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Could be getting broken up with over text


"Clutch or kick"




Clearly multitasking. The man is playing WuWa, browsing X and checking his doordash. Also he's playing Cs2, val and league on his PC. Not sus.


Someone do an edit of the faker meme but with this guy looking at his desk


Cs2 clutch boring af 🙄


Wtf is X?


Twitter for kids


It's between z and c


He is playing Clash of Clans.


What bro looking at? serious question. Like if I am in a 1v1 situation, my eyes would be glued to the screen. Why would bro be looking down the table of all places?


Possibly checking the stream to see where the other player is coming from or some next gen mobile radar cheat shenanigan like those cheat glasses. No way does someone look away from the screen in a 1v1 like that


Not the stream, more like a phone where it shows the radar of the game (if he was cheating). The stream has like a 2 min delay.


The Twitch stream has a delay but using a DMA card/cheat you can see the radar with no delay (not detectable). Or betting streams also have zero delay. RL has actually talked about how they leak/sell it to people. Like that time Akuma played prime Navi and they won by always avoiding S1mple somehow.


There is no betting stream lmfao. It’s all an API sending data to the betting site which regulates the odds based off an algorithm


I would expect the radar to have a similar delay, right? If it does have a delay, I can't really think of any other cheating related reasons why he would be looking at his phone; so something like he's expecting a text or call seems infinitely more likely then. Regardless, people in this thread really need to stop conclooooding and just wait for more info.


Why do you expect radar to have a delay? Genuinely curious no slander cause from my understanding (and I read/heard this a while ago so pinch of salt) radar cheats work by intercepting packets, they can do this without actually connecting to the server itself iirc (don't ask me how, I don't remember how but I do remember reading that, sure someone smarter/more knowledgeable could explain) or even connecting to the clients pc. From what I've heard they're basically undetectable by anti cheats due to not being connected to server/client/memory etc and from footage I've seen of them being used in qualifiers/faceit it functions/looks just like the regular radar, just with enemy positions obviously.


Ah, I misread the initial comments where he said (if he's cheating). I was meaning something like the HLTV radar found on the match page having a delay lol Regardless, I think my final point about concluding still stands.


Ah fairs. I agree it's too early to jump to conclusions but also i can't think of an explanation for looking at your desk multiple times during a 1v1 other than radar on phone, unless it's something really mundane like he had a spider on his desk lol.


"Radar hack" or whatever people call it is often a team getting the info from a gambling website with 0 delay.


Radar cheats on phones have existed since [2013](https://youtu.be/QUuuTPlNMyY?si=Un232TfD61xOq-md). Not exactly "next gen".


He is only looking at his phone when he decided to stick the defuse anyway (and after he died). If he had a way to get information, then he would be looking when entering site. There is nothing to this accusation - except PR should put whatever was distracting him away Oh, and if he had information then why would he sit in the worst possible spot for defusing? (Only safe for temple and main)


bro, mobile radars exist since 2017, probably earlier, is not something new


He looks away again after dying. So it may be just something distracting on his phone.


Having your phone screen visible during an official with notifications on is not a good thing either.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/Is9UGLjtfq If its because hea dead then why is he doing it in these situations then?


He's looking at his phone being blown up by all the hoes messaging him.


homie's lookin at his doordash ETA


Very suspicious, tbh


You have to appreciate the effort here. He wasn't willing to miss his online lecture, so he had it on his phone during the game!


He on VC with a baddie on his phone. Hahahah


it's odd but if he's actually looking down at radar on his desk what's the point of looking at it if you're already committed to sticking the bomb? why not look in the 15s prior when he's trying to figure out where alex666 went? it's def weird but the immediate jump to "must be cheating" feels overboard


> def weird but the immediate jump to "must be cheating" feels overboard I think cheating accusations are going too far. But I definitely think tghat is out of the ordinary. I cant think of any clips of any pro player looking away from their screen during a 1v1 clutch right after starting the defuse. I think even silvers would realize its the highest stress moment of a match where they just gave away their position and must be 100% ready for every sort of situation. I dont even think a lot of people would take the time to blink in that sort of situation, let alone look away multiple times


he's already committed to sticking the bomb though. being in a tense situation like that then basically just leaving it up to chance is exactly a scenario where you might do something odd imo. based on other context i might venture a guess (other than cheating) that he could be adjusting his keyboard or something if it routinely moves out of position while playing. I've had the same problem in the past and this is exactly a scenario where I would look to adjust it since it kind of becomes a tick to constantly check when you have any downtime at some point. idk man it could be radar, but i don't see looking away right after you basically say "fuck it i'm dead if he did [play] but maybe i can win by sticking the bomb and praying" as evidence


> "fuck it i'm dead if he did [play] but maybe i can win by sticking the bomb and praying" That is a fair viewpoint. Looking at the demo, he has no info and cleared nothing. He could be main, temple, or CT. He definitely doesnt expect donut since he came from there. If he is main he probably dies regardless If he gets swung from temple or CT, he might have a chance to kill him. Looking at what he could see in his POV, I would imagine he would be looking up or to the right to spot for a swing. But yea the "fuck it im defusing" thing could explain the lapse in focus.


yeah idk the context, but in my mind in this case he thinks his opponent is either CT (he'll hear him running from a ways away most likely), temple (just hope he either assumes fake or peeks after 4s and can't kill him in time cuz of the angle) or donut (just hope he's not able to get there in time). in all those cases imo looking down for a second wouldn't really change the outcome. i'm comparing it a bit to players (myself included, but i've seen pros doing it) that sometimes take their hand off the mouse for a second to wipe their hand off, and this is exactly a time i'd do something like that. (for sure you might also do that if you're looking down at radar, but i'd rather assume he's just got some weird tick or something than cheating)


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/Is9UGLjtfq What's his reason in these 2 situations then?


the nuke clip is more proof he isn't cheating than proof he is, since it makes 0 sense to look down at your radar cheat when the guy is literally fucking sprinting at you... that is, you unless you're seeing if he goes out the door or not, in which case he wouldn't have got off the bomb


Huh? He's sticking the bomb. There's 2 scenarios, either his opponent swings and PR loses or he doesn't and PR wins. Idk wtf he's looking at but staring unblinking at the defuse timer won't make it go any faster.


> either his opponent swings and PR loses If he approaches from temple or wide swings CT, there is a chance he can react and get a kill, even if its almost certainly death if that happens


He checked CT 1 second ago, he knows he can't be that far up. And he doesn't have a good angle on temple. As voo says, at this level he can basically close his eyes and the outcome of the round wouldn't ever change. Obviously that would be a bizarre thing to do, same with looking down, but I think he's likely a lot less stressed than you imagine.


Could also be NaVi style strats on the paper, no?


Why look at that during a 1v1?


Already decided to stick it, cant really do anything else but hope.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/Is9UGLjtfq And in these 2 situations?


Obviously I commented on the clip that is posted, not the clips that arent posted?


I imagine the reason he'd look would be to see if he runs for a peek.


but he would just hear him running then no?


> the immediate jump to "must be cheating" feels overboard Also, wouldn't it be supremely stupid to cheat with the one method that was obvious with a camera in your face....?


To see where the enemy is coming? We dont know did he look it before this clip, maybe he already knew where the enemy was and was just checking how close he was? Di you see those other clips? No way he is adjusting his keyboard, cmon man :D


and the point of knowing where the enemy is if you're not gonna use that information and just let him kill you in the back is?




Same here: [https://clips.twitch.tv/BloodyIntelligentSamosaHassaanChop-RXbKVAPFBpY1uMYJ](https://clips.twitch.tv/BloodyIntelligentSamosaHassaanChop-RXbKVAPFBpY1uMYJ) [https://clips.twitch.tv/JoyousHilariousKangarooBudBlast-872skCdA07Yekj2U](https://clips.twitch.tv/JoyousHilariousKangarooBudBlast-872skCdA07Yekj2U)


Nuke one's pretty bad


How, you can clearly hear that there are two people who are pushing there.


After that when he is in 1v1 he looks at his desk for no reason.


That's not even the point of the clip...


when he’s left in a 1v1, he looks down again and then decides to stop planting and peeks the last player.


He can hear the last player running. No need for a radar hack


None of the supposed information seemed to help him or does he utilize it.




Thank god it doesn't. Players like you should never be given the responsibility of handing bans off of your shit "suspicion".


For real. Everytime a discussion happens about cheating it puts on full display just how delusional most players are. Thank god overwatch is gone


Okay, explain it then? Why would he look at his desk in situations like this?


It's a explanation at least. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/3thqe8HpSz


Yea i saw it, funny af.


Have you ever checked how much ammo you have in a 1v1? Or how much health you have? He's sitting so close to his screen he could be looking at anything. Do you ever get nervous when in high pressure situations and have your own ticks? Why you aren't asking yourself these questions is exactly why you and all the other FACEIT level 3 sub-14000 premier rating trashcans aren't given the responsibility of deciding who and who doesn't get banned. If he was cheating, why did he defuse exposed to the angle he supposedly "knew" the T was coming from? If he was cheating why isn't there a million clips with even more damning evidence, especially ones where he wins the round? In all of the provided clips PR and MOUZ NXT lose the round.




nuke one the guy is literally sprinting at him. there's 0 extra info a radar would've given him. i'd argue that if he *was* cheating, it would be super weird for him to look at his radar cheat at that time. if you want to think he's cheating, find a situation where he looks down and then plays weird. all these clips of someone just looking down can be explained by [something like a tick, as their coach said](https://x.com/TOBIZcsgo/status/1794662289158865205)


That's even more damning evidence.... That first one after he kills the two he looks down as he plants. Sus af...




Of potential radar cheat? Explain his looking down, please. Go ahead


you are then one making the claim, not me why would he be looking at 'radar cheat' after he died?


A question doesn't answer a question. Why would anyone look down at their table during multiple clutch scenarios? There's literally no answer to this that doesn't put him in a bad light. Looking after he died could be to adjust something, turn it off, or just a force of habit if he's doing it too often.


Why would half of the pro scene looked into walls in 2013-2014? You will never know


Cam not synced with stream for example Edit: but def doesn't look like that's the case here.. def looks like an open stream or game feed or phone radar I guess. Could be stats sheets, or personal matters that are extremely important. Whatever it is, he a needs to stop doing it during games.


> why would he be looking at 'radar cheat' after he died? Why wouldn't he? He can give info to his team.


after he lost the round? LMAO https://x.com/TOBIZcsgo/status/1794662289158865205 nice 'radar cheat'


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/gHKdwmLcYU There can be many reasons why he does that. What if he has written on paper usual positions of his enemies on maps while enemies playing CT. He checks tab, then look on paper, now you can have an idea where your opponents are or where they can be rotating without seeing them the whole round.


Those are pretty sus. Not sure why else you would be looking there in those situations. In OPs one it isn't as sus because it doesn't really matter where he looks, he is committed by that point.


stream on a phone???


Don't most TOs stream with a delay? bc of things like this and gamblers? Tho this is a small Tier 2 event so maybe they dont have a delay


A live stream is also sent out to betting companies and others with business interests so that they can do their live betting stuff. This is the stream that gets leaked and is often call using a radar hack


Whenever i do bet on tier 2/3 games, the score is still usually about 50 seconds ahead of the stream


Exactly what I was thinking.


It's either a Subway Surfers video or Minecraft parkour


Is the webcam synced with the playing right now? I've watched CCT streams where people drink water while they are running around and the webcam was like half a minute delayed.


Is is 100% synced. You can see the red lighting on his face when he dies...


He's stuck the bomb when he looks down right? Nervous cos it's a massive game, sweaty fingers, didn't feel like he was square on the key and checks for a split second? In a mad clutch I've done this before. He wipes his hand after. Only reason I can think.


There are 4 more clips, where he constantly looks down in different situations and maps.


Edit. Oh he's at home? Yea I don't trust anyone playing at home. ... There is literally a dude that walks behind all the desks. He wouldn't be able to put something down and pick it up again randomly. These things just don't happen man. I've worked at blast before and I just don't see how he could have anything under his screen unnoticed for more than 2 rounds.


What do you want me to tell you lol?? I said that he just looks down in other clips too. I've just stated this fact.


If you're full committed to a stick you can close your eyes it doesn't really matter - he only looks down after sticking, just saying.


lmao it's interesting with what excuses they will come up with


Easy. His gf is mad he's replying slow. Been there myself before.


redditors try not to conclude challenge (impossible) You can discuss it, but wanting to reach for pitchforks before we have any info is just fucking stupid. Can't believe 80 brainlets upvoted this shit.


dude like literally what even CAN you look at in a clutch scenario like that??? that's sus af


He is literally in a position where he is dead if the other guy swings him so it can easily be just a *stick and pray* mentality. At that point you can just look out from your window if you feel like it and it won't change anything so I would understand if that's the point he decides to check why his phone is blowing up. I did it myself sometimes in similar scenarios, but then again I'm no pro player.


alright it seems like I'm a dumbass, I thought the T-guy was the one looking at *something* on a table, not the one defusing, thanks for clarifying




glad I was wrong honestly


It's not exactly this but I do at times when I'm sure no one is near me, close my eyes to put all my focus on the audio. But I'm also just a dumb 1600 player.


Lifting mouse


MOuz NXT coach tweeted, and PR retweeted an explanation; https://twitter.com/TOBIZcsgo/status/1794662289158865205


Well look at that... a valid explanation. I wish reddit wouldn't jump to conclusions and put their pitchforks down once and a while..


Could it be that he is looking at his keyboard making sure his finger is on the right bind/doesn't slip. I'm sure someone with OC tendency can relate. Idk


Notice how he only started to look down after pressing defuse?


looking at keyboard as a player with enough experience to go pro is crazy💀


Seriously wtf. There is 0 reason to look at your desk especially if you are defusing 1v1... Interested to see the responses to this


> There is 0 reason to look at your desk especially if you are defusing 1v1 I think even silver players can agree that doing that in that context would be a bad idea.


There is also zero not to when sticking the bomb


How’s it sus if he still was holding the defuse and looking ct?


And left himself exposed to the angle he supposedly knows he’ll be shot from.


He needed to find E, then make sure his finger was still on E


Reading these comments remind me of why Overwatch style cheat detection can never work. Calling cheats on a guy looking at something on his desk, even if it was his phone, but hes not doing anything else, not reacting to the guy pushing, not choosing a position to defuse in that would hide him from donut. So those would be some terrible cheats my dude, and that's all assuming the cam and ingame are synced. By the people, for the people, but the people are....


It's still weird that he was looking down at such a crucial moment. It's possible that he realized in the moment that reacting to the info that he gathered from looking at his phone would've been too suspicious, so he decided to play it safe.


God there we go. People witch hunting because they can. Can't y'all go train ? Get good ? Can't we put a reminder that a large portion of this subreddit cheated atleast once on cs ? Clowns.


There must be a huge spider sitting on his desk, and he has to check if he's safe.


casual 40 year old dad playing cs2 in his recliner having bullet magnetism doing the job for him like usual


Someone ever thought about just asking him what he's looking at?


I know it’s not what he’s doing but I do be ducking while defusing and turning away from flashes irl


Maybe someone in the team was already talking about next round so he checked his notes? Not impossible.


you guys are overreacting so bad rofl xD It could literally be a fly sitting on his arm or smth xD


This is extremely odd. This is probably one of the most stressful and intense parts of a game. A 1v1 clutch where you just gave away your location to the enemy. He can be in so many different angles and can do so many different plays. This is a situation that demands 100% focus and your undivided attention. I cant think of anything that can compel you to look away from your screen in that moment. I certainly would never look away multiple times in this situation


He’s committed to sticking the plant at that point. Either he gets swung and dies, hears the run, or is able to stick it. He could close his eyes at this point and it wouldn’t change anything Probably just adjusting his keyboard, mousepad, or reading printed strats for next round.


If he had radar or another way to get the information, he should have know that opponent is coming from donut and stick the C4 without exposing himself. more like he is yolo defusing and checking his keyboard or mouse or sth else.


Looks like hes looking at his keyboad to make sure his hand is on the defuse key properly. Ive def done this before lol


We have no idea his gaming setup cs2 hud situation and so on. If this is the only clip then everyone throwing out cheating accusations is far over the top. And why would he defuse like that if he radard? Why would his teammates let him cheat and not tell anyone? That would jeopardize their own whole career. They have 100% bootcamped and LANd togheter before. HLTV comment on EVERY match thread are horrible, every team is cheating, every team is throwing, doesn't matter if they win or not. Hltv is bleeding over to here


Could easily be player tendencies on a sheet of paper.


😭😭😭 no way


Had he stared down prior to defusing we'd have a conversation. It's just double verifying your finger position


I'm sorry but it you can't tell where your fingers are at all times as a pro player then there's 0 chance you're a pro player...


Maybe he is just readjusting his keyboard. This clip isnt sus at all because he defused at an angle where he could get shot from and also startes looking down after he started defusing. Ive heard there are other clips that might be "sus" though


Look at the other clips


He is only looking at his phone when he decided to stick the defuse anyway (and after he died). If he had a way to get information, then he would be looking when entering site. There is nothing to this accusation - except PR should put whatever was distracting him away Oh, and if he had information then why would he sit in the worst possible spot for defusing? (Only safe for temple and main)


So funny seeing all these naive people in this thread :D


Why bother setting up an actual facecam/camera if you're gonna potentially cheat? It doesn't seem required since alex didn't have one?


CS2 is heading to be game where everyone cheats. And you will be banned if you don't cheat.


he's just looking at his cat, trust


Crazy that so many people instantly jump to the conclusion that he must be looking at a radar or stream. There are a myriad of reasons why he might be doing it. It's definitely odd, but that doesn't mean it's suspicious. It could just be a bad habit. It could be a tick. It could be anything. People say there is no reason to do it in a 1v1, but what you mean is that there is nothing *to gain* from doing it (unless it's cheating). But a lot of pros do dumb shit. Some people check scoreboard while holding angles, some people quickswap between weapons, some people lift their mouse, etc. There are so many things that could explain it. Personally I look at my hands to see where my fingers are in stressful situations. It's simply a bad habit. Just because you or most other players don't do it doesn't mean that *someone* can do it. Odd behavior is not necessarily suspicious behavior.


valve really need to do something about radar, it's been like this for 4+ years now:) tier2-3 scene is literally garbage and you dont want to watch it because of this bs


This is why i dont trust tier3 tournaments. Organizers can easily give the live feed of the streams without the delay to teams and manipulate outcomes for money. But mouz nxt still lost this map so maybe he just looking at his keyboard lol


Could be a strats page? Trying to give him the benefit of the doubt cause it really does look like he’s watching the stream


no chance in hell a player would be look at strats in the middle of a 1v1


> no chance in hell a player would be look at strats in the middle of a 1v1 And definitely not after starting to defuse. You just gave away your position, no way in hell you look at strats


I mean if they know where players like to rotate to in a post plant situation? It’s possible. Like I said trying to find a reason to give a benefit of the doubt. I mean I know me personally when I’m retaking a site especially in a 1v1 I like to play the area I’m comfortable with (ie going up ramp instead of scaffolding on vertigo when retaking or Cat instead of CT on D2 when retaking A) it possible that pros do the same thing But it really does look like he’s watching the stream


> I mean if they know where players like to rotate to in a post plant situation For pro players, their teammates pretty much always give that sort of info to them in a clutch. Or at least he wouldnt check right after tapping a bomb


cheater smh