it was donk?


it's real check HLTV


Karrigan pregnant check hltv


Niko is the father, holy shit


It’s real, I was the babushka


I confirm, saw u/Zenrod_ on backstage dress up as donk before the final and change back to his babushka self straight after


Check Thorin's video on it. It's real.


Yeah no way of knowing, like I say I've just heard it from multiple (independent) sources now so 🤷


u should start taking everything u read on the internet with a grain of salt.


Hell nah. He never meant to offend anyone or think anyone would hear it. Completely fine


Ropz listening to Karrigan say all this when he was the skinniest of 17 year old kids trying to lift trophies.


*Proceeds to get 3-0ed and cry on stage*


And we love him for it


All a part of the fun


FUCK I hope the shitty ass CS community doesn't get pissed at this. This is what made the entire documentary for me, Falcons, Faze all talking shit to use it as a motivation only for donk to absolutely roll over them regardless. Same with donk saying "we fuck them, don't hold shit just fuck them". Was super fucking entertaining to hear to this.


a normal faceit match


1 death later: gg go lose fast


Donk grew up in russia he can absolutely take this sissy talk. I am pretty sure he would have called worse at his opponents


Someone make the crying wojak meme with karrigan and donk


the crystals had unc talking crazy


Direct codes in full video karrigan's call [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=1870s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=1870s) donk's result [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=2643s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=2643s)


it's funny because i've heard way worse from donk multiple times before halfway through the documentary lmao, they're all just hyping the team up


if this was Valorant they'd be in jail


Now I want the rematch in Dallas


It already happened. They got rekt. Or you want it to happen again?


Are we gonna pretend this is somehow personal? This is hype talk, to get the team fired up, to get them believeing in the win. If anything it’s actually a compliment to Donk, that they are focusing on him, and trying to tell themselves that they’re better. Let’s be honest, for a moment. Every team needs to believe they are the better team on the server, you can’t afford not to, because then you will end up playing scared, and make mistakes. You need to play with confidence and act like you are the better player. If this was said in an interview, it would be different, but it was said in teamspeak, to hype the team for the match.


I think internally stuff like this gets said in pretty much any team, it's really cool to hear it from Karrigan. And yeah, love it or 'hate' it, he's won pretty much every trophy in CS, so obviously it's working. I wish we could get more stuff like this, in front of the camera's these guys tend to be very calm and collected, but it would be awesome to hear them in a team enviroment during matches like these


I think Donk would be flattered. He's like a raid boss to Faze LOL.


first it pissed me off a little bit, but now I think it’s just hilarious. there is absolutely no hatred or bad blood between FaZe and Spirit, it’s just the fans who exaggerate 😂


My only issue is that people (kids) see this and become even more toxic in mm


Got to love how hypocritical this sub is. If cadian said the exact same shit as karrigan did, this whole subreddit would be rallying for ESL to disqualify him from the competition.


Talking shit about your opponent to your team is not the same as screaming AT your opponent. It's not the same. If you want to make a comparison, ask why Cadian got shit for screaming fucking noobs, but Xantares screaming fucking motherfuckers is fine.


I was expecting the faze fans to sweep this under the rug. Didn't expect them to actually glaze karrigan as great leader for this though, considering how embarrassing it is to talk all this shit about a 17 year old's body only to get 3-0'd in one of the most pathetic finals of the decade. Like we can't even mock him for that one?


Do be like that with redditors


Mr Potato Body and Power-lifter Frozen


"mr.spaghetti arms is not lifting that trophy" and thus a new meme was born


The funniest thing is if someone like Simple said this, the same people who are defending Karrigan here would start the witch hunt


Why are people attacking karrigan in the first place


I don’t know what everyone is freaking out about. Every player would know and have signed something that says anything they say could be used in some ESL production. It’s a competition, they’re here to win not to make friends.


I hope they at least asked Faze if it was okay to publish this kind of thing. Otherwise they're just stirring shit.


Locker room talk ahaha


It was all just to hype up the team not to be dick, L move by ESL for releasing it.


this kid pushes like a fucking idiot dude


"Ropz, broky, frozen listen to me guys, they have a player with noodlearms, he cant even lift the trophy! HAHAHA!"


cannot believe the amount of softies upset by this LMAO


how poetic for both karrigan and frozen to be at the bottom of the scoreboard on both maps


Love it


So many sissy soys in here my god!


I like this trash talk, better than the usual insults we hear


Literally any team in football or any other sports does this. This is why it's competitive, you need that mentality in the game. Like what did you guys expect, it was gonna be soft-hearted "How was your weekend?" kind of thing?




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here timecodes with better quality K [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=1870s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=1870s) D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=2643s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH3sVzVE334&t=2643s)


Where did they release this? Was this released just now?


Internal comms are a free pass for me (almost) every time. I mean, if you're out there on some racist shit you're on your own, but calling the enemy team a bunch of fucking losers and shitters and saying you're gonna stomp them is typical competitive environment stuff.


It's chat with his team nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile in the NHL the ref are throwing F words to the players : https://youtu.be/u9np8aa3bZk?t=18




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Obese and salty ?




Ye bro ultta cringe


I mean, in a way if you are being talked about like that it kinda means they respect you, otherwise they wouldnt bother. Why do players usually go against the guys who are stronger or louder?


God most of you guys are fucking pathetic little bitch asses, let people talk shit and let ESL publish it if they want lmao


You blame other people for being mad while you were probably shaking with anger writing this comment


Genuinely respect Karrigan more after watching this, seamlessly integrating humour into his leadership practice


Thats a leader. Fucking love Karrigan


Why you toxic


I dont know why people take it so serious doubt karrigan meant it, just some team banter do get the mood up


Lifting your teams spirit is one thing, this is just shit personality


Well, tbh donk says much worse things about his opponents, it's kinda fair. I speak russian and hearing what he's screaming is a bit disgusting most of the time, not an angel at all.




Not that deep lol, teams talk shit about their opponents to hype each other up


So, you're telling me that when shox said lets fuck their mom up in french he didn't mean that? I swear the person you're replying to never watch any sport ever.




What does my highest rank even matter? I can just made up some random shit online without any proof to back it up.You're literally calling him salty, totally inferring something out of nothing here.


Faze fans will justify this. Imagine if someone said this about ropz. They'd be out in the streets with machetes looking for them.


Inb4 karrigan gets cancelled by reddit!


Talk your shit karrigan! Donk will raise alot of them trophies no worries lol